dom-debug.js revision 8bf82befebcef1d93ba3945955db2e69e4adeb47
YUI.add('dom-base', function(Y) {
(function(Y) {
* The DOM utility provides a cross-browser abtraction layer
* normalizing DOM tasks, and adds extra helper functionality
* for other common tasks.
* @module dom
* @submodule dom-base
* @for DOM
* Provides DOM helper methods.
* @class DOM
var NODE_TYPE = 'nodeType',
OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument',
DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
DEFAULT_VIEW = 'defaultView',
PARENT_WINDOW = 'parentWindow',
TAG_NAME = 'tagName',
PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
FIRST_CHILD = 'firstChild',
PREVIOUS_SIBLING = 'previousSibling',
NEXT_SIBLING = 'nextSibling',
CONTAINS = 'contains',
COMPARE_DOCUMENT_POSITION = 'compareDocumentPosition',
documentElement = Y.config.doc.documentElement,
re_tag = /<([a-z]+)/i,
createFromDIV = function(html, tag) {
var div = Y.config.doc.createElement('div'),
ret = true;
div.innerHTML = html;
if (!div.firstChild || div.firstChild.tagName !== tag.toUpperCase()) {
ret = false;
return ret;
addFeature = Y.Features.add,
testFeature = Y.Features.test,
Y_DOM = {
* Returns the HTMLElement with the given ID (Wrapper for document.getElementById).
* @method byId
* @param {String} id the id attribute
* @param {Object} doc optional The document to search. Defaults to current document
* @return {HTMLElement | null} The HTMLElement with the id, or null if none found.
byId: function(id, doc) {
// handle dupe IDs and IE name collision
return Y_DOM.allById(id, doc)[0] || null;
* Returns the text content of the HTMLElement.
* @method getText
* @param {HTMLElement} element The html element.
* @return {String} The text content of the element (includes text of any descending elements).
getText: (documentElement.textContent !== undefined) ?
function(element) {
var ret = '';
if (element) {
ret = element.textContent;
return ret || '';
} : function(element) {
var ret = '';
if (element) {
ret = element.innerText || element.nodeValue; // might be a textNode
return ret || '';
* Sets the text content of the HTMLElement.
* @method setText
* @param {HTMLElement} element The html element.
* @param {String} content The content to add.
setText: (documentElement.textContent !== undefined) ?
function(element, content) {
if (element) {
element.textContent = content;
} : function(element, content) {
if ('innerText' in element) {
element.innerText = content;
} else if ('nodeValue' in element) {
element.nodeValue = content;
* Finds the ancestor of the element.
* @method ancestor
* @param {HTMLElement} element The html element.
* @param {Function} fn optional An optional boolean test to apply.
* The optional function is passed the current DOM node being tested as its only argument.
* If no function is given, the parentNode is returned.
* @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
* @return {HTMLElement | null} The matching DOM node or null if none found.
ancestor: function(element, fn, testSelf) {
var ret = null;
if (testSelf) {
ret = (!fn || fn(element)) ? element : null;
return ret || Y_DOM.elementByAxis(element, PARENT_NODE, fn, null);
* Finds the ancestors of the element.
* @method ancestors
* @param {HTMLElement} element The html element.
* @param {Function} fn optional An optional boolean test to apply.
* The optional function is passed the current DOM node being tested as its only argument.
* If no function is given, all ancestors are returned.
* @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
* @return {Array} An array containing all matching DOM nodes.
ancestors: function(element, fn, testSelf) {
var ancestor = Y_DOM.ancestor.apply(Y_DOM, arguments),
ret = (ancestor) ? [ancestor] : [];
while ((ancestor = Y_DOM.ancestor(ancestor, fn))) {
if (ancestor) {
return ret;
* Searches the element by the given axis for the first matching element.
* @method elementByAxis
* @param {HTMLElement} element The html element.
* @param {String} axis The axis to search (parentNode, nextSibling, previousSibling).
* @param {Function} fn optional An optional boolean test to apply.
* @param {Boolean} all optional Whether all node types should be returned, or just element nodes.
* The optional function is passed the current HTMLElement being tested as its only argument.
* If no function is given, the first element is returned.
* @return {HTMLElement | null} The matching element or null if none found.
elementByAxis: function(element, axis, fn, all) {
while (element && (element = element[axis])) { // NOTE: assignment
if ( (all || element[TAG_NAME]) && (!fn || fn(element)) ) {
return element;
return null;
* Determines whether or not one HTMLElement is or contains another HTMLElement.
* @method contains
* @param {HTMLElement} element The containing html element.
* @param {HTMLElement} needle The html element that may be contained.
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element is or contains the needle.
contains: function(element, needle) {
var ret = false;
if ( !needle || !element || !needle[NODE_TYPE] || !element[NODE_TYPE]) {
ret = false;
} else if (element[CONTAINS]) {
if (Y.UA.opera || needle[NODE_TYPE] === 1) { // IE & SAF contains fail if needle not an ELEMENT_NODE
ret = element[CONTAINS](needle);
} else {
ret = Y_DOM._bruteContains(element, needle);
} else if (element[COMPARE_DOCUMENT_POSITION]) { // gecko
if (element === needle || !!(element[COMPARE_DOCUMENT_POSITION](needle) & 16)) {
ret = true;
return ret;
* Determines whether or not the HTMLElement is part of the document.
