cutils.c revision 178d85b8274f9ac82fb553c80760bbbb4044401c
* Simple C functions to supplement the C library
* Copyright (c) 2006 Fabrice Bellard
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "qemu-common.h"
#ifdef VBOX
#include "osdep.h"
static inline int toupper(int ch) {
if ( (unsigned int)(ch - 'a') < 26u )
ch += 'A' - 'a';
return ch;
/* Quick sort from OpenSolaris: */
* choose a median of 3 values
* note: cstyle specifically prohibits nested conditional operators
* but this is the only way to do the median of 3 function in-line
#define med3(a, b, c) (cmp((a), (b)) < 0) \
? ((cmp((b), (c)) < 0) ? (b) : (cmp((a), (c)) < 0) ? (c) : (a)) \
: ((cmp((b), (c)) > 0) ? (b) : (cmp((a), (c)) > 0) ? (c) : (a))
#define THRESH_L 5 /* threshold for insertion sort */
#define THRESH_M3 20 /* threshold for median of 3 */
#define THRESH_M9 50 /* threshold for median of 9 */
typedef struct {
char *b_lim;
size_t nrec;
} stk_t;
* The following swap functions should not create a stack frame
* the SPARC call / return instruction will be executed
* but the a save / restore will not be executed
* which means we won't do a window turn with the spill / fill overhead
* verify this by examining the assembly code
static void
swapp32(uint32_t *r1, uint32_t *r2, size_t cnt)
uint32_t temp;
temp = *r1;
*r1++ = *r2;
*r2++ = temp;
static void
swapp64(uint64_t *r1, uint64_t *r2, size_t cnt)
uint64_t temp;
temp = *r1;
*r1++ = *r2;
*r2++ = temp;
static void
swapi(uint32_t *r1, uint32_t *r2, size_t cnt)
uint32_t temp;
/* character by character */
while (cnt--) {
temp = *r1;
*r1++ = *r2;
*r2++ = temp;
static void
swapb(char *r1, char *r2, size_t cnt)
char temp;
/* character by character */
while (cnt--) {
temp = *r1;
*r1++ = *r2;
*r2++ = temp;
* qsort() is a general purpose, in-place sorting routine using a
* user provided call back function for comparisons. This implementation
* utilizes a ternary quicksort algorithm, and cuts over to an
* insertion sort for partitions involving fewer than THRESH_L records.
* Potential User Errors
* There is no return value from qsort, this function has no method
* of alerting the user that a sort did not work or could not work.
* We do not print an error message or exit the process or thread,
* Even if we can detect an error, We CANNOT silently return without
* sorting the data, if we did so the user could never be sure the
* sort completed successfully.
* It is possible we could change the return value of sort from void
* to int and return success or some error codes, but this gets into
* standards and compatibility issues.
* Examples of qsort parameter errors might be
* 1) record size (rsiz) equal to 0
* qsort will loop and never return.
* 2) record size (rsiz) less than 0
* rsiz is unsigned, so a negative value is insanely large
* 3) number of records (nrec) is 0
* This is legal - qsort will return without examining any records
* 4) number of records (nrec) is less than 0
* nrec is unsigned, so a negative value is insanely large.
* 5) nrec * rsiz > memory allocation for sort array
* a segment violation may occur
* corruption of other memory may occur
* 6) The base address of the sort array is invalid
* a segment violation may occur
* corruption of other memory may occur
* 7) The user call back function is invalid
* we may get alignment errors or segment violations
* we may jump into never-never land
* Some less obvious errors might be
* 8) The user compare function is not comparing correctly
* 9) The user compare function modifies the data records
void *basep,
size_t nrec,
size_t rsiz,
int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
size_t i; /* temporary variable */
/* variables used by swap */
void (*swapf)(char *, char *, size_t);
size_t loops;
/* variables used by sort */
stk_t stack[8 * sizeof (nrec) + 1];
stk_t *sp;
char *b_lim; /* bottom limit */
char *b_dup; /* bottom duplicate */
char *b_par; /* bottom partition */
char *t_lim; /* top limit */
char *t_dup; /* top duplicate */
char *t_par; /* top partition */
char *m1, *m2, *m3; /* median pointers */
uintptr_t d_bytelength; /* byte length of duplicate records */
int b_nrec;
int t_nrec;
int cv; /* results of compare (bottom / top) */
* choose a swap function based on alignment and size
* The qsort function sorts an array of fixed length records.
* We have very limited knowledge about the data record itself.
* It may be that the data record is in the array we are sorting
* or it may be that the array contains pointers or indexes to
* the actual data record and all that we are sorting is the indexes.
