editor-debug.js revision ccdd0fb5433f464069314b58d7a7e4382ece41e3
YUI.add('frame', function(Y) {
* Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local
* file or from script and creates a local YUI instance bound to that new window and document.
* @class Frame
* @for Frame
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule frame
var Frame = function() {
Frame.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child', BODY = 'body';
Y.extend(Frame, Y.Base, {
* @private
* @property _ready
* @description Internal reference set when the content is ready.
* @type Boolean
_ready: null,
* @private
* @property _rendered
* @description Internal reference set when render is called.
* @type Boolean
_rendered: null,
* @private
* @property _iframe
* @description Internal Node reference to the iFrame or the window
* @type Node
_iframe: null,
* @private
* @property _instance
* @description Internal reference to the YUI instance bound to the iFrame or window
* @type YUI
_instance: null,
* @private
* @method _create
* @description Create the iframe or Window and get references to the Document & Window
* @return {Object} Hash table containing references to the new Document & Window
_create: function(cb) {
var win, doc, res, node;
this._iframe = Y.Node.create(Frame.HTML);
this._iframe.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
this._iframe.set('src', this.get('src'));
this._iframe.set('height', '99%');
var html = '',
extra_css = ((this.get('extracss')) ? '<style id="extra_css">' + this.get('extracss') + '</style>' : '');
Y.log('Creating the document from javascript', 'info', 'frame');
html = Y.substitute(Frame.PAGE_HTML, {
DIR: this.get('dir'),
LANG: this.get('lang'),
TITLE: this.get('title'),
LINKED_CSS: this.get('linkedcss'),
CONTENT: this.get('content'),
BASE_HREF: this.get('basehref'),
EXTRA_CSS: extra_css
if (Y.config.doc.compatMode != 'BackCompat') {
Y.log('Adding Doctype to frame: ' + Frame.getDocType(), 'info', 'frame');
//html = Frame.DOC_TYPE + "\n" + html;
html = Frame.getDocType() + "\n" + html;
} else {
Y.log('DocType skipped because we are in BackCompat Mode.', 'warn', 'frame');
Y.log('Injecting content into iframe', 'info', 'frame');
res = this._resolveWinDoc();
if (!res.doc.documentElement) {
Y.log('document.documentElement was not found, running timer', 'warn', 'frame');
var timer = Y.later(1, this, function() {
if (res.doc && res.doc.documentElement) {
Y.log('document.documentElement found inside timer', 'info', 'frame');
}, null, true);
} else {
Y.log('document.documentElement found', 'info', 'frame');
* @private
* @method _resolveWinDoc
* @description Resolves the document and window from an iframe or window instance
* @param {Object} c The YUI Config to add the window and document to
* @return {Object} Object hash of window and document references, if a YUI config was passed, it is returned.
_resolveWinDoc: function(c) {
var config = (c) ? c : {};
config.win = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow'));
config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow.document'));
if (!config.doc) {
config.doc = Y.config.doc;
if (!config.win) {
config.win = Y.config.win;
return config;
* @private
* @method _onDomEvent
* @description Generic handler for all DOM events fired by the iframe or window. This handler
* takes the current EventFacade and augments it to fire on the Frame host. It adds two new properties
* to the EventFacade called frameX and frameY which adds the scroll and xy position of the iframe
* to the original pageX and pageY of the event so external nodes can be positioned over the frame.
* @param {Event.Facade} e
_onDomEvent: function(e) {
var xy, node;
//Y.log('onDOMEvent: ' + e.type, 'info', 'frame');
e.frameX = e.frameY = 0;
if (e.pageX > 0 || e.pageY > 0) {
if (e.type.substring(0, 3) !== 'key') {
node = this._instance.one('win');
xy = this._iframe.getXY();
e.frameX = xy[0] + e.pageX - node.get('scrollLeft');
e.frameY = xy[1] + e.pageY - node.get('scrollTop');
e.frameTarget = e.target;
e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget;
e.frameEvent = e;
this.fire('dom:' + e.type, e);
initializer: function() {
this.publish('ready', {
emitFacade: true,
defaultFn: this._defReadyFn
destructor: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst = null;
* @private
* @method _DOMPaste
* @description Simple pass thru handler for the paste event so we can do content cleanup
* @param {Event.Facade} e
_DOMPaste: function(e) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
data = '', win = inst.config.win;
if (e._event.originalTarget) {
data = e._event.originalTarget;
if (e._event.clipboardData) {
data = e._event.clipboardData.getData('Text');
if (win.clipboardData) {
data = win.clipboardData.getData('Text');
if (data === '') { // Could be empty, or failed
// Verify failure
if (!win.clipboardData.setData('Text', data)) {
data = null;
e.frameTarget = e.target;
e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget;
e.frameEvent = e;
if (data) {
e.clipboardData = {
data: data,
getData: function() {
return data;
} else {
Y.log('Failed to collect clipboard data', 'warn', 'frame');
e.clipboardData = null;
this.fire('dom:paste', e);
* @private
* @method _defReadyFn
* @description Binds DOM events, sets the iframe to visible and fires the ready event
_defReadyFn: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance();
Y.each(Frame.DOM_EVENTS, function(v, k) {
var fn = Y.bind(this._onDomEvent, this),
kfn = ((Y.UA.ie && Frame.THROTTLE_TIME > 0) ? Y.throttle(fn, Frame.THROTTLE_TIME) : fn);
if (!inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS[k]) {
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS[k] = 1;
if (v === 1) {
if (k !== 'focus' && k !== 'blur' && k !== 'paste') {
//Y.log('Adding DOM event to frame: ' + k, 'info', 'frame');
if (k.substring(0, 3) === 'key') {
//Throttle key events in IE
inst.on(k, kfn, inst.config.doc);
} else {
inst.on(k, fn, inst.config.doc);
}, this);
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.paste = 1;
inst.on('paste', Y.bind(this._DOMPaste, this), inst.one('body'));
//Adding focus/blur to the window object
inst.on('focus', Y.bind(this._onDomEvent, this), inst.config.win);
inst.on('blur', Y.bind(this._onDomEvent, this), inst.config.win);
inst._use = inst.use;
inst.use = Y.bind(this.use, this);
visibility: 'inherit'
inst.one('body').setStyle('display', 'block');
if (Y.UA.ie) {
* It appears that having a BR tag anywhere in the source "below" a table with a percentage width (in IE 7 & 8)
* if there is any TEXTINPUT's outside the iframe, the cursor will rapidly flickr and the CPU would occasionally
* spike. This method finds all <BR>'s below the sourceIndex of the first table. Does some checks to see if they
* can be modified and replaces then with a <WBR> so the layout will remain in tact, but the flickering will
* no longer happen.
* @method _fixIECursors
* @private
_fixIECursors: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
tables = inst.all('table'),
brs = inst.all('br'), si;
if (tables.size() && brs.size()) {
//First Table
si = tables.item(0).get('sourceIndex');
brs.each(function(n) {
var p = n.get('parentNode'),
c = p.get('children'), b = p.all('>br');
if (p.test('div')) {
if (c.size() > 2) {
} else {
if (n.get('sourceIndex') > si) {
if (b.size()) {
} else {
if (b.size() > 1) {
* @private
* @method _onContentReady
* @description Called once the content is available in the frame/window and calls the final use call
* on the internal instance so that the modules are loaded properly.
_onContentReady: function(e) {
if (!this._ready) {
this._ready = true;
var inst = this.getInstance(),
args = Y.clone(this.get('use'));
Y.log('On available for body of iframe', 'info', 'frame');
if (e) {
inst.config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(e.target);
//TODO Circle around and deal with CSS loading...
args.push(Y.bind(function() {
Y.log('Callback from final internal use call', 'info', 'frame');
if (inst.Selection) {
inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = this.get('defaultblock');
//Moved to here so that the iframe is ready before allowing editing..
if (this.get('designMode')) {
if(Y.UA.ie) {
inst.config.doc.body.contentEditable = 'true';
inst.on('keyup', Y.bind(this._ieSetBodyHeight, this), inst.config.doc);
} else {
inst.config.doc.designMode = 'on';
}, this));
Y.log('Calling use on internal instance: ' + args, 'info', 'frame');
inst.use.apply(inst, args);
_ieHeightCounter: null,
* Internal method to set the height of the body to the height of the document in IE.
* With contenteditable being set, the document becomes unresponsive to clicks, this
* method expands the body to be the height of the document so that doesn't happen.
* @private
* @method _ieSetBodyHeight
_ieSetBodyHeight: function(e) {
if (!this._ieHeightCounter) {
this._ieHeightCounter = 0;
var run = false;
if (!e) {
run = true;
if (e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 8:
case 13:
run = true;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
run = true;
if (run) {
try {
var inst = this.getInstance();
var h = this._iframe.get('offsetHeight');
var bh = inst.config.doc.body.scrollHeight;
if (h > bh) {
h = (h - 15) + 'px';
inst.config.doc.body.style.height = h;
} else {
inst.config.doc.body.style.height = 'auto';
} catch (e) {
if (this._ieHeightCounter < 100) {
Y.later(200, this, this._ieSetBodyHeight);
} else {
Y.log('Failed to set body height in IE', 'error', 'frame');
* @private
* @method _resolveBaseHref
* @description Resolves the basehref of the page the frame is created on. Only applies to dynamic content.
* @param {String} href The new value to use, if empty it will be resolved from the current url.
* @return {String}
_resolveBaseHref: function(href) {
if (!href || href === '') {
href = Y.config.doc.location.href;
if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) { //Remove the query string
href = href.substring(0, href.indexOf('?'));
href = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/';
return href;
* @private
* @method _getHTML
* @description Get the content from the iframe
* @param {String} html The raw HTML from the body of the iframe.
* @return {String}
_getHTML: function(html) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
html = inst.one('body').get('innerHTML');
return html;
* @private
* @method _setHTML
* @description Set the content of the iframe
* @param {String} html The raw HTML to set the body of the iframe to.
* @return {String}
_setHTML: function(html) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst.one('body').set('innerHTML', html);
} else {
//This needs to be wrapped in a contentready callback for the !_ready state
this.on('contentready', Y.bind(function(html, e) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst.one('body').set('innerHTML', html);
}, this, html));
return html;
* @private
* @method _setLinkedCSS
* @description Set's the linked CSS on the instance..
_getLinkedCSS: function(urls) {
if (!Y.Lang.isArray(urls)) {
urls = [urls];
var str = '';
if (!this._ready) {
Y.each(urls, function(v) {
if (v !== '') {
str += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + v + '" type="text/css">';
} else {
str = urls;
return str;
* @private
* @method _setLinkedCSS
* @description Set's the linked CSS on the instance..
_setLinkedCSS: function(css) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return css;
* @private
* @method _setExtraCSS
* @description Set's the extra CSS on the instance..
_setExtraCSS: function(css) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
node = inst.one('#extra_css');
inst.one('head').append('<style id="extra_css">' + css + '</style>');
return css;
* @private
* @method _instanceLoaded
* @description Called from the first YUI instance that sets up the internal instance.
* This loads the content into the window/frame and attaches the contentready event.
* @param {YUI} inst The internal YUI instance bound to the frame/window
_instanceLoaded: function(inst) {
this._instance = inst;
var doc = this._instance.config.doc;
if (this.get('designMode')) {
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
try {
//Force other browsers into non CSS styling
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false);
doc.execCommand('insertbronreturn', false, false);
} catch (err) {}
* @method use
* @description This is a scoped version of the normal YUI.use method & is bound to this frame/window.