* @method inDoc
* @param {HTMLElement} element The containing html element.
* @param {HTMLElement} doc optional The document to check.
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element is attached to the document.
inDoc: function(element, doc) {
var ret = false,
if (element && element.nodeType) {
(doc) || (doc = element[OWNER_DOCUMENT]);
rootNode = doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT];
// contains only works with HTML_ELEMENT
if (rootNode && rootNode.contains && element.tagName) {
ret = rootNode.contains(element);
} else {
ret = Y_DOM.contains(rootNode, element);
return ret;
allById: function(id, root) {
root = root || Y.config.doc;
var nodes = [],
ret = [],
if (root.querySelectorAll) {
ret = root.querySelectorAll('[id="' + id + '"]');
} else if (root.all) {
nodes = root.all(id);
if (nodes) {
// root.all may return HTMLElement or HTMLCollection.
// some elements are also HTMLCollection (FORM, SELECT).
if (nodes.nodeName) {
if ( === id) { // avoid false positive on name
nodes = EMPTY_ARRAY; // done, no need to filter
} else { // prep for filtering
nodes = [nodes];
if (nodes.length) {
// filter out matches on
// and as reference to element with id === 'id'
for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];) {
if ( === id ||
(node.attributes && && === id)) {
} else {
ret = [Y_DOM._getDoc(root).getElementById(id)];
return ret;
* Creates a new dom node using the provided markup string.
* @method create
* @param {String} html The markup used to create the element
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
* @return {HTMLElement|DocumentFragment} returns a single HTMLElement
* when creating one node, and a documentFragment when creating
* multiple nodes.
create: function(html, doc) {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
html = Y.Lang.trim(html); // match IE which trims whitespace from innerHTML
doc = doc || Y.config.doc;
var m = re_tag.exec(html),
create = Y_DOM._create,
custom = Y_DOM.creators,
ret = null,
tag, nodes;
if (html != undefined) { // not undefined or null
if (m && m[1]) {
creator = custom[m[1].toLowerCase()];
if (typeof creator === 'function') {
create = creator;
} else {
tag = creator;
nodes = create(html, doc, tag).childNodes;
if (nodes.length === 1) { // return single node, breaking parentNode ref from "fragment"
ret = nodes[0].parentNode.removeChild(nodes[0]);
} else if (nodes[0] && nodes[0].className === 'yui3-big-dummy') { // using dummy node to preserve some attributes (e.g. OPTION not selected)
if (nodes.length === 2) {
ret = nodes[0].nextSibling;
} else {
ret = Y_DOM._nl2frag(nodes, doc);
} else { // return multiple nodes as a fragment
ret = Y_DOM._nl2frag(nodes, doc);
return ret;
_nl2frag: function(nodes, doc) {
var ret = null,
i, len;
if (nodes && (nodes.push || nodes.item) && nodes[0]) {
doc = doc || nodes[0].ownerDocument;
ret = doc.createDocumentFragment();
if (nodes.item) { // convert live list to static array
nodes = Y.Array(nodes, 0, true);
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
} // else inline with log for minification
else { Y.log('unable to convert ' + nodes + ' to fragment', 'warn', 'dom'); }
return ret;
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES: (!documentElement.hasAttribute) ? { // IE < 8
'for': 'htmlFor',
'class': 'className'
} : { // w3c
'htmlFor': 'for',
'className': 'class'
* Provides a normalized attribute interface.
* @method setAttribute
* @param {HTMLElement} el The target element for the attribute.
* @param {String} attr The attribute to set.
* @param {String} val The value of the attribute.
setAttribute: function(el, attr, val, ieAttr) {
if (el && attr && el.setAttribute) {
attr = Y_DOM.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[attr] || attr;
el.setAttribute(attr, val, ieAttr);
else { Y.log('bad input to setAttribute', 'warn', 'dom'); }
* Provides a normalized attribute interface.
* @method getAttibute
* @param {HTMLElement} el The target element for the attribute.
* @param {String} attr The attribute to get.
* @return {String} The current value of the attribute.
