datatable-base.js revision dc7aad255957ab430ab500c6eb730c08a5bc2574
DATATABLE = "datatable",
COLUMN = "column",
FOCUS = "focus",
KEYDOWN = "keydown",
MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter",
MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave",
MOUSEUP = "mouseup",
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
CLICK = "click",
DBLCLICK = "dblclick",
TEMPLATE_TABLE = '<table></table>',
TEMPLATE_COL = '<col></col>',
TEMPLATE_TH = '<th id="{id}" rowspan="{rowspan}" colspan="{colspan}" class="{classnames}" abbr="{abbr}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></th>',
TEMPLATE_TR = '<tr id="{id}"></tr>',
TEMPLATE_TD = '<td headers="{headers}" class="{classnames}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></td>',
TEMPLATE_VALUE = '{value}',
* The Column class defines and manages attributes of Columns for DataTable.
* @class Column
* @extends Widget
* @constructor
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "column"
NAME: "column",
* @attribute id
* @description Unique internal identifier, used to stamp ID on TH element.
* @type String
* @readOnly
id: {
valueFn: "_defaultId",
readOnly: true
* @attribute key
* @description User-supplied identifier. Defaults to id.
* @type String
key: {
valueFn: "_defaultKey"
* @attribute field
* @description Points to underlying data field (for sorting or formatting,
* for example). Useful when column doesn't hold any data itself, but is
* just a visual representation of data from another column or record field.
* Defaults to key.
* @type String
field: {
valueFn: "_defaultField"
* @attribute label
* @description Display label for column header. Defaults to key.
* @type String
label: {
valueFn: "_defaultLabel"
* @attribute children
* @description Array of child column definitions (for nested headers).
* @type String
children: {
value: null
* @attribute abbr
* @description TH abbr attribute.
* @type String
abbr: {
value: ""
//TODO: support custom classnames
// TH CSS classnames
classnames: {
readOnly: true,
getter: "_getClassnames"
// Column formatter
formatter: {},
//requires datatable-sort
sortable: {
value: false
//sortOptions:defaultDir, sortFn, field
//TODO: support editable columns
// Column editor
editor: {},
//TODO: support resizeable columns
//TODO: support setting widths
// requires datatable-colresize
width: {},
resizeable: {},
minimized: {},
minWidth: {},
maxAutoWidth: {}
* @method _defaultId
* @description Return ID for instance.
* @return String
* @private
_defaultId: function() {
return Y.guid();
* @method _defaultKey
* @description Return key for instance. Defaults to ID if one was not
* provided.
* @return String
* @private
_defaultKey: function(key) {
* @method _defaultField
* @description Return field for instance. Defaults to key if one was not
* provided.
* @return String
* @private
_defaultField: function(field) {
* @method _defaultLabel
* @description Return label for instance. Defaults to key if one was not
* provided.
* @return String
* @private
_defaultLabel: function(label) {
* Updates the UI if changes are made to abbr.
* @method _afterAbbrChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @private
_afterAbbrChange: function (e) {
* Reference to Column's current position index within its Columnset's keys
* array, if applicable. This property only applies to non-nested and bottom-
* level child Columns. Value is set by Columnset code.
* @property keyIndex
* @type Number
keyIndex: null,
* @property headers
* @description Array of TH IDs associated with this column, for TD "headers"
* attribute. Value is set by Columnset code
* @type String[]
headers: null,
* Number of cells the header spans. Value is set by Columnset code.
* @property colSpan
* @type Number
* @default 1
colSpan: 1,
* Number of rows the header spans. Value is set by Columnset code.
* @property rowSpan
* @type Number
* @default 1
rowSpan: 1,
* Column's parent Column instance, if applicable. Value is set by Columnset
* code.
* @property parent
* @type Y.Column
parent: null,
* The Node reference to the associated TH element.
* @property thNode
* @type Y.Node
thNode: null,
* The Node reference to the associated liner element.
* @property thLinerNode
* @type Y.Node
thLinerNode: null,*/
* Initializer.
* @method initializer
* @param config {Object} Config object.
* @private
initializer: function(config) {
* Destructor.
* @method destructor
* @private
destructor: function() {
* Returns classnames for Column.