* At setup, the inst.use method is mapped to this method.
use: function() {
Y.log('Calling augmented use after ready', 'info', 'frame');
var inst = this.getInstance(),
args = Y.Array(arguments),
cb = false;
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) {
cb = args.pop();
if (cb) {
args.push(function() {
Y.log('Internal callback from augmented use', 'info', 'frame');
cb.apply(inst, arguments);
inst._use.apply(inst, args);
* @method delegate
* @description A delegate method passed to the instance's delegate method
* @param {String} type The type of event to listen for
* @param {Function} fn The method to attach
* @param {String} cont The container to act as a delegate, if no "sel" passed, the body is assumed as the container.
* @param {String} sel The selector to match in the event (optional)
* @return {EventHandle} The Event handle returned from Y.delegate
delegate: function(type, fn, cont, sel) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
if (!inst) {
Y.log('Delegate events can not be attached until after the ready event has fired.', 'error', 'iframe');
return false;
if (!sel) {
sel = cont;
cont = 'body';
return inst.delegate(type, fn, cont, sel);
* @method getInstance
* @description Get a reference to the internal YUI instance.
* @return {YUI} The internal YUI instance
getInstance: function() {
return this._instance;
* @method render
* @description Render the iframe into the container config option or open the window.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Node} node The node to render to
* @return {Y.Frame}
* @chainable
render: function(node) {
if (this._rendered) {
Y.log('Frame already rendered.', 'warn', 'frame');
return this;
this._rendered = true;
if (node) {
this.set('container', node);
this._create(Y.bind(function(res) {
var inst, timer,
cb = Y.bind(function(i) {
Y.log('Internal instance loaded with node-base', 'info', 'frame');
}, this),
args = Y.clone(this.get('use')),
config = {
debug: false,
win: res.win,
doc: res.doc
fn = Y.bind(function() {
Y.log('New Modules Loaded into main instance', 'info', 'frame');
config = this._resolveWinDoc(config);
inst = YUI(config);
inst.log = Y.log; //Dump the instance logs to the parent instance.
Y.log('Creating new internal instance with node-base only', 'info', 'frame');
try {
inst.use('node-base', cb);
if (timer) {
} catch (e) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
Y.log('[TIMER] Internal use call failed, retrying', 'info', 'frame');
}, 350);
Y.log('Internal use call failed, retrying', 'info', 'frame');
}, this);
Y.log('Adding new modules to main instance: ' + args, 'info', 'frame');
Y.use.apply(Y, args);
}, this));
return this;
* @private
* @method _handleFocus
* @description Does some tricks on focus to set the proper cursor position.
_handleFocus: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection();
if (sel.anchorNode) {
Y.log('_handleFocus being called..', 'info', 'frame');
var n = sel.anchorNode, c;
if (n.test('p') && n.get('innerHTML') === '') {
n = n.get('parentNode');
c = n.get('childNodes');
if (c.size()) {
if (c.item(0).test('br')) {
sel.selectNode(n, true, false);
} else if (c.item(0).test('p')) {
n = c.item(0).one('br.yui-cursor');
if (n) {
n = n.get('parentNode');
if (!n) {
n = c.item(0).get('firstChild');
if (!n) {
n = c.item(0);
if (n) {
sel.selectNode(n, true, false);
} else {
var b = inst.one('br.yui-cursor');
if (b) {
var par = b.get('parentNode');
if (par) {
sel.selectNode(par, true, false);
* @method focus
* @description Set the focus to the iframe
* @param {Function} fn Callback function to execute after focus happens
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
focus: function(fn) {
if (Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 9) {
try {
} catch (ierr) {
Y.log('Frame focus failed', 'warn', 'frame');
if (fn === true) {
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) {
} else {
try {
Y.later(100, this, function() {
if (fn === true) {
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) {
} catch (ferr) {
Y.log('Frame focus failed', 'warn', 'frame');
return this;
* @method show
* @description Show the iframe instance
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
show: function() {
position: 'static',
left: ''
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
try {
this._instance.config.doc.designMode = 'on';
} catch (e) { }
return this;
* @method hide
* @description Hide the iframe instance
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
hide: function() {
position: 'absolute',
left: '-999999px'
return this;
}, {
* @static
* @property THROTTLE_TIME
* @description The throttle time for key events in IE
* @type Number
* @default 100
* @static
* @property DOM_EVENTS
* @description The DomEvents that the frame automatically attaches and bubbles
* @type Object
dblclick: 1,
click: 1,
paste: 1,
mouseup: 1,
mousedown: 1,
keyup: 1,
keydown: 1,
keypress: 1,
activate: 1,
deactivate: 1,
beforedeactivate: 1,
focusin: 1,
focusout: 1
* @static
* @property DEFAULT_CSS
* @description The default css used when creating the document.
* @type String
//DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { height: 95%; } body { padding: 7px; background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }',
DEFAULT_CSS: 'body { background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }',
* @static
* @property HTML
* @description The template string used to create the iframe
* @type String
//HTML: '<iframe border="0" frameBorder="0" marginWidth="0" marginHeight="0" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" allowTransparency="true" width="100%" height="99%"></iframe>',
HTML: '<iframe border="0" frameBorder="0" marginWidth="0" marginHeight="0" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" allowTransparency="true" width="100%" height="99%"></iframe>',
* @static
* @property PAGE_HTML
* @description The template used to create the page when created dynamically.
* @type String
PAGE_HTML: '<html dir="{DIR}" lang="{LANG}"><head><title>{TITLE}</title>{META}<base href="{BASE_HREF}"/>{LINKED_CSS}<style id="editor_css">{DEFAULT_CSS}</style>{EXTRA_CSS}</head><body>{CONTENT}</body></html>',
* @static
* @method getDocType
* @description Parses document.doctype and generates a DocType to match the parent page, if supported.
* For IE8, it grabs document.all[0].nodeValue and uses that. For IE < 8, it falls back to Frame.DOC_TYPE.
* @returns {String} The normalized DocType to apply to the iframe
getDocType: function() {
var dt = Y.config.doc.doctype,
str = Frame.DOC_TYPE;
if (dt) {
str = '<!DOCTYPE ' + dt.name + ((dt.publicId) ? ' ' + dt.publicId : '') + ((dt.systemId) ? ' ' + dt.systemId : '') + '>';
} else {
if (Y.config.doc.all) {
dt = Y.config.doc.all[0];
if (dt.nodeType) {
if (dt.nodeType === 8) {
if (dt.nodeValue) {
if (dt.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf('doctype') !== -1) {
str = '<!' + dt.nodeValue + '>';
return str;
* @static
* @property DOC_TYPE
* @description The DOCTYPE to prepend to the new document when created. Should match the one on the page being served.
* @type String
DOC_TYPE: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/'+'/W3C/'+'/DTD HTML 4.01/'+'/EN" "http:/'+'/www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">',
* @static
* @property META
* @description The meta-tag for Content-Type to add to the dynamic document
* @type String
META: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">',
//META: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>',
* @static
* @property NAME
* @description The name of the class (frame)
* @type String
NAME: 'frame',
* @attribute title
* @description The title to give the blank page.
* @type String
title: {
value: 'Blank Page'
* @attribute dir
* @description The default text direction for this new frame. Default: ltr
* @type String
dir: {
value: 'ltr'
* @attribute lang
* @description The default language. Default: en-US
* @type String
lang: {
value: 'en-US'
* @attribute src
* @description The src of the iframe/window. Defaults to javascript:;
* @type String
src: {
//Hackish, IE needs the false in the Javascript URL
value: 'javascript' + ((Y.UA.ie) ? ':false' : ':') + ';'
* @attribute designMode
* @description Should designMode be turned on after creation.
* @writeonce
* @type Boolean
designMode: {
writeOnce: true,
value: false
* @attribute content
* @description The string to inject into the body of the new frame/window.
* @type String
content: {
value: '<br>',
setter: '_setHTML',
getter: '_getHTML'
* @attribute basehref
* @description The base href to use in the iframe.
* @type String
basehref: {
value: false,
getter: '_resolveBaseHref'
* @attribute use
* @description Array of modules to include in the scoped YUI instance at render time. Default: ['none', 'selector-css2']
* @writeonce
* @type Array
use: {
writeOnce: true,
value: ['substitute', 'node', 'node-style', 'selector-css3']
* @attribute container
* @description The container to append the iFrame to on render.
* @type String/HTMLElement/Node
container: {
value: 'body',
setter: function(n) {
return Y.one(n);
* @attribute node
* @description The Node instance of the iframe.
* @type Node
node: {
readOnly: true,
value: null,
getter: function() {
return this._iframe;
* @attribute id
* @description Set the id of the new Node. (optional)
* @type String
* @writeonce
id: {
writeOnce: true,
getter: function(id) {
if (!id) {
id = 'iframe-' + Y.guid();
return id;
* @attribute linkedcss
* @description An array of url's to external linked style sheets
* @type String
linkedcss: {
value: '',
getter: '_getLinkedCSS',
setter: '_setLinkedCSS'
* @attribute extracss
* @description A string of CSS to add to the Head of the Editor
* @type String
extracss: {
value: '',
setter: '_setExtraCSS'
* @attribute host
* @description A reference to the Editor instance
* @type Object
host: {
value: false
* @attribute defaultblock
* @description The default tag to use for block level items, defaults to: p
* @type String
defaultblock: {
value: 'p'
Y.Frame = Frame;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base', 'node', 'selector-css3', 'substitute', 'yui-throttle'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('selection', function(Y) {
* Wraps some common Selection/Range functionality into a simple object
* @class Selection
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule selection
//TODO This shouldn't be there, Y.Node doesn't normalize getting textnode content.
var textContent = 'textContent',
FONT_FAMILY = 'fontFamily';
if (Y.UA.ie) {
textContent = 'nodeValue';
Y.Selection = function(domEvent) {
var sel, par, ieNode, nodes, rng, i;
if (Y.config.win.getSelection) {
sel = Y.config.win.getSelection();
} else if (Y.config.doc.selection) {
sel = Y.config.doc.selection.createRange();
this._selection = sel;
if (sel.pasteHTML) {
this.isCollapsed = (sel.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', sel)) ? false : true;
if (this.isCollapsed) {
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.one(sel.parentElement());
if (domEvent) {
ieNode = Y.config.doc.elementFromPoint(domEvent.clientX, domEvent.clientY);
rng = sel.duplicate();
if (!ieNode) {
par = sel.parentElement();
nodes = par.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
//This causes IE to not allow a selection on a doubleclick
if (rng.inRange(sel)) {
if (!ieNode) {
ieNode = nodes[i];
this.ieNode = ieNode;
if (ieNode) {
if (ieNode.nodeType !== 3) {
if (ieNode.firstChild) {
ieNode = ieNode.firstChild;
if (ieNode && ieNode.tagName && ieNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') {
if (ieNode.firstChild) {
ieNode = ieNode.firstChild;
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.Selection.resolve(ieNode);
var comp = sel.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', rng),
moved = 0;
if (comp) {
//We are not at the beginning of the selection.
//Setting the move to something large, may need to increase it later
moved = Math.abs(sel.move('character', -9999));
this.anchorOffset = this.focusOffset = moved;
this.anchorTextNode = this.focusTextNode = Y.one(ieNode);
} else {
//This helps IE deal with a selection and nodeChange events
if (sel.htmlText && sel.htmlText !== '') {
var n = Y.Node.create(sel.htmlText);
if (n && n.get('id')) {
var id = n.get('id');
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.one('#' + id);
} else if (n) {
n = n.get('childNodes');
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = n.item(0);
//var self = this;
} else {
this.isCollapsed = sel.isCollapsed;
this.anchorNode = Y.Selection.resolve(sel.anchorNode);
this.focusNode = Y.Selection.resolve(sel.focusNode);
this.anchorOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
this.focusOffset = sel.focusOffset;
this.anchorTextNode = Y.one(sel.anchorNode);
this.focusTextNode = Y.one(sel.focusNode);
if (Y.Lang.isString(sel.text)) {
this.text = sel.text;
} else {
if (sel.toString) {
this.text = sel.toString();
} else {
this.text = '';
* Utility method to remove dead font-family styles from an element.