* The following decision will choose an optimal swap function
* based on the size and alignment of the data records
* swapp64 will swap 64 bit pointers
* swapp32 will swap 32 bit pointers
* swapi will swap an array of 32 bit integers
* swapb will swap an array of 8 bit characters
* swapi and swapb will also require the variable loops to be set
* to control the length of the array being swapped
if ((((uintptr_t)basep & (sizeof (uint64_t) - 1)) == 0) &&
(rsiz == sizeof (uint64_t))) {
loops = 1;
swapf = (void (*)(char *, char *, size_t))swapp64;
} else if ((((uintptr_t)basep & (sizeof (uint32_t) - 1)) == 0) &&
(rsiz == sizeof (uint32_t))) {
loops = 1;
swapf = (void (*)(char *, char *, size_t))swapp32;
} else if ((((uintptr_t)basep & (sizeof (uint32_t) - 1)) == 0) &&
((rsiz & (sizeof (uint32_t) - 1)) == 0)) {
loops = rsiz / sizeof (int);
swapf = (void (*)(char *, char *, size_t))swapi;
} else {
loops = rsiz;
swapf = swapb;
* qsort is a partitioning sort
* the stack is the bookkeeping mechanism to keep track of all
* the partitions.
* each sort pass takes one partition and sorts it into two partitions.
* at the top of the loop we simply take the partition on the top
* of the stack and sort it. See the comments at the bottom
* of the loop regarding which partitions to add in what order.
* initially put the whole partition on the stack
sp = stack;
sp->b_lim = (char *)basep;
sp->nrec = nrec;
while (sp > stack) {
b_lim = sp->b_lim;
nrec = sp->nrec;
* a linear insertion sort i faster than a qsort for
* very small number of records (THRESH_L)
* if number records < threshold use linear insertion sort
* this also handles the special case where the partition
* 0 or 1 records length.
if (nrec < THRESH_L) {
* Linear insertion sort
t_par = b_lim;
for (i = 1; i < nrec; i++) {
t_par += rsiz;
b_par = t_par;
while (b_par > b_lim) {
b_par -= rsiz;
if ((*cmp)(b_par, b_par + rsiz) <= 0) {
(*swapf)(b_par, b_par + rsiz, loops);
* a linear insertion sort will put all records
* in their final position and will not create
* subpartitions.
* therefore when the insertion sort is complete
* just go to the top of the loop and get the
* next partition to sort.
/* quicksort */
* choose a pivot record
* Ideally the pivot record will divide the partition
* into two equal parts. however we have to balance the
* work involved in selecting the pivot record with the
* expected benefit.
* The choice of pivot record depends on the number of
* records in the partition
* for small partitions (nrec < THRESH_M3)
* we just select the record in the middle of the partition
* if (nrec >= THRESH_M3 && nrec < THRESH_M9)
* we select three values and choose the median of 3
* if (nrec >= THRESH_M9)
* then we use an approximate median of 9
* 9 records are selected and grouped in 3 groups of 3
* the median of each of these 3 groups is fed into another
* median of 3 decision.
* Each median of 3 decision is 2 or 3 compares,
* so median of 9 costs between 8 and 12 compares.
* i is byte distance between two consecutive samples
* m2 will point to the pivot record
if (nrec < THRESH_M3) {
m2 = b_lim + (nrec / 2) * rsiz;
} else if (nrec < THRESH_M9) {
/* use median of 3 */
i = ((nrec - 1) / 2) * rsiz;
m2 = med3(b_lim, b_lim + i, b_lim + 2 * i);
} else {
/* approx median of 9 */
i = ((nrec - 1) / 8) * rsiz;
m1 = med3(b_lim, b_lim + i, b_lim + 2 * i);
m2 = med3(b_lim + 3 * i, b_lim + 4 * i, b_lim + 5 * i);
m3 = med3(b_lim + 6 * i, b_lim + 7 * i, b_lim + 8 * i);
m2 = med3(m1, m2, m3);
* quick sort partitioning
* The partition limits are defined by bottom and top pointers
* b_lim and t_lim.
* qsort uses a fairly standard method of moving the
* partitioning pointers, b_par and t_par, to the middle of
* the partition and exchanging records that are in the
* wrong part of the partition.
* Two enhancements have been made to the basic algorithm.
* One for handling duplicate records and one to minimize
* the number of swaps.
* Two duplicate records pointers are (b_dup and t_dup) are
* initially set to b_lim and t_lim. Each time a record
* whose sort key value is equal to the pivot record is found
* it will be swapped with the record pointed to by
* b_dup or t_dup and the duplicate pointer will be
* incremented toward the center.
* When partitioning is complete, all the duplicate records
* will have been collected at the upper and lower limits of
* the partition and can easily be moved adjacent to the
* pivot record.
* The second optimization is to minimize the number of swaps.
* The pointer m2 points to the pivot record.
* During partitioning, if m2 is ever equal to the partitioning
* pointers, b_par or t_par, then b_par or t_par just moves
* onto the next record without doing a compare.
* If as a result of duplicate record detection,
* b_dup or t_dup is ever equal to m2,
* then m2 is changed to point to the duplicate record and
* b_dup or t_dup is incremented with out swapping records.
