FSCopyObject.c revision ed0d4ccac4cbe85936511b94a907111e824fc588
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync File: FSCopyObject.c
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Contains: A Copy/Delete Files/Folders engine which uses the HFS+ API's.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync This code is a combination of MoreFilesX and MPFileCopy
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync with some added features. This code will run on OS 9.1 and up
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync and 10.1.x (Classic and Carbon)
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms,
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.
5c65eaa08f2ec993a19c9bef6e5463918e40e0ebvboxsync In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple�s
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Software may be incorporated.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Copyright � 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync// Modified 2006-01-23 - added this comment.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#include "FSCopyObject.h"
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#include <UnicodeConverter.h>
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#include <stddef.h>
9c0076729ec8138e89ce8a6af9a772b68f1f8dc7vboxsync#include <string.h>
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Tunable Parameters -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync// The following constants control the behavior of the copy engine.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncenum { // BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync// kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024, // Fast be not very responsive.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 256L * 1024, // Slower, but can still use machine.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kMaximumCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kMinimumCopyBufferSize = 1024
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncenum { // CalculateForksToCopy
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kExpectedForkCount = 10 // Number of non-classic forks we expect.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync}; // (i.e. non resource/data forks)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncenum { // CheckForDestInsideSource
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync errFSDestInsideSource = -1234
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncenum {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // for use with PBHGetDirAccess in IsDropBox
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kPrivilegesMask = kioACAccessUserWriteMask | kioACAccessUserReadMask | kioACAccessUserSearchMask,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // for use with FSGetCatalogInfo and FSPermissionInfo->mode
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // from sys/stat.h... note -- sys/stat.h definitions are in octal
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync //
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // You can use these values to adjust the users/groups permissions
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // on a file/folder with FSSetCatalogInfo and extracting the
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // kFSCatInfoPermissions field. See code below for examples
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kRWXUserAccessMask = 0x01C0,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kReadAccessUser = 0x0100,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kWriteAccessUser = 0x0080,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kExecuteAccessUser = 0x0040,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kRWXGroupAccessMask = 0x0038,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kReadAccessGroup = 0x0020,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kWriteAccessGroup = 0x0010,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kExecuteAccessGroup = 0x0008,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kRWXOtherAccessMask = 0x0007,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kReadAccessOther = 0x0004,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kWriteAccessOther = 0x0002,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync kExecuteAccessOther = 0x0001,
2d97f8baccdd684bc0a8a15eb86bbe9ff2b85374vboxsync kDropFolderValue = kWriteAccessOther | kExecuteAccessOther
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Struct Definitions -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#define VolHasCopyFile(volParms) \
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // The CopyParams data structure holds the copy buffer used
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // when copying the forks over, as well as special case
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // info on the destination
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstruct CopyParams {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UTCDateTime magicBusyCreateDate;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync void *copyBuffer;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ByteCount copyBufferSize;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean copyingToDropFolder;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean copyingToLocalVolume;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef struct CopyParams CopyParams;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // The FilterParams data structure holds the date and info
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // that the caller wants passed into the Filter Proc, as well
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // as the Filter Proc Pointer itself
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstruct FilterParams {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSSpec fileSpec;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSSpec *fileSpecPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HFSUniStr255 fileName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HFSUniStr255 *fileNamePtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync void *yourDataPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef struct FilterParams FilterParams;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // The ForkTracker data structure holds information about a specific fork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // specifically the name and the refnum. We use this to build a list of
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // all the forks before we start copying them. We need to do this because,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // if we're copying into a drop folder, we must open all the forks before
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // we start copying data into any of them.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Plus it's a convenient way to keep track of all the forks...