* @static
* @method removeFontFamily
Y.Selection.removeFontFamily = function(n) {
var s = n.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase();
if (s === '' || (s == 'font-family: ')) {
if (s.match(Y.Selection.REG_FONTFAMILY)) {
s = s.replace(Y.Selection.REG_FONTFAMILY, '');
n.setAttribute('style', s);
* Performs a prefilter on all nodes in the editor. Looks for nodes with a style: fontFamily or font face
* It then creates a dynamic class assigns it and removed the property. This is so that we don't lose
* the fontFamily when selecting nodes.
* @static
* @method filter
Y.Selection.filter = function(blocks) {
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('Filtering nodes', 'info', 'selection');
var nodes = Y.all(Y.Selection.ALL),
baseNodes = Y.all('strong,em'),
doc = Y.config.doc, hrs,
classNames = {}, cssString = '',
var startTime1 = (new Date()).getTime();
nodes.each(function(n) {
var raw = Y.Node.getDOMNode(n);
if (raw.style[FONT_FAMILY]) {
classNames['.' + n._yuid] = raw.style[FONT_FAMILY];
if (n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY)) {
classNames['.' + n._yuid] = n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY);
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, '');
if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') {
//This is for IE
if (n.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase() === 'font-family: ') {
var endTime1 = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('Node Filter Timer: ' + (endTime1 - startTime1) + 'ms', 'info', 'selection');
if (Y.UA.ie) {
hrs = doc.getElementsByTagName('hr');
Y.each(hrs, function(hr) {
var el = doc.createElement('div');
el.className = 'hr yui-non yui-skip';
el.setAttribute('readonly', true);
el.setAttribute('contenteditable', false); //Keep it from being Edited
if (hr.parentNode) {
hr.parentNode.replaceChild(el, hr);
//Had to move to inline style. writes for ie's < 8. They don't render el.setAttribute('style');
var s = el.style;
s.border = '1px solid #ccc';
s.lineHeight = '0';
s.height = '0';
s.fontSize = '0';
s.marginTop = '5px';
s.marginBottom = '5px';
s.marginLeft = '0px';
s.marginRight = '0px';
s.padding = '0';
Y.each(classNames, function(v, k) {
cssString += k + ' { font-family: ' + v.replace(/"/gi, '') + '; }';
Y.StyleSheet(cssString, 'editor');
//Not sure about this one?
baseNodes.each(function(n, k) {
var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase(),
newTag = 'i';
if (t === 'strong') {
newTag = 'b';
Y.Selection.prototype._swap(baseNodes.item(k), newTag);
//Filter out all the empty UL/OL's
ls = Y.all('ol,ul');
ls.each(function(v, k) {
var lis = v.all('li');
if (!lis.size()) {
if (blocks) {
var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('Filter Timer: ' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms', 'info', 'selection');
* Method attempts to replace all "orphined" text nodes in the main body by wrapping them with a <p>. Called from filter.
* @static
* @method filterBlocks
Y.Selection.filterBlocks = function() {
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('RAW filter blocks', 'info', 'selection');
var childs = Y.config.doc.body.childNodes, i, node, wrapped = false, doit = true,
sel, single, br, divs, spans, c, s;
if (childs) {
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
node = Y.one(childs[i]);
if (!node.test(Y.Selection.BLOCKS)) {
doit = true;
if (childs[i].nodeType == 3) {
c = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.Selection.REG_CHAR);
s = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.Selection.REG_NON);
if (c === null && s) {
doit = false;
if (doit) {
if (!wrapped) {
wrapped = [];
} else {
wrapped = Y.Selection._wrapBlock(wrapped);
wrapped = Y.Selection._wrapBlock(wrapped);
single = Y.all(Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG);
if (single.size() === 1) {
Y.log('Only One default block tag (' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '), focus it..', 'info', 'selection');
br = single.item(0).all('br');
if (br.size() === 1) {
if (!br.item(0).test('.yui-cursor')) {
var html = single.item(0).get('innerHTML');
if (html === '' || html === ' ') {
Y.log('Paragraph empty, focusing cursor', 'info', 'selection');
single.set('innerHTML', Y.Selection.CURSOR);
sel = new Y.Selection();
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
if (br.item(0).test('.yui-cursor') && Y.UA.ie) {
} else {
single.each(function(p) {
var html = p.get('innerHTML');
if (html === '') {
Y.log('Empty Paragraph Tag Found, Removing It', 'info', 'selection');
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
divs = Y.all('div, p');
divs.each(function(d) {
if (d.hasClass('yui-non')) {
var html = d.get('innerHTML');
if (html === '') {
Y.log('Empty DIV/P Tag Found, Removing It', 'info', 'selection');
} else {
Y.log('DIVS/PS Count: ' + d.get('childNodes').size(), 'info', 'selection');
if (d.get('childNodes').size() == 1) {
Y.log('This Div/P only has one Child Node', 'info', 'selection');
if (d.ancestor('p')) {
Y.log('This Div/P is a child of a paragraph, remove it..', 'info', 'selection');
/* Removed this, as it was causing Pasting to be funky in Safari
spans = Y.all('.Apple-style-span, .apple-style-span');
Y.log('Apple Spans found: ' + spans.size(), 'info', 'selection');
spans.each(function(s) {
s.setAttribute('style', '');
var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('FilterBlocks Timer: ' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms', 'info', 'selection');
* Regular Expression used to find dead font-family styles
* @static
* @property REG_FONTFAMILY
Y.Selection.REG_FONTFAMILY = /font-family: ;/;
* Regular Expression to determine if a string has a character in it
* @static
* @property REG_CHAR
Y.Selection.REG_CHAR = /[a-zA-Z-0-9_!@#\$%\^&*\(\)-=_+\[\]\\{}|;':",.\/<>\?]/gi;
* Regular Expression to determine if a string has a non-character in it
* @static
* @property REG_NON
Y.Selection.REG_NON = /[\s|\n|\t]/gi;
* Regular Expression to remove all HTML from a string
* @static
* @property REG_NOHTML
Y.Selection.REG_NOHTML = /<\S[^><]*>/g;
* Wraps an array of elements in a Block level tag
* @static
* @private
* @method _wrapBlock
Y.Selection._wrapBlock = function(wrapped) {
if (wrapped) {
var newChild = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '></' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '>'),
firstChild = Y.one(wrapped[0]), i;
for (i = 1; i < wrapped.length; i++) {
return false;
* Undoes what filter does enough to return the HTML from the Editor, then re-applies the filter.
* @static
* @method unfilter
* @return {String} The filtered HTML
Y.Selection.unfilter = function() {
var nodes = Y.all('body [class]'),
html = '', nons, ids,
body = Y.one('body');
Y.log('UnFiltering nodes', 'info', 'selection');
nodes.each(function(n) {
if (n.hasClass(n._yuid)) {
//One of ours
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY));
if (n.getAttribute('class') === '') {
nons = Y.all('.yui-non');
nons.each(function(n) {
if (!n.hasClass('yui-skip') && n.get('innerHTML') === '') {
} else {
ids = Y.all('body [id]');
ids.each(function(n) {
if (n.get('id').indexOf('yui_3_') === 0) {
if (body) {
html = body.get('innerHTML');
nodes.each(function(n) {
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, '');
if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') {
return html;
* Resolve a node from the selection object and return a Node instance
* @static
* @method resolve
* @param {HTMLElement} n The HTMLElement to resolve. Might be a TextNode, gives parentNode.
* @return {Node} The Resolved node
Y.Selection.resolve = function(n) {
if (n && n.nodeType === 3) {
//Adding a try/catch here because in rare occasions IE will
//Throw a error accessing the parentNode of a stranded text node.
//In the case of Ctrl+Z (Undo)
try {
n = n.parentNode;
} catch (re) {
n = 'body';
return Y.one(n);
* Returns the innerHTML of a node with all HTML tags removed.
* @static
* @method getText
* @param {Node} node The Node instance to remove the HTML from
* @return {String} The string of text
Y.Selection.getText = function(node) {
var txt = node.get('innerHTML').replace(Y.Selection.REG_NOHTML, '');
//Clean out the cursor subs to see if the Node is empty
txt = txt.replace('<span><br></span>', '').replace('<br>', '');
return txt;
//Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'div';
Y.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'p';
* The selector to use when looking for Nodes to cache the value of: [style],font[face]
* @static
* @property ALL
Y.Selection.ALL = '[style],font[face]';
* The selector to use when looking for block level items.
* @static
* @property BLOCKS
Y.Selection.BLOCKS = 'p,div,ul,ol,table,style';
* The temporary fontname applied to a selection to retrieve their values: yui-tmp
* @static
* @property TMP
Y.Selection.TMP = 'yui-tmp';
* The default tag to use when creating elements: span
* @static
* @property DEFAULT_TAG
Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG = 'span';
* The id of the outer cursor wrapper
* @static
* @property DEFAULT_TAG
Y.Selection.CURID = 'yui-cursor';
* The id used to wrap the inner space of the cursor position
* @static
* @property CUR_WRAPID
Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID = 'yui-cursor-wrapper';
* The default HTML used to focus the cursor..
* @static
* @property CURSOR
Y.Selection.CURSOR = '<span><br class="yui-cursor"></span>';
Y.Selection.hasCursor = function() {
var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID);
Y.log('Has Cursor: ' + cur.size(), 'info', 'selection');
return cur.size();
* Called from Editor keydown to remove the "extra" space before the cursor.
* @static
* @method cleanCursor
Y.Selection.cleanCursor = function() {
//Y.log('Cleaning Cursor', 'info', 'Selection');
var cur, sel = 'br.yui-cursor';
cur = Y.all(sel);
if (cur.size()) {
cur.each(function(b) {
var c = b.get('parentNode.parentNode.childNodes'), html;
if (c.size()) {
} else {
html = Y.Selection.getText(c.item(0));
if (html !== '') {
var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CUR_WRAPID);
if (cur.size()) {
cur.each(function(c) {
var html = c.get('innerHTML');
if (html == '&nbsp;' || html == '<br>') {
if (c.previous() || c.next()) {
Y.Selection.prototype = {
* Range text value
* @property text
* @type String
text: null,
* Flag to show if the range is collapsed or not
* @property isCollapsed
* @type Boolean
isCollapsed: null,
* A Node instance of the parentNode of the anchorNode of the range
* @property anchorNode
* @type Node
anchorNode: null,
* The offset from the range object
* @property anchorOffset
* @type Number
anchorOffset: null,
* A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range.
* @property anchorTextNode
* @type Node
anchorTextNode: null,
* A Node instance of the parentNode of the focusNode of the range
* @property focusNode
* @type Node
focusNode: null,
* The offset from the range object
* @property focusOffset
* @type Number
focusOffset: null,
* A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range.
* @property focusTextNode
* @type Node
focusTextNode: null,
* The actual Selection/Range object
* @property _selection
* @private
_selection: null,
* Wrap an element, with another element
* @private
* @method _wrap
* @param {HTMLElement} n The node to wrap
* @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The wrapped node
_wrap: function(n, tag) {
var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML));
n.set(INNER_HTML, '');
return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp);
* Swap an element, with another element
* @private
* @method _swap
* @param {HTMLElement} n The node to swap
* @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
_swap: function(n, tag) {
var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML));
n.replace(tmp, n);
return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp);
* Get all the nodes in the current selection. This method will actually perform a filter first.
* Then it calls doc.execCommand('fontname', null, 'yui-tmp') to touch all nodes in the selection.
* The it compiles a list of all nodes affected by the execCommand and builds a NodeList to return.
* @method getSelected
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection.
getSelected: function() {
Y.config.doc.execCommand('fontname', null, Y.Selection.TMP);
var nodes = Y.all(Y.Selection.ALL),
items = [];
nodes.each(function(n, k) {
if (n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY) == Y.Selection.TMP) {
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, '');
if (!n.test('body')) {
return Y.all(items);
* Insert HTML at the current cursor position and return a Node instance of the newly inserted element.