* When partitioning is done, we may not have the same pivot
* record that we started with, but we will have one with
* an equal sort key.
b_dup = b_par = b_lim;
t_dup = t_par = t_lim = b_lim + rsiz * (nrec - 1);
for (;;) {
/* move bottom pointer up */
for (; b_par <= t_par; b_par += rsiz) {
if (b_par == m2) {
cv = cmp(b_par, m2);
if (cv > 0) {
if (cv == 0) {
if (b_dup == m2) {
m2 = b_par;
} else if (b_dup != b_par) {
(*swapf)(b_dup, b_par, loops);
b_dup += rsiz;
/* move top pointer down */
for (; b_par < t_par; t_par -= rsiz) {
if (t_par == m2) {
cv = cmp(t_par, m2);
if (cv < 0) {
if (cv == 0) {
if (t_dup == m2) {
m2 = t_par;
} else if (t_dup != t_par) {
(*swapf)(t_dup, t_par, loops);
t_dup -= rsiz;
/* break if we are done partitioning */
if (b_par >= t_par) {
/* exchange records at upper and lower break points */
(*swapf)(b_par, t_par, loops);
b_par += rsiz;
t_par -= rsiz;
* partitioning is now complete
* there are two termination conditions from the partitioning
* loop above. Either b_par or t_par have crossed or
* they are equal.
* we need to swap the pivot record to its final position
* m2 could be in either the upper or lower partitions
* or it could already be in its final position
* R[b_par] > R[m2]
* R[t_par] < R[m2]
if (t_par < b_par) {
if (m2 < t_par) {
(*swapf)(m2, t_par, loops);
m2 = b_par = t_par;
} else if (m2 > b_par) {
(*swapf)(m2, b_par, loops);
m2 = t_par = b_par;
} else {
b_par = t_par = m2;
} else {
if (m2 < t_par) {
t_par = b_par = t_par - rsiz;
if (m2 != b_par) {
(*swapf)(m2, b_par, loops);
m2 = t_par;
* move bottom duplicates next to pivot
* optimized to eliminate overlap
d_bytelength = b_dup - b_lim;
if (b_par - b_dup < d_bytelength) {
b_dup = b_lim + (b_par - b_dup);
while (b_dup > b_lim) {
b_dup -= rsiz;
b_par -= rsiz;
(*swapf)(b_dup, b_par, loops);
b_par = m2 - d_bytelength;
* move top duplicates next to pivot
d_bytelength = t_lim - t_dup;
if (t_dup - t_par < d_bytelength) {
t_dup = t_lim - (t_dup - t_par);
while (t_dup < t_lim) {
t_dup += rsiz;
t_par += rsiz;
(*swapf)(t_dup, t_par, loops);
t_par = m2 + d_bytelength;
* when a qsort pass completes there are three partitions
* 1) the lower contains all records less than pivot
* 2) the upper contains all records greater than pivot
* 3) the pivot partition contains all record equal to pivot
* all records in the pivot partition are in their final
* position and do not need to be accounted for by the stack
* when adding partitions to the stack
* it is important to add the largest partition first
* to prevent stack overflow.
* calculate number of unsorted records in top and bottom
* push resulting partitions on stack
b_nrec = (b_par - b_lim) / rsiz;
t_nrec = (t_lim - t_par) / rsiz;
if (b_nrec < t_nrec) {
sp->b_lim = t_par + rsiz;
sp->nrec = t_nrec;
sp->b_lim = b_lim;
sp->nrec = b_nrec;
} else {
sp->b_lim = b_lim;
sp->nrec = b_nrec;
sp->b_lim = t_par + rsiz;
sp->nrec = t_nrec;
#endif /* VBOX */
void pstrcpy(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *str)
int c;
char *q = buf;
if (buf_size <= 0)
for(;;) {
c = *str++;
if (c == 0 || q >= buf + buf_size - 1)
*q++ = c;
*q = '\0';
/* strcat and truncate. */
char *pstrcat(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s)
int len;
len = strlen(buf);
if (len < buf_size)
pstrcpy(buf + len, buf_size - len, s);
return buf;
int strstart(const char *str, const char *val, const char **ptr)
const char *p, *q;
p = str;
q = val;
while (*q != '\0') {
if (*p != *q)
return 0;
if (ptr)
*ptr = p;
return 1;
int stristart(const char *str, const char *val, const char **ptr)
const char *p, *q;
p = str;
q = val;
while (*q != '\0') {
if (toupper(*p) != toupper(*q))
return 0;
if (ptr)
*ptr = p;
return 1;
#ifndef VBOX
time_t mktimegm(struct tm *tm)
time_t t;
int y = tm->tm_year + 1900, m = tm->tm_mon + 1, d = tm->tm_mday;
if (m < 3) {
m += 12;
t = 86400 * (d + (153 * m - 457) / 5 + 365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 +
y / 400 - 719469);
t += 3600 * tm->tm_hour + 60 * tm->tm_min + tm->tm_sec;
return t;
#endif /* VBOX */