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstruct ForkTracker {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HFSUniStr255 forkName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync SInt64 forkSize;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync SInt16 forkDestRefNum;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef struct ForkTracker ForkTracker;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef ForkTracker *ForkTrackerPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // The FSCopyObjectGlobals data structure holds information needed to do
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // the recursive copy of a directory.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstruct FSCopyObjectGlobals
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef ref; /* FSRef to the source file/folder*/
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef destRef; /* FSRef to the destination directory */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *copyParams; /* pointer to info needed to do the copy */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FilterParams *filterParams; /* pointer to info needed for the optional filter proc */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount maxLevels; /* maximum levels to iterate through */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount currentLevel; /* the current level FSCopyFolderLevel is on */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean quitFlag; /* set to true if filter wants to kill interation */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean containerChanged; /* temporary - set to true if the current container changed during iteration */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr result; /* result */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef struct FSCopyObjectGlobals FSCopyObjectGlobals;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // The FSDeleteObjectGlobals data structure holds information needed to
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // recursively delete a directory
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstruct FSDeleteObjectGlobals
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; /* FSCatalogInfo */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr result; /* result */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsynctypedef struct FSDeleteObjectGlobals FSDeleteObjectGlobals;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Local Prototypes -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *copyParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FilterParams *filterParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newFile); /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *copyParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UniCharCount nameLength,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr DoCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *params,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSCopyFolder( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams* copyParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FilterParams *filterParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount maxLevels,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef* newDir); /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSCopyFolderLevel( FSCopyObjectGlobals *theGlobals, const HFSUniStr255 *destName );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CheckForDestInsideSource( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CopyItemsForks( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *dest,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *params);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr OpenAllForks( const FSRef *dest,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount otherForksCount);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CopyFork( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *dest,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const ForkTrackerPtr sourceFork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const CopyParams *params);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CloseAllForks( SInt16 dataRefNum,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync SInt16 rsrcRefNum,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount otherForksCount);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CalculateForksToCopy( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ForkTrackerPtr *otherForksParam,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount *otherForksCountParam);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr CalculateBufferSize( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ByteCount * bufferSize);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolume(FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr IsDropBox( const FSRef* source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean *isDropBox);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr GetMagicBusyCreationDate( UTCDateTime *date );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic Boolean CompareHFSUniStr255(const HFSUniStr255 *lhs,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *rhs);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSGetVRefNum( const FSRef *ref,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UInt32 bufferSize,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UInt32 *actualInfoSize); /* Can Be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr UnicodeNameGetHFSName( UniCharCount nameLength,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const UniChar *name,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean isVolumeName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Str31 hfsName);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync SInt32 dirID,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ConstStr255Param name,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *ref);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic OSErr FSDeleteFolder( const FSRef *container );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncstatic void FSDeleteFolderLevel( const FSRef *container,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Copy Objects -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // This routine acts as the top level of the copy engine. It exists
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // to a) present a nicer API than the various recursive routines, and
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // b) minimise the local variables in the recursive routines.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr FSCopyObject( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UniCharCount nameLength,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const UniChar *copyName, // can be NULL (no rename during copy)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ItemCount maxLevels,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean wantFSSpec,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean wantName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr, // can be NULL
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync void *yourDataPtr, // can be NULL
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newObject) // can be NULL
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams copyParams;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FilterParams filterParams;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HFSUniStr255 destName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HFSUniStr255 *destNamePtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Boolean isDirectory;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (copyName)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (nameLength <= 255)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync BlockMoveData(copyName, destName.unicode, nameLength * sizeof(UniChar));
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync destName.length = nameLength;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync destNamePtr = &destName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync else
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = paramErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync else
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync destNamePtr = NULL;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // we want the settable info no matter what the user asked for
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams.whichInfo = whichInfo | kFSCatInfoSettableInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams.filterProcPtr = filterProcPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams.fileSpecPtr = ( wantFSSpec ) ? &filterParams.fileSpec : NULL;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams.fileNamePtr = ( wantName ) ? &filterParams.fileName : NULL;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams.yourDataPtr = yourDataPtr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Calculate the optimal buffer size to copy the forks over
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // and create the buffer
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = CalculateBufferSize( source, destDir, &copyParams.copyBufferSize);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync copyParams.copyBuffer = NewPtr( copyParams.copyBufferSize );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( copyParams.copyBuffer == NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = memFullErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = GetMagicBusyCreationDate( &copyParams.magicBusyCreateDate );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // figure out if source is a file or folder
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync { // if it is on a local volume,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // if destination is a drop box
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSVolumeRefNum destVRefNum;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // to figure out if the souce is a folder or directory
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &tmpCatInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync isDirectory = ((tmpCatInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // are we copying to a drop folder?
