event-custom-debug.js revision a4ef7d2a4e172cb1efd9c548d3f239364bcc3dc0
YUI.add('event-custom-base', function(Y) {
* Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
* events.
* @module event-custom
Y.Env.evt = {
handles: {},
plugins: {}
* Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
* events.
* @module event-custom
* @submodule event-custom-base
(function() {
* Allows for the insertion of methods that are executed before or after
* a specified method
* @class Do
* @static
var BEFORE = 0,
AFTER = 1;
Y.Do = {
* Cache of objects touched by the utility
* @property objs
* @static
objs: {},
* Execute the supplied method before the specified function
* @method before
* @param fn {Function} the function to execute
* @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
* @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
* @param c The execution context for fn
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* when the event fires.
* @return {string} handle for the subscription
* @static
before: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) {
// Y.log('Do before: ' + sFn, 'info', 'event');
var f = fn, a;
if (c) {
a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true));
f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a);
return this._inject(BEFORE, f, obj, sFn);
* Execute the supplied method after the specified function
* @method after
* @param fn {Function} the function to execute
* @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
* @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
* @param c The execution context for fn
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* @return {string} handle for the subscription
* @static
after: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) {
var f = fn, a;
if (c) {
a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true));
f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a);
return this._inject(AFTER, f, obj, sFn);
* Execute the supplied method after the specified function
* @method _inject
* @param when {string} before or after
* @param fn {Function} the function to execute
* @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
* @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
* @param c The execution context for fn
* @return {string} handle for the subscription
* @private
* @static
_inject: function(when, fn, obj, sFn) {
// object id
var id = Y.stamp(obj), o, sid;
if (! this.objs[id]) {
// create a map entry for the obj if it doesn't exist
this.objs[id] = {};
o = this.objs[id];
if (! o[sFn]) {
// create a map entry for the method if it doesn't exist
o[sFn] = new Y.Do.Method(obj, sFn);
// re-route the method to our wrapper
obj[sFn] =
function() {
return o[sFn].exec.apply(o[sFn], arguments);
// subscriber id
sid = id + Y.stamp(fn) + sFn;
// register the callback
o[sFn].register(sid, fn, when);
return new Y.EventHandle(o[sFn], sid);
* Detach a before or after subscription
* @method detach
* @param handle {string} the subscription handle
detach: function(handle) {
if (handle.detach) {
_unload: function(e, me) {
* Wrapper for a displaced method with aop enabled
* @class Do.Method
* @constructor
* @param obj The object to operate on
* @param sFn The name of the method to displace
Y.Do.Method = function(obj, sFn) {
this.obj = obj;
this.methodName = sFn;
this.method = obj[sFn];
this.before = {};
this.after = {};
* Register a aop subscriber
* @method register
* @param sid {string} the subscriber id
* @param fn {Function} the function to execute
* @param when {string} when to execute the function
Y.Do.Method.prototype.register = function (sid, fn, when) {
if (when) {
this.after[sid] = fn;
} else {
this.before[sid] = fn;
* Unregister a aop subscriber
* @method delete
* @param sid {string} the subscriber id
* @param fn {Function} the function to execute
* @param when {string} when to execute the function
Y.Do.Method.prototype._delete = function (sid) {
// Y.log('Y.Do._delete: ' + sid, 'info', 'Event');
delete this.before[sid];
delete this.after[sid];
* Execute the wrapped method
* @method exec
Y.Do.Method.prototype.exec = function () {
var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true),
i, ret, newRet,
bf = this.before,
af = this.after,
prevented = false;
// execute before
for (i in bf) {
if (bf.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
ret = bf[i].apply(this.obj, args);
if (ret) {
switch (ret.constructor) {
case Y.Do.Halt:
return ret.retVal;
case Y.Do.AlterArgs:
args = ret.newArgs;
case Y.Do.Prevent:
prevented = true;
// execute method
if (!prevented) {
ret = this.method.apply(this.obj, args);
// execute after methods.
for (i in af) {
if (af.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
newRet = af[i].apply(this.obj, args);
// Stop processing if a Halt object is returned
if (newRet && newRet.constructor == Y.Do.Halt) {
return newRet.retVal;
// Check for a new return value
} else if (newRet && newRet.constructor == Y.Do.AlterReturn) {
ret = newRet.newRetVal;
return ret;
* Return an AlterArgs object when you want to change the arguments that
* were passed into the function. An example would be a service that scrubs
* out illegal characters prior to executing the core business logic.
* @class Do.AlterArgs
Y.Do.AlterArgs = function(msg, newArgs) {
this.msg = msg;
this.newArgs = newArgs;
* Return an AlterReturn object when you want to change the result returned
* from the core method to the caller
* @class Do.AlterReturn
Y.Do.AlterReturn = function(msg, newRetVal) {
this.msg = msg;
this.newRetVal = newRetVal;
* Return a Halt object when you want to terminate the execution
* of all subsequent subscribers as well as the wrapped method
* if it has not exectued yet.
* @class Do.Halt
Y.Do.Halt = function(msg, retVal) {
this.msg = msg;
this.retVal = retVal;
* Return a Prevent object when you want to prevent the wrapped function
* from executing, but want the remaining listeners to execute
* @class Do.Prevent
Y.Do.Prevent = function(msg) {
this.msg = msg;
* Return an Error object when you want to terminate the execution
* of all subsequent method calls.
* @class Do.Error
* @deprecated use Y.Do.Halt or Y.Do.Prevent
Y.Do.Error = Y.Do.Halt;
// Y["Event"] && Y.Event.addListener(window, "unload", Y.Do._unload, Y.Do);
* Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
* events.
* @module event-custom
* @submodule event-custom-base
* Return value from all subscribe operations
* @class EventHandle
* @constructor
* @param evt {CustomEvent} the custom event
* @param sub {Subscriber} the subscriber
// var onsubscribeType = "_event:onsub",
var AFTER = 'after',
YUI_LOG = 'yui:log';
Y.EventHandle = function(evt, sub) {
* The custom event
* @type CustomEvent
this.evt = evt;
* The subscriber object
* @type Subscriber
this.sub = sub;
Y.EventHandle.prototype = {
* Detaches this subscriber
* @method detach
detach: function() {
var evt = this.evt, detached = 0, i;
if (evt) {
// Y.log('EventHandle.detach: ' + this.sub, 'info', 'Event');
if (Y.Lang.isArray(evt)) {
for (i=0; i<evt.length; i++) {
detached += evt[i].detach();
} else {
detached = 1;
return detached;
* Monitor the event state for the subscribed event. The first parameter
* is what should be monitored, the rest are the normal parameters when
* subscribing to an event.
