datatable-sort-debug.js revision 8e9916f9f941d449c02f791f310cc77f63582a6d
YUI.add('datatable-sort', function(Y) {
* Plugs DataTable with sorting functionality.
* @module datatable
* @submodule datatable-sort
* Adds column sorting to DataTable.
* @class DataTableSort
* @extends Plugin.Base
var YgetClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
DATATABLE = "datatable",
COLUMN = "column",
ASC = "asc",
DESC = "desc",
//TODO: Don't use hrefs - use tab/arrow/enter
TEMPLATE = '<a class="{link_class}" title="{link_title}" href="{link_href}">{value}</a>';
function DataTableSort() {
DataTableSort.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.mix(DataTableSort, {
* The namespace for the plugin. This will be the property on the host which
* references the plugin instance.
* @property NS
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "sort"
NS: "sort",
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "dataTableSort"
NAME: "dataTableSort",
* @attribute trigger
* @description Defines the trigger that causes a column to be sorted:
* {event, selector}, where "event" is an event type and "selector" is
* is a node query selector.
* @type Object
* @default {event:"click", selector:"th"}
* @writeOnce "initOnly"
trigger: {
value: {event:"click", selector:"th"},
writeOnce: "initOnly"
* @attribute lastSortedBy
* @description Describes last known sort state: {key,dir}, where
* "key" is column key and "dir" is either "asc" or "desc".
* @type Object
lastSortedBy: {
setter: "_setLastSortedBy",
lazyAdd: false
* @attribute template
* @description Tokenized markup template for TH sort element.
* @type String
* @default '<a class="{link_class}" title="{link_title}" href="{link_href}">{value}</a>'
template: {
Y.extend(DataTableSort, Y.Plugin.Base, {
* Initializer.
* @method initializer
* @param config {Object} Config object.
* @private
initializer: function(config) {
var dt = this.get("host"),
trigger = this.get("trigger");
dt.get("recordset").plug(Y.Plugin.RecordsetSort, {dt: dt});
// Wrap link around TH value
this.doBefore("_createTheadThNode", this._beforeCreateTheadThNode);
// Add class
this.doBefore("_attachTheadThNode", this._beforeAttachTheadThNode);
this.doBefore("_attachTbodyTdNode", this._beforeAttachTbodyTdNode);
// Attach trigger handlers
dt.delegate(trigger.event, Y.bind(this._onEventSortColumn,this), trigger.selector);
// Attach UI hooks
dt.after("recordsetSort:sort", function() {
this.on("lastSortedByChange", function(e) {
this._uiSetLastSortedBy(e.prevVal, e.newVal, dt);
//dt.after("recordset:mutation", function() {//reset lastSortedBy});
//add Column sortFn ATTR
// Update UI after the fact (render-then-plug case)
if(dt.get("rendered")) {
this._uiSetLastSortedBy(null, this.get("lastSortedBy"), dt);
* @method _setLastSortedBy
* @description Normalizes lastSortedBy
* @param val {String | Object} {key, dir} or "key"
* @returns {key, dir, notdir}
* @private
_setLastSortedBy: function(val) {
if(Y.Lang.isString(val)) {
return {key:val, dir:"asc", notdir:"desc"};
else if (val && val.key) {
if(val.dir === "desc") {
return {key:val.key, dir:"desc", notdir:"asc"};
else {
return {key:val.key, dir:"asc", notdir:"desc"};
else {
return null;
* Updates sort UI.
* @method _uiSetLastSortedBy
* @param val {Object} New lastSortedBy object {key,dir}.
* @param dt {Y.DataTable.Base} Host.
* @protected
_uiSetLastSortedBy: function(prevVal, newVal, dt) {
var prevKey = prevVal && prevVal.key,
prevDir = prevVal && prevVal.dir,
newKey = newVal && newVal.key,
newDir = newVal && newVal.dir,
cs = dt.get("columnset"),
prevColumn = cs.keyHash[prevKey],
newColumn = cs.keyHash[newKey],
tbodyNode = dt._tbodyNode,
prevRowList, newRowList;
// Clear previous UI
if(prevColumn) {
prevColumn.thNode.removeClass(YgetClassName(DATATABLE, prevDir));
prevRowList = tbodyNode.all("."+YgetClassName(COLUMN, prevColumn.get("id")));
prevRowList.removeClass(YgetClassName(DATATABLE, prevDir));
// Add new sort UI
if(newColumn) {
newColumn.thNode.addClass(YgetClassName(DATATABLE, newDir));
newRowList = tbodyNode.all("."+YgetClassName(COLUMN, newColumn.get("id")));
newRowList.addClass(YgetClassName(DATATABLE, newDir));
* Before header cell element is created, inserts link markup around {value}.
* @method _beforeCreateTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_beforeCreateTheadThNode: function(o) {
if(o.column.get("sortable")) {
o.value = Y.Lang.sub(this.get("template"), {
link_class: o.link_class || "",
link_title: "title",
link_href: "#",
value: o.value
* Before header cell element is attached, sets applicable class names.
* @method _beforeAttachTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_beforeAttachTheadThNode: function(o) {
var lastSortedBy = this.get("lastSortedBy"),
key = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.key,
dir = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.dir,
notdir = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.notdir;
// This Column is sortable
if(o.column.get("sortable")) {, "sortable"));
// This Column is currently sorted
if(key && (key === o.column.get("key"))) {, notdir), YgetClassName(DATATABLE, dir));
* Before header cell element is attached, sets applicable class names.
* @method _before_beforeAttachTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames, value}.
* @protected
_beforeAttachTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
var lastSortedBy = this.get("lastSortedBy"),
key = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.key,
dir = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.dir,
notdir = lastSortedBy && lastSortedBy.notdir;
// This Column is sortable
if(o.column.get("sortable")) {, "sortable"));
// This Column is currently sorted
if(key && (key === o.column.get("key"))) {, notdir), YgetClassName(DATATABLE, dir));
* In response to the "trigger" event, sorts the underlying Recordset and
* updates the lastSortedBy attribute.
* @method _onEventSortColumn
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_onEventSortColumn: function(e) {
//TODO: normalize e.currentTarget to TH
var dt = this.get("host"),
column = dt.get("columnset").idHash[e.currentTarget.get("id")],
key = column.get("key"),
field = column.get("field"),
lastSortedBy = this.get("lastSortedBy"),
dir = (lastSortedBy &&
lastSortedBy.key === key &&
lastSortedBy.dir === ASC) ? DESC : ASC,
sorter = column.get("sortFn");
if(column.get("sortable")) {
dt.get("recordset").sort.sort(field, dir === DESC, sorter);
this.set("lastSortedBy", {key: key, dir: dir});
Y.namespace("Plugin").DataTableSort = DataTableSort;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{lang:['en'], requires:['datatable-base','plugin','recordset-sort']});