* @method _getClassnames
* @private
_getClassnames: function () {
/*var allClasses;
// Add CSS classes
if(lang.isString(oColumn.className)) {
// Single custom class
allClasses = [oColumn.className];
else if(lang.isArray(oColumn.className)) {
// Array of custom classes
allClasses = oColumn.className;
else {
// no custom classes
allClasses = [];
// Hook for setting width with via dynamic style uses key since ID is too disposable
allClasses[allClasses.length] = this.getId() + "-col-" +oColumn.getSanitizedKey();
// Column key - minus any chars other than "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", "_", "-", ".", or ":"
allClasses[allClasses.length] = "yui-dt-col-" +oColumn.getSanitizedKey();
var isSortedBy = this.get("sortedBy") || {};
// Sorted
if(oColumn.key === isSortedBy.key) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = isSortedBy.dir || '';
// Hidden
if(oColumn.hidden) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = DT.CLASS_HIDDEN;
// Selected
if(oColumn.selected) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = DT.CLASS_SELECTED;
// Sortable
if(oColumn.sortable) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = DT.CLASS_SORTABLE;
// Resizeable
if(oColumn.resizeable) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = DT.CLASS_RESIZEABLE;
// Editable
if(oColumn.editor) {
allClasses[allClasses.length] = DT.CLASS_EDITABLE;
if(aAddClasses) {
allClasses = allClasses.concat(aAddClasses);
return allClasses.join(' ');*/
* Syncs UI to intial state.
* @method syncUI
* @private
syncUI: function() {
* Updates abbr.
* @method _uiSetAbbr
* @param val {String} New abbr.
* @protected
_uiSetAbbr: function(val) {
* The Columnset class defines and manages a collection of Columns.
* @class Columnset
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "columnset"
NAME: "columnset",
* @attribute definitions
* @description Array of column definitions that will populate this Columnset.
* @type Array
definitions: {
setter: "_setDefinitions"
* @method _setDefinitions
* @description Clones definitions before setting.
* @param definitions {Array} Array of column definitions.
* @return Array
* @private
_setDefinitions: function(definitions) {
return Y.clone(definitions);
* Top-down tree representation of Column hierarchy. Used to create DOM
* elements.
* @property tree
* @type Y.Column[]
tree: null,
* Hash of all Columns by ID.
* @property idHash
* @type Object
idHash: null,
* Hash of all Columns by key.
* @property keyHash
* @type Object
keyHash: null,
* Array of only Columns that are meant to be displayed in DOM.
* @property keys
* @type Y.Column[]
keys: null,
* Initializer. Generates all internal representations of the collection of
* Columns.
* @method initializer
* @param config {Object} Config object.
* @private
initializer: function() {
// DOM tree representation of all Columns
var tree = [],
// Hash of all Columns by ID
idHash = {},
// Hash of all Columns by key
keyHash = {},
// Flat representation of only Columns that are meant to display data
keys = [],
// Original definitions
self = this;
// Internal recursive function to define Column instances
var i=0,
// One level down
// Create corresponding dom node if not already there for this depth
// Parse each node at this depth for attributes and any children
for(; i<len; ++i) {
currentDefinition = YLang.isString(currentDefinition) ? {key:currentDefinition} : currentDefinition;
// Instantiate a new Column for each node
// Cross-reference Column ID back to the original object literal definition
// Add the new Column to the hash
// Assign its parent as an attribute, if applicable
if(parent) {
// The Column has descendants
// The children themselves must also be parsed for Column instances
// This Column does not have any children
else {
// Default is already 1
//column.colSpan = 1;
// Add the Column to the top-down dom tree
// Parse out Column instances from the array of object literals
// Save to the Columnset instance
* Destructor.
* @method destructor
* @private
destructor: function() {
* Cascade certain properties to children if not defined on their own.
* @method _cascadePropertiesToChildren
* @private
//TODO: this is all a giant todo
var i = 0,
// Cascade certain properties to children if not defined on their own
for(; i<len; ++i) {
child = currentChildren[i];
* @method _setColSpans
* @description Calculates and sets colSpan attribute on given Column.
* @param column {Array} Column instance.
* @param definition {Object} Column definition.
* @private
// Determine COLSPAN value for this Column
var terminalChildNodes = 0;
function countTerminalChildNodes(ancestor) {
i = 0,
// Drill down each branch and count terminal nodes
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Keep drilling down
// Reached branch terminus
else {
* @method _setRowSpans
* @description Calculates and sets rowSpan attribute on all Columns.
