graphics-vml-debug.js revision 45be085c4155ae7ef409ffa4d79457928742f18f
Y.log('using VML');
Y_SELECTOR = Y.Selector,
function VMLDrawing() {}
* Set of drawing methods for VML based classes.
* @module graphics
* @class VMLDrawing
* @constructor
VMLDrawing.prototype = {
* @private
_currentX: 0,
* @private
_currentY: 0,
* Draws a bezier curve.
* @method curveTo
* @param {Number} cp1x x-coordinate for the first control point.
* @param {Number} cp1y y-coordinate for the first control point.
* @param {Number} cp2x x-coordinate for the second control point.
* @param {Number} cp2y y-coordinate for the second control point.
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point.
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point.
var hiX,
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
this._path += ' c ' + Math.round(cp1x) + ", " + Math.round(cp1y) + ", " + Math.round(cp2x) + ", " + Math.round(cp2y) + ", " + x + ", " + y;
this._currentX = x;
this._currentY = y;
* Draws a quadratic bezier curve.
* @method quadraticCurveTo
* @param {Number} cpx x-coordinate for the control point.
* @param {Number} cpy y-coordinate for the control point.
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point.
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point.
* Draws a rectangle.
* @method drawRect
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate
* @param {Number} w width
* @param {Number} h height
drawRect: function(x, y, w, h) {
this.moveTo(x, y);
this.lineTo(x + w, y);
this.lineTo(x + w, y + h);
this.lineTo(x, y + h);
this.lineTo(x, y);
this._currentX = x;
this._currentY = y;
return this;
* Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
* @method drawRect
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate
* @param {Number} w width
* @param {Number} h height
* @param {Number} ew width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners
* @param {Number} eh height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners
this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + h, x + ew, y + h);
this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h - eh);
this.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w - ew, y);
this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x, y + eh);
return this;
* Draws a wedge.
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate of the wedge's center point
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate of the wedge's center point
* @param {Number} startAngle starting angle in degrees
* @param {Number} arc sweep of the wedge. Negative values draw clockwise.
* @param {Number} radius radius of wedge. If [optional] yRadius is defined, then radius is the x radius.
* @param {Number} yRadius [optional] y radius for wedge.
arc = 360;
startAngle *= -65535;
arc *= 65536;
this._path += " m " + x + " " + y + " ae " + x + " " + y + " " + radius + " " + yRadius + " " + startAngle + " " + arc;
this._currentX = x;
this._currentY = y;
return this;
* Draws a line segment using the current line style from the current drawing position to the specified x and y coordinates.
* @method lineTo
* @param {Number} point1 x-coordinate for the end point.
* @param {Number} point2 y-coordinate for the end point.
this._path = "";
this._path += ' l ';
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
return this;
* Moves the current drawing position to specified x and y coordinates.
* @method moveTo
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the end point.
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the end point.
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this._path = "";
this._trackSize(x, y);
this._currentX = x;
this._currentY = y;
* Draws the graphic.
* @method _draw
* @private
_closePath: function()
w = this.get("width"),
h = this.get("height"),
pathEnd = "";
pathEnd += ' x';
pathEnd += ' e';
if(w && h)
* Completes a drawing operation.
* @method end
end: function()
* Clears the path.
* @method clear
clear: function()
this._path = "";
* Updates the size of the graphics object
* @method _trackSize
* @param {Number} w width
* @param {Number} h height
* @private
_trackSize: function(w, h) {
if (w > this._right) {
this._right = w;
if(w < this._left)
this._left = w;
if (h < this._top)
this._top = h;
if (h > this._bottom)
this._bottom = h;
_left: 0,
_right: 0,
_top: 0,
_bottom: 0,
_width: 0,
_height: 0
Y.VMLDrawing = VMLDrawing;
* Base class for creating shapes.
* @module graphics
* @class VMLShape
* @constructor
* @param {Object} cfg (optional) Attribute configs
VMLShape = function()
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "shape",
* Init method, invoked during construction.
* Calls `initializer` method.
* @method init
* @protected
init: function()
* Initializes the shape
* @private
* @method _initialize
initializer: function(cfg)
var host = this,
* Creates the dom node for the shape.