getAttribute: function(el, attr, ieAttr) {
ieAttr = (ieAttr !== undefined) ? ieAttr : 2;
var ret = '';
if (el && attr && el.getAttribute) {
attr = Y_DOM.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES[attr] || attr;
ret = el.getAttribute(attr, ieAttr);
if (ret === null) {
ret = ''; // per DOM spec
else { Y.log('bad input to getAttribute', 'warn', 'dom'); }
return ret;
isWindow: function(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.alert && obj.document);
_fragClones: {},
_create: function(html, doc, tag) {
tag = tag || 'div';
var frag = Y_DOM._fragClones[tag];
if (frag) {
frag = frag.cloneNode(false);
} else {
frag = Y_DOM._fragClones[tag] = doc.createElement(tag);
frag.innerHTML = html;
return frag;
_removeChildNodes: function(node) {
while (node.firstChild) {
* Inserts content in a node at the given location
* @method addHTML
* @param {HTMLElement} node The node to insert into
* @param {HTMLElement | Array | HTMLCollection} content The content to be inserted
* @param {HTMLElement} where Where to insert the content
* If no "where" is given, content is appended to the node
* Possible values for "where"
* <dl>
* <dt>HTMLElement</dt>
* <dd>The element to insert before</dd>
* <dt>"replace"</dt>
* <dd>Replaces the existing HTML</dd>
* <dt>"before"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts before the existing HTML</dd>
* <dt>"before"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts content before the node</dd>
* <dt>"after"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts content after the node</dd>
* </dl>
addHTML: function(node, content, where) {
var nodeParent = node.parentNode,
i = 0,
ret = content,
if (content != undefined) { // not null or undefined (maybe 0)
if (content.nodeType) { // DOM node, just add it
newNode = content;
} else if (typeof content == 'string' || typeof content == 'number') {
ret = newNode = Y_DOM.create(content);
} else if (content[0] && content[0].nodeType) { // array or collection
newNode = Y.config.doc.createDocumentFragment();
while ((item = content[i++])) {
newNode.appendChild(item); // append to fragment for insertion
if (where) {
if (where.nodeType) { // insert regardless of relationship to node
where.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, where);
} else {
switch (where) {
case 'replace':
while (node.firstChild) {
if (newNode) { // allow empty content to clear node
case 'before':
nodeParent.insertBefore(newNode, node);
case 'after':
if (node.nextSibling) { // IE errors if refNode is null
nodeParent.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling);
} else {
} else if (newNode) {
return ret;
getValue: function(node) {
var ret = '', // TODO: return null?
if (node && node[TAG_NAME]) {
getter = Y_DOM.VALUE_GETTERS[node[TAG_NAME].toLowerCase()];
if (getter) {
ret = getter(node);
} else {
ret = node.value;
// workaround for IE8 JSON stringify bug
// which converts empty string values to null
if (ret === EMPTY_STRING) {
ret = EMPTY_STRING; // for real
return (typeof ret === 'string') ? ret : '';
setValue: function(node, val) {
var setter;
if (node && node[TAG_NAME]) {
setter = Y_DOM.VALUE_SETTERS[node[TAG_NAME].toLowerCase()];
if (setter) {
setter(node, val);
} else {
node.value = val;
siblings: function(node, fn) {
var nodes = [],
sibling = node;
while ((sibling = sibling[PREVIOUS_SIBLING])) {
if (sibling[TAG_NAME] && (!fn || fn(sibling))) {
sibling = node;
while ((sibling = sibling[NEXT_SIBLING])) {
if (sibling[TAG_NAME] && (!fn || fn(sibling))) {
return nodes;
* Brute force version of contains.
* Used for browsers without contains support for non-HTMLElement Nodes (textNodes, etc).
* @method _bruteContains
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} element The containing html element.
* @param {HTMLElement} needle The html element that may be contained.
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element is or contains the needle.
_bruteContains: function(element, needle) {
while (needle) {
if (element === needle) {
return true;
needle = needle.parentNode;
return false;
// TODO: move to Lang?
* Memoizes dynamic regular expressions to boost runtime performance.
* @method _getRegExp
* @private
* @param {String} str The string to convert to a regular expression.
* @param {String} flags optional An optinal string of flags.
* @return {RegExp} An instance of RegExp
_getRegExp: function(str, flags) {
flags = flags || '';
Y_DOM._regexCache = Y_DOM._regexCache || {};
if (!Y_DOM._regexCache[str + flags]) {
Y_DOM._regexCache[str + flags] = new RegExp(str, flags);
return Y_DOM._regexCache[str + flags];
// TODO: make getDoc/Win true privates?
* returns the appropriate document.
* @method _getDoc
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} element optional Target element.
* @return {Object} The document for the given element or the default document.
_getDoc: function(element) {
var doc = Y.config.doc;
if (element) {
doc = (element[NODE_TYPE] === 9) ? element : // element === document
element[OWNER_DOCUMENT] || // element === DOM node
element.document || // element === window
Y.config.doc; // default
return doc;
* returns the appropriate window.
* @method _getWin
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} element optional Target element.
* @return {Object} The window for the given element or the default window.