* @method monitor
* @param what {string} what to monitor ('attach', 'detach', 'publish')
* @return {EventHandle} return value from the monitor event subscription
monitor: function(what) {
return this.evt.monitor.apply(this.evt, arguments);
* The CustomEvent class lets you define events for your application
* that can be subscribed to by one or more independent component.
* @param {String} type The type of event, which is passed to the callback
* when the event fires
* @param o configuration object
* @class CustomEvent
* @constructor
Y.CustomEvent = function(type, o) {
// if (arguments.length > 2) {
// this.log('CustomEvent context and silent are now in the config', 'warn', 'Event');
// }
o = o || {};
this.id = Y.stamp(this);
* The type of event, returned to subscribers when the event fires
* @property type
* @type string
this.type = type;
* The context the the event will fire from by default. Defaults to the YUI
* instance.
* @property context
* @type object
this.context = Y;
* Monitor when an event is attached or detached.
* @property monitored
* @type boolean
// this.monitored = false;
this.logSystem = (type == YUI_LOG);
* If 0, this event does not broadcast. If 1, the YUI instance is notified
* every time this event fires. If 2, the YUI instance and the YUI global
* (if event is enabled on the global) are notified every time this event
* fires.
* @property broadcast
* @type int
// this.broadcast = 0;
* By default all custom events are logged in the debug build, set silent
* to true to disable debug outpu for this event.
* @property silent
* @type boolean
this.silent = this.logSystem;
* Specifies whether this event should be queued when the host is actively
* processing an event. This will effect exectution order of the callbacks
* for the various events.
* @property queuable
* @type boolean
* @default false
// this.queuable = false;
* The subscribers to this event
* @property subscribers
* @type Subscriber{}
this.subscribers = {};
* 'After' subscribers
* @property afters
* @type Subscriber{}
this.afters = {};
* This event has fired if true
* @property fired
* @type boolean
* @default false;
// this.fired = false;
* An array containing the arguments the custom event
* was last fired with.
* @property firedWith
* @type Array
// this.firedWith;
* This event should only fire one time if true, and if
* it has fired, any new subscribers should be notified
* immediately.
* @property fireOnce
* @type boolean
* @default false;
// this.fireOnce = false;
* fireOnce listeners will fire syncronously unless async
* is set to true
* @property async
* @type boolean
* @default false
//this.async = false;
* Flag for stopPropagation that is modified during fire()
* 1 means to stop propagation to bubble targets. 2 means
* to also stop additional subscribers on this target.
* @property stopped
* @type int
// this.stopped = 0;
* Flag for preventDefault that is modified during fire().
* if it is not 0, the default behavior for this event
* @property prevented
* @type int
// this.prevented = 0;
* Specifies the host for this custom event. This is used
* to enable event bubbling
* @property host
* @type EventTarget
// this.host = null;
* The default function to execute after event listeners
* have fire, but only if the default action was not
* prevented.
* @property defaultFn
* @type Function
// this.defaultFn = null;
* The function to execute if a subscriber calls
* stopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation
* @property stoppedFn
* @type Function
// this.stoppedFn = null;
* The function to execute if a subscriber calls
* preventDefault
* @property preventedFn
* @type Function
// this.preventedFn = null;
* Specifies whether or not this event's default function
* can be cancelled by a subscriber by executing preventDefault()
* on the event facade
* @property preventable
* @type boolean
* @default true
this.preventable = true;
* Specifies whether or not a subscriber can stop the event propagation
* via stopPropagation(), stopImmediatePropagation(), or halt()
* Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.
* @property bubbles
* @type boolean
* @default true
this.bubbles = true;
* Supports multiple options for listener signatures in order to
* port YUI 2 apps.
* @property signature
* @type int
* @default 9
this.signature = YUI3_SIGNATURE;
this.subCount = 0;
this.afterCount = 0;
// this.hasSubscribers = false;
// this.hasAfters = false;
* If set to true, the custom event will deliver an EventFacade object
* that is similar to a DOM event object.
* @property emitFacade
* @type boolean
* @default false
// this.emitFacade = false;
this.applyConfig(o, true);
// this.log("Creating " + this.type);
Y.CustomEvent.prototype = {
hasSubs: function(when) {
var s = this.subCount, a = this.afterCount, sib = this.sibling;
if (sib) {
s += sib.subCount;
a += sib.afterCount;
if (when) {
return (when == 'after') ? a : s;
return (s + a);
* Monitor the event state for the subscribed event. The first parameter
* is what should be monitored, the rest are the normal parameters when
* subscribing to an event.
* @method monitor
* @param what {string} what to monitor ('detach', 'attach', 'publish')
* @return {EventHandle} return value from the monitor event subscription
monitor: function(what) {
this.monitored = true;
var type = this.id + '|' + this.type + '_' + what,
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
args[0] = type;
return this.host.on.apply(this.host, args);
* Get all of the subscribers to this event and any sibling event
* @return {Array} first item is the on subscribers, second the after
getSubs: function() {
var s = Y.merge(this.subscribers), a = Y.merge(this.afters), sib = this.sibling;
if (sib) {
Y.mix(s, sib.subscribers);
Y.mix(a, sib.afters);
return [s, a];
* Apply configuration properties. Only applies the CONFIG whitelist
* @method applyConfig
* @param o hash of properties to apply
* @param force {boolean} if true, properties that exist on the event
* will be overwritten.
applyConfig: function(o, force) {
if (o) {
Y.mix(this, o, force, CONFIGS);
_on: function(fn, context, args, when) {
if (!fn) {
this.log("Invalid callback for CE: " + this.type);
var s = new Y.Subscriber(fn, context, args, when);
if (this.fireOnce && this.fired) {
if (this.async) {
setTimeout(Y.bind(this._notify, this, s, this.firedWith), 0);
} else {
this._notify(s, this.firedWith);
if (when == AFTER) {
this.afters[s.id] = s;
} else {
this.subscribers[s.id] = s;
return new Y.EventHandle(this, s);
* Listen for this event
* @method subscribe
* @param {Function} fn The function to execute
* @return {EventHandle} Unsubscribe handle
* @deprecated use on
subscribe: function(fn, context) {
Y.log('ce.subscribe deprecated, use "on"', 'warn', 'deprecated');
var a = (arguments.length > 2) ? Y.Array(arguments, 2, true): null;
return this._on(fn, context, a, true);
* Listen for this event
* @method on
* @param {Function} fn The function to execute
* @param context {object} optional execution context.