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = IsDropBox( destDir, &copyParams.copyingToDropFolder );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetVRefNum(destDir, &destVRefNum);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetVolParms( destVRefNum, sizeof(volParms), &volParms, NULL );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // volParms.vMServerAdr is non-zero for remote volumes
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync copyParams.copyingToLocalVolume = (volParms.vMServerAdr == 0);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // now copy the file/folder...
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync { // is it a folder?
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if ( isDirectory )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync { // yes
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = CheckForDestInsideSource(source, destDir);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSCopyFolder( source, destDir, destNamePtr, &copyParams, &filterParams, maxLevels, newObject );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync else // no
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSCopyFile(source, destDir, destNamePtr, &copyParams, &filterParams, newObject);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Clean up for space and safety... Who me?
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( copyParams.copyBuffer != NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync DisposePtr((char*)copyParams.copyBuffer);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync return osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Copy Files -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *copyParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FilterParams *filterParams,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newFile)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo sourceCatInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef tmpRef;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL &&
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync copyParams != NULL && filterParams != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // get needed info about the source file
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if ( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (destName)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, filterParams->whichInfo, &sourceCatInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams->fileName = *destName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync else
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, filterParams->whichInfo, &sourceCatInfo, &filterParams->fileName, NULL, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = CopyFile(source, &sourceCatInfo, destDir, &filterParams->fileName, copyParams, &tmpRef);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Call the IterateFilterProc _after_ the new file was created
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // even if an error occured
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync (void) CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterParams->filterProcPtr, false, 0, osErr, &sourceCatInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync &tmpRef, filterParams->fileSpecPtr,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync filterParams->fileNamePtr, filterParams->yourDataPtr);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr && newFile != NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync *newFile = tmpRef;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync return osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr CopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ConstHFSUniStr255Param destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *params,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef* newFile)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr osErr = paramErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ((FInfo *)(sourceCatInfo->finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // if the destination is on a remote volume, try to use PBHCopyFile
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( params->copyingToLocalVolume == 0 )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSUsePBHCopyFile( source, destDir, 0, NULL, kTextEncodingUnknown, newFile );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // if PBHCopyFile didn't work or not supported,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr != noErr ) // then try old school file transfer
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = DoCopyFile( source, sourceCatInfo, destDir, destName, params, newFile );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync return osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UniCharCount nameLength,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newRef) /* can be NULL */
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSSpec srcFileSpec;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync HParamBlockRec pb;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync Str31 hfsName;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // get source FSSpec from source FSRef
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(srcFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &srcFileSpec, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // Make sure the volume supports CopyFile
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetVolParms( srcFileSpec.vRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), &volParmsInfo, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = VolHasCopyFile(&volParmsInfo) ? noErr : paramErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // get the destination vRefNum and dirID
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(dstDirectoryRef, kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoNodeID, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // gather all the info needed
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = srcFileSpec.vRefNum;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioDirID = srcFileSpec.parID;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)srcFileSpec.name;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum = catalogInfo.volume;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = (long)catalogInfo.nodeID;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( copyName != NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = UnicodeNameGetHFSName(nameLength, copyName, textEncodingHint, false, hfsName);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = ( copyName != NULL && osErr == noErr ) ? hfsName : NULL;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // tell the server to copy the object
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = PBHCopyFileSync(&pb);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr && newRef != NULL )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync myverify_noerr(FSMakeFSRef(pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newRef));
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr != paramErr ) // returning paramErr is ok, it means PBHCopyFileSync was not supported
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync return osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Copies a file referenced by source to the directory referenced by
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // destDir. destName is the name the file should be given in the
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // destination directory. sourceCatInfo is the catalogue info of
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // the file, which is passed in as an optimization (we could get it
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // by doing a FSGetCatalogInfo but the caller has already done that
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // so we might as well take advantage of that).