_getWin: function(element) {
var doc = Y_DOM._getDoc(element);
return doc[DEFAULT_VIEW] || doc[PARENT_WINDOW] ||;
_batch: function(nodes, fn, arg1, arg2, arg3, etc) {
fn = (typeof fn === 'string') ? Y_DOM[fn] : fn;
var result,
args =, 2),
i = 0,
if (fn && nodes) {
while ((node = nodes[i++])) {
result = result =, node, arg1, arg2, arg3, etc);
if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {
(ret) || (ret = []);
return (typeof ret !== 'undefined') ? ret : nodes;
wrap: function(node, html) {
var parent = Y.DOM.create(html),
nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName('*');
if (nodes.length) {
parent = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
if (node.parentNode) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(parent, node);
unwrap: function(node) {
var parent = node.parentNode,
lastChild = parent.lastChild,
node = parent.firstChild,
next = node,
if (parent) {
grandparent = parent.parentNode;
if (grandparent) {
while (node !== lastChild) {
next = node.nextSibling;
grandparent.insertBefore(node, parent);
node = next;
grandparent.replaceChild(lastChild, parent);
} else {
generateID: function(el) {
var id =;
if (!id) {
id = Y.stamp(el); = id;
return id;
creators: {}
addFeature('innerhtml', 'table', {
test: function() {
var node = Y.config.doc.createElement('table');
try {
node.innerHTML = '<tbody></tbody>';
} catch(e) {
return false;
return (node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName === 'TBODY');
addFeature('innerhtml-div', 'tr', {
test: function() {
return createFromDIV('<tr></tr>', 'tr');
addFeature('innerhtml-div', 'script', {
test: function() {
return createFromDIV('<script></script>', 'script');
addFeature('value-set', 'select', {
test: function() {
var node = Y.config.doc.createElement('select');
node.innerHTML = '<option>1</option><option>2</option>';
node.value = '2';
return (node.value && node.value === '2');
(function(Y) {
var creators = Y_DOM.creators,
create = Y_DOM.create,
re_tbody = /(?:\/(?:thead|tfoot|tbody|caption|col|colgroup)>)+\s*<tbody/,
TABLE_OPEN = '<table>',
TABLE_CLOSE = '</table>';
if (!testFeature('innerhtml', 'table')) {
// TODO: thead/tfoot with nested tbody
// IE adds TBODY when creating TABLE elements (which may share this impl)
creators.tbody = function(html, doc) {
var frag = create(TABLE_OPEN + html + TABLE_CLOSE, doc),
tb = frag.children.tags('tbody')[0];
if (frag.children.length > 1 && tb && !re_tbody.test(html)) {
tb[PARENT_NODE].removeChild(tb); // strip extraneous tbody
return frag;
if (!testFeature('innerhtml-div', 'script')) {
creators.script = function(html, doc) {
var frag = doc.createElement('div');
frag.innerHTML = '-' + html;
return frag;
} = = Y_DOM.creators.script;
if (!testFeature('value-set', 'select')) { = function(node, val) {
for (var i = 0, options = node.getElementsByTagName('option'), option;
option = options[i++];) {
if (Y_DOM.getValue(option) === val) {
option.selected = true;
//Y_DOM.setAttribute(option, 'selected', 'selected');
button: function(node) {
return (node.attributes && node.attributes.value) ? node.attributes.value.value : '';
// IE: node.value changes the button text, which should be handled via innerHTML
button: function(node, val) {
var attr = node.attributes.value;
if (!attr) {
attr = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT].createAttribute('value');
attr.value = val;
if (!testFeature('innerhtml-div', 'tr')) {
Y.mix(creators, {
option: function(html, doc) {
return create('<select><option class="yui3-big-dummy" selected></option>' + html + '</select>', doc);
tr: function(html, doc) {
return create('<tbody>' + html + '</tbody>', doc);
td: function(html, doc) {
return create('<tr>' + html + '</tr>', doc);
col: function(html, doc) {
return create('<colgroup>' + html + '</colgroup>', doc);
tbody: 'table'
Y.mix(creators, {
legend: 'fieldset',
thead: creators.tbody,
tfoot: creators.tbody,
caption: creators.tbody,
colgroup: creators.tbody,
optgroup: creators.option
option: function(node) {
var attrs = node.attributes;
return (attrs.value && attrs.value.specified) ? node.value : node.text;
select: function(node) {
var val = node.value,
options = node.options;
if (options && options.length) {
// TODO: implement multipe select
if (node.multiple) {
Y.log('multiple select normalization not implemented', 'warn', 'DOM');
} else {
val = Y_DOM.getValue(options[node.selectedIndex]);
return val;
var addClass, hasClass, removeClass;
Y.mix(Y.DOM, {
* Determines whether a DOM element has the given className.
* @method hasClass
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {String} className the class name to search for
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element has the given class.
hasClass: function(node, className) {
var re = Y.DOM._getRegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)');
return re.test(node.className);
* Adds a class name to a given DOM element.
* @method addClass
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {String} className the class name to add to the class attribute
addClass: function(node, className) {
if (!Y.DOM.hasClass(node, className)) { // skip if already present
node.className = Y.Lang.trim([node.className, className].join(' '));
* Removes a class name from a given element.
* @method removeClass
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {String} className the class name to remove from the class attribute
removeClass: function(node, className) {
if (className && hasClass(node, className)) {
node.className = Y.Lang.trim(node.className.replace(Y.DOM._getRegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' +
className + '(?:\\s+|$)'), ' '));
if ( hasClass(node, className) ) { // in case of multiple adjacent
removeClass(node, className);
* Replace a class with another class for a given element.
* If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
* @method replaceClass
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element
* @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
* @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
replaceClass: function(node, oldC, newC) {
//Y.log('replaceClass replacing ' + oldC + ' with ' + newC, 'info', 'Node');
removeClass(node, oldC); // remove first in case oldC === newC
addClass(node, newC);
* If the className exists on the node it is removed, if it doesn't exist it is added.
* @method toggleClass
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element
* @param {String} className the class name to be toggled
* @param {Boolean} addClass optional boolean to indicate whether class
* should be added or removed regardless of current state
toggleClass: function(node, className, force) {
var add = (force !== undefined) ? force :
!(hasClass(node, className));
if (add) {
addClass(node, className);
} else {
removeClass(node, className);
hasClass = Y.DOM.hasClass;
removeClass = Y.DOM.removeClass;
addClass = Y.DOM.addClass;
Y.mix(Y.DOM, {
* Sets the width of the element to the given size, regardless
* of box model, border, padding, etc.