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* when the event fires.
* @return {EventHandle} An object with a detach method to detch the handler(s)
on: function(fn, context) {
var a = (arguments.length > 2) ? Y.Array(arguments, 2, true): null;
if (this.host) {
this.host._monitor('attach', this.type, {
args: arguments
return this._on(fn, context, a, true);
* Listen for this event after the normal subscribers have been notified and
* the default behavior has been applied. If a normal subscriber prevents the
* default behavior, it also prevents after listeners from firing.
* @method after
* @param {Function} fn The function to execute
* @param context {object} optional execution context.
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* when the event fires.
* @return {EventHandle} handle Unsubscribe handle
after: function(fn, context) {
var a = (arguments.length > 2) ? Y.Array(arguments, 2, true): null;
return this._on(fn, context, a, AFTER);
* Detach listeners.
* @method detach
* @param {Function} fn The subscribed function to remove, if not supplied
* all will be removed
* @param {Object} context The context object passed to subscribe.
* @return {int} returns the number of subscribers unsubscribed
detach: function(fn, context) {
// unsubscribe handle
if (fn && fn.detach) {
return fn.detach();
var found = 0, subs = this.subscribers, i, s;
for (i in subs) {
if (subs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
s = subs[i];
if (s && (!fn || fn === s.fn)) {
return found;
* Detach listeners.
* @method unsubscribe
* @param {Function} fn The subscribed function to remove, if not supplied
* all will be removed
* @param {Object} context The context object passed to subscribe.
* @return {int|undefined} returns the number of subscribers unsubscribed
* @deprecated use detach
unsubscribe: function() {
return this.detach.apply(this, arguments);
* Notify a single subscriber
* @method _notify
* @param s {Subscriber} the subscriber
* @param args {Array} the arguments array to apply to the listener
* @private
_notify: function(s, args, ef) {
this.log(this.type + "->" + "sub: " + s.id);
var ret;
ret = s.notify(args, this);
if (false === ret || this.stopped > 1) {
this.log(this.type + " cancelled by subscriber");
return false;
return true;
* Logger abstraction to centralize the application of the silent flag
* @method log
* @param msg {string} message to log
* @param cat {string} log category
log: function(msg, cat) {
if (!this.silent) {
Y.log(this.id + ': ' + msg, cat || "info", "event");
* Notifies the subscribers. The callback functions will be executed
* from the context specified when the event was created, and with the
* following parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>The type of event</li>
* <li>All of the arguments fire() was executed with as an array</li>
* <li>The custom object (if any) that was passed into the subscribe()
* method</li>
* </ul>
* @method fire
* @param {Object*} arguments an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to
* the handler.
* @return {boolean} false if one of the subscribers returned false,
* true otherwise
fire: function() {
if (this.fireOnce && this.fired) {
this.log('fireOnce event: ' + this.type + ' already fired');
return true;
} else {
var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
// this doesn't happen if the event isn't published
// this.host._monitor('fire', this.type, args);
this.fired = true;
this.firedWith = args;
if (this.emitFacade) {
return this.fireComplex(args);
} else {
return this.fireSimple(args);
fireSimple: function(args) {
this.stopped = 0;
this.prevented = 0;
if (this.hasSubs()) {
// this._procSubs(Y.merge(this.subscribers, this.afters), args);
var subs = this.getSubs();
this._procSubs(subs[0], args);
this._procSubs(subs[1], args);
return this.stopped ? false : true;
// Requires the event-custom-complex module for full funcitonality.
fireComplex: function(args) {
Y.log('Missing event-custom-complex needed to emit a facade for: ' + this.type);
args[0] = args[0] || {};
return this.fireSimple(args);
_procSubs: function(subs, args, ef) {
var s, i;
for (i in subs) {
if (subs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
s = subs[i];
if (s && s.fn) {
if (false === this._notify(s, args, ef)) {
this.stopped = 2;
if (this.stopped == 2) {
return false;
return true;
_broadcast: function(args) {
if (!this.stopped && this.broadcast) {
var a = Y.Array(args);
if (this.host !== Y) {
Y.fire.apply(Y, a);
if (this.broadcast == 2) {
Y.Global.fire.apply(Y.Global, a);
* Removes all listeners
* @method unsubscribeAll
* @return {int} The number of listeners unsubscribed
* @deprecated use detachAll
unsubscribeAll: function() {
return this.detachAll.apply(this, arguments);
* Removes all listeners
* @method detachAll
* @return {int} The number of listeners unsubscribed
detachAll: function() {
return this.detach();
* @method _delete
* @param subscriber object
* @private
_delete: function(s) {
if (s) {
if (this.subscribers[s.id]) {
delete this.subscribers[s.id];
if (this.afters[s.id]) {
delete this.afters[s.id];
if (this.host) {
this.host._monitor('detach', this.type, {
ce: this,
sub: s
if (s) {
delete s.fn;
delete s.context;
* Stores the subscriber information to be used when the event fires.
* @param {Function} fn The wrapped function to execute
* @param {Object} context The value of the keyword 'this' in the listener
* @param {Array} args* 0..n additional arguments to supply the listener
* @class Subscriber
* @constructor
Y.Subscriber = function(fn, context, args) {
* The callback that will be execute when the event fires
* This is wrapped by Y.rbind if obj was supplied.
* @property fn
* @type Function
this.fn = fn;
* Optional 'this' keyword for the listener
* @property context
* @type Object
this.context = context;
* Unique subscriber id
* @property id
* @type String
this.id = Y.stamp(this);
* Additional arguments to propagate to the subscriber
* @property args
* @type Array
this.args = args;
* Custom events for a given fire transaction.
* @property events
* @type {EventTarget}
// this.events = null;
* This listener only reacts to the event once
* @property once
// this.once = false;
Y.Subscriber.prototype = {
_notify: function(c, args, ce) {
var a = this.args, ret;
switch (ce.signature) {
case 0:
ret = this.fn.call(c, ce.type, args, c);
case 1:
ret = this.fn.call(c, args[0] || null, c);
if (a || args) {
args = args || [];
a = (a) ? args.concat(a) : args;
ret = this.fn.apply(c, a);
} else {
ret = this.fn.call(c);
if (this.once) {
return ret;
* Executes the subscriber.