* @method insertContent
* @param {String} html The HTML to insert.
* @return {Node} The inserted Node.
insertContent: function(html) {
return this.insertAtCursor(html, this.anchorTextNode, this.anchorOffset, true);
* Insert HTML at the current cursor position, this method gives you control over the text node to insert into and the offset where to put it.
* @method insertAtCursor
* @param {String} html The HTML to insert.
* @param {Node} node The text node to break when inserting.
* @param {Number} offset The left offset of the text node to break and insert the new content.
* @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false
* @return {Node} The inserted Node.
insertAtCursor: function(html, node, offset, collapse) {
var cur = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG + ' class="yui-non"></' + Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG + '>'),
inHTML, txt, txt2, newNode, range = this.createRange(), b;
if (node && node.test('body')) {
b = Y.Node.create('<span></span>');
node = b;
if (range.pasteHTML) {
if (offset === 0 && node && !node.previous() && node.get('nodeType') === 3) {
* For some strange reason, range.pasteHTML fails if the node is a textNode and
* the offset is 0. (The cursor is at the beginning of the line)
* It will always insert the new content at position 1 instead of
* position 0. Here we test for that case and do it the hard way.
node.insert(html, 'before');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
//Move the cursor after the new node
return node.previous();
} else {
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
try {
range.pasteHTML('<span id="rte-insert"></span>');
} catch (e) {}
inHTML = Y.one('#rte-insert');
if (inHTML) {
inHTML.set('id', '');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
return newNode;
} else {
Y.on('available', function() {
inHTML.set('id', '');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
}, '#rte-insert');
} else {
//TODO using Y.Node.create here throws warnings & strips first white space character
//txt = Y.one(Y.Node.create(inHTML.substr(0, offset)));
//txt2 = Y.one(Y.Node.create(inHTML.substr(offset)));
if (offset > 0) {
inHTML = node.get(textContent);
txt = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(0, offset)));
txt2 = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(offset)));
node.replace(txt, node);
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
if (newNode.get('nodeType') === 11) {
b = Y.Node.create('<span></span>');
newNode = b;
txt.insert(newNode, 'after');
//if (txt2 && txt2.get('length')) {
if (txt2) {
newNode.insert(cur, 'after');
cur.insert(txt2, 'after');
this.selectNode(cur, collapse);
} else {
if (node.get('nodeType') === 3) {
node = node.get('parentNode');
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
html = node.get('innerHTML').replace(/\n/gi, '');
if (html === '' || html === '<br>') {
} else {
if (newNode.get('parentNode')) {
node.insert(newNode, 'before');
} else {
if (node.get('firstChild').test('br')) {
return newNode;
* Get all elements inside a selection and wrap them with a new element and return a NodeList of all elements touched.
* @method wrapContent
* @param {String} tag The tag to wrap all selected items with.
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection.
wrapContent: function(tag) {
tag = (tag) ? tag : Y.Selection.DEFAULT_TAG;
if (!this.isCollapsed) {
Y.log('Wrapping selection with: ' + tag, 'info', 'selection');
var items = this.getSelected(),
changed = [], range, last, first, range2;
items.each(function(n, k) {
var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase();
if (t === 'font') {
changed.push(this._swap(items.item(k), tag));
} else {
changed.push(this._wrap(items.item(k), tag));
}, this);
range = this.createRange();
first = changed[0];
last = changed[changed.length - 1];
if (this._selection.removeAllRanges) {
range.setStart(changed[0], 0);
range.setEnd(last, last.childNodes.length);
} else {
if (range.moveToElementText) {
range2 = this.createRange();
range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range2);
changed = Y.all(changed);
Y.log('Returning NodeList with (' + changed.size() + ') item(s)' , 'info', 'selection');
return changed;
} else {
Y.log('Can not wrap a collapsed selection, use insertContent', 'error', 'selection');
return Y.all([]);
* Find and replace a string inside a text node and replace it with HTML focusing the node after
* to allow you to continue to type.
* @method replace
* @param {String} se The string to search for.
* @param {String} re The string of HTML to replace it with.
* @return {Node} The node inserted.
replace: function(se,re) {
Y.log('replacing (' + se + ') with (' + re + ')');
var range = this.createRange(), node, txt, index, newNode;
if (range.getBookmark) {
index = range.getBookmark();
txt = this.anchorNode.get('innerHTML').replace(se, re);
this.anchorNode.set('innerHTML', txt);
newNode = Y.one(range.parentElement());
} else {
node = this.anchorTextNode;
txt = node.get(textContent);
index = txt.indexOf(se);
txt = txt.replace(se, '');
node.set(textContent, txt);
newNode = this.insertAtCursor(re, node, index, true);
return newNode;
* Destroy the range.
* @method remove
* @chainable
* @return {Y.Selection}
remove: function() {
return this;
* Wrapper for the different range creation methods.
* @method createRange
* @return {RangeObject}
createRange: function() {
if (Y.config.doc.selection) {
return Y.config.doc.selection.createRange();
} else {
return Y.config.doc.createRange();
* Select a Node (hilighting it).
* @method selectNode
* @param {Node} node The node to select
* @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false
* @chainable
* @return {Y.Selection}
selectNode: function(node, collapse, end) {
if (!node) {
Y.log('Node passed to selectNode is null', 'error', 'selection');
end = end || 0;
node = Y.Node.getDOMNode(node);
var range = this.createRange();
if (range.selectNode) {
if (collapse) {
try {
this._selection.collapse(node, end);
} catch (err) {
this._selection.collapse(node, 0);
} else {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
node = node.parentNode;
try {
} catch(e) {}
if (collapse) {
range.collapse(((end) ? false : true));
return this;
* Put a placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position.
* @method setCursor
* @return {Node}
setCursor: function() {
return this.insertContent(Y.Selection.CURSOR);
* Get the placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position.
* @method getCursor
* @return {Node}
getCursor: function() {
return Y.all('#' + Y.Selection.CURID);
* Remove the cursor placeholder from the DOM.
* @method removeCursor
* @param {Boolean} keep Setting this to true will keep the node, but remove the unique parts that make it the cursor.
* @return {Node}
removeCursor: function(keep) {
var cur = this.getCursor();
if (cur) {
if (keep) {
cur.set('innerHTML', '<br class="yui-cursor">');
} else {
return cur;
* Gets a stored cursor and focuses it for editing, must be called sometime after setCursor
* @method focusCursor
* @return {Node}
focusCursor: function(collapse, end) {
if (collapse !== false) {
collapse = true;
if (end !== false) {
end = true;
var cur = this.removeCursor(true);
if (cur) {
cur.each(function(c) {
this.selectNode(c, collapse, end);
}, this);
* Generic toString for logging.
* @method toString
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
return 'Selection Object';
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['node'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('exec-command', function(Y) {
* Plugin for the frame module to handle execCommands for Editor
* @class Plugin.ExecCommand
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule exec-command
var ExecCommand = function() {
ExecCommand.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(ExecCommand, Y.Base, {
* An internal reference to the keyCode of the last key that was pressed.
* @private
* @property _lastKey
_lastKey: null,
* An internal reference to the instance of the frame plugged into.
* @private
* @property _inst
_inst: null,
* Execute a command on the frame's document.
* @method command
* @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname)
* @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica)
* @return {Node/NodeList} Should return the Node/Nodelist affected
command: function(action, value) {
var fn = ExecCommand.COMMANDS[action];
Y.log('execCommand(' + action + '): "' + value + '"', 'info', 'exec-command');
if (fn) {
return fn.call(this, action, value);
} else {
return this._command(action, value);
* The private version of execCommand that doesn't filter for overrides.
* @private
* @method _command
* @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname)
* @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica)
_command: function(action, value) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
try {
try {
inst.config.doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', null, 1);
} catch (e1) {
try {
inst.config.doc.execCommand('useCSS', null, 0);
} catch (e2) {
Y.log('Internal execCommand(' + action + '): "' + value + '"', 'info', 'exec-command');
inst.config.doc.execCommand(action, null, value);
} catch (e) {
Y.log(e.message, 'error', 'exec-command');
* Get's the instance of YUI bound to the parent frame
* @method getInstance
* @return {YUI} The YUI instance bound to the parent frame
getInstance: function() {
if (!this._inst) {
this._inst = this.get('host').getInstance();
return this._inst;
initializer: function() {
Y.mix(this.get('host'), {
execCommand: function(action, value) {
return this.exec.command(action, value);
_execCommand: function(action, value) {
return this.exec._command(action, value);
this.get('host').on('dom:keypress', Y.bind(function(e) {
this._lastKey = e.keyCode;
}, this));
}, {
* execCommand
* @property NAME
* @static
NAME: 'execCommand',
* exec
* @property NS
* @static
NS: 'exec',
host: {
value: false
* Static object literal of execCommand overrides
* @property COMMANDS
* @static
* Wraps the content with a new element of type (tag)
* @method COMMANDS.wrap
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: wrap
* @param {String} tag The tag to wrap the selection with
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
wrap: function(cmd, tag) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.Selection()).wrapContent(tag);
* Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, should be a single element.
* @method COMMANDS.inserthtml
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: inserthtml
* @param {String} html The html to insert
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
inserthtml: function(cmd, html) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
if (inst.Selection.hasCursor() || Y.UA.ie) {
return (new inst.Selection()).insertContent(html);
} else {
this._command('inserthtml', html);
* Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, and focuses the cursor afterwards.
