compat.js revision e275a18d7f6fd57baf841eb4c8f82d790c1ef6bd
YUI.add('compat', function(Y) {
var COMPAT_ARG = '~yui|2|compat~';
if (window.YAHOO != YUI) {
// get any existing YAHOO obj props
var o = (window.YAHOO) ? YUI.merge(window.YAHOO) : null;
// Make the YUI global the YAHOO global
window.YAHOO = YUI;
// augment old YAHOO props
if (o) {
Y.mix(Y, o);
if ((!globalUpdated) && (!(window.YAHOO instanceof YUI))) {
globalUpdated = true;
// get any existing YAHOO obj props
var o = (window.YAHOO) ? YUI.merge(window.YAHOO) : null;
// Make the YUI global the YAHOO global
// window.YAHOO = YUI().use('node', 'compat');
window.YAHOO = YUI().use('node', 'compat');
// augment old YAHOO props
if (o) {
Y.mix(Y, o);
// add old namespaces
Y.namespace("util", "widget", "example");
// case/location change
Y.env = (Y.env) ? Y.mix(Y.env, Y.Env) : Y.Env;
Y.lang = (Y.lang) ? Y.mix(Y.lang, Y.Lang) : Y.Lang; = Y.UA;
// support Y.register
Y.mix(Y.env, {
modules: [],
listeners: [],
getVersion: function(name) {
return this.Env.modules[name] || null;
var L = Y.lang;
// add old lang properties
Y.mix(L, {
augmentObject: function(r, s) {
var a = arguments, wl = (a.length > 2) ? Y.Array(a, 2, true) : null;
return Y.mix(r, s, (wl), wl);
augmentProto: function(r, s) {
var a = arguments, wl = (a.length > 2) ? Y.Array(a, 2, true) : null;
return Y.mix(r, s, (wl), wl, 1);
// extend: Y.bind(Y.extend, Y),
extend: Y.extend,
// merge: Y.bind(Y.merge, Y)
merge: Y.merge
}, true);
L.augment = L.augmentProto;
// IE won't enumerate this
L.hasOwnProperty = Y.Object.owns;
// L.merge = Y.merge;
Y.augmentProto = L.augmentProto;
// add register function
Y.mix(Y, {
register: function(name, mainClass, data) {
var mods = Y.Env.modules;
if (!mods[name]) {
mods[name] = { versions:[], builds:[] };
var m=mods[name],v=data.version,,ls=Y.Env.listeners; = name;
m.version = v; = b;
m.mainClass = mainClass;
// fire the module load listeners
for (var i=0;i<ls.length;i=i+1) {
// label the main class
if (mainClass) {
mainClass.VERSION = v;
mainClass.BUILD = b;
} else {
// add old load listeners
if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) {
var l=YAHOO_config.listener,ls=Y.Env.listeners,unique=true,i;
if (l) {
// if YAHOO is loaded multiple times we need to check to see if
// this is a new config object. If it is, add the new component
// load listener to the stack
for (i=0;i<ls.length;i=i+1) {
if (ls[i]==l) {
if (unique) {
// add old registration for yahoo
Y.register("yahoo", Y, {version: "@VERSION@", build: "@BUILD@"});
if (Y.Event) {
var o = {
* Safari detection
* @property isSafari
* @private
* @static
* @deprecated use Y.Env.UA.webkit
isSafari: Y.UA.webkit,
* webkit version
* @property webkit
* @type string
* @private
* @static
* @deprecated use Y.Env.UA.webkit
webkit: Y.UA.webkit,
* Normalized keycodes for webkit/safari
* @property webkitKeymap
* @type {int: int}
* @private
* @static
* @final
webkitKeymap: {
63232: 38, // up
63233: 40, // down
63234: 37, // left
63235: 39, // right
63276: 33, // page up
63277: 34, // page down
25: 9 // SHIFT-TAB (Safari provides a different key code in
// this case, even though the shiftKey modifier is set)
* IE detection
* @property isIE
* @private
* @static
* @deprecated use
* Returns scrollLeft
* @method _getScrollLeft
* @static
* @private
_getScrollLeft: function() {
return this._getScroll()[1];
* Returns scrollTop
* @method _getScrollTop
* @static
* @private
_getScrollTop: function() {
return this._getScroll()[0];
* Returns the scrollTop and scrollLeft. Used to calculate the
* pageX and pageY in Internet Explorer
* @method _getScroll
* @static
* @private
_getScroll: function() {
var d = Y.config.doc, dd = d.documentElement, db = d.body;
if (dd && (dd.scrollTop || dd.scrollLeft)) {
return [dd.scrollTop, dd.scrollLeft];
} else if (db) {
return [db.scrollTop, db.scrollLeft];
} else {
return [0, 0];
* Returns the event's pageX
* @method getPageX
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {int} the event's pageX
* @static
getPageX: function(ev) {
var x = ev.pageX;
if (!x && 0 !== x) {
x = ev.clientX || 0;
if ( ) {
x += this._getScrollLeft();
return x;
* Returns the charcode for an event
* @method getCharCode
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {int} the event's charCode
* @static
getCharCode: function(ev) {
var code = ev.keyCode || ev.charCode || 0;
// webkit normalization
if (Y.UA.webkit && (code in Y.Event.webkitKeymap)) {
code = Y.Event.webkitKeymap[code];
return code;
* Returns the event's pageY
* @method getPageY
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {int} the event's pageY
* @static
getPageY: function(ev) {
var y = ev.pageY;
if (!y && 0 !== y) {
y = ev.clientY || 0;
if ( ) {
y += this._getScrollTop();
return y;
* Returns the pageX and pageY properties as an indexed array.