* @method notify
* @param args {Array} Arguments array for the subscriber
* @param ce {CustomEvent} The custom event that sent the notification
notify: function(args, ce) {
var c = this.context,
ret = true;
if (!c) {
c = (ce.contextFn) ? ce.contextFn() : ce.context;
// only catch errors if we will not re-throw them.
if (Y.config.throwFail) {
ret = this._notify(c, args, ce);
} else {
try {
ret = this._notify(c, args, ce);
} catch(e) {
Y.error(this + ' failed: ' + e.message, e);
return ret;
* Returns true if the fn and obj match this objects properties.
* Used by the unsubscribe method to match the right subscriber.
* @method contains
* @param {Function} fn the function to execute
* @param {Object} context optional 'this' keyword for the listener
* @return {boolean} true if the supplied arguments match this
* subscriber's signature.
contains: function(fn, context) {
if (context) {
return ((this.fn == fn) && this.context == context);
} else {
return (this.fn == fn);
* Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
* events.
* @module event-custom
* @submodule event-custom-base
(function() {
* EventTarget provides the implementation for any object to
* publish, subscribe and fire to custom events, and also
* alows other EventTargets to target the object with events
* sourced from the other object.
* EventTarget is designed to be used with Y.augment to wrap
* EventCustom in an interface that allows events to be listened to
* and fired by name. This makes it possible for implementing code to
* subscribe to an event that either has not been created yet, or will
* not be created at all.
* @class EventTarget
* @param opts a configuration object
* @config emitFacade {boolean} if true, all events will emit event
* facade payloads by default (default false)
* @config prefix {string} the prefix to apply to non-prefixed event names
* @config chain {boolean} if true, on/after/detach return the host to allow
* chaining, otherwise they return an EventHandle (default false)
var L = Y.Lang,
_wildType = Y.cached(function(type) {
return type.replace(/(.*)(:)(.*)/, "*$2$3");
* If the instance has a prefix attribute and the
* event type is not prefixed, the instance prefix is
* applied to the supplied type.
* @method _getType
* @private
_getType = Y.cached(function(type, pre) {
if (!pre || !L.isString(type) || type.indexOf(PREFIX_DELIMITER) > -1) {
return type;
return pre + PREFIX_DELIMITER + type;
* Returns an array with the detach key (if provided),
* and the prefixed event name from _getType
* Y.on('detachcategory| menu:click', fn)
* @method _parseType
* @private
_parseType = Y.cached(function(type, pre) {
var t = type, detachcategory, after, i;
if (!L.isString(t)) {
return t;
i = t.indexOf(AFTER_PREFIX);
if (i > -1) {
after = true;
t = t.substr(AFTER_PREFIX.length);
// Y.log(t);
if (i > -1) {
detachcategory = t.substr(0, (i));
t = t.substr(i+1);
if (t == '*') {
t = null;
// detach category, full type with instance prefix, is this an after listener, short type
return [detachcategory, (pre) ? _getType(t, pre) : t, after, t];
ET = function(opts) {
// Y.log('EventTarget constructor executed: ' + this._yuid);
var o = (L.isObject(opts)) ? opts : {};
this._yuievt = this._yuievt || {
id: Y.guid(),
events: {},
targets: {},
config: o,
chain: ('chain' in o) ? o.chain : Y.config.chain,
bubbling: false,
defaults: {
context: o.context || this,
host: this,
emitFacade: o.emitFacade,
fireOnce: o.fireOnce,
queuable: o.queuable,
monitored: o.monitored,
broadcast: o.broadcast,
defaultTargetOnly: o.defaultTargetOnly,
bubbles: ('bubbles' in o) ? o.bubbles : true
ET.prototype = {
* Listen to a custom event hosted by this object one time.
* This is the equivalent to <code>on</code> except the
* listener is immediatelly detached when it is executed.
* @method once
* @param type {string} The type of the event
* @param fn {Function} The callback
* @param context {object} optional execution context.
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
once: function() {
var handle = this.on.apply(this, arguments);
handle.sub.once = true;
return handle;
* Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object
* @method on
* @param type {string} The type of the event
* @param fn {Function} The callback
* @param context {object} optional execution context.
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
on: function(type, fn, context) {
var parts = _parseType(type, this._yuievt.config.prefix), f, c, args, ret, ce,
detachcategory, handle, store = Y.Env.evt.handles, after, adapt, shorttype,
Node = Y.Node, n, domevent, isArr;
// full name, args, detachcategory, after
this._monitor('attach', parts[1], {
args: arguments,
category: parts[0],
after: parts[2]
if (L.isObject(type)) {
if (L.isFunction(type)) {
return Y.Do.before.apply(Y.Do, arguments);
f = fn;
c = context;
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
ret = {};
if (L.isArray(type)) {
isArr = true;
} else {
after = type._after;
delete type._after;
Y.each(type, function(v, k) {
if (L.isObject(v)) {
f = v.fn || ((L.isFunction(v)) ? v : f);
c = v.context || c;
args[0] = (isArr) ? v : ((after) ? AFTER_PREFIX + k : k);
args[1] = f;
args[2] = c;
ret[k] = this.on.apply(this, args);
}, this);
return (this._yuievt.chain) ? this : new Y.EventHandle(ret);
detachcategory = parts[0];
after = parts[2];
shorttype = parts[3];
// extra redirection so we catch adaptor events too. take a look at this.
if (Node && (this instanceof Node) && (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS)) {
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
args.splice(2, 0, Node.getDOMNode(this));
// Y.log("Node detected, redirecting with these args: " + args);
return Y.on.apply(Y, args);
type = parts[1];
if (this instanceof YUI) {
adapt = Y.Env.evt.plugins[type];
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
args[0] = shorttype;
if (Node) {
n = args[2];
if (n instanceof Y.NodeList) {
n = Y.NodeList.getDOMNodes(n);
} else if (n instanceof Node) {
n = Node.getDOMNode(n);
domevent = (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS);
// Captures both DOM events and event plugins.
if (domevent) {
args[2] = n;
// check for the existance of an event adaptor
if (adapt) {
Y.log('Using adaptor for ' + shorttype + ', ' + n, 'info', 'event');
handle = adapt.on.apply(Y, args);
} else if ((!type) || domevent) {
handle = Y.Event._attach(args);
if (!handle) {
ce = this._yuievt.events[type] || this.publish(type);
handle = ce._on(fn, context, (arguments.length > 3) ? Y.Array(arguments, 3, true) : null, (after) ? 'after' : true);
if (detachcategory) {
store[detachcategory] = store[detachcategory] || {};
store[detachcategory][type] = store[detachcategory][type] || [];
return (this._yuievt.chain) ? this : handle;
* subscribe to an event
* @method subscribe
* @deprecated use on
subscribe: function() {
Y.log('EventTarget subscribe() is deprecated, use on()', 'warn', 'deprecated');
return this.on.apply(this, arguments);
* Detach one or more listeners the from the specified event
* @method detach
* @param type {string|Object} Either the handle to the subscriber or the
* type of event. If the type
* is not specified, it will attempt to remove
* the listener from all hosted events.