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync //
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr DoCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync const FSRef *destDir,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ConstHFSUniStr255Param destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams *params,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef *newRef)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSRef dest;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSPermissionInfo originalPermissions;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UTCDateTime originalCreateDate;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSType originalFileType;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync UInt16 originalNodeFlags;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync OSErr osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // If we're copying to a drop folder, we won't be able to reset this
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // information once the copy is done, so we don't mess it up in
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // the first place. We still clear the locked bit though; items dropped
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // into a drop folder always become unlocked.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (!params->copyingToDropFolder)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Remember to clear the file's type, so the Finder doesn't
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // look at the file until we're done.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync originalFileType = ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = kFirstMagicBusyFiletype;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Remember and clear the file's locked status, so that we can
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // actually write the forks we're about to create.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync originalNodeFlags = sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Set the file's creation date to kMagicBusyCreationDate,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // remembering the old value for restoration later.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync originalCreateDate = sourceCatInfo->createDate;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync sourceCatInfo->createDate = params->magicBusyCreateDate;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the file we are going to create
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // otherwise FSCreateFileUnicode will return -5000 (afpAccessDenied),
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet the file is created (size 0k)... bug?
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync originalPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Classic only supports 9.1 and higher, so we don't have to worry about 2397324
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSCreateFileUnicode(destDir, destName->length, destName->unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo, &dest, NULL);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if( osErr == noErr ) // Copy the forks over to the new file
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = CopyItemsForks(source, &dest, params);
b8908d384db2324f04a2f68a13e67ea32ebf609avboxsync // Restore the original file type, creation and modification dates,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // locked status and permissions.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // This is one of the places where we need to handle drop
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // folders as a special case because this FSSetCatalogInfo will fail for
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // an item in a drop folder, so we don't even attempt it.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (osErr == noErr && !params->copyingToDropFolder)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync {
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = originalFileType;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync sourceCatInfo->createDate = originalCreateDate;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags = originalNodeFlags;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync *((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions) = originalPermissions;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync osErr = FSSetCatalogInfo(&dest, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo);
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync }
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // If we created the file and the copy failed, try to clean up by
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // deleting the file we created. We do this because, while it's
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // possible for the copy to fail halfway through and the File Manager
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // doesn't really clean up that well, we *really* don't wan't
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // any half-created files being left around.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // if the file already existed, we don't want to delete it
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync //
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // Note that there are cases where the assert can fire which are not
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // errors (for example, if the destination is in a drop folder) but
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // I'll leave it in anyway because I'm interested in discovering those
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // cases. Note that, if this fires and we're running MP, current versions
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // of MacsBug won't catch the exception and the MP task will terminate
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync // with a kMPTaskAbortedErr error.
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync if (osErr != noErr && osErr != dupFNErr )
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects(&dest) );
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync else if( newRef != NULL ) // if everything was fine, then return the new file
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync *newRef = dest;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync return osErr;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync#pragma mark ----- Copy Folders -----
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsyncOSErr FSCopyFolder( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir, const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync CopyParams* copyParams, FilterParams *filterParams, ItemCount maxLevels, FSRef* newDir)
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync FSCopyObjectGlobals theGlobals;
320484435d67c1fb90dca3e8836d81bf939c8ba2vboxsync theGlobals.ref = *source;
theGlobals.destRef = *destDir;
theGlobals.copyParams = copyParams;
theGlobals.filterParams = filterParams;
theGlobals.maxLevels = maxLevels;
theGlobals.currentLevel = 0;
theGlobals.quitFlag = false;
theGlobals.containerChanged = false;
theGlobals.result = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL &&
copyParams != NULL && filterParams != NULL ) ?
noErr : paramErr;
theGlobals.actualObjects = 0;
// here we go into recursion land...
if( theGlobals.result == noErr )
theGlobals.result = FSCopyFolderLevel(&theGlobals, destName);
if( theGlobals.result == noErr && newDir != NULL)
*newDir = theGlobals.ref;
// Call the IterateFilterProc _after_ the new folder is created
// even if we failed...
if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL )
(void) CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterParams->filterProcPtr, theGlobals.containerChanged,
theGlobals.currentLevel, theGlobals.result, &theGlobals.catalogInfo,
&theGlobals.ref, filterParams->fileSpecPtr,
filterParams->fileNamePtr, filterParams->yourDataPtr);
mycheck_noerr(theGlobals.result); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return ( theGlobals.result );
OSErr FSCopyFolderLevel( FSCopyObjectGlobals *theGlobals, const HFSUniStr255 *destName )
// If maxLevels is zero, we aren't checking levels
// If currentLevel < maxLevels, look at this level
if ( (theGlobals->maxLevels == 0) ||
(theGlobals->currentLevel < theGlobals->maxLevels) )
FSRef newDirRef;
UTCDateTime originalCreateDate;
FSPermissionInfo originalPermissions;
FSIterator iterator;
FilterParams *filterPtr = theGlobals->filterParams;
// get the info we need on the source file...
