dd-proxy.js revision 8a6b21bbf4ce4b186b37c9f3623a198acd13b950
* Plugin for dd-drag for creating a proxy drag node, instead of dragging the original node.
* @module dd
* @submodule dd-proxy
* Plugin for dd-drag for creating a proxy drag node, instead of dragging the original node.
* @class DDProxy
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @namespace Plugin
NODE = 'node',
DRAG_NODE = 'dragNode',
HOST = 'host',
P = function(config) {
P.NAME = 'DDProxy';
* @property NS
* @default con
* @readonly
* @protected
* @static
* @description The Proxy instance will be placed on the Drag instance under the proxy namespace.
* @type {String}
P.NS = 'proxy';
host: {
* @attribute moveOnEnd
* @description Move the original node at the end of the drag. Default: true
* @type Boolean
moveOnEnd: {
* @attribute hideOnEnd
* @description Hide the drag node at the end of the drag. Default: true
* @type Boolean
hideOnEnd: {
* @attribute resizeFrame
* @description Make the Proxy node assume the size of the original node. Default: true
* @type Boolean
resizeFrame: {
* @attribute positionProxy
* @description Make the Proxy node appear in the same place as the original node. Default: true
* @type Boolean
* @attribute borderStyle
* @description The default border style for the border of the proxy. Default: 1px solid #808080
* @type Boolean
borderStyle: {
value: '1px solid #808080'
* @attribute cloneNode
* @description Should the node be cloned into the proxy for you. Default: false
* @type Boolean
cloneNode: {
value: false
proto = {
* @private
* @property _hands
* @description Holds the event handles for setting the proxy
_hands: null,
* @private
* @method _init
* @description Handler for the proxy config attribute
_init: function() {
if (!this._hands) {
this._hands = [];
}, this));
if (this.get('moveOnEnd')) {
if (this.get('hideOnEnd')) {
if (this.get('cloneNode')) {
}, this));
initializer: function() {
destructor: function() {
clone: function() {
c = n.cloneNode(true);
delete c._yuid;
return c;
//Add a couple of methods to the DDM
* @private
* @for DDM
* @namespace DD
* @method _createFrame
* @description Create the proxy element if it doesn't already exist and set the DD.DDM._proxy value
_createFrame: function() {
b = Y.one('body');
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
zIndex: '999',
top: '-999px',
left: '-999px'
* @private
* @for DDM
* @namespace DD
* @method _setFrame
* @description If resizeProxy is set to true (default) it will resize the proxy element to match the size of the Drag Element.
* If positionProxy is set to true (default) it will position the proxy element in the same location as the Drag Element.
if (ah) {
if (cur == 'auto') {
visibility: 'hidden',
display: 'block',
//Create the frame when DOM is ready
//Y.on('domready', Y.bind(DDM._createFrame, DDM));