* @param fn {Function} The subscribed function to unsubscribe, if not
* supplied, all subscribers will be removed.
* @param context {Object} The custom object passed to subscribe. This is
* optional, but if supplied will be used to
* disambiguate multiple listeners that are the same
* (e.g., you subscribe many object using a function
* that lives on the prototype)
* @return {EventTarget} the host
detach: function(type, fn, context) {
var evts = this._yuievt.events, i,
Node = Y.Node, isNode = Node && (this instanceof Node);
// detachAll disabled on the Y instance.
if (!type && (this !== Y)) {
for (i in evts) {
if (evts.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
evts[i].detach(fn, context);
if (isNode) {
return this;
var parts = _parseType(type, this._yuievt.config.prefix),
detachcategory = L.isArray(parts) ? parts[0] : null,
shorttype = (parts) ? parts[3] : null,
adapt, store = Y.Env.evt.handles, detachhost, cat, args,
keyDetacher = function(lcat, ltype, host) {
var handles = lcat[ltype], ce, i;
if (handles) {
for (i = handles.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
ce = handles[i].evt;
if (ce.host === host || ce.el === host) {
if (detachcategory) {
cat = store[detachcategory];
type = parts[1];
detachhost = (isNode) ? Y.Node.getDOMNode(this) : this;
if (cat) {
if (type) {
keyDetacher(cat, type, detachhost);
} else {
for (i in cat) {
if (cat.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
keyDetacher(cat, i, detachhost);
return this;
// If this is an event handle, use it to detach
} else if (L.isObject(type) && type.detach) {
return this;
// extra redirection so we catch adaptor events too. take a look at this.
} else if (isNode && ((!shorttype) || (shorttype in Node.DOM_EVENTS))) {
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
args[2] = Node.getDOMNode(this);
Y.detach.apply(Y, args);
return this;
adapt = Y.Env.evt.plugins[shorttype];
// The YUI instance handles DOM events and adaptors
if (this instanceof YUI) {
args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
// use the adaptor specific detach code if
if (adapt && adapt.detach) {
adapt.detach.apply(Y, args);
return this;
// DOM event fork
} else if (!type || (!adapt && Node && (type in Node.DOM_EVENTS))) {
args[0] = type;
Y.Event.detach.apply(Y.Event, args);
return this;
// ce = evts[type];
ce = evts[parts[1]];
if (ce) {
ce.detach(fn, context);
return this;
* detach a listener
* @method unsubscribe
* @deprecated use detach
unsubscribe: function() {
Y.log('EventTarget unsubscribe() is deprecated, use detach()', 'warn', 'deprecated');
return this.detach.apply(this, arguments);
* Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type
* is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will
* be removed.
* @method detachAll
* @param type {string} The type, or name of the event
detachAll: function(type) {
return this.detach(type);
* Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type
* is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will
* be removed.
* @method unsubscribeAll
* @param type {string} The type, or name of the event
* @deprecated use detachAll
unsubscribeAll: function() {
Y.log('EventTarget unsubscribeAll() is deprecated, use detachAll()', 'warn', 'deprecated');
return this.detachAll.apply(this, arguments);
* Creates a new custom event of the specified type. If a custom event
* by that name already exists, it will not be re-created. In either
* case the custom event is returned.
* @method publish
* @param type {string} the type, or name of the event
* @param opts {object} optional config params. Valid properties are:
* <ul>
* <li>
* 'broadcast': whether or not the YUI instance and YUI global are notified when the event is fired (false)
* </li>
* <li>
* 'bubbles': whether or not this event bubbles (true)
* Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.
* </li>
* <li>
* 'context': the default execution context for the listeners (this)
* </li>
* <li>
* 'defaultFn': the default function to execute when this event fires if preventDefault was not called
* </li>
* <li>
* 'emitFacade': whether or not this event emits a facade (false)
* </li>
* <li>
* 'prefix': the prefix for this targets events, e.g., 'menu' in 'menu:click'
* </li>
* <li>
* 'fireOnce': if an event is configured to fire once, new subscribers after
* the fire will be notified immediately.
* </li>
* <li>
* 'async': fireOnce event listeners will fire synchronously if the event has already
* fired unless async is true.
* </li>
* <li>
* 'preventable': whether or not preventDefault() has an effect (true)
* </li>
* <li>
* 'preventedFn': a function that is executed when preventDefault is called
* </li>
* <li>
* 'queuable': whether or not this event can be queued during bubbling (false)
* </li>
* <li>
* 'silent': if silent is true, debug messages are not provided for this event.
* </li>
* <li>
* 'stoppedFn': a function that is executed when stopPropagation is called
* </li>
* <li>
* 'monitored': specifies whether or not this event should send notifications about
* when the event has been attached, detached, or published.
* </li>
* <li>
* 'type': the event type (valid option if not provided as the first parameter to publish)
* </li>
* </ul>
* @return {CustomEvent} the custom event
publish: function(type, opts) {
var events, ce, ret, defaults,
edata = this._yuievt,
pre = edata.config.prefix;
type = (pre) ? _getType(type, pre) : type;
this._monitor('publish', type, {
args: arguments
if (L.isObject(type)) {
ret = {};
Y.each(type, function(v, k) {
ret[k] = this.publish(k, v || opts);
}, this);
return ret;
events = edata.events;
ce = events[type];
if (ce) {
// ce.log("publish applying new config to published event: '"+type+"' exists", 'info', 'event');
if (opts) {
ce.applyConfig(opts, true);
} else {
defaults = edata.defaults;
// apply defaults
ce = new Y.CustomEvent(type,
(opts) ? Y.merge(defaults, opts) : defaults);
events[type] = ce;
// make sure we turn the broadcast flag off if this
// event was published as a result of bubbling
// if (opts instanceof Y.CustomEvent) {
// events[type].broadcast = false;
// }
return events[type];
* This is the entry point for the event monitoring system.