* @method setWidth
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {String|Int} size The pixel height to size to
setWidth: function(node, size) {
Y.DOM._setSize(node, 'width', size);
* Sets the height of the element to the given size, regardless
* of box model, border, padding, etc.
* @method setHeight
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {String|Int} size The pixel height to size to
setHeight: function(node, size) {
Y.DOM._setSize(node, 'height', size);
_setSize: function(node, prop, val) {
val = (val > 0) ? val : 0;
var size = 0;[prop] = val + 'px';
size = (prop === 'height') ? node.offsetHeight : node.offsetWidth;
if (size > val) {
val = val - (size - val);
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
}[prop] = val + 'px';
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['oop','features']});
YUI.add('dom-style', function(Y) {
(function(Y) {
* Add style management functionality to DOM.
* @module dom
* @submodule dom-style
* @for DOM
var DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
DEFAULT_VIEW = 'defaultView',
OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument',
STYLE = 'style',
FLOAT = 'float',
CSS_FLOAT = 'cssFloat',
STYLE_FLOAT = 'styleFloat',
TRANSPARENT = 'transparent',
GET_COMPUTED_STYLE = 'getComputedStyle',
GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT = 'getBoundingClientRect',
DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
UNDEFINED = undefined,
TRANSFORM = 'transform',
re_color = /color$/i,
re_unit = /width|height|top|left|right|bottom|margin|padding/i;
Y.Array.each(VENDOR_TRANSFORM, function(val) {
if (val in DOCUMENT[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].style) {
Y.mix(Y_DOM, {
* Sets a style property for a given element.
* @method setStyle
* @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to apply the style to.
* @param {String} att The style property to set.
* @param {String|Number} val The value.
setStyle: function(node, att, val, style) {
style = style ||;
if (style) {
if (val === null || val === '') { // normalize unsetting
val = '';
} else if (!isNaN(new Number(val)) && re_unit.test(att)) { // number values may need a unit
if (att in CUSTOM_STYLES) {
if (CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set) {
CUSTOM_STYLES[att].set(node, val, style);
return; // NOTE: return
} else if (typeof CUSTOM_STYLES[att] === 'string') {
att = CUSTOM_STYLES[att];
} else if (att === '') { // unset inline styles
att = 'cssText';
val = '';
style[att] = val;
* Returns the current style value for the given property.
* @method getStyle
* @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to get the style from.
* @param {String} att The style property to get.
getStyle: function(node, att, style) {
style = style ||;
val = '';
if (style) {
if (att in CUSTOM_STYLES) {
if (CUSTOM_STYLES[att].get) {
return CUSTOM_STYLES[att].get(node, att, style); // NOTE: return
} else if (typeof CUSTOM_STYLES[att] === 'string') {
att = CUSTOM_STYLES[att];
val = style[att];
if (val === '') { // TODO: is empty string sufficient?
val = Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, att);
return val;
* Sets multiple style properties.
* @method setStyles
* @param {HTMLElement} node An HTMLElement to apply the styles to.
* @param {Object} hash An object literal of property:value pairs.
setStyles: function(node, hash) {
var style =;
Y.each(hash, function(v, n) {
Y_DOM.setStyle(node, n, v, style);
}, Y_DOM);
* Returns the computed style for the given node.
* @method getComputedStyle
* @param {HTMLElement} An HTMLElement to get the style from.
* @param {String} att The style property to get.
* @return {String} The computed value of the style property.
getComputedStyle: function(node, att) {
var val = '',
doc = node[OWNER_DOCUMENT];
val = doc[DEFAULT_VIEW][GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, null)[att];
return val;
// normalize reserved word float alternatives ("cssFloat" or "styleFloat")
// fix opera computedStyle default color unit (convert to rgb)
if (Y.UA.opera) {
Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) {
val = view[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, '')[att];
if (re_color.test(att)) {
val = Y.Color.toRGB(val);
return val;
// safari converts transparent to rgba(), others use "transparent"
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE] = function(node, att) {
val = view[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, '')[att];
if (val === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
return val;
Y.DOM._getAttrOffset = function(node, attr) {
var val = Y.DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, attr),
offsetParent = node.offsetParent,
if (val === 'auto') {
position = Y.DOM.getStyle(node, 'position');
if (position === 'static' || position === 'relative') {
val = 0;
} else if (offsetParent && offsetParent[GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT]) {
parentOffset = offsetParent[GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT]()[attr];
offset = node[GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT]()[attr];
if (attr === 'left' || attr === 'top') {
val = offset - parentOffset;
} else {