* @method getXY
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {[x, y]} the pageX and pageY properties of the event
* @static
getXY: function(ev) {
return [this.getPageX(ev), this.getPageY(ev)];
* Returns the event's related target
* @method getRelatedTarget
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {HTMLElement} the event's relatedTarget
* @static
getRelatedTarget: function(ev) {
var t = ev.relatedTarget;
if (!t) {
if (ev.type == "mouseout") {
t = ev.toElement;
} else if (ev.type == "mouseover") {
t = ev.fromElement;
return this.resolveTextNode(t);
* Returns the time of the event. If the time is not included, the
* event is modified using the current time.
* @method getTime
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @return {Date} the time of the event
* @static
getTime: function(ev) {
if (!ev.time) {
var t = new Date().getTime();
try {
ev.time = t;
} catch(ex) {
this.lastError = ex;
return t;
return ev.time;
* Convenience method for stopPropagation + preventDefault
* @method stopEvent
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @static
stopEvent: function(ev) {
* Stops event propagation
* @method stopPropagation
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @static
stopPropagation: function(ev) {
if (ev.stopPropagation) {
} else {
ev.cancelBubble = true;
* Prevents the default behavior of the event
* @method preventDefault
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @static
preventDefault: function(ev) {
if (ev.preventDefault) {
} else {
ev.returnValue = false;
* Returns the event's target element. Safari sometimes provides
* a text node, and this is automatically resolved to the text
* node's parent so that it behaves like other browsers.
* @method getTarget
* @param {Event} ev the event
* @param {boolean} resolveTextNode when set to true the target's
* parent will be returned if the target is a
* text node. @deprecated, the text node is
* now resolved automatically
* @return {HTMLElement} the event's target
* @static
getTarget: function(ev, resolveTextNode) {
var t = || ev.srcElement;
return this.resolveTextNode(t);
* In some cases, some browsers will return a text node inside
* the actual element that was targeted. This normalizes the
* return value for getTarget and getRelatedTarget.
* @method resolveTextNode
* @param {HTMLElement} node node to resolve
* @return {HTMLElement} the normized node
* @static
resolveTextNode: function(node) {
if (node && 3 == node.nodeType) {
return node.parentNode;
} else {
return node;
* We cache elements bound by id because when the unload event
* fires, we can no longer use document.getElementById
* @method getEl
* @static
* @private
* @deprecated Elements are not cached any longer
getEl: function(id) {
return Y.get(id);
Y.mix(Y.Event, o);
* Calls Y.Event.attach with the correct argument order
* @method removeListener
Y.Event.removeListener = function(el, type, fn, data, override) {
var context, a=[type, fn, el];
if (data) {
if (override) {
context = (override === true) ? data : override;
return Y.Event.detach.apply(Y.Event, a);
* Calls Y.Event.detach with the correct argument order
* @method addListener
Y.Event.addListener = function(el, type, fn, data, override) {
// var a = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true), el = a.shift();
// a.splice(2, 0, el);
// return Y.Event.attach.apply(Y.Event, a);
var context, a=[type, fn, el];
if (data) {
if (override) {
context = (override === true) ? data : override;
return Y.Event.attach.apply(Y.Event, a);
Y.Event.on = Y.Event.addListener;
var newOnavail = Y.Event.onAvailable;
Y.Event.onAvailable = function(id, fn, p_obj, p_override) {
return newOnavail(id, fn, p_obj, p_override, false, true);
Y.Event.onContentReady = function(id, fn, p_obj, p_override) {
return newOnavail(id, fn, p_obj, p_override, true, true);
Y.Event.onDOMReady = function(fn) {
var a = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
return Y.on.apply(Y, a);
Y.util.Event = Y.Event;
var CE = function(type, oScope, silent, signature) {
var o = {
context: oScope,
silent: silent || false
// signature: signature || CE.LIST
};, type, o);
this.signature = signature || CE.LIST;