* You can monitor 'attach', 'detach', 'fire', and 'publish'.
* When configured, these events generate an event. click ->
* click_attach, click_detach, click_publish -- these can
* be subscribed to like other events to monitor the event
* system. Inividual published events can have monitoring
* turned on or off (publish can't be turned off before it
* it published) by setting the events 'monitor' config.
* @private
_monitor: function(what, type, o) {
var monitorevt, ce = this.getEvent(type);
if ((this._yuievt.config.monitored && (!ce || ce.monitored)) || (ce && ce.monitored)) {
monitorevt = type + '_' + what;
// Y.log('monitoring: ' + monitorevt);
o.monitored = what;
this.fire.call(this, monitorevt, o);
* Fire a custom event by name. The callback functions will be executed
* from the context specified when the event was created, and with the
* following parameters.
* If the custom event object hasn't been created, then the event hasn't
* been published and it has no subscribers. For performance sake, we
* immediate exit in this case. This means the event won't bubble, so
* if the intention is that a bubble target be notified, the event must
* be published on this object first.
* The first argument is the event type, and any additional arguments are
* passed to the listeners as parameters. If the first of these is an
* object literal, and the event is configured to emit an event facade,
* that object is mixed into the event facade and the facade is provided
* in place of the original object.
* @method fire
* @param type {String|Object} The type of the event, or an object that contains
* a 'type' property.
* @param arguments {Object*} an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to
* the handler. If the first of these is an object literal and the event is
* configured to emit an event facade, the event facade will replace that
* parameter after the properties the object literal contains are copied to
* the event facade.
* @return {EventTarget} the event host
fire: function(type) {
var typeIncluded = L.isString(type),
t = (typeIncluded) ? type : (type && type.type),
ce, ret, pre = this._yuievt.config.prefix, ce2,
args = (typeIncluded) ? Y.Array(arguments, 1, true) : arguments;
t = (pre) ? _getType(t, pre) : t;
this._monitor('fire', t, {
args: args
ce = this.getEvent(t, true);
ce2 = this.getSibling(t, ce);
if (ce2 && !ce) {
ce = this.publish(t);
// this event has not been published or subscribed to
if (!ce) {
if (this._yuievt.hasTargets) {
return this.bubble({ type: t }, args, this);
// otherwise there is nothing to be done
ret = true;
} else {
ce.sibling = ce2;
ret = ce.fire.apply(ce, args);
return (this._yuievt.chain) ? this : ret;
getSibling: function(type, ce) {
var ce2;
// delegate to *:type events if there are subscribers
if (type.indexOf(PREFIX_DELIMITER) > -1) {
type = _wildType(type);
// console.log(type);
ce2 = this.getEvent(type, true);
if (ce2) {
// console.log("GOT ONE: " + type);
ce2.bubbles = false;
ce2.broadcast = 0;
// ret = ce2.fire.apply(ce2, a);
return ce2;
* Returns the custom event of the provided type has been created, a
* falsy value otherwise
* @method getEvent
* @param type {string} the type, or name of the event
* @param prefixed {string} if true, the type is prefixed already
* @return {CustomEvent} the custom event or null
getEvent: function(type, prefixed) {
var pre, e;
if (!prefixed) {
pre = this._yuievt.config.prefix;
type = (pre) ? _getType(type, pre) : type;
e = this._yuievt.events;
return e[type] || null;
* Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object. The
* supplied callback will execute after any listeners add
* via the subscribe method, and after the default function,
* if configured for the event, has executed.
* @method after
* @param type {string} The type of the event
* @param fn {Function} The callback
* @param context {object} optional execution context.
* @param arg* {mixed} 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
after: function(type, fn) {
var a = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
switch (L.type(type)) {
case 'function':
return Y.Do.after.apply(Y.Do, arguments);
case 'object':
a[0]._after = true;
a[0] = AFTER_PREFIX + type;
return this.on.apply(this, a);
* Executes the callback before a DOM event, custom event
* or method. If the first argument is a function, it
* is assumed the target is a method. For DOM and custom
* events, this is an alias for Y.on.
* For DOM and custom events:
* type, callback, context, 0-n arguments
* For methods:
* callback, object (method host), methodName, context, 0-n arguments
* @method before
* @return detach handle
before: function() {
return this.on.apply(this, arguments);
Y.EventTarget = ET;
// make Y an event target
Y.mix(Y, ET.prototype, false, false, {
bubbles: false
YUI.Env.globalEvents = YUI.Env.globalEvents || new ET();
* Hosts YUI page level events. This is where events bubble to
* when the broadcast config is set to 2. This property is
* only available if the custom event module is loaded.
* @property Global
* @type EventTarget
* @for YUI
Y.Global = YUI.Env.globalEvents;
// @TODO implement a global namespace function on Y.Global?
* <code>YUI</code>'s <code>on</code> method is a unified interface for subscribing to
* most events exposed by YUI. This includes custom events, DOM events, and
* function events. <code>detach</code> is also provided to remove listeners
* serviced by this function.
* The signature that <code>on</code> accepts varies depending on the type
* of event being consumed. Refer to the specific methods that will
* service a specific request for additional information about subscribing
* to that type of event.
* <ul>
* <li>Custom events. These events are defined by various
* modules in the library. This type of event is delegated to
* <code>EventTarget</code>'s <code>on</code> method.
* <ul>
* <li>The type of the event</li>
* <li>The callback to execute</li>
* <li>An optional context object</li>
* <li>0..n additional arguments to supply the callback.</li>
* </ul>
* Example:
* <code>Y.on('drag:drophit', function() { // start work });</code>
* </li>
* <li>DOM events. These are moments reported by the browser related
* to browser functionality and user interaction.
* This type of event is delegated to <code>Event</code>'s
* <code>attach</code> method.
* <ul>
* <li>The type of the event</li>
* <li>The callback to execute</li>
* <li>The specification for the Node(s) to attach the listener
* to. This can be a selector, collections, or Node/Element
* refereces.</li>
* <li>An optional context object</li>
* <li>0..n additional arguments to supply the callback.</li>
* </ul>
* Example:
* <code>Y.on('click', function(e) { // something was clicked }, '#someelement');</code>
* </li>
* <li>Function events. These events can be used to react before or after a
* function is executed. This type of event is delegated to <code>Event.Do</code>'s
* <code>before</code> method.
