calendar-base-debug.js revision af588160cda24eb5a49cf49c51ae048cc5fdf664
YUI.add('calendar-base', function(Y) {
* The Calendar component is a UI widget that allows users
* to view dates in a two-dimensional month grid, as well as
* to select one or more dates, or ranges of dates. Calendar
* is generated dynamically.
* @module calendar
* @submodule calendar-base
/** Create a calendar view to represent a single or multiple
* month range of dates, rendered as a grid with date and
* weekday labels.
* @class CalendarBase
* @extends Widget
* @param config {Object} Configuration object (see Configuration attributes)
* @constructor
var getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
CALENDAR = 'calendar',
CAL_GRID = getCN(CALENDAR, 'grid'),
CAL_BODY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'body'),
CAL_HD = getCN(CALENDAR, 'header'),
CAL_HD_WRAP = getCN(CALENDAR, 'header-wrap'),
CAL_WDAYROW = getCN(CALENDAR, 'weekdayrow'),
CAL_WDAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'weekday'),
CAL_ROW = getCN(CALENDAR, 'row'),
CAL_DAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'day'),
CAL_ANCHOR = getCN(CALENDAR, 'anchor'),
L = Y.Lang,
create = Y.Node.create,
substitute = Y.substitute,
each = Y.each;
function CalendarBase() {
CalendarBase.superclass.constructor.apply ( this, arguments );
Y.CalendarBase = Y.extend( CalendarBase, Y.Widget, {
initializer : function () {
renderUI : function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox');
contentBox.appendChild(this._initCalendarHTML(new Date("5/21/1947")));
Y.log("Rendered Calendar UI");
bindUI : function () {
_getCutoffColumn : function (date) {
var normalizedDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
return (1-normalizedDate.getDay());
_initCalendarHTML : function (baseDate) {
var startDate = baseDate || new Date(),
cutoffCol = this._getCutoffColumn(startDate),
headerData = {calheader: (startDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" +
calString = '',
weekdays = {wday1: 'Su',
wday2: 'Mo',
wday3: 'Tu',
wday4: 'We',
wday5: 'Th',
wday6: 'Fr',
wday7: 'Sa'};
var partials = {};
partials["header_template"] = substitute(CalendarBase.HEADER_TEMPLATE,
partials["weekday_row"] = '';
each (weekdays, function (v) {
partials["weekday_row"] +=
{weekdayname: v});
partials["wdayrow_template"] = substitute(CalendarBase.WEEKDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE, partials);
var row_array = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
var calday_row = '';
for (var j = -5; j <=7; j++) {
calday_row += substitute (CalendarBase.CALDAY_TEMPLATE, {day_content: '' + (j+7*i),
day_display_status: (j >= cutoffCol && j <= (cutoffCol + 6)) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"'});
row_array.push(substitute(CalendarBase.CALDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE, {calday_row: calday_row} ));
partials["body_template"] = row_array.join('\n');
var header = substitute(substitute (CalendarBase.CONTENT_TEMPLATE, partials),
return header;
}, {
// Y.CalendarBase static properties
calendar_grid_class : CAL_GRID,
calendar_body_class : CAL_BODY,
calendar_hd_class : CAL_HD,
calendar_hd_wrapper_class: CAL_HD_WRAP,
calendar_weekdayrow_class: CAL_WDAYROW,
calendar_weekday_class: CAL_WDAY,
calendar_row_class: CAL_ROW,
calendar_day_class: CAL_DAY,
calendar_dayanchor_class: CAL_ANCHOR
CONTENT_TEMPLATE: '<table class="{calendar_grid_class}">' +
'<thead>' +
'{header_template}' +
'{wdayrow_template}' +
'</thead>' +
'<tbody class="{calendar_body_class}">' +
'{body_template}' +
'</tbody>' +
'<th colspan="7" class="{calendar_hd_class}">' +
'<div id="calheader" class="{calendar_hd_wrapper_class}">' +
'{calheader}' +
'</div>' +
'</th>' +
WEEKDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE: '<tr class="{calendar_weekdayrow_class}">' +
'{weekday_row}' +
CALDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE: '<tr class="{calendar_row_class}">' +
'{calday_row}' +
WEEKDAY_TEMPLATE: '<th class="{calendar_weekday_class}">{weekdayname}</th>',
CALDAY_TEMPLATE: '<td class="{calendar_day_class}" {day_display_status}>' +
'<a href="#" class="{calendar_dayanchor_class}">' +
'{day_content}' +
'</a>' +
NAME: 'calendarBase',
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['widget', 'datatype-date']});