* @method COMMANDS.insertandfocus
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertandfocus
* @param {String} html The html to insert
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
insertandfocus: function(cmd, html) {
var inst = this.getInstance(), out, sel;
if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) {
html += inst.Selection.CURSOR;
out = this.command('inserthtml', html);
sel = new inst.Selection();
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
} else {
this.command('inserthtml', html);
return out;
* Inserts a BR at the current cursor position
* @method COMMANDS.insertbr
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertbr
insertbr: function(cmd) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
html = '<var>|</var>', last = null,
q = (Y.UA.webkit) ? 'span.Apple-style-span,var' : 'var';
if (sel._selection.pasteHTML) {
} else {
this._command('inserthtml', html);
var insert = function(n) {
var c = inst.Node.create('<br>');
n.insert(c, 'before');
return c;
inst.all(q).each(function(n) {
var g = true;
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
g = false;
if (n.get('innerHTML') === '|') {
g = true;
if (g) {
last = insert(n);
if ((!last.previous() || !last.previous().test('br')) && Y.UA.gecko) {
var s = last.cloneNode();
last.insert(s, 'after');
last = s;
if (Y.UA.webkit && last) {
* Inserts an image at the cursor position
* @method COMMANDS.insertimage
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertimage
* @param {String} img The url of the image to be inserted
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
insertimage: function(cmd, img) {
return this.command('inserthtml', '<img src="' + img + '">');
* Add a class to all of the elements in the selection
* @method COMMANDS.addclass
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: addclass
* @param {String} cls The className to add
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
addclass: function(cmd, cls) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.Selection()).getSelected().addClass(cls);
* Remove a class from all of the elements in the selection
* @method COMMANDS.removeclass
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: removeclass
* @param {String} cls The className to remove
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
removeclass: function(cmd, cls) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.Selection()).getSelected().removeClass(cls);
* Adds a forecolor to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method COMMANDS.forecolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: forecolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
forecolor: function(cmd, val) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(), n;
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
this._command('useCSS', false);
if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === '&nbsp;')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('color', val);
n = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
n = this.command('inserthtml', '<span style="color: ' + val + '">' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + '</span>');
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
return n;
} else {
return this._command(cmd, val);
} else {
this._command(cmd, val);
* Adds a background color to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method COMMANDS.backcolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
backcolor: function(cmd, val) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(), n;
if (Y.UA.gecko || Y.UA.opera) {
cmd = 'hilitecolor';
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
this._command('useCSS', false);
if (inst.Selection.hasCursor()) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === '&nbsp;')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('backgroundColor', val);
n = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
n = this.command('inserthtml', '<span style="background-color: ' + val + '">' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + '</span>');
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
return n;
} else {
return this._command(cmd, val);
} else {
this._command(cmd, val);
* Sugar method, calles backcolor
* @method COMMANDS.hilitecolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
hilitecolor: function() {
return ExecCommand.COMMANDS.backcolor.apply(this, arguments);
* Adds a font name to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method COMMANDS.fontname2
* @deprecated
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontname
* @param {String} val The font name to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
fontname2: function(cmd, val) {
this._command('fontname', val);
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection();
if (sel.isCollapsed && (this._lastKey != 32)) {
if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) {
sel.anchorNode.set('face', val);
* Adds a fontsize to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method COMMANDS.fontsize2
* @deprecated
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontsize
* @param {String} val The font size to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
fontsize2: function(cmd, val) {
this._command('fontsize', val);
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection();
if (sel.isCollapsed && sel.anchorNode && (this._lastKey != 32)) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
if (sel.anchorNode.getStyle('lineHeight')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('lineHeight', '');
if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) {
sel.anchorNode.set('size', val);
} else if (Y.UA.gecko) {
var p = sel.anchorNode.ancestor(inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG);
if (p) {
p.setStyle('fontSize', '');
* Overload for COMMANDS.list
* @method COMMANDS.insertorderedlist
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list, ul
insertunorderedlist: function(cmd) {
this.command('list', 'ul');
* Overload for COMMANDS.list
* @method COMMANDS.insertunorderedlist
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list, ol
insertorderedlist: function(cmd) {
this.command('list', 'ol');
* Noramlizes lists creation/destruction for IE. All others pass through to native calls
* @method COMMANDS.list
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list (not used)
* @param {String} tag The tag to deal with
list: function(cmd, tag) {
var inst = this.getInstance(), html,
DIR = 'dir', cls = 'yui3-touched',
dir, range, div, elm, n, str, s, par, list, lis,
sel = new inst.Selection();
cmd = 'insert' + ((tag === 'ul') ? 'un' : '') + 'orderedlist';
if (Y.UA.ie && !sel.isCollapsed) {
range = sel._selection;
html = range.htmlText;
div = inst.Node.create(html);
if (div.test('li') || div.one('li')) {
this._command(cmd, null);
if (div.test(tag)) {
elm = range.item ? range.item(0) : range.parentElement();
n = inst.one(elm);
lis = n.all('li');
str = '<div>';
lis.each(function(l) {
str += l.get('innerHTML') + '<br>';
str += '</div>';
s = inst.Node.create(str);
if (n.get('parentNode').test('div')) {
n = n.get('parentNode');
if (n && n.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
s.setAttribute(DIR, n.getAttribute(DIR));
if (range.moveToElementText) {
} else {
par = Y.one(range.parentElement());
if (!par.test(inst.Selection.BLOCKS)) {
par = par.ancestor(inst.Selection.BLOCKS);
if (par) {
if (par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
if (html.indexOf('<br>') > -1) {
html = html.split(/<br>/i);
} else {
var tmp = inst.Node.create(html),
ps = tmp.all('p');
if (ps.size()) {
html = [];
ps.each(function(n) {
} else {
html = [html];
list = '<' + tag + ' id="ie-list">';
Y.each(html, function(v) {
var a = inst.Node.create(v);
if (a.test('p')) {
if (a.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = a.getAttribute(DIR);
v = a.get('innerHTML');
list += '<li>' + v + '</li>';
list += '</' + tag + '>';
elm = inst.config.doc.getElementById('ie-list');
elm.id = '';
if (dir) {
elm.setAttribute(DIR, dir);
if (range.moveToElementText) {
} else if (Y.UA.ie) {
par = inst.one(sel._selection.parentElement());
if (par.test('p')) {
if (par && par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
html = Y.Selection.getText(par);
if (html === '') {
var sdir = '';
if (dir) {
sdir = ' dir="' + dir + '"';
list = inst.Node.create(Y.Lang.sub('<{tag}{dir}><li></li></{tag}>', { tag: tag, dir: sdir }));
} else {
this._command(cmd, null);
} else {
this._command(cmd, null);
} else {
if (sel.anchorNode.test(inst.Selection.BLOCKS)) {
par = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
par = sel.anchorNode.ancestor(inst.Selection.BLOCKS);
if (par && par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
this._command(cmd, null);
list = inst.all(tag);
if (dir) {
list.each(function(n) {
if (!n.hasClass(cls)) {
n.setAttribute(DIR, dir);
* Noramlizes alignment for Webkit Browsers
* @method COMMANDS.justify
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: justify (not used)
* @param {String} val The actual command from the justify{center,all,left,right} stubs
justify: function(cmd, val) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
aNode = sel.anchorNode;
var bgColor = aNode.getStyle('backgroundColor');
sel = new inst.Selection();
if (sel.anchorNode.test('div')) {
var html = '<span>' + sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') + '</span>';
sel.anchorNode.set('innerHTML', html);
sel.anchorNode.one('span').setStyle('backgroundColor', bgColor);
} else {
* Override method for COMMANDS.justify
* @method COMMANDS.justifycenter
* @static
justifycenter: function(cmd) {
this.command('justify', 'justifycenter');
* Override method for COMMANDS.justify
* @method COMMANDS.justifyleft
* @static
justifyleft: function(cmd) {
this.command('justify', 'justifyleft');
* Override method for COMMANDS.justify
* @method COMMANDS.justifyright
* @static
justifyright: function(cmd) {
this.command('justify', 'justifyright');
* Override method for COMMANDS.justify
* @method COMMANDS.justifyfull
* @static
justifyfull: function(cmd) {
this.command('justify', 'justifyfull');
* This method is meant to normalize IE's in ability to exec the proper command on elements with CSS styling.
* @method fixIETags
* @protected
* @param {String} cmd The command to execute
* @param {String} tag The tag to create
* @param {String} rule The rule that we are looking for.
var fixIETags = function(cmd, tag, rule) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
doc = inst.config.doc,
sel = doc.selection.createRange(),
o = doc.queryCommandValue(cmd),
html, reg, m, p, d, s, c;
if (o) {
html = sel.htmlText;
reg = new RegExp(rule, 'g');
m = html.match(reg);
if (m) {
html = html.replace(rule + ';', '').replace(rule, '');
sel.pasteHTML('<var id="yui-ie-bs">');
p = doc.getElementById('yui-ie-bs');
d = doc.createElement('div');
s = doc.createElement(tag);
d.innerHTML = html;
if (p.parentNode !== inst.config.doc.body) {
p = p.parentNode;
c = d.childNodes;
p.parentNode.replaceChild(s, p);
Y.each(c, function(f) {
if (sel.moveToElementText) {
if (Y.UA.ie) {
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.bold = function() {
fixIETags.call(this, 'bold', 'b', 'FONT-WEIGHT: bold');
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.italic = function() {
fixIETags.call(this, 'italic', 'i', 'FONT-STYLE: italic');
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.underline = function() {
fixIETags.call(this, 'underline', 'u', 'TEXT-DECORATION: underline');
Y.Plugin.ExecCommand = ExecCommand;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['frame'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-tab', function(Y) {
* Handles tab and shift-tab indent/outdent support.
* @class Plugin.EditorTab
* @constructor
* @extends Base
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-tab
var EditorTab = function() {
EditorTab.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, HOST = 'host';
Y.extend(EditorTab, Y.Base, {
* Listener for host's nodeChange event and captures the tabkey interaction.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
* @param {Event} e The Event facade passed from the host.
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
var action = 'indent';
if (e.changedType === 'tab') {
if (!e.changedNode.test('li, li *')) {
if (e.changedEvent.shiftKey) {
action = 'outdent';
Y.log('Overriding TAB to ' + action, 'info', 'editorTab');
this.get(HOST).execCommand(action, '');
initializer: function() {
this.get(HOST).on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
}, {
* editorTab
* @property NAME
* @static
NAME: 'editorTab',
* tab
* @property NS
* @static
NS: 'tab',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorTab = EditorTab;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('createlink-base', function(Y) {
* Adds prompt style link creation. Adds an override for the <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.createlink">createlink execCommand</a>.
* @class Plugin.CreateLinkBase
* @static
* @submodule createlink-base
* @module editor
var CreateLinkBase = {};
* Strings used by the plugin
* @property STRINGS
* @static
CreateLinkBase.STRINGS = {
* String used for the Prompt
* @property PROMPT
* @static
PROMPT: 'Please enter the URL for the link to point to:',
* String used as the default value of the Prompt
* @property DEFAULT
* @static
DEFAULT: 'http://'
Y.Plugin.CreateLinkBase = CreateLinkBase;
Y.mix(Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS, {
* Override for the createlink method from the <a href="Plugin.CreateLinkBase.html">CreateLinkBase</a> plugin.
* @for ExecCommand
* @method COMMANDS.createlink
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: createlink
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
createlink: function(cmd) {
var inst = this.get('host').getInstance(), out, a, sel, holder,
url = prompt(CreateLinkBase.STRINGS.PROMPT, CreateLinkBase.STRINGS.DEFAULT);
if (url) {
holder = inst.config.doc.createElement('div');
url = url.replace(/"/g, '').replace(/'/g, ''); //Remove single & double quotes
url = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(url);
url = holder.innerHTML;
Y.log('Adding link: ' + url, 'info', 'createLinkBase');
this.get('host')._execCommand(cmd, url);
sel = new inst.Selection();
out = sel.getSelected();
if (!sel.isCollapsed && out.size()) {
//We have a selection
a = out.item(0).one('a');
if (a) {
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
if (a.get('parentNode').test('span')) {
if (a.get('parentNode').one('br.yui-cursor')) {
a.get('parentNode').insert(a, 'before');
} else {
//No selection, insert a new node..
this.get('host').execCommand('inserthtml', '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>');
return a;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-base', function(Y) {
* Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events.
* var editor = new Y.EditorBase({
* content: 'Foo'
* });
* editor.render('#demo');
* @main editor
* Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events.
* @class EditorBase
* @for EditorBase
* @extends Base
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-base
* @constructor
var EditorBase = function() {
EditorBase.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child', BODY = 'body';
Y.extend(EditorBase, Y.Base, {
* Internal reference to the Y.Frame instance
* @property frame
frame: null,
initializer: function() {
var frame = new Y.Frame({
designMode: true,
title: EditorBase.STRINGS.title,
use: EditorBase.USE,
dir: this.get('dir'),
extracss: this.get('extracss'),
linkedcss: this.get('linkedcss'),
defaultblock: this.get('defaultblock'),
host: this
frame.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterFrameReady, this));
this.frame = frame;
this.publish('nodeChange', {
emitFacade: true,
bubbles: true,
defaultFn: this._defNodeChangeFn
destructor: function() {
* Copy certain styles from one node instance to another (used for new paragraph creation mainly)
* @method copyStyles
* @param {Node} from The Node instance to copy the styles from
* @param {Node} to The Node instance to copy the styles to
copyStyles: function(from, to) {
if (from.test('a')) {
//Don't carry the A styles
var styles = ['color', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'backgroundColor', 'fontStyle' ],
newStyles = {};
Y.each(styles, function(v) {
newStyles[v] = from.getStyle(v);
if (from.ancestor('b,strong')) {
newStyles.fontWeight = 'bold';
if (from.ancestor('u')) {
if (!newStyles.textDecoration) {
newStyles.textDecoration = 'underline';
* Holder for the selection bookmark in IE.
* @property _lastBookmark
* @private
_lastBookmark: null,
* Resolves the e.changedNode in the nodeChange event if it comes from the document. If
* the event came from the document, it will get the last child of the last child of the document
* and return that instead.
