event-custom-complex.js revision 425f4fb11acb4803598275dccd70f229d7341b7b
YUI.add('event-custom-complex', function(Y) {
* Adds event facades, preventable default behavior, and bubbling.
* events.
* @module event-custom
* @submodule event-custom-complex
(function() {
var FACADE, FACADE_KEYS, CEProto = Y.CustomEvent.prototype;
* Wraps and protects a custom event for use when emitFacade is set to true.
* Requires the event-custom-complex module
* @class EventFacade
* @param e {Event} the custom event
* @param currentTarget {HTMLElement} the element the listener was attached to
Y.EventFacade = function(e, currentTarget) {
e = e || {};
* The arguments passed to fire
* @property details
* @type Array
this.details = e.details;
* The event type
* @property type
* @type string
this.type = e.type;
* Node reference for the targeted eventtarget
* @propery target
* @type Node
this.target = e.target;
* Node reference for the element that the listener was attached to.
* @propery currentTarget
* @type Node
this.currentTarget = currentTarget;
* Node reference to the relatedTarget
* @propery relatedTarget
* @type Node
this.relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target
* @method stopPropagation
this.stopPropagation = function() {
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target and
* prevents any additional listeners from being exectued
* on the current target.
* @method stopImmediatePropagation
this.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
* Prevents the event's default behavior
* @method preventDefault
this.preventDefault = function() {
* Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
* event behavior.
* @method halt
* @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
* on the current target will not be executed
this.halt = function(immediate) {
CEProto.fireComplex = function(args) {
var es = Y.Env._eventstack, ef, q, queue, ce, ret, events;
if (es) {
// queue this event if the current item in the queue bubbles
if (this.queuable && this.type != es.next.type) {
this.log('queue ' + this.type);
es.queue.push([this, args]);
return true;
} else {
Y.Env._eventstack = {
// id of the first event in the stack
id: this.id,
next: this,
silent: this.silent,
stopped: 0,
prevented: 0,
queue: []
es = Y.Env._eventstack;
this.stopped = 0;
this.prevented = 0;
this.target = this.target || this.host;
events = new Y.EventTarget({
fireOnce: true,
context: this.host
this.events = events;
if (this.preventedFn) {
events.on('prevented', this.preventedFn);
if (this.stoppedFn) {
events.on('stopped', this.stoppedFn);
this.currentTarget = this.host || this.currentTarget;
this.details = args.slice(); // original arguments in the details
// this.log("Firing " + this + ", " + "args: " + args);
this.log("Firing " + this.type);
this._facade = null; // kill facade to eliminate stale properties
ef = this._getFacade(args);
if (Y.Lang.isObject(args[0])) {
args[0] = ef;
} else {
if (this.hasSubscribers) {
this._procSubs(Y.merge(this.subscribers), args, ef);
// bubble if this is hosted in an event target and propagation has not been stopped
if (this.bubbles && this.host && this.host.bubble && !this.stopped) {
es.stopped = 0;
es.prevented = 0;
ret = this.host.bubble(this);
this.stopped = Math.max(this.stopped, es.stopped);
this.prevented = Math.max(this.prevented, es.prevented);
// execute the default behavior if not prevented
if (this.defaultFn && !this.prevented) {
this.defaultFn.apply(this.host || this, args);
// broadcast listeners are fired as discreet events on the
// YUI instance and potentially the YUI global.
// process after listeners. If the default behavior was
// prevented, the after events don't fire.
if (this.hasAfters && !this.prevented && this.stopped < 2) {
this._procSubs(Y.merge(this.afters), args, ef);
if (es.id === this.id) {
queue = es.queue;
while (queue.length) {
q = queue.pop();
ce = q[0];
es.stopped = 0;
es.prevented = 0;
// set up stack to allow the next item to be processed
es.next = ce;
ce.fire.apply(ce, q[1]);
Y.Env._eventstack = null;
return this.stopped ? false : true;
CEProto._getFacade = function() {
var ef = this._facade, o, o2,
args = this.details;
if (!ef) {
ef = new Y.EventFacade(this, this.currentTarget);
// if the first argument is an object literal, apply the
// properties to the event facade
o = args && args[0];
if (Y.Lang.isObject(o, true)) {
o2 = {};
// protect the event facade properties
Y.mix(o2, ef, true, FACADE_KEYS);
// mix the data
Y.mix(ef, o, true);
// restore ef
Y.mix(ef, o2, true, FACADE_KEYS);
// update the details field with the arguments
// ef.type = this.type;
ef.details = this.details;
ef.target = this.target;
ef.currentTarget = this.currentTarget;
ef.stopped = 0;
ef.prevented = 0;
this._facade = ef;
return this._facade;
* Stop propagation to bubble targets
* @for CustomEvent
* @method stopPropagation
CEProto.stopPropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 1;
Y.Env._eventstack.stopped = 1;
this.events.fire('stopped', this);
* Stops propagation to bubble targets, and prevents any remaining
* subscribers on the current target from executing.
* @method stopImmediatePropagation
CEProto.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
this.stopped = 2;
Y.Env._eventstack.stopped = 2;
this.events.fire('stopped', this);
* Prevents the execution of this event's defaultFn
* @method preventDefault
CEProto.preventDefault = function() {
if (this.preventable) {
this.prevented = 1;
Y.Env._eventstack.prevented = 1;
this.events.fire('prevented', this);
* Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
* event behavior.
* @method halt
* @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
* on the current target will not be executed
CEProto.halt = function(immediate) {
if (immediate) {
} else {
* Propagate an event. Requires the event-custom-complex module.
* @method bubble
* @param evt {Event.Custom} the custom event to propagate
* @return {boolean} the aggregated return value from Event.Custom.fire
* @for EventTarget
Y.EventTarget.prototype.bubble = function(evt, args, target) {
var targs = this._yuievt.targets, ret = true,
t, type, ce, i, bc;
if (!evt || ((!evt.stopped) && targs)) {
for (i in targs) {
if (targs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
t = targs[i];
type = evt && evt.type;
ce = t.getEvent(type, true);
// if this event was not published on the bubble target,
// publish it with sensible default properties
if (!ce) {
if (t._yuievt.hasTargets) {
t.bubble.call(t, evt, args, target);
} else {
ce.target = target || (evt && evt.target) || this;
ce.currentTarget = t;
bc = ce.broadcast;
ce.broadcast = false;
ret = ret && ce.fire.apply(ce, args || evt.details);
ce.broadcast = bc;
// stopPropagation() was called
if (ce.stopped) {
return ret;
FACADE = new Y.EventFacade();
FACADE_KEYS = Y.Object.keys(FACADE);
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['event-custom-base']});