* @method createNode
* @return HTMLElement
* @private
createNode: function()
var node,
x = this.get("x"),
y = this.get("y"),
w = this.get("width"),
h = this.get("height"),
stroke = this._getStrokeProps();
fill = this._getFillProps();
nodestring = '<' + type + ' xmlns="" id="' + id + '" class="' + classString + '" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;position:absolute;left:' + x + 'px;top:' + y + 'px;width:' + w + 'px;height:' + h + 'px;"';
nodestring += ' stroked="t" strokecolor="' + stroke.color + '" strokeWeight="' + stroke.weight + 'px"';
strokestring = '<stroke class="vmlstroke" xmlns="" on="t" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;"';
strokestring += '></stroke>';
nodestring += ' stroked="t"';
nodestring += ' stroked="f"';
nodestring += '>';
this._strokeFlag = false;
this._fillFlag = false;
* Add a class name to each node.
* @method addClass
* @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute
* Removes a class name from each node.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute
removeClass: function(className)
* Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates.
* @method getXY
* @return Array The XY position of the shape.
getXY: function()
x = this.get("x"),
y = this.get("y");
* Set the position of the shape in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned.
* @method setXY
* @param {Array} Contains x & y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
* Determines whether the node is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy.
* @method contains
* @param {VMLShape | HTMLElement} needle The possible node or descendent
* @return Boolean Whether or not this shape is the needle or its ancestor.
* Compares nodes to determine if they match.
* @method compareTo
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode The reference node to compare to the node.
* @return {Boolean} True if the nodes match, false if they do not.
* Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector.
* @method test
* @param {String} selector The CSS selector to test against.
* @return Boolean Wheter or not the shape matches the selector.
* @private
_getStrokeProps: function()
var props,
dash = "",
i = 0,
props = {};
linecap = "flat";
dash = [];
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
return props;
* Adds a stroke to the shape node.
* @method _strokeChangeHandler
* @private
_strokeChangeHandler: function(e)
dash = "",
i = 0,
linecap = "flat";
dash = [];
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
this._strokeNode.on = true;
this._strokeNode.on = false;
this._strokeFlag = false;
* @private
_getFillProps: function()
filled = false;
props = {};
filled = true;
fillstring = '<fill xmlns="" class="vmlfill" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;" opacity="' + fillOpacity + '"';
for(i in gradient)
fillstring += ' />';
filled = true;
if(fillOpacity < 1)
props.node = '<fill xmlns="" class="vmlfill" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;" type="solid" opacity="' + fillOpacity + '"/>';
return props;
* Adds a fill to the shape node.
* @method _fillChangeHandler
* @private
_fillChangeHandler: function(e)
filled = false,
filled = true;
for(i in gradient)
fillstring = '<fill xmlns="" class="vmlfill" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;"';
for(i in gradient)
fillstring += ' />';
filled = true;
fillstring = '<fill xmlns="" class="vmlfill" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;" type="solid" opacity="' + fillOpacity + '"/>';
else if(this._fillNode)
this._fillFlag = false;
* @private
_updateFillNode: function(node)
_getGradientFill: function(fill)
var gradientProps = {},
w = this.get("width"),
h = this.get("height"),
i = 0,
colorstring = "",
r = fill.r,
if(type === "linear")
if(rotation <= 270)
else if(rotation < 360)
rotation = 270;
else if(type === "radial")
gradientBoxWidth = w * (r * 2);
gradientBoxHeight = h * (r * 2);
gradientProps.alignshape = false;
for(;i < len; ++i) {
pct *= (r * 2);
if(pct <= 1)
pct *= 100;
return gradientProps;
* @private
this._transformArgs = {};
* @private
_updateTransform: function()
var host = this,
* Storage for translateX
* @private
_translateX: 0,
* Storage for translateY
* @private
_translateY: 0,
* Applies translate transformation.
* @method translate
* @param {Number} x The x-coordinate
* @param {Number} y The y-coordinate
translate: function(x, y)
this._translateX = x;
this._translateY = y;
* Applies a skew to the x-coordinate
* @method skewX
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate
skewX: function(x)
//var node = this.node;
* Applies a skew to the y-coordinate
* @method skewY
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate
skewY: function(y)
//var node = this.node;
* Storage for `rotation` atribute.
* @property _rotation
* @type Number
* @private
_rotation: 0,
* Applies a rotation.
