datatable-base-debug.js revision 820d7f2eab2a78412c9803335bb10a2974e7fbf5
table.render('#in-here'); // Table with all loaded features available (not .Base) // The functionality of this table would require additional modules be use()d, // but the feature APIs are aggregated onto Y.DataTable. // (Snippet is for illustration. Not all features are available today.) var table = new Y.DataTable({ { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true }, { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true }, { key: 'lastName', sortable: true }, { key: 'role', formatter: toRoleName } resultListLocator: 'results.users', { key: 'role', type: 'number' } pageSizes: [20, 50, 'all'], The column configurations are set in the form of an array of objects, where each object corresponds to a column. For columns populated directly from the row data, a 'key' property is required to bind the column to that property or attribute in the row data. Not all columns need to relate to row data, nor do all properties or attributes of the row data need to have a corresponding column. However, only those columns included in the `columns` configuration attribute will be rendered. Other column configuration properties are supported by the configured `headerView`, `bodyView`, `footerView` classes as well as any features added by plugins or class extensions. See the description of DataTable.HeaderView, DataTable.BodyView, and other DataTable feature classes to see what column Some examples of column configurations would be: var columns = [{ key: 'firstName' }, { key: 'lastName' }, { key: 'age' }]; // For columns without any additional configuration, strings can be used var columns = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age']; // Multi-row column headers (see DataTable.HeaderView for details) 'age' // mixing and matching objects and strings is ok // (See DataTable.BodyView for details) label: 'Name', // Needed for the column header formatter: function (o) { // Fill the column cells with data from firstName and lastName o.classnames += ' senior'; return + ', ' +; // Columns that include feature configurations (for illustration; not all // features are available today). { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true }, { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' }, { key: 'lastName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' }, { key: 'age', emptyCellValue: '<em>unknown</em>' } ### Row Data Configuration The `data` configuration attribute is responsible for housing the data objects that will be rendered as rows. You can provide this information in two ways by default: 1. An array of simple objects with key:value pairs 2. A ModelList of Base-based class instances (presumably Model subclass If an array of objects is passed, it will be translated into a ModelList filled with instances of the class provided to the `recordType` attribute. This attribute can also create a custom Model subclass from an array of field names or an object of attribute configurations. If no `recordType` is provided, one will be created for you from available information (see `_initRecordType`). Providing either your own ModelList instance for `data`, or at least Model class for `recordType`, is the best way to control client-server synchronization when modifying data on the client side. The ModelList instance that manages the table's data is available in the `data` property on the DataTable instance. Table rendering is a collaborative process between the DataTable and its configured `headerView`, `bodyView`, and `footerView`. The DataTable renders the `<table>` and `<caption>`, but the contents of the table are delegated to instances of the classes provided to the `headerView`, `bodyView`, and `footerView` attributes. If any of these attributes is unset, that portion of the table won't be rendered. DataTable.Base assigns the default `headerView` to `Y.DataTable.HeaderView` and the default `bodyView` to `Y.DataTable.BodyView`, though either can be overridden for custom rendering. No default `footerView` is assigned. See those classes for more details about how they operate. // DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work A Widget for displaying tabular data. Before feature modules are `use()`d, this class is functionally equivalent to DataTable.Base. However, feature modules can modify this class in non-destructive ways, expanding the API and This is the primary DataTable class. Out of the box, it provides the ability to dynamically generate an HTML table from a set of column configurations and row data. But feature module inclusion can add table sorting, pagintaion, highlighting, selection, and more. var table = new Y.DataTable({ columns: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'], { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Zappa', age: 71 }, { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Lloyd Wright', age: 144 }, { firstName: 'Albert', lastName: 'Einstein', age: 132 }, table.render('#in-here'); // Table with loaded features. // The functionality of this table would require additional modules be use()d, // but the feature APIs are aggregated onto Y.DataTable. // (Snippet is for illustration. Not all features are available today.) var table = new Y.DataTable({ { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true }, { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true }, { key: 'lastName', sortable: true }, { key: 'role', formatter: toRoleName } resultListLocator: 'results.users', { key: 'role', type: 'number' } pageSizes: [20, 50, 'all'], // DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work The baseline implementation of a DataTable. This class should be used primarily as a superclass for a custom DataTable with a specific set of features. Because features can be composed onto `Y.DataTable`, custom subclasses of DataTable.Base will remain unmodified when new feature modules DataTable.Base is built from DataTable.Core, and sets the default `headerView` to `Y.DataTable.HeaderView` and default `bodyView` to `Y.DataTable.BodyView`. // Default head and body views // The DataTable API docs are above DataTable.Base docs. Y.
// Migrate static and namespaced classes},
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