val = parentOffset - node[GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT]()[attr];
return val;
Y.DOM._getOffset = function(node) {
var pos,
xy = null;
if (node) {
pos = Y_DOM.getStyle(node, 'position');
xy = [
parseInt(Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, 'left'), 10),
parseInt(Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, 'top'), 10)
if ( isNaN(xy[0]) ) { // in case of 'auto'
xy[0] = parseInt(Y_DOM.getStyle(node, 'left'), 10); // try inline
if ( isNaN(xy[0]) ) { // default to offset value
xy[0] = (pos === 'relative') ? 0 : node.offsetLeft || 0;
if ( isNaN(xy[1]) ) { // in case of 'auto'
xy[1] = parseInt(Y_DOM.getStyle(node, 'top'), 10); // try inline
if ( isNaN(xy[1]) ) { // default to offset value
xy[1] = (pos === 'relative') ? 0 : node.offsetTop || 0;
return xy;
Y_DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES.transform = {
set: function(node, val, style) {
style[TRANSFORM] = val;
get: function(node, style) {
(function(Y) {
var PARSE_INT = parseInt,
RE = RegExp;
Y.Color = {
black: '000',
silver: 'c0c0c0',
gray: '808080',
white: 'fff',
maroon: '800000',
red: 'f00',
purple: '800080',
fuchsia: 'f0f',
green: '008000',
lime: '0f0',
olive: '808000',
yellow: 'ff0',
navy: '000080',
blue: '00f',
teal: '008080',
aqua: '0ff'
re_RGB: /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i,
re_hex: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i,
re_hex3: /([0-9A-F])/gi,
toRGB: function(val) {
if (!Y.Color.re_RGB.test(val)) {
val = Y.Color.toHex(val);
if(Y.Color.re_hex.exec(val)) {
val = 'rgb(' + [
PARSE_INT(RE.$1, 16),
PARSE_INT(RE.$2, 16),
PARSE_INT(RE.$3, 16)
].join(', ') + ')';
return val;
toHex: function(val) {
val = Y.Color.KEYWORDS[val] || val;
if (Y.Color.re_RGB.exec(val)) {
val = [
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
if (val[i].length < 2) {
val[i] = '0' + val[i];
val = val.join('');
if (val.length < 6) {
val = val.replace(Y.Color.re_hex3, '$1$1');
if (val !== 'transparent' && val.indexOf('#') < 0) {
val = '#' + val;
return val.toUpperCase();
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom-base']});
YUI.add('dom-screen', function(Y) {
(function(Y) {
* Adds position and region management functionality to DOM.
* @module dom
* @submodule dom-screen
* @for DOM
var DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
COMPAT_MODE = 'compatMode',
POSITION = 'position',
FIXED = 'fixed',
RELATIVE = 'relative',
LEFT = 'left',
TOP = 'top',
_BACK_COMPAT = 'BackCompat',
MEDIUM = 'medium',
BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 'borderLeftWidth',
BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 'borderTopWidth',
GET_BOUNDING_CLIENT_RECT = 'getBoundingClientRect',
GET_COMPUTED_STYLE = 'getComputedStyle',
// TODO: how about thead/tbody/tfoot/tr?
// TODO: does caption matter?
RE_TABLE = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
if ( {
if (Y.config.doc[COMPAT_MODE] !== 'BackCompat') {
} else {
SCROLL_NODE = 'body';
Y.mix(Y_DOM, {
* Returns the inner height of the viewport (exludes scrollbar).
* @method winHeight
* @return {Number} The current height of the viewport.
winHeight: function(node) {
var h = Y_DOM._getWinSize(node).height;
Y.log('winHeight returning ' + h, 'info', 'dom-screen');
return h;
* Returns the inner width of the viewport (exludes scrollbar).
* @method winWidth
* @return {Number} The current width of the viewport.
winWidth: function(node) {
var w = Y_DOM._getWinSize(node).width;
Y.log('winWidth returning ' + w, 'info', 'dom-screen');
return w;
* Document height
* @method docHeight
* @return {Number} The current height of the document.
docHeight: function(node) {
var h = Y_DOM._getDocSize(node).height;
Y.log('docHeight returning ' + h, 'info', 'dom-screen');
return Math.max(h, Y_DOM._getWinSize(node).height);
* Document width
* @method docWidth
* @return {Number} The current width of the document.
docWidth: function(node) {
var w = Y_DOM._getDocSize(node).width;
Y.log('docWidth returning ' + w, 'info', 'dom-screen');
return Math.max(w, Y_DOM._getWinSize(node).width);
* Amount page has been scroll horizontally
* @method docScrollX
* @return {Number} The current amount the screen is scrolled horizontally.
docScrollX: function(node, doc) {
doc = doc || (node) ? Y_DOM._getDoc(node) : Y.config.doc; // perf optimization
var dv = doc.defaultView,
pageOffset = (dv) ? dv.pageXOffset : 0;
return Math.max(doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft, pageOffset);
* Amount page has been scroll vertically
* @method docScrollY
* @return {Number} The current amount the screen is scrolled vertically.
docScrollY: function(node, doc) {
doc = doc || (node) ? Y_DOM._getDoc(node) : Y.config.doc; // perf optimization
var dv = doc.defaultView,
pageOffset = (dv) ? dv.pageYOffset : 0;
return Math.max(doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop, pageOffset);
* Gets the current position of an element based on page coordinates.
* Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates
* (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method getXY
* @param element The target element
* @return {Array} The XY position of the element
TODO: test inDocument/display?