* @method rotate
* @param {Number} deg The degree of the rotation.
* Applies a scale transform
* @method scale
* @param {Number} val
//var node = this.node;
* Applies a matrix transformation
* @method matrix
matrix: function(a, b, c, d, e, f)
//var node = this.node;
* @private
isMouseEvent: function(type)
return true;
return false;
* @private
* @private
* @private
* Draws the shape.
* @method _draw
* @private
_draw: function()
* @private
_updateHandler: function(e)
var host = this,
* Creates a graphic node
* @method _createGraphicNode
* @param {String} type node type to create
* @param {String} specified pointer-events value
* @return HTMLElement
* @private
_createGraphicNode: function(type)
return DOCUMENT.createElement('<' + type + ' xmlns="" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;" class="vml' + type + '"/>');
* Value function for fill attribute
* @private
* @method _getDefaultFill
* @return Object
_getDefaultFill: function() {
return {
type: "solid",
cx: 0.5,
cy: 0.5,
fx: 0.5,
fy: 0.5,
r: 0.5
* Value function for stroke attribute
* @private
* @method _getDefaultStroke
* @return Object
_getDefaultStroke: function()
return {
weight: 1,
dashstyle: "none",
color: "#000",
opacity: 1.0
* @private
set: function()
var host = this;
* Returns the bounds for a shape.
* @method getBounds
* @return Object
getBounds: function()
var w = this.get("width"),
h = this.get("height"),
x = this.get("x"),
y = this.get("y"),
wt = 0,
bounds = {};
return bounds;
* Destroys shape
* @method destroy
destroy: function()
}, Y.VMLDrawing.prototype));
* An array of x, y values which indicates the transformOrigin in which to rotate the shape. Valid values range between 0 and 1 representing a
* fraction of the shape's corresponding bounding box dimension. The default value is [0.5, 0.5].
* @attribute transformOrigin
* @type Array
valueFn: function()
return [0.5, 0.5];
* The rotation (in degrees) of the shape.
* @attribute rotation
* @type Number
rotation: {
getter: function()
return this._rotation;
* Performs a translate on the x-coordinate. When translating x and y coordinates,
* use the <code>translate</code> method.
* @attribute translateX
* @type Number
translateX: {
getter: function()
return this._translateX;
this._translateX = val;
return val;
* Performs a translate on the y-coordinate. When translating x and y coordinates,
* use the <code>translate</code> method.
* @attribute translateX
* @type Number
translateY: {
getter: function()
return this._translateY;
this._translateY = val;
return val;
* Indicates the x position of shape.
* @attribute x
* @type Number
x: {
value: 0
* Indicates the y position of shape.
* @attribute y
* @type Number
y: {
value: 0
* Unique id for class instance.
* @attribute id
* @type String
id: {
valueFn: function()
return Y.guid();
return val;
* @attribute width
width: {
value: 0
* @attribute height
height: {
value: 0
* Indicates whether the shape is visible.
* @attribute visible
* @type Boolean
visible: {
value: true,
return val;
* Contains information about the fill of the shape.
* <dl>
* <dt>color</dt><dd>The color of the fill.</dd>
* <dt>opacity</dt><dd>Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the fill. The default value is 1.</dd>
* <dt>type</dt><dd>Type of fill.
* <dl>
* <dt>solid</dt><dd>Solid single color fill. (default)</dd>
* <dt>linear</dt><dd>Linear gradient fill.</dd>
* <dt>radial</dt><dd>Radial gradient fill.</dd>
* </dl>
* </dd>
* </dl>
* <p>If a gradient (linear or radial) is specified as the fill type. The following properties are used:
* <dl>
* <dt>stops</dt><dd>An array of objects containing the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>color</dt><dd>The color of the stop.</dd>
* <dt>opacity</dt><dd>Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the stop. The default value is 1. Note: No effect for IE <= 8</dd>
* <dt>offset</dt><dd>Number between 0 and 1 indicating where the color stop is positioned.</dd>
* </dl>
* </dd>
* <dt></dt><dd></dd>
* <dt></dt><dd></dd>
* <dt></dt><dd></dd>
* </dl>
* </p>
* @attribute fill
* @type Object
fill: {
valueFn: "_getDefaultFill",
var i,
//ensure, fill type is solid if color is explicitly passed.
for(i in val)
this._fillFlag = true;
return fill;
* Contains information about the stroke of the shape.
