YUI.add('autocomplete-plugin', function(Y) {
Binds an AutoCompleteList instance to a Node instance.
@module autocomplete
@submodule autocomplete-plugin
Binds an AutoCompleteList instance to a Node instance.
Y.one('#my-input').plug(Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, {
source: 'select * from search.suggest where query="{query}"'
// You can now access the AutoCompleteList instance at Y.one('#my-input').ac
@class Plugin.AutoComplete
@extends AutoCompleteList
var Plugin = Y.Plugin;
function ACListPlugin(config) {
config.inputNode = config.host;
// Render by default.
if (!config.render && config.render !== false) {
config.render = true;
ACListPlugin.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(ACListPlugin, Y.AutoCompleteList, {}, {
NAME : 'autocompleteListPlugin',
NS : 'ac',
CSS_PREFIX: Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('aclist')
Plugin.AutoComplete = ACListPlugin;
Plugin.AutoCompleteList = ACListPlugin;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['autocomplete-list', 'node-pluginhost']});