getXY: function() {
return function(node) {
var xy = null,
off1, off2,
bLeft, bTop,
if (node && node.tagName) {
doc = node.ownerDocument;
rootNode = doc[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT];
// inline inDoc check for perf
if (rootNode.contains) {
inDoc = rootNode.contains(node);
} else {
inDoc = Y.DOM.contains(rootNode, node);
if (inDoc) {
scrollLeft = (SCROLL_NODE) ? doc[SCROLL_NODE].scrollLeft : Y_DOM.docScrollX(node, doc);
scrollTop = (SCROLL_NODE) ? doc[SCROLL_NODE].scrollTop : Y_DOM.docScrollY(node, doc);
xy = [box.left,];
if ( {
off1 = 2;
off2 = 2;
mode = doc[COMPAT_MODE];
if ( === 6) {
if (mode !== _BACK_COMPAT) {
off1 = 0;
off2 = 0;
if ((mode == _BACK_COMPAT)) {
if (bLeft !== MEDIUM) {
off1 = parseInt(bLeft, 10);
if (bTop !== MEDIUM) {
off2 = parseInt(bTop, 10);
xy[0] -= off1;
xy[1] -= off2;
if ((scrollTop || scrollLeft)) {
if (!Y.UA.ios || (Y.UA.ios >= 4.2)) {
xy[0] += scrollLeft;
xy[1] += scrollTop;
} else {
xy = Y_DOM._getOffset(node);
return xy;
} else {
return function(node) { // manually calculate by crawling up offsetParents
//Calculate the Top and Left border sizes (assumes pixels)
var xy = null,
if (node) {
if (Y_DOM.inDoc(node)) {
xy = [node.offsetLeft, node.offsetTop];
doc = node.ownerDocument;
parentNode = node;
// TODO: refactor with !! or just falsey
bCheck = ((Y.UA.gecko || Y.UA.webkit > 519) ? true : false);
// TODO: worth refactoring for TOP/LEFT only?
while ((parentNode = parentNode.offsetParent)) {
xy[0] += parentNode.offsetLeft;
xy[1] += parentNode.offsetTop;
if (bCheck) {
xy = Y_DOM._calcBorders(parentNode, xy);
// account for any scrolled ancestors
if (Y_DOM.getStyle(node, POSITION) != FIXED) {
parentNode = node;
while ((parentNode = parentNode.parentNode)) {
scrollTop = parentNode.scrollTop;
scrollLeft = parentNode.scrollLeft;
//Firefox does something funky with borders when overflow is not visible.
if (Y.UA.gecko && (Y_DOM.getStyle(parentNode, 'overflow') !== 'visible')) {
xy = Y_DOM._calcBorders(parentNode, xy);
if (scrollTop || scrollLeft) {
xy[0] -= scrollLeft;
xy[1] -= scrollTop;
xy[0] += Y_DOM.docScrollX(node, doc);
xy[1] += Y_DOM.docScrollY(node, doc);
} else {
//Fix FIXED position -- add scrollbars
xy[0] += Y_DOM.docScrollX(node, doc);
xy[1] += Y_DOM.docScrollY(node, doc);
} else {
xy = Y_DOM._getOffset(node);
return xy;
}(),// NOTE: Executing for loadtime branching
* Gets the current X position of an element based on page coordinates.
* Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates
* (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method getX
* @param element The target element
* @return {Int} The X position of the element
getX: function(node) {
return Y_DOM.getXY(node)[0];
* Gets the current Y position of an element based on page coordinates.
* Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates
* (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method getY
* @param element The target element
* @return {Int} The Y position of the element
getY: function(node) {
return Y_DOM.getXY(node)[1];
* Set the position of an html element in page coordinates.
* The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method setXY
* @param element The target element
* @param {Array} xy Contains X & Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
* @param {Boolean} noRetry By default we try and set the position a second time if the first fails
setXY: function(node, xy, noRetry) {
var setStyle = Y_DOM.setStyle,
if (node && xy) {
pos = Y_DOM.getStyle(node, POSITION);
delta = Y_DOM._getOffset(node);
if (pos == 'static') { // default to relative
setStyle(node, POSITION, pos);
currentXY = Y_DOM.getXY(node);
if (xy[0] !== null) {
setStyle(node, LEFT, xy[0] - currentXY[0] + delta[0] + 'px');
if (xy[1] !== null) {
setStyle(node, TOP, xy[1] - currentXY[1] + delta[1] + 'px');
if (!noRetry) {
newXY = Y_DOM.getXY(node);
if (newXY[0] !== xy[0] || newXY[1] !== xy[1]) {
Y_DOM.setXY(node, xy, true);
Y.log('setXY setting position to ' + xy, 'info', 'dom-screen');
} else {
Y.log('setXY failed to set ' + node + ' to ' + xy, 'info', 'dom-screen');
* Set the X position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
* The element(s) must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method setX
* @param element The target element
* @param {Int} x The X values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
setX: function(node, x) {
return Y_DOM.setXY(node, [x, null]);
* Set the Y position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
* The element(s) must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
* @method setY
* @param element The target element
* @param {Int} y The Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
setY: function(node, y) {
return Y_DOM.setXY(node, [null, y]);
* @method swapXY
* @description Swap the xy position with another node
* @param {Node} node The node to swap with
* @param {Node} otherNode The other node to swap with
* @return {Node}
swapXY: function(node, otherNode) {
var xy = Y_DOM.getXY(node);
Y_DOM.setXY(node, Y_DOM.getXY(otherNode));
Y_DOM.setXY(otherNode, xy);
_calcBorders: function(node, xy2) {
var t = parseInt(Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, BORDER_TOP_WIDTH), 10) || 0,
l = parseInt(Y_DOM[GET_COMPUTED_STYLE](node, BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH), 10) || 0;