* <dl>
* <dt>color</dt><dd>The color of the stroke.</dd>
* <dt>weight</dt><dd>Number that indicates the width of the stroke.</dd>
* <dt>opacity</dt><dd>Number between 0 and 1 that indicates the opacity of the stroke. The default value is 1.</dd>
* <dt>dashstyle</dt>Indicates whether to draw a dashed stroke. When set to "none", a solid stroke is drawn. When set to an array, the first index indicates the
* length of the dash. The second index indicates the length of gap.
* </dl>
* @attribute stroke
* @type Object
stroke: {
valueFn: "_getDefaultStroke",
var i,
for(i in val)
this._strokeFlag = true;
return stroke;
* Indicates whether or not the instance will size itself based on its contents.
* @attribute autoSize
* @type Boolean
autoSize: {
value: false
* Determines whether the instance will receive mouse events.
* @attribute pointerEvents
* @type string
value: "visiblePainted"
* Reference to the container Graphic.
* @attribute graphic
* @type Graphic
graphic: {
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._graphic;
* The VMLPath class creates a graphic object with editable
* properties.
* @class VMLPath
* @extends VMLShape
VMLPath = function()
* @private
_updateHandler: function()
var host = this;
* Indicates the width of the shape
* @attribute width
* @type Number
width: {
getter: function()
return this._width;
return val;
* Indicates the height of the shape
* @attribute height
* @type Number
height: {
getter: function()
return this._height;
return val;
* Indicates the path used for the node.
* @attribute path
* @type String
path: {
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._path;
* Draws rectangles
* @module graphics
* @class VMLRect
* @constructor
VMLRect = function()
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "rect"
* Draws an ellipse
* @module graphics
* @class VMLEllipse
* @constructor
VMLEllipse = function()
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "oval"
* Horizontal radius for the ellipse.
* @attribute xRadius
* @type Number
xRadius: {
lazyAdd: false,
getter: function()
return val;
var w = val * 2;
this.set("width", w);
return val;
* Vertical radius for the ellipse.
* @attribute yRadius
* @type Number
yRadius: {
lazyAdd: false,
getter: function()
return val;
var h = val * 2;
this.set("height", h);
return val;
Y.VMLEllipse = VMLEllipse;
* Draws a circle
* @module graphics
* @class VMLCircle
* @constructor
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "oval"
* Radius for the circle.
* @attribute radius
* @type Number
radius: {
lazyAdd: false,
value: 0
* Width of the circle
* @attribute width
* @type Number
width: {
return val;
getter: function()
return val;
* Width of the circle
* @attribute width
* @type Number
height: {
return val;
getter: function()
return val;
* Draws pie slices
* @module graphics
* @class VMLPieSlice
* @constructor
VMLPieSlice = function()
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "shape",
* Change event listener
* @private
* @method _updateHandler
_draw: function(e)
var x = this.get("cx"),
y = this.get("cy"),
}, Y.VMLDrawing.prototype));
cx: {
value: 0
cy: {
value: 0
* Starting angle in relation to a circle in which to begin the pie slice drawing.
* @attribute startAngle
* @type Number
startAngle: {
value: 0
* Arc of the slice.
* @attribute arc
* @type Number
arc: {
value: 0
* Radius of the circle in which the pie slice is drawn
* @attribute radius
* @type Number
radius: {
value: 0
Y.VMLPieSlice = VMLPieSlice;
* VMLGraphic is a simple drawing api that allows for basic drawing operations.
* @class VMLGraphic
* @constructor
VMLGraphic = function() {
VMLGraphic.ATTRS = {
render: {},
* Unique id for class instance.
* @attribute id
* @type String
id: {
valueFn: function()
return Y.guid();
return val;
* Key value pairs in which a shape instance is associated with its id.
* @attribute shapes
* @type Object
* @readOnly
shapes: {
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._shapes;
* Object containing size and coordinate data for the content of a Graphic in relation to the coordSpace node.
* @attribute contentBounds
* @type Object
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._contentBounds;
* The html element that represents to coordinate system of the Graphic instance.
* @attribute node
* @type HTMLElement
node: {
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._node;
width: {
return val;
height: {
return val;
* Determines how the size of instance is calculated. If true, the width and height are determined by the size of the contents.