* @method _resolveChangedNode
* @param {Node} n The node to resolve
* @private
_resolveChangedNode: function(n) {
var inst = this.getInstance(), lc, lc2, found;
if (inst && n && n.test('html')) {
lc = inst.one(BODY).one(LAST_CHILD);
while (!found) {
if (lc) {
lc2 = lc.one(LAST_CHILD);
if (lc2) {
lc = lc2;
} else {
found = true;
} else {
found = true;
if (lc) {
if (lc.test('br')) {
if (lc.previous()) {
lc = lc.previous();
} else {
lc = lc.get('parentNode');
if (lc) {
n = lc;
return n;
* The default handler for the nodeChange event.
* @method _defNodeChangeFn
* @param {Event} e The event
* @private
_defNodeChangeFn: function(e) {
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
//Y.log('Default nodeChange function: ' + e.changedType, 'info', 'editor');
var inst = this.getInstance(), sel, cur,
btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG;
if (Y.UA.ie) {
try {
sel = inst.config.doc.selection.createRange();
if (sel.getBookmark) {
this._lastBookmark = sel.getBookmark();
} catch (ie) {}
e.changedNode = this._resolveChangedNode(e.changedNode);
* This whole method needs to be fixed and made more dynamic.
* Maybe static functions for the e.changeType and an object bag
* to walk through and filter to pass off the event to before firing..
switch (e.changedType) {
case 'keydown':
if (!Y.UA.gecko) {
if (!EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.changedEvent.keyCode] && !e.changedEvent.shiftKey && !e.changedEvent.ctrlKey && (e.changedEvent.keyCode !== 13)) {
//inst.later(100, inst, inst.Selection.cleanCursor);
case 'tab':
if (!e.changedNode.test('li, li *') && !e.changedEvent.shiftKey) {
Y.log('Overriding TAB key to insert HTML: HALTING', 'info', 'editor');
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
this.execCommand('inserttext', '\t');
} else if (Y.UA.gecko) {
this.frame.exec._command('inserthtml', EditorBase.TABKEY);
} else if (Y.UA.ie) {
this.execCommand('inserthtml', EditorBase.TABKEY);
if (Y.UA.webkit && e.commands && (e.commands.indent || e.commands.outdent)) {
* When executing execCommand 'indent or 'outdent' Webkit applies
* a class to the BLOCKQUOTE that adds left/right margin to it
* This strips that style so it is just a normal BLOCKQUOTE
var bq = inst.all('.webkit-indent-blockquote');
if (bq.size()) {
bq.setStyle('margin', '');
var changed = this.getDomPath(e.changedNode, false),
cmds = {}, family, fsize, classes = [],
fColor = '', bColor = '';
if (e.commands) {
cmds = e.commands;
var normal = false;
Y.each(changed, function(el) {
var tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase(),
cmd = EditorBase.TAG2CMD[tag];
if (cmd) {
cmds[cmd] = 1;
//Bold and Italic styles
var s = el.currentStyle || el.style;
if ((''+s.fontWeight) == 'normal') {
normal = true;
if ((''+s.fontWeight) == 'bold') { //Cast this to a string
cmds.bold = 1;
if (Y.UA.ie) {
if (s.fontWeight > 400) {
cmds.bold = 1;
if (s.fontStyle == 'italic') {
cmds.italic = 1;
if (s.textDecoration == 'underline') {
cmds.underline = 1;
if (s.textDecoration == 'line-through') {
cmds.strikethrough = 1;
var n = inst.one(el);
if (n.getStyle('fontFamily')) {
var family2 = n.getStyle('fontFamily').split(',')[0].toLowerCase();
if (family2) {
family = family2;
if (family) {
family = family.replace(/'/g, '').replace(/"/g, '');
fsize = EditorBase.NORMALIZE_FONTSIZE(n);
var cls = el.className.split(' ');
Y.each(cls, function(v) {
if (v !== '' && (v.substr(0, 4) !== 'yui_')) {
fColor = EditorBase.FILTER_RGB(n.getStyle('color'));
var bColor2 = EditorBase.FILTER_RGB(s.backgroundColor);
if (bColor2 !== 'transparent') {
if (bColor2 !== '') {
bColor = bColor2;
if (normal) {
delete cmds.bold;
delete cmds.italic;
e.dompath = inst.all(changed);
e.classNames = classes;
e.commands = cmds;
//TODO Dont' like this, not dynamic enough..
if (!e.fontFamily) {
e.fontFamily = family;
if (!e.fontSize) {
e.fontSize = fsize;
if (!e.fontColor) {
e.fontColor = fColor;
if (!e.backgroundColor) {
e.backgroundColor = bColor;
var endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('_defNodeChangeTimer 2: ' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms', 'info', 'selection');
* Walk the dom tree from this node up to body, returning a reversed array of parents.
* @method getDomPath
* @param {Node} node The Node to start from
getDomPath: function(node, nodeList) {
var domPath = [], domNode,
inst = this.frame.getInstance();
domNode = inst.Node.getDOMNode(node);
//return inst.all(domNode);
while (domNode !== null) {
if ((domNode === inst.config.doc.documentElement) || (domNode === inst.config.doc) || !domNode.tagName) {
domNode = null;
if (!inst.DOM.inDoc(domNode)) {
domNode = null;
//Check to see if we get el.nodeName and nodeType
if (domNode.nodeName && domNode.nodeType && (domNode.nodeType == 1)) {
if (domNode == inst.config.doc.body) {
domNode = null;
domNode = domNode.parentNode;
/*{{{ Using Node
while (node !== null) {
if (node.test('html') || node.test('doc') || !node.get('tagName')) {
node = null;
if (!node.inDoc()) {
node = null;
//Check to see if we get el.nodeName and nodeType
if (node.get('nodeName') && node.get('nodeType') && (node.get('nodeType') == 1)) {
if (node.test('body')) {
node = null;
node = node.get('parentNode');
if (domPath.length === 0) {
domPath[0] = inst.config.doc.body;
if (nodeList) {
return inst.all(domPath.reverse());
} else {
return domPath.reverse();
* After frame ready, bind mousedown & keyup listeners
* @method _afterFrameReady
* @private
_afterFrameReady: function() {
var inst = this.frame.getInstance();
this.frame.on('dom:mouseup', Y.bind(this._onFrameMouseUp, this));
this.frame.on('dom:mousedown', Y.bind(this._onFrameMouseDown, this));
this.frame.on('dom:keydown', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyDown, this));
if (Y.UA.ie) {
this.frame.on('dom:activate', Y.bind(this._onFrameActivate, this));
this.frame.on('dom:beforedeactivate', Y.bind(this._beforeFrameDeactivate, this));
this.frame.on('dom:keyup', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyUp, this));
this.frame.on('dom:keypress', Y.bind(this._onFrameKeyPress, this));
this.frame.on('dom:paste', Y.bind(this._onPaste, this));
* Caches the current cursor position in IE.
* @method _beforeFrameDeactivate
* @private
_beforeFrameDeactivate: function(e) {
if (e.frameTarget.test('html')) { //Means it came from a scrollbar
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = inst.config.doc.selection.createRange();
if (sel.compareEndPoints && !sel.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', sel)) {
sel.pasteHTML('<var id="yui-ie-cursor">');
* Moves the cached selection bookmark back so IE can place the cursor in the right place.
* @method _onFrameActivate
* @private
_onFrameActivate: function(e) {
if (e.frameTarget.test('html')) { //Means it came from a scrollbar
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
range = sel.createRange(),
cur = inst.all('#yui-ie-cursor');
if (cur.size()) {
cur.each(function(n) {
n.set('id', '');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
try {
var moved = range.move('character', -1);
if (moved === -1) { //Only move up if we actually moved back.
range.move('character', 1);
range.text = '';
} catch (e) {}
* Fires nodeChange event
* @method _onPaste
* @private
_onPaste: function(e) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: e.frameTarget, changedType: 'paste', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
* Fires nodeChange event
* @method _onFrameMouseUp
* @private
_onFrameMouseUp: function(e) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: e.frameTarget, changedType: 'mouseup', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
* Fires nodeChange event
* @method _onFrameMouseDown
* @private
_onFrameMouseDown: function(e) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: e.frameTarget, changedType: 'mousedown', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
* Caches a copy of the selection for key events. Only creating the selection on keydown
* @property _currentSelection
* @private
_currentSelection: null,
* Holds the timer for selection clearing
* @property _currentSelectionTimer
* @private
_currentSelectionTimer: null,
* Flag to determine if we can clear the selection or not.
* @property _currentSelectionClear
* @private
_currentSelectionClear: null,
* Fires nodeChange event
* @method _onFrameKeyDown
* @private
_onFrameKeyDown: function(e) {
var inst, sel;
if (!this._currentSelection) {
if (this._currentSelectionTimer) {
this._currentSelectionTimer = Y.later(850, this, function() {
this._currentSelectionClear = true;
inst = this.frame.getInstance();
sel = new inst.Selection(e);
this._currentSelection = sel;
} else {
sel = this._currentSelection;
inst = this.frame.getInstance();
sel = new inst.Selection();
this._currentSelection = sel;
if (sel && sel.anchorNode) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keydown', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode], changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-down', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
* Fires nodeChange event
* @method _onFrameKeyPress
* @private
_onFrameKeyPress: function(e) {
var sel = this._currentSelection;
if (sel && sel.anchorNode) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keypress', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-press', changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
* Fires nodeChange event for keyup on specific keys
* @method _onFrameKeyUp
* @private
_onFrameKeyUp: function(e) {
var inst = this.frame.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(e);
if (sel && sel.anchorNode) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'keyup', selection: sel, changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
if (EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode]) {
this.fire('nodeChange', { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: EditorBase.NC_KEYS[e.keyCode] + '-up', selection: sel, changedEvent: e.frameEvent });
if (this._currentSelectionClear) {
this._currentSelectionClear = this._currentSelection = null;
* Pass through to the frame.execCommand method
* @method execCommand
* @param {String} cmd The command to pass: inserthtml, insertimage, bold
* @param {String} val The optional value of the command: Helvetica
* @return {Node/NodeList} The Node or Nodelist affected by the command. Only returns on override commands, not browser defined commands.
execCommand: function(cmd, val) {
var ret = this.frame.execCommand(cmd, val),
inst = this.frame.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(), cmds = {},
e = { changedNode: sel.anchorNode, changedType: 'execcommand', nodes: ret };
switch (cmd) {
case 'forecolor':
e.fontColor = val;
case 'backcolor':
e.backgroundColor = val;
case 'fontsize':
e.fontSize = val;
case 'fontname':
e.fontFamily = val;
cmds[cmd] = 1;
e.commands = cmds;
this.fire('nodeChange', e);
return ret;
* Get the YUI instance of the frame
* @method getInstance
* @return {YUI} The YUI instance bound to the frame.
getInstance: function() {
return this.frame.getInstance();
* Renders the Y.Frame to the passed node.
