datasource-jsonschema-debug.js revision 569540d4ad51cb497a5aedfe4a9ac80beb46b7fa
* @submodule datasource-jsonschema * Adds schema-parsing to the DataSource Utility. * @class DataSourceJSONSchema * The namespace for the plugin. This will be the property on the host which * references the plugin instance. * @value "dataSourceJSONSchema" NAME:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DataSourceJSONSchema Attributes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * Internal init() handler. * @param config {Object} Config object. * Parses raw data into a normalized response. To accommodate XHR responses, * will first look for data in data.responseText. Otherwise will just work * @method _beforeDefDataFn * <dt>tId (Number)</dt> <dd>Unique transaction ID.</dd> * <dt>request (Object)</dt> <dd>The request.</dd> * <dt>callback (Object)</dt> <dd>The callback object with the following properties: * <dt>success (Function)</dt> <dd>Success handler.</dd> * <dt>failure (Function)</dt> <dd>Failure handler.</dd> * <dt>data (Object)</dt> <dd>Raw data.</dd> return new Y.
"DataSourceJSONSchema plugin halted _defDataFn");
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