* @private
_setRowSpans: function() {
// Determine ROWSPAN value for each Column in the DOM tree
function parseDomTreeForRowSpan(tree) {
var maxRowDepth = 1,
// Calculate the max depth of descendants for this row
var i = 0,
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Column has children, so keep counting
// Column has children, so keep counting
// No children, is it the max depth?
else {
if(tmpRowDepth > maxRowDepth) {
// Count max row depth for each row
currentRow = tree[m];
// Assign the right ROWSPAN values to each Column in the row
currentColumn = currentRow[p];
// Default is already 1
// else currentColumn.rowSpan =1;
// Reset counter for next row
maxRowDepth = 1;
* @method _setHeaders
* @description Calculates and sets headers attribute on all Columns.
* @private
_setHeaders: function() {
for(; i<len; ++i) {
headers = [];
getColumn: function() {
* The DataTable widget provides a progressively enhanced DHTML control for
* displaying tabular data across A-grade browsers.
* @module datatable
* Provides the base DataTable implementation, which can be extended to add
* additional functionality, such as sorting or scrolling.
* @module datatable
* @submodule datatable-base
* Base class for the DataTable widget.
* @class DataTable.Base
* @extends Widget
* @constructor
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "dataTable"
NAME: "dataTable",
* @attribute columnset
* @description Pointer to Columnset instance.
* @type Array | Y.Columnset
columnset: {
setter: "_setColumnset"
* @attribute recordset
* @description Pointer to Recordset instance.
* @type Array | Y.Recordset
recordset: {
valueFn: '_initRecordset',
setter: "_setRecordset"
* @attribute state
* @description Internal state.
* @readonly
* @type
/*state: {
value: new Y.State(),
readOnly: true
* @attribute summary
* @description Summary.
* @type String
summary: {
* @attribute caption
* @description Caption
* @type String
caption: {
* @attribute thValueTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TH value.
* @type String
* @default '{value}'
* @attribute tdValueTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TD value.
* @type String
* @default '{value}'
* @attribute trTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TR node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<tr id="{id}"></tr>'
trTemplate: {
/*caption: function (srcNode) {
* @property thTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TH node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<th id="{id}" rowspan="{rowspan}" colspan="{colspan}" class="{classnames}" abbr="{abbr}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></th>'
* @property tdTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TD node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<td headers="{headers}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></td>'
* @property _theadNode
* @description Pointer to THEAD node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_theadNode: null,
* @property _tbodyNode
* @description Pointer to TBODY node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_tbodyNode: null,
* @property _msgNode
* @description Pointer to message display node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_msgNode: null,
* @method _setColumnset
* @description Converts Array to Y.Columnset.
* @param columns {Array | Y.Columnset}
* @return Y.Columnset
* @private
_setColumnset: function(columns) {
* Updates the UI if Columnset is changed.
* @method _afterColumnsetChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterColumnsetChange: function (e) {
* @method _setRecordset
* @description Converts Array to Y.Recordset.
* @param records {Array | Y.Recordset}
* @return Y.Recordset
* @private
_setRecordset: function(rs) {
return rs;
* Updates the UI if Recordset is changed.
* @method _afterRecordsetChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterRecordsetChange: function (e) {
* Updates the UI if Recordset records are changed.
* @method _afterRecordsChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterRecordsChange: function (e) {
* Updates the UI if summary is changed.
* @method _afterSummaryChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterSummaryChange: function (e) {
* Updates the UI if caption is changed.
* @method _afterCaptionChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterCaptionChange: function (e) {
* Destructor.
* @method destructor
* @private
destructor: function() {
* Renders UI.
* @method renderUI
* @private
renderUI: function() {
// Primary TBODY
// Message TBODY
* Creates and attaches TABLE element to given container.
* @method _addTableNode
* @param containerNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addTableNode: function(containerNode) {
if (!this._tableNode) {
return this._tableNode;
* Creates and attaches COLGROUP element to given TABLE.