* @method render
* @param {Selector/HTMLElement/Node} node The node to append the Editor to
* @return {EditorBase}
* @chainable
render: function(node) {
this.frame.set('content', this.get('content'));
return this;
* Focus the contentWindow of the iframe
* @method focus
* @param {Function} fn Callback function to execute after focus happens
* @return {EditorBase}
* @chainable
focus: function(fn) {
return this;
* Handles the showing of the Editor instance. Currently only handles the iframe
* @method show
* @return {EditorBase}
* @chainable
show: function() {
return this;
* Handles the hiding of the Editor instance. Currently only handles the iframe
* @method hide
* @return {EditorBase}
* @chainable
hide: function() {
return this;
* (Un)Filters the content of the Editor, cleaning YUI related code. //TODO better filtering
* @method getContent
* @return {String} The filtered content of the Editor
getContent: function() {
var html = '', inst = this.getInstance();
if (inst && inst.Selection) {
html = inst.Selection.unfilter();
//Removing the _yuid from the objects in IE
html = html.replace(/ _yuid="([^>]*)"/g, '');
return html;
}, {
* @static
* @description Pulls the fontSize from a node, then checks for string values (x-large, x-small)
* and converts them to pixel sizes. If the parsed size is different from the original, it calls
* node.setStyle to update the node with a pixel size for normalization.
var size = n.getStyle('fontSize'), oSize = size;
switch (size) {
case '-webkit-xxx-large':
size = '48px';
case 'xx-large':
size = '32px';
case 'x-large':
size = '24px';
case 'large':
size = '18px';
case 'medium':
size = '16px';
case 'small':
size = '13px';
case 'x-small':
size = '10px';
if (oSize !== size) {
n.setStyle('fontSize', size);
return size;
* @static
* @property TABKEY
* @description The HTML markup to use for the tabkey
TABKEY: '<span class="tab">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>',
* @static
* @method FILTER_RGB
* @param String css The CSS string containing rgb(#,#,#);
* @description Converts an RGB color string to a hex color, example: rgb(0, 255, 0) converts to #00ff00
* @return String
FILTER_RGB: function(css) {
if (css.toLowerCase().indexOf('rgb') != -1) {
var exp = new RegExp("(.*?)rgb\\s*?\\(\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?,\\s*?([0-9]+).*?\\)(.*?)", "gi");
var rgb = css.replace(exp, "$1,$2,$3,$4,$5").split(',');
if (rgb.length == 5) {
var r = parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16);
var g = parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16);
var b = parseInt(rgb[3], 10).toString(16);
r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r;
g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g;
b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b;
css = "#" + r + g + b;
return css;
* @static
* @property TAG2CMD
* @description A hash table of tags to their execcomand's
'b': 'bold',
'strong': 'bold',
'i': 'italic',
'em': 'italic',
'u': 'underline',
'sup': 'superscript',
'sub': 'subscript',
'img': 'insertimage',
'a' : 'createlink',
'ul' : 'insertunorderedlist',
'ol' : 'insertorderedlist'
* Hash table of keys to fire a nodeChange event for.
* @static
* @property NC_KEYS
* @type Object
8: 'backspace',
9: 'tab',
13: 'enter',
32: 'space',
33: 'pageup',
34: 'pagedown',
35: 'end',
36: 'home',
37: 'left',
38: 'up',
39: 'right',
40: 'down',
46: 'delete'
* The default modules to use inside the Frame
* @static
* @property USE
* @type Array
USE: ['substitute', 'node', 'selector-css3', 'selection', 'stylesheet'],
* The Class Name: editorBase
* @static
* @property NAME
NAME: 'editorBase',
* Editor Strings
* @static
* @property STRINGS
* Title of frame document: Rich Text Editor
* @static
* @property STRINGS.title
title: 'Rich Text Editor'
* The content to load into the Editor Frame
* @attribute content
content: {
value: '<br class="yui-cursor">',
setter: function(str) {
if (str.substr(0, 1) === "\n") {
Y.log('Stripping first carriage return from content before injecting', 'warn', 'editor');
str = str.substr(1);
if (str === '') {
str = '<br class="yui-cursor">';
if (str === ' ') {
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
str = '<br class="yui-cursor">';
return this.frame.set('content', str);
getter: function() {
return this.frame.get('content');
* The value of the dir attribute on the HTML element of the frame. Default: ltr
* @attribute dir
dir: {
writeOnce: true,
value: 'ltr'
* @attribute linkedcss
* @description An array of url's to external linked style sheets
* @type String
linkedcss: {
value: '',
setter: function(css) {
if (this.frame) {
this.frame.set('linkedcss', css);
return css;
* @attribute extracss
* @description A string of CSS to add to the Head of the Editor
* @type String
extracss: {
value: false,
setter: function(css) {
if (this.frame) {
this.frame.set('extracss', css);
return css;
* @attribute defaultblock
* @description The default tag to use for block level items, defaults to: p
* @type String
defaultblock: {
value: 'p'
Y.EditorBase = EditorBase;
* @event nodeChange
* @description Fired from several mouse/key/paste event points.
* @param {Event.Facade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific properties added:
* <dl>
* <dt>changedEvent</dt><dd>The event that caused the nodeChange</dd>
* <dt>changedNode</dt><dd>The node that was interacted with</dd>
* <dt>changedType</dt><dd>The type of change: mousedown, mouseup, right, left, backspace, tab, enter, etc..</dd>
* <dt>commands</dt><dd>The list of execCommands that belong to this change and the dompath that's associated with the changedNode</dd>
* <dt>classNames</dt><dd>An array of classNames that are applied to the changedNode and all of it's parents</dd>
* <dt>dompath</dt><dd>A sorted array of node instances that make up the DOM path from the changedNode to body.</dd>
* <dt>backgroundColor</dt><dd>The cascaded backgroundColor of the changedNode</dd>
* <dt>fontColor</dt><dd>The cascaded fontColor of the changedNode</dd>
* <dt>fontFamily</dt><dd>The cascaded fontFamily of the changedNode</dd>
* <dt>fontSize</dt><dd>The cascaded fontSize of the changedNode</dd>
* </dl>
* @type {Event.Custom}
* @event ready
* @description Fired after the frame is ready.
* @param {Event.Facade} event An Event Facade object.
* @type {Event.Custom}
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base', 'frame', 'node', 'exec-command', 'selection'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-lists', function(Y) {
* Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertorderedlist">insertorderedlist</a> and <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertunorderedlist">insertunorderedlist</a> execCommands.
* @class Plugin.EditorLists
* @constructor
* @extends Base
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-lists
var EditorLists = function() {
EditorLists.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, LI = 'li', OL = 'ol', UL = 'ul', HOST = 'host';
Y.extend(EditorLists, Y.Base, {
* Listener for host's nodeChange event and captures the tabkey interaction only when inside a list node.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
* @param {Event} e The Event facade passed from the host.
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance(), sel, li,
newLi, newList, sTab, par, moved = false, tag, focusEnd = false;
if (e.changedType === 'tab') {
if (e.changedNode.test(LI + ', ' + LI + ' *')) {
Y.log('Overriding TAB to move lists around', 'info', 'editorLists');
li = e.changedNode;
sTab = e.changedEvent.shiftKey;
par = li.ancestor(OL + ',' + UL);
tag = UL;
if (par.get('tagName').toLowerCase() === OL) {
tag = OL;
Y.log('ShiftKey: ' + sTab, 'info', 'editorLists');
if (!li.test(LI)) {
li = li.ancestor(LI);
if (sTab) {
if (li.ancestor(LI)) {
Y.log('Shifting list up one level', 'info', 'editorLists');
li.ancestor(LI).insert(li, 'after');
moved = true;
focusEnd = true;
} else {
//li.setStyle('border', '1px solid red');
if (li.previous(LI)) {
Y.log('Shifting list down one level', 'info', 'editorLists');
newList = inst.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
moved = true;
if (moved) {
if (!li.test(LI)) {
li = li.ancestor(LI);
if (Y.UA.ie) {
li = li.append(EditorLists.NON).one(EditorLists.NON_SEL);
//Selection here..
Y.log('Selecting the new node', 'info', 'editorLists');
(new inst.Selection()).selectNode(li, true, focusEnd);
initializer: function() {
this.get(HOST).on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
}, {
* The non element placeholder, used for positioning the cursor and filling empty items
* @property REMOVE
* @static
NON: '<span class="yui-non">&nbsp;</span>',
* The selector query to get all non elements
* @property NONSEL
* @static
NON_SEL: 'span.yui-non',
* The items to removed from a list when a list item is moved, currently removes BR nodes
* @property REMOVE
* @static
REMOVE: 'br',
* editorLists
* @property NAME
* @static
NAME: 'editorLists',
* lists
* @property NS
* @static
NS: 'lists',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorLists = EditorLists;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-bidi', function(Y) {
* Plugin for Editor to support BiDirectional (bidi) text operations.
* @class Plugin.EditorBidi
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-bidi
var EditorBidi = function() {
EditorBidi.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, HOST = 'host', DIR = 'dir', BODY = 'BODY', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange',
B_C_CHANGE = 'bidiContextChange', FIRST_P = BODY + ' > p', STYLE = 'style';
Y.extend(EditorBidi, Y.Base, {
* Place holder for the last direction when checking for a switch
* @private
* @property lastDirection
lastDirection: null,
* Tells us that an initial bidi check has already been performed
* @private
* @property firstEvent
firstEvent: null,
* Method checks to see if the direction of the text has changed based on a nodeChange event.
* @private
* @method _checkForChange
_checkForChange: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST),
inst = host.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
node, direction;
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
node = EditorBidi.blockParent(sel.focusNode);
if (node) {
direction = node.getStyle('direction');
if (direction !== this.lastDirection) {
host.fire(B_C_CHANGE, { changedTo: direction });
this.lastDirection = direction;
} else {
host.fire(B_C_CHANGE, { changedTo: 'select' });
this.lastDirection = null;
* Checked for a change after a specific nodeChange event has been fired.
* @private
* @method _afterNodeChange
_afterNodeChange: function(e) {
// If this is the first event ever, or an event that can result in a context change
if (this.firstEvent || EditorBidi.EVENTS[e.changedType]) {
this.firstEvent = false;
* Checks for a direction change after a mouseup occurs.
* @private
* @method _afterMouseUp
_afterMouseUp: function(e) {
this.firstEvent = false;
initializer: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST);
this.firstEvent = true;
host.after(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._afterNodeChange, this));
host.after('dom:mouseup', Y.bind(this._afterMouseUp, this));
}, {
* The events to check for a direction change on
* @property EVENTS
* @static
'backspace-up': true,
'pageup-up': true,
'pagedown-down': true,
'end-up': true,
'home-up': true,
'left-up': true,
'up-up': true,
'right-up': true,
'down-up': true,
'delete-up': true
* More elements may be needed. BODY *must* be in the list to take care of the special case.
* blockParent could be changed to use inst.Selection.BLOCKS
* instead, but that would make Y.Plugin.EditorBidi.blockParent
* unusable in non-RTE contexts (it being usable is a nice
* side-effect).
* @property BLOCKS
* @static
//BLOCKS: Y.Selection.BLOCKS+',LI,HR,' + BODY,
* Template for creating a block element
* @static
* @property DIV_WRAPPER
* Returns a block parent for a given element
* @static
* @method blockParent
blockParent: function(node, wrap) {
var parent = node, divNode, firstChild;
if (!parent) {
parent = Y.one(BODY);
if (!parent.test(EditorBidi.BLOCKS)) {
parent = parent.ancestor(EditorBidi.BLOCKS);
if (wrap && parent.test(BODY)) {
// This shouldn't happen if the RTE handles everything
// according to spec: we should get to a P before BODY. But
// we don't want to set the direction of BODY even if that
// happens, so we wrap everything in a DIV.
// The code is based on YUI3's Y.Selection._wrapBlock function.
divNode = Y.Node.create(EditorBidi.DIV_WRAPPER);
parent.get('children').each(function(node, index) {
if (index === 0) {
firstChild = node;
} else {
parent = divNode;
return parent;
* The data key to store on the node.
* @static
* @property _NODE_SELECTED
_NODE_SELECTED: 'bidiSelected',
* Generates a list of all the block parents of the current NodeList
* @static
* @method addParents
addParents: function(nodeArray) {
var i, parent, addParent;
for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) {
nodeArray[i].setData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED, true);
// This works automagically, since new parents added get processed
// later themselves. So if there's a node early in the process that
// we haven't discovered some of its siblings yet, thus resulting in
// its parent not added, the parent will be added later, since those
// siblings will be added to the array and then get processed.
for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) {
parent = nodeArray[i].get('parentNode');
// Don't add the parent if the parent is the BODY element.