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfo( &theGlobals->ref, filterPtr->whichInfo,
&theGlobals->catalogInfo, &filterPtr->fileName,
if (theGlobals->currentLevel == 0 && destName)
filterPtr->fileName = *destName;
// Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us.
((FInfo *)(theGlobals->catalogInfo.finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited;
// Set the folder's creation date to kMagicBusyCreationDate
// so that the Finder doesn't mess with the folder while
// it's copying. We remember the old value for restoration
// later. We only do this if we're not copying to a drop
// folder, because if we are copying to a drop folder we don't
// have the opportunity to reset the information at the end of
// this routine.
if ( theGlobals->result == noErr && !theGlobals->copyParams->copyingToDropFolder)
originalCreateDate = theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate;
theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate = theGlobals->copyParams->magicBusyCreateDate;
// we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the folder we are going to create,
// otherwise FSCreateDirectoryUnicode will return -5000 (afpAccessDenied),
// and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet the folder is created... bug?
originalPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions);
((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask;
// create the new directory
if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
theGlobals->result = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode( &theGlobals->destRef, filterPtr->fileName.length,
filterPtr->fileName.unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo,
&theGlobals->catalogInfo, &newDirRef,
&filterPtr->fileSpec, NULL);
++theGlobals->currentLevel; // setup to go to the next level
// With the new APIs, folders can have forks as well as files. Before
// we start copying items in the folder, we must copy over the forks
if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
theGlobals->result = CopyItemsForks(&theGlobals->ref, &newDirRef, theGlobals->copyParams);
if( theGlobals->result == noErr ) // Open FSIterator for flat access to theGlobals->ref
theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(&theGlobals->ref, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator);
if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
OSErr osErr;
// Call FSGetCatalogInfoBulk in loop to get all items in the container
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects,
&theGlobals->containerChanged, filterPtr->whichInfo,
&theGlobals->catalogInfo, &theGlobals->ref,
filterPtr->fileSpecPtr, &filterPtr->fileName);
if ( ( (theGlobals->result == noErr) || (theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems) ) &&
( theGlobals->actualObjects != 0 ) )
// Any errors in here will be passed to the filter proc
// we don't want an error in here to prematurely
// cancel the recursive copy, leaving a half filled directory
// is the new object a directory?
if ( (theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
{ // yes
theGlobals->destRef = newDirRef;
osErr = FSCopyFolderLevel(theGlobals, NULL);
theGlobals->result = noErr; // don't want one silly mistake to kill the party...
else // no
osErr = CopyFile( &theGlobals->ref, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
&newDirRef, &filterPtr->fileName,
theGlobals->copyParams, &theGlobals->ref);
// Call the filter proc _after_ the file/folder was created completly
if( filterPtr->filterProcPtr != NULL && !theGlobals->quitFlag )
theGlobals->quitFlag = CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterPtr->filterProcPtr,
theGlobals->containerChanged, theGlobals->currentLevel,
osErr, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
&theGlobals->ref, filterPtr->fileSpecPtr,
filterPtr->fileNamePtr, filterPtr->yourDataPtr);
} while ( ( theGlobals->result == noErr ) && ( !theGlobals->quitFlag ) );
// Close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail)
(void) FSCloseIterator(iterator);
// errFSNoMoreItems is OK - it only means we hit the end of this level
// afpAccessDenied is OK, too - it only means we cannot see inside a directory
if ( (theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems) || (theGlobals->result == afpAccessDenied) )
theGlobals->result = noErr;
// store away the name, and an FSSpec and FSRef of the new directory
// for use in filter proc one level up...
if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
theGlobals->ref = newDirRef;
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&newDirRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL,
&filterPtr->fileName, &filterPtr->fileSpec, NULL);
// Return to previous level as we leave
// Reset the modification dates and permissions, except when copying to a drop folder
// where this won't work.
if (theGlobals->result == noErr && ! theGlobals->copyParams->copyingToDropFolder)
theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate = originalCreateDate;
*((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions) = originalPermissions;
theGlobals->result = FSSetCatalogInfo(&newDirRef, kFSCatInfoCreateDate
| kFSCatInfoAttrMod
| kFSCatInfoContentMod
| kFSCatInfoPermissions, &theGlobals->catalogInfo);
// If we created the folder and the copy failed, try to clean up by
// deleting the folder we created. We do this because, while it's
// possible for the copy to fail halfway through and the File Manager
// doesn't really clean up that well, we *really* don't wan't any
// half-created files/folders being left around.