* @method _addColgroupNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addColgroupNode: function(tableNode) {
i = 0,
allCols = ["<colgroup>"];
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Create COLGROUP
this._colgroupNode = tableNode.insertBefore(Ycreate(allCols.join("")), tableNode.get("firstChild"));
return this._colgroupNode;
* Creates and attaches THEAD element to given container.
* @method _addTheadNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addTheadNode: function(tableNode) {
if(tableNode) {
return this._theadNode;
* Creates and attaches TBODY element to given container.
* @method _addTbodyNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addTbodyNode: function(tableNode) {
return this._tbodyNode;
* Creates and attaches message display element to given container.
* @method _addMessageNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addMessageNode: function(tableNode) {
return this._msgNode;
* Creates and attaches CAPTION element to given container.
* @method _addCaptionNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_addCaptionNode: function(tableNode) {
* Binds events.
* @method bindUI
* @private
bindUI: function() {
summaryChange : this._afterSummaryChange,
captionChange : this._afterCaptionChange,
"recordset:recordsChange": this._afterRecordsChange
//TODO: is this necessary?
if(type==="dblclick") {
else {
* Syncs UI to intial state.
* @method syncUI
* @private
syncUI: function() {
* Updates summary.
* @method _uiSetSummary
* @param val {String} New summary.
* @protected
_uiSetSummary: function(val) {
* Updates caption.
* @method _uiSetCaption
* @param val {String} New caption.
* @protected
_uiSetCaption: function(val) {
var caption = this._captionNode,
if (method) {
// prepend of remove necessary
* Updates THEAD.
* @method _uiSetColumnset
* @param cs {Y.Columnset} New Columnset.
* @protected
_uiSetColumnset: function(cs) {
thead = this._theadNode,
i = 0,
// Move THEAD off DOM
// Iterate tree of columns to add THEAD rows
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Column helpers needs _theadNode to exist
// Re-attach THEAD to DOM
* Creates and attaches header row element.
* @method _addTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is last row.
* @protected
* Creates header row element.
* @method _createTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
* @param isLast {Boolean} Is last row.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
//TODO: custom classnames
i = 0,
if(isFirst) {
if(isLast) {
for(; i<len; ++i) {
return tr;
* Attaches header row element.
* @method _attachTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTheadTrNode: function(o) {
* Creates and attaches header cell element.
* @method _addTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_addTheadThNode: function(o) { = this._createTheadThNode(o);
//TODO: assign all node pointers: thNode, thLinerNode, thLabelNode
* Creates header cell element.
* @method _createTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_createTheadThNode: function(o) {
// Populate template object
// Clear minWidth on hidden Columns
if(column.get("hidden")) {
* Attaches header cell element.
* @method _attachTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTheadThNode: function(o) {
* Updates TBODY.
* @method _uiSetRecordset
* @param rs {Y.Recordset} New Recordset.
* @protected
_uiSetRecordset: function(rs) {
var oldTbody = this._tbodyNode,
o = {},
// Replace TBODY with a new one
oldTbody = null;
this._tbodyNode = newTbody;
o.columns = [];
// Build up column data to avoid passing through Attribute APIs inside
// render loops for rows and cells
o.columns[i] = {
// Convert non-function formatters into functions
// String formatters are treated as alternate value templates
// Any other value for formatter is ignored, falling back to
// to the configured tdValueTemplate attribute value.
// Iterate Recordset to use existing TR when possible or add new TR
// TODO i = this.get("state.offsetIndex")
// TODO len =this.get("state.pageLength")
o.rowindex = i;
this._addTbodyTrNode(o); //TODO: sometimes rowindex != recordindex
* Creates and attaches data row element.
* @method _addTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
* @protected
_addTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
* Creates data row element.
* @method _createTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_createTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
i, len, columnInfo;
columnInfo = columns[i];
* Attaches data row element.
* @method _attachTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
if(isOdd) {
} else {
* Creates and attaches data cell element.
* @method _addTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
* @protected
_addTbodyTdNode: function(o) { = this._createTbodyTdNode(o);
* Creates data cell element.
* @method _createTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
* @protected
* @return Y.Node
_createTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
o.value = this.formatDataCell(o);
* Attaches data cell element.
* @method _attachTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames, value}.
* @protected
_attachTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
* Returns markup to insert into data cell element.
* @method formatDataCell
* @param @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames}.
formatDataCell: function(o) {
_initRecordset: function () {