* <ul>
* <li>The callback to execute</li>
* <li>The object that has the function that will be listened for.</li>
* <li>The name of the function to listen for.</li>
* <li>An optional context object</li>
* <li>0..n additional arguments to supply the callback.</li>
* </ul>
* Example <code>Y.on(function(arg1, arg2, etc) { // obj.methodname was executed }, obj 'methodname');</code>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <code>on</code> corresponds to the moment before any default behavior of
* the event. <code>after</code> works the same way, but these listeners
* execute after the event's default behavior. <code>before</code> is an
* alias for <code>on</code>.
* @method on
* @param type** event type (this parameter does not apply for function events)
* @param fn the callback
* @param target** a descriptor for the target (applies to custom events only).
* For function events, this is the object that contains the function to
* execute.
* @param extra** 0..n Extra information a particular event may need. These
* will be documented with the event. In the case of function events, this
* is the name of the function to execute on the host. In the case of
* delegate listeners, this is the event delegation specification.
* @param context optionally change the value of 'this' in the callback
* @param args* 0..n additional arguments to pass to the callback.
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
* @for YUI
* Listen for an event one time. Equivalent to <code>on</code>, except that
* the listener is immediately detached when executed.
* @see on
* @method once
* @param type** event type (this parameter does not apply for function events)
* @param fn the callback
* @param target** a descriptor for the target (applies to custom events only).
* For function events, this is the object that contains the function to
* execute.
* @param extra** 0..n Extra information a particular event may need. These
* will be documented with the event. In the case of function events, this
* is the name of the function to execute on the host. In the case of
* delegate listeners, this is the event delegation specification.
* @param context optionally change the value of 'this' in the callback
* @param args* 0..n additional arguments to pass to the callback.
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
* @for YUI
* after() is a unified interface for subscribing to
* most events exposed by YUI. This includes custom events,
* DOM events, and AOP events. This works the same way as
* the on() function, only it operates after any default
* behavior for the event has executed. @see <code>on</code> for more
* information.
* @method after
* @param type event type (this parameter does not apply for function events)
* @param fn the callback
* @param target a descriptor for the target (applies to custom events only).
* For function events, this is the object that contains the function to
* execute.
* @param extra 0..n Extra information a particular event may need. These
* will be documented with the event. In the case of function events, this
* is the name of the function to execute on the host. In the case of
* delegate listeners, this is the event delegation specification.
* @param context optionally change the value of 'this' in the callback
* @param args* 0..n additional arguments to pass to the callback.
* @return the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config
* @for YUI
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['oop']});
YUI.add('event-custom-complex', function(Y) {
* Adds event facades, preventable default behavior, and bubbling.
* events.
* @module event-custom
* @submodule event-custom-complex
(function() {
var FACADE, FACADE_KEYS, CEProto = Y.CustomEvent.prototype,
ETProto = Y.EventTarget.prototype;
* Wraps and protects a custom event for use when emitFacade is set to true.
* Requires the event-custom-complex module
* @class EventFacade
* @param e {Event} the custom event
* @param currentTarget {HTMLElement} the element the listener was attached to
Y.EventFacade = function(e, currentTarget) {
e = e || {};
* The arguments passed to fire
* @property details
* @type Array
this.details = e.details;
* The event type, this can be overridden by the fire() payload
* @property type
* @type string
this.type = e.type;
* The real event type
* @property type
* @type string
this._type = e.type;
* Node reference for the targeted eventtarget
* @propery target
* @type Node
this.target = e.target;
* Node reference for the element that the listener was attached to.
* @propery currentTarget
* @type Node
this.currentTarget = currentTarget;
* Node reference to the relatedTarget
* @propery relatedTarget
* @type Node
this.relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target
* @method stopPropagation
this.stopPropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 1;
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target and
* prevents any additional listeners from being exectued
* on the current target.
* @method stopImmediatePropagation
this.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 2;
* Prevents the event's default behavior
* @method preventDefault
this.preventDefault = function() {
this.prevented = 1;
* Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
* event behavior.
* @method halt
* @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
* on the current target will not be executed
this.halt = function(immediate) {
this.prevented = 1;
this.stopped = (immediate) ? 2 : 1;
CEProto.fireComplex = function(args) {
var es = Y.Env._eventstack, ef, q, queue, ce, ret, events, subs,
self = this, host = self.host || self, next, oldbubble;
if (es) {
// queue this event if the current item in the queue bubbles
if (self.queuable && self.type != es.next.type) {
self.log('queue ' + self.type);
es.queue.push([self, args]);
return true;
} else {
Y.Env._eventstack = {
// id of the first event in the stack
id: self.id,
next: self,
silent: self.silent,
stopped: 0,
prevented: 0,
bubbling: null,
type: self.type,
// defaultFnQueue: new Y.Queue(),
afterQueue: new Y.Queue(),
defaultTargetOnly: self.defaultTargetOnly,
queue: []
es = Y.Env._eventstack;
subs = self.getSubs();
self.stopped = (self.type !== es.type) ? 0 : es.stopped;
self.prevented = (self.type !== es.type) ? 0 : es.prevented;
self.target = self.target || host;
events = new Y.EventTarget({
fireOnce: true,
context: host
self.events = events;
if (self.preventedFn) {
events.on('prevented', self.preventedFn);
if (self.stoppedFn) {
events.on('stopped', self.stoppedFn);
self.currentTarget = host;
self.details = args.slice(); // original arguments in the details
// self.log("Firing " + self + ", " + "args: " + args);
self.log("Firing " + self.type);
self._facade = null; // kill facade to eliminate stale properties
ef = self._getFacade(args);
if (Y.Lang.isObject(args[0])) {
args[0] = ef;
} else {
// if (subCount) {
if (subs[0]) {
// self._procSubs(Y.merge(self.subscribers), args, ef);
self._procSubs(subs[0], args, ef);
// bubble if this is hosted in an event target and propagation has not been stopped
if (self.bubbles && host.bubble && !self.stopped) {
oldbubble = es.bubbling;
// self.bubbling = true;
es.bubbling = self.type;
// if (host !== ef.target || es.type != self.type) {
if (es.type != self.type) {
es.stopped = 0;
es.prevented = 0;
ret = host.bubble(self);
self.stopped = Math.max(self.stopped, es.stopped);
self.prevented = Math.max(self.prevented, es.prevented);
// self.bubbling = false;
es.bubbling = oldbubble;
// execute the default behavior if not prevented
// console.log('defaultTargetOnly: ' + self.defaultTargetOnly);
// console.log('host === target: ' + (host === ef.target));
// if (self.defaultFn && !self.prevented && ((!self.defaultTargetOnly) || host === es.id === self.id)) {
if (self.defaultFn && !self.prevented && ((!self.defaultTargetOnly && !es.defaultTargetOnly) || host === ef.target)) {
// if (es.id === self.id) {
// self.defaultFn.apply(host, args);
// while ((next = es.defaultFnQueue.last())) {
// next();
// }
// } else {
// es.defaultFnQueue.add(function() {
// self.defaultFn.apply(host, args);
// });
// }
self.defaultFn.apply(host, args);
// broadcast listeners are fired as discreet events on the
// YUI instance and potentially the YUI global.