// if the file already existed, we don't want to delete it
if( theGlobals->result != noErr && theGlobals->result != dupFNErr )
myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects(&newDirRef) );
mycheck_noerr( theGlobals->result ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return theGlobals->result;
// Determines whether the destination directory is equal to the source
// item, or whether it's nested inside the source item. Returns a
// errFSDestInsideSource if that's the case. We do this to prevent
// endless recursion while copying.
OSErr CheckForDestInsideSource(const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir)
FSRef thisDir = *destDir;
FSCatalogInfo thisDirInfo;
Boolean done = false;
OSErr osErr;
osErr = FSCompareFSRefs(source, &thisDir);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = errFSDestInsideSource;
else if (osErr == diffVolErr)
osErr = noErr;
done = true;
else if (osErr == errFSRefsDifferent)
// This is somewhat tricky. We can ask for the parent of thisDir
// by setting the parentRef parameter to FSGetCatalogInfo but, if
// thisDir is the volume's FSRef, this will give us back junk.
// So we also ask for the parent's dir ID to be returned in the
// FSCatalogInfo record, and then check that against the node
// ID of the root's parent (ie 1). If we match that, we've made
// it to the top of the hierarchy without hitting source, so
// we leave with no error.
osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(&thisDir, kFSCatInfoParentDirID, &thisDirInfo, NULL, NULL, &thisDir);
if( ( osErr == noErr ) && ( thisDirInfo.parentDirID == fsRtParID ) )
done = true;
} while ( osErr == noErr && ! done );
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
#pragma mark ----- Copy Forks -----
OSErr CopyItemsForks(const FSRef *source, const FSRef *dest, CopyParams *params)
ForkTracker dataFork,
ForkTrackerPtr otherForks;
ItemCount otherForksCount,
OSErr osErr;
dataFork.forkDestRefNum = 0;
rsrcFork.forkDestRefNum = 0;
otherForks = NULL;
otherForksCount = 0;
// Get the constant names for the resource and data fork, which
// we're going to need inside the copy engine.
osErr = FSGetDataForkName(&dataFork.forkName);
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = FSGetResourceForkName(&rsrcFork.forkName);
if( osErr == noErr ) // First determine the list of forks that the source has.
osErr = CalculateForksToCopy(source, &dataFork, &rsrcFork, &otherForks, &otherForksCount);
if (osErr == noErr)
// If we're copying into a drop folder, open up all of those forks.
// We have to do this because, once we've starting writing to a fork
// in a drop folder, we can't open any more forks.
// We only do this if we're copying into a drop folder in order
// to conserve FCBs in the more common, non-drop folder case.
if (params->copyingToDropFolder)
osErr = OpenAllForks(dest, &dataFork, &rsrcFork, otherForks, otherForksCount);
// Copy each fork.
if (osErr == noErr && (dataFork.forkSize != 0)) // copy data fork
osErr = CopyFork(source, dest, &dataFork, params);
if (osErr == noErr && (rsrcFork.forkSize != 0)) // copy resource fork
osErr = CopyFork(source, dest, &rsrcFork, params);
if (osErr == noErr) { // copy other forks
for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount && osErr == noErr; thisForkIndex++)
osErr = CopyFork(source,dest, &otherForks[thisForkIndex], params);
// Close any forks that might be left open. Note that we have to call
// this regardless of an error. Also note that this only closes forks
// that were opened by OpenAllForks. If we're not copying into a drop
// folder, the forks are opened and closed by CopyFork.
OSErr osErr2 = CloseAllForks(dataFork.forkDestRefNum, rsrcFork.forkDestRefNum, otherForks, otherForksCount);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
// Clean up.
if (otherForks != NULL)
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// Open all the forks of the file. We need to do this when we're copying
// into a drop folder, where you must open all the forks before starting
// to write to any of them.