Y.extend(CE, Y.CustomEvent, {
* Subscriber listener sigature constant. The LIST type returns three
* parameters: the event type, the array of args passed to fire, and
* the optional custom object
* @property YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST
* @static
* @type int
CE.LIST = 0;
* Subscriber listener sigature constant. The FLAT type returns two
* parameters: the first argument passed to fire and the optional
* custom object
* @property YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT
* @static
* @type int
CE.FLAT = 1;
Y.util.CustomEvent = CE;
var EP = function() {
//console.log('Compat CustomEvent constructor executed: ' + this._yuid);
if (!this._yuievt) {
var sub = this.subscribe;
Y.EventTarget.apply(this, arguments);
this.subscribe = sub;
this.__yuiepinit = function() {};
Y.extend(EP, Y.EventTarget, {
createEvent: function(type, o) {
o = o || {};
o.signature = o.signature || CE.FLAT;
return this.publish(type, o);
subscribe: function(type, fn, obj, override) {
var ce =[type] || this.createEvent(type),
a = Y.Array(arguments);
if (override && true !== override) {
// a[2] = override;
// a[1] = obj;
Y.EventTarget.prototype.subscribe.apply(this, a);
fireEvent: function(type) {
return, arguments);
hasEvent: function(type) {
return this.getEvent(type);
Y.util.EventProvider = EP;
Y.register("event", Y, {version: "@VERSION@", build: "@BUILD@"});
var propertyCache = {};
var patterns = {
HYPHEN: /(-[a-z])/i, // to normalize get/setStyle
ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i, // body for quirks mode, html for standards,
var hyphenToCamel = function(property) {
if ( !patterns.HYPHEN.test(property) ) {
return property; // no hyphens
if (propertyCache[property]) { // already converted
return propertyCache[property];
var converted = property;
while( patterns.HYPHEN.exec(converted) ) {
converted = converted.replace(RegExp.$1,
propertyCache[property] = converted;
return converted;
//return property.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function(m0, m1) {return m1.toUpperCase()}) // cant use function as 2nd arg yet due to safari bug
var Dom = {
get: function(el) {
if (el) {
if (el.nodeType || el.item) { // Node, or NodeList
return el;
if (typeof el === 'string') { // id
return document.getElementById(el);
if ('length' in el) { // array-like
var c = [];
for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; ++i) {
c[c.length] = Dom.get(el[i]);
return c;
return el; // some other object, just pass it back
return null;
isAncestor: function(haystack, needle) {
return YUI.DOM.contains(Dom.get(haystack), Dom.get(needle));
inDocument: function(el) {
return Dom.isAncestor(Y.config.doc.documentElement, el);
batch: function(el, method, o, override, args) {
el = (el && (el.tagName || el.item)) ? el : Dom.get(el); // skip get() when possible
if (!el || !method) {
return false;
if (args) {
args = Y.Array(args);
var scope = (override) ? o : window;
var apply = function(el) {
if (args) {
var tmp =;
return method.apply(scope, tmp);
} else {
return, el, o);
if (el.tagName || el.length === undefined) { // element or not array-like
return apply(el);
var collection = [];
for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; ++i) {
collection[collection.length] = apply(el[i]);
return collection;
// 2.x returns false if already present
_addClass: function(el, className) {
if ( YUI.DOM.hasClass(el, className) ) {
return false;
YUI.DOM.addClass(el, className);
return true;
// 2.x returns false if not present
_removeClass: function(el, className) {
if ( !YUI.DOM.hasClass(el, className) ) {
return false;
YUI.DOM.removeClass(el, className);
return true;
// 2.x returns false if no newClass or same as oldClass
_replaceClass: function(el, oldClass, newClass) {
if (!newClass || oldClass === newClass) {
return false;
YUI.DOM.replaceClass(el, oldClass, newClass);
return true;
getElementsByClassName: function(className, tag, root) {
tag = tag || '*';
root = (root) ? Dom.get(root) : Y.config.doc;
var nodes = [];
if (root) {
nodes = Y.Selector.query(tag + '.' + className, root);
return nodes;
getElementsBy: function(method, tag, root) {
tag = tag || '*';
root = (root) ? Dom.get(root) : null || document;