// process after listeners. If the default behavior was
// prevented, the after events don't fire.
// if (self.afterCount && !self.prevented && self.stopped < 2) {
// if (subs[1] && !self.prevented && self.stopped < 2) {
// // self._procSubs(Y.merge(self.afters), args, ef);
// self._procSubs(subs[1], args, ef);
// }
// Queue the after
if (subs[1] && !self.prevented && self.stopped < 2) {
if (es.id === self.id || self.type != host._yuievt.bubbling) {
self._procSubs(subs[1], args, ef);
while ((next = es.afterQueue.last())) {
} else {
es.afterQueue.add(function() {
self._procSubs(subs[1], args, ef);
self.target = null;
// es.stopped = 0;
// es.prevented = 0;
if (es.id === self.id) {
queue = es.queue;
while (queue.length) {
q = queue.pop();
ce = q[0];
// set up stack to allow the next item to be processed
es.next = ce;
ce.fire.apply(ce, q[1]);
// es.stopped = 0;
// es.prevented = 0;
Y.Env._eventstack = null;
ret = !(self.stopped);
if (self.type != host._yuievt.bubbling) {
es.stopped = 0;
es.prevented = 0;
self.stopped = 0;
self.prevented = 0;
return ret;
CEProto._getFacade = function() {
var ef = this._facade, o, o2,
args = this.details;
if (!ef) {
ef = new Y.EventFacade(this, this.currentTarget);
// if the first argument is an object literal, apply the
// properties to the event facade
o = args && args[0];
if (Y.Lang.isObject(o, true)) {
o2 = {};
// protect the event facade properties
Y.mix(o2, ef, true, FACADE_KEYS);
// mix the data
Y.mix(ef, o, true);
// restore ef
Y.mix(ef, o2, true, FACADE_KEYS);
// Allow the event type to be faked
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2528376
ef.type = o.type || ef.type;
// update the details field with the arguments
// ef.type = this.type;
ef.details = this.details;
// use the original target when the event bubbled to this target
ef.target = this.originalTarget || this.target;
ef.currentTarget = this.currentTarget;
ef.stopped = 0;
ef.prevented = 0;
this._facade = ef;
return this._facade;
* Stop propagation to bubble targets
* @for CustomEvent
* @method stopPropagation
CEProto.stopPropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 1;
Y.Env._eventstack.stopped = 1;
this.events.fire('stopped', this);
* Stops propagation to bubble targets, and prevents any remaining
* subscribers on the current target from executing.
* @method stopImmediatePropagation
CEProto.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 2;
Y.Env._eventstack.stopped = 2;
this.events.fire('stopped', this);
* Prevents the execution of this event's defaultFn
* @method preventDefault
CEProto.preventDefault = function() {
if (this.preventable) {
this.prevented = 1;
Y.Env._eventstack.prevented = 1;
this.events.fire('prevented', this);
* Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
* event behavior.
* @method halt
* @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
* on the current target will not be executed
CEProto.halt = function(immediate) {
if (immediate) {
} else {
* Registers another EventTarget as a bubble target. Bubble order
* is determined by the order registered. Multiple targets can
* be specified.
* Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.
* Included in the event-custom-complex submodule.
* @method addTarget
* @param o {EventTarget} the target to add
* @for EventTarget
ETProto.addTarget = function(o) {
this._yuievt.targets[Y.stamp(o)] = o;
this._yuievt.hasTargets = true;
* Returns an array of bubble targets for this object.
* @method getTargets
* @return EventTarget[]
ETProto.getTargets = function() {
return Y.Object.values(this._yuievt.targets);
* Removes a bubble target
* @method removeTarget
* @param o {EventTarget} the target to remove
* @for EventTarget
ETProto.removeTarget = function(o) {
delete this._yuievt.targets[Y.stamp(o)];
* Propagate an event. Requires the event-custom-complex module.
* @method bubble
* @param evt {Event.Custom} the custom event to propagate
* @return {boolean} the aggregated return value from Event.Custom.fire
* @for EventTarget
ETProto.bubble = function(evt, args, target) {
var targs = this._yuievt.targets, ret = true,
t, type = evt && evt.type, ce, i, bc, ce2,
originalTarget = target || (evt && evt.target) || this,
es = Y.Env._eventstack, oldbubble;
if (!evt || ((!evt.stopped) && targs)) {
// Y.log('Bubbling ' + evt.type);
for (i in targs) {
if (targs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
t = targs[i];
ce = t.getEvent(type, true);
ce2 = t.getSibling(type, ce);
if (ce2 && !ce) {
ce = t.publish(type);
oldbubble = t._yuievt.bubbling;
t._yuievt.bubbling = type;
// if this event was not published on the bubble target,
// continue propagating the event.
if (!ce) {
if (t._yuievt.hasTargets) {
t.bubble(evt, args, originalTarget);
} else {
ce.sibling = ce2;
// set the original target to that the target payload on the
// facade is correct.
ce.target = originalTarget;
ce.originalTarget = originalTarget;
ce.currentTarget = t;
bc = ce.broadcast;
ce.broadcast = false;
ret = ret && ce.fire.apply(ce, args || evt.details || []);
ce.broadcast = bc;
ce.originalTarget = null;
// stopPropagation() was called
if (ce.stopped) {
t._yuievt.bubbling = oldbubble;
return ret;
FACADE = new Y.EventFacade();
FACADE_KEYS = Y.Object.keys(FACADE);
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['event-custom-base']});
YUI.add('event-custom', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['event-custom-base', 'event-custom-complex']});