* If false, the width and height values are either explicitly set or determined by the size of the parent node's dimensions.
* @attribute autoSize
* @type Boolean
* @default false
autoSize: {
value: false
* When overflow is set to true, by default, the contentBounds will resize to greater values but not values. (for performance)
* When resizing the contentBounds down is desirable, set the resizeDown value to true.
* @attribute resizeDown
* @type Boolean
resizeDown: {
getter: function()
return this._resizeDown;
this._resizeDown = val;
return val;
* Indicates the x-coordinate for the instance.
* @attribute x
* @type Number
x: {
getter: function()
return this._x;
return val;
* Indicates the y-coordinate for the instance.
* @attribute y
* @type Number
y: {
getter: function()
return this._y;
return val;
* Indicates whether or not the instance will automatically redraw after a change is made to a shape.
* This property will get set to false when batching operations.
* @attribute autoDraw
* @type Boolean
* @default true
* @private
autoDraw: {
value: true
visible: {
value: true,
return val;
* @private
_x: 0,
* @private
_y: 0,
* Gets the current position of the graphic instance in page coordinates.
* @method getXY
* @return Array The XY position of the shape.
getXY: function()
return xy;
* @private
* @property _resizeDown
* @type Boolean
_resizeDown: false,
* Initializes the class.
* @method initializer
* @private
initializer: function(config) {
this._shapes = {};
this._contentBounds = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
this._node = this._createGraphic();
* Adds the graphics node to the dom.
* @method render
* @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into.
this.setSize(w, h);
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.set("width", w);
this.set("height", h);
return this;
* Removes all nodes.
* @method destroy
destroy: function()
* Generates a shape instance by type.
* @method getShape
* @param {String} type type of shape to generate.
* @param {Object} cfg attributes for the shape
* @return Shape
return shape;
* Adds a shape instance to the graphic instance.
* @method addShape
* @param {Shape} shape The shape instance to be added to the graphic.
* Removes a shape instance from from the graphic instance.
* @method removeShape
* @param {Shape|String} shape The instance or id of the shape to be removed.
removeShape: function(shape)
* Removes all shape instances from the dom.
* @method removeAllShapes
removeAllShapes: function()
for(i in shapes)
this._shapes = {};
* Removes all child nodes.
* @method _removeChildren
* @param node
* @private
_removeChildren: function(node)
var child;
* Clears the graphics object.
* @method clear
clear: function() {
* Toggles visibility
* @method _toggleVisible
* @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye
* @private
_toggleVisible: function(val)
var i,
for(i in shapes)
* Sets the size of the graphics object.
* @method setSize
* @param w {Number} width to set for the instance.
* @param h {Number} height to set for the instance.
setSize: function(w, h) {
w = Math.round(w);
h = Math.round(h);
* Sets the positon of the graphics object.
* @method setPosition
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object.
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object.
setPosition: function(x, y)
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
* Creates a group element
* @method _createGraphic
* @private
_createGraphic: function() {
var group = DOCUMENT.createElement('<group xmlns="" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:block;zoom:1;" />');
return group;
* Creates a graphic node
* @method _createGraphicNode
* @param {String} type node type to create
* @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value
* @return HTMLElement
* @private
_createGraphicNode: function(type)
return DOCUMENT.createElement('<' + type + ' xmlns="" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;zoom:1;" />');
* Returns a shape based on the id of its dom node.
* @method getShapeById
* @param {String} id Dom id of the shape's node attribute.
* @return Shape
getShapeById: function(id)
* @private
_getShapeClass: function(val)
return shape;
return val;
* @private
_shapeClass: {
ellipse: Y.VMLEllipse,
* Allows for creating multiple shapes in order to batch appending and redraw operations.
* @method batch
* @param {Function} method Method to execute.
this.set("autoDraw", false);
_getDocFrag: function()
return this._frag;
* Adds a shape to the redraw queue and calculates the contentBounds.
* @method addToRedrawQueue
* @param shape {SVGShape}
addToRedrawQueue: function(shape)
var shapeBox,
box = this._contentBounds;
this._contentBounds = box;
_redraw: function()
this._frag = null;
_getUpdatedContentBounds: function()
var bounds,
box = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
for(i in queue)
this._contentBounds = box;
return box;
Y.VMLGraphic = VMLGraphic;