// We don't want to change the direction of BODY. Also don't
// do it if the parent is already in the list.
if (!parent.test(BODY) && !parent.getData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED)) {
addParent = true;
parent.get('children').some(function(sibling) {
if (!sibling.getData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED)) {
addParent = false;
return true; // stop more processing
if (addParent) {
parent.setData(EditorBidi._NODE_SELECTED, true);
for (i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i += 1) {
return nodeArray;
* editorBidi
* @static
* @property NAME
NAME: 'editorBidi',
* editorBidi
* @static
* @property NS
NS: 'editorBidi',
host: {
value: false
* Regex for testing/removing text-align style from an element
* @static
* @property RE_TEXT_ALIGN
RE_TEXT_ALIGN: /text-align:\s*\w*\s*;/,
* Method to test a node's style attribute for text-align and removing it.
* @static
* @method removeTextAlign
removeTextAlign: function(n) {
if (n) {
if (n.getAttribute(STYLE).match(EditorBidi.RE_TEXT_ALIGN)) {
n.setAttribute(STYLE, n.getAttribute(STYLE).replace(EditorBidi.RE_TEXT_ALIGN, ''));
if (n.hasAttribute('align')) {
return n;
Y.Plugin.EditorBidi = EditorBidi;
* bidi execCommand override for setting the text direction of a node.
* @for Plugin.ExecCommand
* @property COMMANDS.bidi
//TODO -- This should not add this command unless the plugin is added to the instance..
Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS.bidi = function(cmd, direction) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
ns = this.get(HOST).get(HOST).editorBidi,
returnValue, block,
selected, selectedBlocks, dir;
if (!ns) {
Y.error('bidi execCommand is not available without the EditorBiDi plugin.');
if (sel.anchorNode.test(BODY)) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) { // No selection
block = EditorBidi.blockParent(sel.anchorNode);
//Remove text-align attribute if it exists
block = EditorBidi.removeTextAlign(block);
if (!direction) {
//If no direction is set, auto-detect the proper setting to make it "toggle"
dir = block.getAttribute(DIR);
if (!dir || dir == 'ltr') {
direction = 'rtl';
} else {
direction = 'ltr';
block.setAttribute(DIR, direction);
if (Y.UA.ie) {
var b = block.all('br.yui-cursor');
if (b.size() === 1 && block.get('childNodes').size() == 1) {
returnValue = block;
} else { // some text is selected
selected = sel.getSelected();
selectedBlocks = [];
selected.each(function(node) {
selectedBlocks = inst.all(EditorBidi.addParents(selectedBlocks));
selectedBlocks.each(function(n) {
var d = direction;
//Remove text-align attribute if it exists
n = EditorBidi.removeTextAlign(n);
if (!d) {
dir = n.getAttribute(DIR);
if (!dir || dir == 'ltr') {
d = 'rtl';
} else {
d = 'ltr';
n.setAttribute(DIR, d);
returnValue = selectedBlocks;
return returnValue;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-para', function(Y) {
* Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction.
* @class Plugin.EditorPara
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-para
var EditorPara = function() {
EditorPara.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, HOST = 'host', BODY = 'body', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange', PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
FIRST_P = BODY + ' > p', P = 'p', BR = '<br>', FC = 'firstChild', LI = 'li';
Y.extend(EditorPara, Y.Base, {
* Utility method to create an empty paragraph when the document is empty.
* @private
* @method _fixFirstPara
_fixFirstPara: function() {
Y.log('Fix First Paragraph', 'info', 'editor-para');
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel, n,
body = inst.config.doc.body,
html = body.innerHTML,
col = ((html.length) ? true : false);
if (html === BR) {
html = '';
col = false;
body.innerHTML = '<' + P + '>' + html + inst.Selection.CURSOR + '</' + P + '>';
n = inst.one(FIRST_P);
sel = new inst.Selection();
sel.selectNode(n, true, col);
* nodeChange handler to handle fixing an empty document.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(),
html, txt, par , d, sel, btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG,
inHTML, txt2, childs, aNode, index, node2, top, n, sib,
ps, br, item, p, imgs, t, LAST_CHILD = ':last-child';
switch (e.changedType) {
case 'enter-up':
var para = ((this._lastPara) ? this._lastPara : e.changedNode),
b = para.one('br.yui-cursor');
if (this._lastPara) {
delete this._lastPara;
if (b) {
if (b.previous() || b.next()) {
if (b.ancestor(P)) {
if (!para.test(btag)) {
var para2 = para.ancestor(btag);
if (para2) {
para = para2;
para2 = null;
if (para.test(btag)) {
var prev = para.previous(), lc, lc2, found = false;
if (prev) {
lc = prev.one(LAST_CHILD);
while (!found) {
if (lc) {
lc2 = lc.one(LAST_CHILD);
if (lc2) {
lc = lc2;
} else {
found = true;
} else {
found = true;
if (lc) {
host.copyStyles(lc, para);
case 'enter':
if (Y.UA.ie) {
if (e.changedNode.test('br')) {
} else if (e.changedNode.test('p, span')) {
var b = e.changedNode.one('br.yui-cursor');
if (b) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
//Webkit doesn't support shift+enter as a BR, this fixes that.
if (e.changedEvent.shiftKey) {
//TODO Move this to a GECKO MODULE - Can't for the moment, requires no change to metadata (YMAIL)
if (Y.UA.gecko && host.get('defaultblock') !== 'p') {
par = e.changedNode;
if (!par.test(LI) && !par.ancestor(LI)) {
if (!par.test(btag)) {
par = par.ancestor(btag);
d = inst.Node.create('<' + btag + '></' + btag + '>');
par.insert(d, 'after');
sel = new inst.Selection();
if (sel.anchorOffset) {
inHTML = sel.anchorNode.get('textContent');
txt = inst.one(inst.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(0, sel.anchorOffset)));
txt2 = inst.one(inst.config.doc.createTextNode(inHTML.substr(sel.anchorOffset)));
aNode = sel.anchorNode;
aNode.setContent(''); //I
node2 = aNode.cloneNode(); //I
node2.append(txt2); //text
top = false;
sib = aNode; //I
while (!top) {
sib = sib.get(PARENT_NODE); //B
if (sib && !sib.test(btag)) {
n = sib.cloneNode();
n.set('innerHTML', '');
//Get children..
childs = sib.get('childNodes');
var start = false;
childs.each(function(c) {
if (start) {
if (c === aNode) {
start = true;
aNode = sib; //Top sibling
node2 = n;
} else {
top = true;
txt2 = node2;
if (txt2) {
if (d.get(FC)) {
d = d.get(FC);
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
html = inst.Selection.getText(d);
if (html !== '') {
case 'keyup':
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
if (inst.config.doc && inst.config.doc.body && inst.config.doc.body.innerHTML.length < 20) {
if (!inst.one(FIRST_P)) {
case 'backspace-up':
case 'backspace-down':
case 'delete-up':
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
ps = inst.all(FIRST_P);
item = inst.one(BODY);
if (ps.item(0)) {
item = ps.item(0);
br = item.one('br');
if (br) {
txt = inst.Selection.getText(item);
txt = txt.replace(/ /g, '').replace(/\n/g, '');
imgs = item.all('img');
if (txt.length === 0 && !imgs.size()) {
//God this is horrible..
if (!item.test(P)) {
p = null;
if (e.changedNode && e.changedNode.test(P)) {
p = e.changedNode;
if (!p && host._lastPara && host._lastPara.inDoc()) {
p = host._lastPara;
if (p && !p.test(P)) {
p = p.ancestor(P);
if (p) {
if (!p.previous() && p.get(PARENT_NODE) && p.get(PARENT_NODE).test(BODY)) {
Y.log('Stopping the backspace event', 'warn', 'editor-para');
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
if (e.changedNode) {
item = e.changedNode;
if (item.test('li') && (!item.previous() && !item.next())) {
html = item.get('innerHTML').replace(BR, '');
if (html === '') {
if (item.get(PARENT_NODE)) {
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
* This forced FF to redraw the content on backspace.
* On some occasions FF will leave a cursor residue after content has been deleted.
* Dropping in the empty textnode and then removing it causes FF to redraw and
* remove the "ghost cursors"
d = e.changedNode;
t = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(' ');
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
if (e.changedNode && !e.changedNode.test(btag)) {
p = e.changedNode.ancestor(btag);
if (p) {
this._lastPara = p;
* Performs a block element filter when the Editor is first ready
* @private
* @method _afterEditorReady
_afterEditorReady: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), btag;
if (inst) {
btag = inst.Selection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG;
FIRST_P = BODY + ' > ' + btag;
P = btag;
* Performs a block element filter when the Editor after an content change
* @private
* @method _afterContentChange
_afterContentChange: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance();
if (inst && inst.Selection) {
* Performs block/paste filtering after paste.
* @private
* @method _afterPaste
_afterPaste: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection();
Y.later(50, host, function() {
initializer: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST);
if (host.editorBR) {
Y.error('Can not plug EditorPara and EditorBR at the same time.');
host.on(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
host.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterEditorReady, this));
host.after('contentChange', Y.bind(this._afterContentChange, this));
if (Y.Env.webkit) {
host.after('dom:paste', Y.bind(this._afterPaste, this));
}, {
* editorPara
* @static
* @property NAME
NAME: 'editorPara',
* editorPara
* @static
* @property NS
NS: 'editorPara',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorPara = EditorPara;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor-br', function(Y) {
* Plugin for Editor to normalize BR's.
* @class Plugin.EditorBR
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-br
var EditorBR = function() {
EditorBR.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, HOST = 'host', LI = 'li';
Y.extend(EditorBR, Y.Base, {
* Frame keyDown handler that normalizes BR's when pressing ENTER.
* @private
* @method _onKeyDown
_onKeyDown: function(e) {
if (e.stopped) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection(),
last = '';
if (sel) {
if (Y.UA.ie) {
if (!sel.anchorNode || (!sel.anchorNode.test(LI) && !sel.anchorNode.ancestor(LI))) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
if (!sel.anchorNode.test(LI) && !sel.anchorNode.ancestor(LI)) {
host.frame._execCommand('insertlinebreak', null);
* Adds listeners for keydown in IE and Webkit. Also fires insertbeonreturn for supporting browsers.
* @private
* @method _afterEditorReady
_afterEditorReady: function() {
var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance();
try {
inst.config.doc.execCommand('insertbronreturn', null, true);
} catch (bre) {}
if (Y.UA.ie || Y.UA.webkit) {
inst.on('keydown', Y.bind(this._onKeyDown, this), inst.config.doc);
* Adds a nodeChange listener only for FF, in the event of a backspace or delete, it creates an empy textNode
* inserts it into the DOM after the e.changedNode, then removes it. Causing FF to redraw the content.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
* @param {Event} e The nodeChange event.
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
switch (e.changedType) {
case 'backspace-up':
case 'backspace-down':
case 'delete-up':
* This forced FF to redraw the content on backspace.
* On some occasions FF will leave a cursor residue after content has been deleted.
* Dropping in the empty textnode and then removing it causes FF to redraw and
* remove the "ghost cursors"
var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance();
var d = e.changedNode;
var t = inst.config.doc.createTextNode(' ');
initializer: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST);
if (host.editorPara) {
Y.error('Can not plug EditorBR and EditorPara at the same time.');
host.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterEditorReady, this));
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
host.on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
}, {
* editorBR
* @static
* @property NAME
NAME: 'editorBR',
* editorBR
* @static
* @property NS
NS: 'editorBR',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorBR = EditorBR;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['editor-base'], skinnable:false});
YUI.add('editor', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{skinnable:false, use:['frame', 'selection', 'exec-command', 'editor-base', 'editor-para', 'editor-br', 'editor-bidi', 'editor-tab', 'createlink-base']});