var nodes = [];
if (root) {
nodes = YUI.DOM.byTag(tag, root, method);
return nodes;
getViewportWidth: YUI.DOM.winWidth,
getViewportHeight: YUI.DOM.winHeight,
getDocumentWidth: YUI.DOM.docWidth,
getDocumentHeight: YUI.DOM.docHeight,
getDocumentScrollTop: YUI.DOM.docScrollY,
getDocumentScrollLeft: YUI.DOM.docScrollX,
getDocumentHeight: YUI.DOM.docHeight,
_guid: function(el, prefix) {
prefix = prefix || 'yui-gen';
Dom._id_counter = Dom._id_counter || 0;
if (el && { // do not override existing ID
var id = prefix + Dom._id_counter++;
if (el) { = id;
return id;
_region: function(el) {
if ( (el.parentNode === null || el.offsetParent === null ||
YUI.DOM.getStyle(el, 'display') == 'none') && el != el.ownerDocument.body) {
return false;
return YUI.DOM.region(el);
_ancestorByClass: function(element, className) {
return YUI.DOM.ancestor(element, function(el) {
return YUI.DOM.hasClass(el, className);
_ancestorByTag: function(element, tag) {
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
return YUI.DOM.ancestor(element, function(el) {
return el.tagName.toUpperCase() === tag;
var slice = [].slice;
var wrap = function(fn, name) {
Dom[name] = function() {
var args =;
args[0] = Dom.get(args[0]);
return fn.apply(Dom, args);
var wrapped = {
getAncestorBy: YUI.DOM.ancestor,
getAncestorByClassName: Dom._ancestorByClass,
getAncestorByTagName: Dom._ancestorByTag,
getPreviousSiblingBy: YUI.DOM.previous,
getPreviousSibling: YUI.DOM.previous,
getFirstChildBy: YUI.DOM.firstChild,
getFirstChild: YUI.DOM.firstChild,
getLastChildBy: YUI.DOM.lastChild,
getLastChild: YUI.DOM.lastChild,
getChildrenBy: YUI.DOM.children,
getChildren: YUI.DOM.children,
insertBefore: function(newNode, refNode) {
YUI.DOM.insertBefore(Dom.get(newNode), Dom.get(refNode));
insertAfter: function(newNode, refNode) {
YUI.DOM.insertAfter(Dom.get(newNode), Dom.get(refNode));
Y.each(wrapped, wrap);
var batched = {
getStyle: YUI.DOM.getStyle,
setStyle: YUI.DOM.setStyle,
getXY: YUI.DOM.getXY,
setXY: YUI.DOM.setXY,
getX: YUI.DOM.getX,
getY: YUI.DOM.getY,
setX: YUI.DOM.setX,
setY: YUI.DOM.setY,
getRegion: Dom._region,
hasClass: YUI.DOM.hasClass,
addClass: Dom._addClass,
removeClass: Dom._removeClass,
replaceClass: Dom._replaceClass,
generateId: Dom._guid
Y.each(batched, function(v, n) {
Dom[n] = function(el) {
var args =, 1);
return Dom.batch(el, v, null, null, args);
Y.util.Dom = Dom;
YAHOO.util.Region = function(t, r, b, l) { = t;
this[1] = t;
this.right = r;
this.bottom = b;
this.left = l;
this[0] = l;
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function(region) {
return ( region.left >= this.left &&
region.right <= this.right && >= &&
region.bottom <= this.bottom );
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function() {
return ( (this.bottom - * (this.right - this.left) );
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function(region) {
var t = Math.max(, );
var r = Math.min( this.right, region.right );
var b = Math.min( this.bottom, region.bottom );
var l = Math.max( this.left, region.left );
if (b >= t && r >= l) {
return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l);
} else {
return null;
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function(region) {
var t = Math.min(, );
var r = Math.max( this.right, region.right );
var b = Math.max( this.bottom, region.bottom );
var l = Math.min( this.left, region.left );
return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l);
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function() {
return ( "Region {" +
"top: " + +
", right: " + this.right +
", bottom: " + this.bottom +
", left: " + this.left +
"}" );
YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function(el) {
return YUI.DOM.region(el);
YAHOO.util.Point = function(x, y) {
if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(x)) { // accept input from Dom.getXY, Event.getXY, etc.
y = x[1]; // dont blow away x yet
x = x[0];
this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = x;
this.y = = this.bottom = this[1] = y;
YAHOO.util.Point.prototype = new YAHOO.util.Region();
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom','event']});
YUI._setup(); YUI.use('dom', 'event', 'compat');