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
if (RE_TABLE.test(node.tagName)) {
t = 0;
l = 0;
xy2[0] += l;
xy2[1] += t;
return xy2;
_getWinSize: function(node, doc) {
doc = doc || (node) ? Y_DOM._getDoc(node) : Y.config.doc;
var win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow,
mode = doc[COMPAT_MODE],
h = win.innerHeight,
w = win.innerWidth,
if ( mode && !Y.UA.opera ) { // IE, Gecko
if (mode != 'CSS1Compat') { // Quirks
root = doc.body;
h = root.clientHeight;
w = root.clientWidth;
return { height: h, width: w };
_getDocSize: function(node) {
var doc = (node) ? Y_DOM._getDoc(node) : Y.config.doc,
if (doc[COMPAT_MODE] != 'CSS1Compat') {
root = doc.body;
return { height: root.scrollHeight, width: root.scrollWidth };
(function(Y) {
var TOP = 'top',
RIGHT = 'right',
BOTTOM = 'bottom',
LEFT = 'left',
getOffsets = function(r1, r2) {
var t = Math.max(r1[TOP], r2[TOP]),
r = Math.min(r1[RIGHT], r2[RIGHT]),
b = Math.min(r1[BOTTOM], r2[BOTTOM]),
l = Math.max(r1[LEFT], r2[LEFT]),
ret = {};
ret[TOP] = t;
ret[RIGHT] = r;
ret[BOTTOM] = b;
ret[LEFT] = l;
return ret;
Y.mix(DOM, {
* Returns an Object literal containing the following about this element: (top, right, bottom, left)
* @for DOM
* @method region
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @return {Object} Object literal containing the following about this element: (top, right, bottom, left)
region: function(node) {
var xy = DOM.getXY(node),
ret = false;
if (node && xy) {
ret = DOM._getRegion(
xy[1], // top
xy[0] + node.offsetWidth, // right
xy[1] + node.offsetHeight, // bottom
xy[0] // left
return ret;
* Find the intersect information for the passes nodes.
* @method intersect
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The first element
* @param {HTMLElement | Object} element2 The element or region to check the interect with
* @param {Object} altRegion An object literal containing the region for the first element if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
* @return {Object} Object literal containing the following intersection data: (top, right, bottom, left, area, yoff, xoff, inRegion)
intersect: function(node, node2, altRegion) {
var r = altRegion || DOM.region(node), region = {},
n = node2,
if (n.tagName) {
region = DOM.region(n);
} else if (Y.Lang.isObject(node2)) {
region = node2;
} else {
return false;
off = getOffsets(region, r);
return {
top: off[TOP],
right: off[RIGHT],
bottom: off[BOTTOM],
left: off[LEFT],
area: ((off[BOTTOM] - off[TOP]) * (off[RIGHT] - off[LEFT])),
yoff: ((off[BOTTOM] - off[TOP])),
xoff: (off[RIGHT] - off[LEFT]),
inRegion: DOM.inRegion(node, node2, false, altRegion)
* Check if any part of this node is in the passed region
* @method inRegion
* @for DOM
* @param {Object} node2 The node to get the region from or an Object literal of the region
* $param {Boolean} all Should all of the node be inside the region
* @param {Object} altRegion An object literal containing the region for this node if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
* @return {Boolean} True if in region, false if not.
inRegion: function(node, node2, all, altRegion) {
var region = {},
r = altRegion || DOM.region(node),
n = node2,
if (n.tagName) {
region = DOM.region(n);
} else if (Y.Lang.isObject(node2)) {
region = node2;
} else {
return false;
if (all) {
return (
r[LEFT] >= region[LEFT] &&
r[RIGHT] <= region[RIGHT] &&
r[TOP] >= region[TOP] &&
r[BOTTOM] <= region[BOTTOM] );
} else {
off = getOffsets(region, r);
if (off[BOTTOM] >= off[TOP] && off[RIGHT] >= off[LEFT]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Check if any part of this element is in the viewport
* @method inViewportRegion
* @for DOM
* @param {HTMLElement} element The DOM element.
* @param {Boolean} all Should all of the node be inside the region
* @param {Object} altRegion An object literal containing the region for this node if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
* @return {Boolean} True if in region, false if not.
inViewportRegion: function(node, all, altRegion) {
return DOM.inRegion(node, DOM.viewportRegion(node), all, altRegion);
_getRegion: function(t, r, b, l) {
var region = {};
region[TOP] = region[1] = t;
region[LEFT] = region[0] = l;
region[BOTTOM] = b;
region[RIGHT] = r;
region.width = region[RIGHT] - region[LEFT];
region.height = region[BOTTOM] - region[TOP];
return region;
* Returns an Object literal containing the following about the visible region of viewport: (top, right, bottom, left)
* @method viewportRegion
* @for DOM
* @return {Object} Object literal containing the following about the visible region of the viewport: (top, right, bottom, left)
viewportRegion: function(node) {
node = node || Y.config.doc.documentElement;
var ret = false,
if (node) {
scrollX = DOM.docScrollX(node);
scrollY = DOM.docScrollY(node);
ret = DOM._getRegion(scrollY, // top
DOM.winWidth(node) + scrollX, // right
scrollY + DOM.winHeight(node), // bottom
scrollX); // left
return ret;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom-base', 'dom-style', 'event-base']});
YUI.add('selector', function(Y) {
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom-base', 'selector-native']});
YUI.add('dom', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['dom-base', 'dom-style', 'dom-screen', 'selector']});