// IMPORTANT: If it fails, this routine won't close forks that opened successfully.
// You must call CloseAllForks regardless of whether this routine returns an error.
OSErr OpenAllForks( const FSRef *dest,
const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
ItemCount otherForksCount)
ItemCount thisForkIndex;
OSErr osErr = noErr;
// Open the resource and data forks as a special case, if they exist in this object
if (dataFork->forkSize != 0) // Data fork never needs to be created, so I don't have to FSCreateFork it here.
osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, dataFork->forkName.length, dataFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &dataFork->forkDestRefNum);
if (osErr == noErr && rsrcFork->forkSize != 0) // Resource fork never needs to be created, so I don't have to FSCreateFork it here.
osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, rsrcFork->forkName.length, rsrcFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &rsrcFork->forkDestRefNum);
if (osErr == noErr && otherForks != NULL && otherForksCount > 0) // Open the other forks.
for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount && osErr == noErr; thisForkIndex++)
// Create the fork. Swallow afpAccessDenied because this operation
// causes the external file system compatibility shim in Mac OS 9 to
// generate a GetCatInfo request to the AppleShare external file system,
// which in turn causes an AFP GetFileDirParms request on the wire,
// which the AFP server bounces with afpAccessDenied because the file
// is in a drop folder. As there's no native support for non-classic
// forks in current AFP, there's no way I can decide how I should
// handle this in a non-test case. So I just swallow the error and
// hope that when native AFP support arrives, the right thing will happen.
osErr = FSCreateFork(dest, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.length, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.unicode);
if (osErr == noErr || osErr == afpAccessDenied)
osErr = noErr;
// Previously I avoided opening up the fork if the fork if the
// length was empty, but that confused CopyFork into thinking
// this wasn't a drop folder copy, so I decided to simply avoid
// this trivial optimization. In drop folders, we always open
// all forks.
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.length, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum);
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// Copies the fork whose name is forkName from source to dest.
// A refnum for the destination fork may be supplied in forkDestRefNum.
// If forkDestRefNum is 0, we must open the destination fork ourselves,
// otherwise it has been opened for us and we shouldn't close it.
OSErr CopyFork( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *dest, const ForkTrackerPtr sourceFork, const CopyParams *params)
UInt64 bytesRemaining;
UInt64 bytesToReadThisTime;
UInt64 bytesToWriteThisTime;
SInt16 sourceRef;
SInt16 destRef;
OSErr osErr = noErr;
OSErr osErr2 = noErr;
// If we haven't been passed in a sourceFork->forkDestRefNum (which basically
// means we're copying into a non-drop folder), create the destination
// fork. We have to do this regardless of whether sourceFork->forkSize is
// 0, because we want to preserve empty forks.
if (sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0)
osErr = FSCreateFork(dest, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode);
// Mac OS 9.0 has a bug (in the AppleShare external file system,
// I think) [2410374] that causes FSCreateFork to return an errFSForkExists
// error even though the fork is empty. The following code swallows
// the error (which is harmless) in that case.
if (osErr == errFSForkExists && !params->copyingToLocalVolume)
osErr = noErr;
// The remainder of this code only applies if there is actual data
// in the source fork.
if (osErr == noErr && sourceFork->forkSize != 0) {
// Prepare for failure.
sourceRef = 0;
destRef = 0;
// Open up the destination fork, if we're asked to, otherwise
// just use the passed in sourceFork->forkDestRefNum.
if( sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0 )
osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &destRef);
destRef = sourceFork->forkDestRefNum;
// Open up the source fork.
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = FSOpenFork(source, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &sourceRef);
// Here we create space for the entire fork on the destination volume.
// FSAllocateFork has the right semantics on both traditional Mac OS
// and Mac OS X. On traditional Mac OS it will allocate space for the
// file in one hit without any other special action. On Mac OS X,
// FSAllocateFork is preferable to FSSetForkSize because it prevents
// the system from zero filling the bytes that were added to the end
// of the fork (which would be waste becasue we're about to write over
// those bytes anyway.
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = FSAllocateFork(destRef, kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask, fsFromStart, 0, sourceFork->forkSize, NULL);
// Copy the file from the source to the destination in chunks of
// no more than params->copyBufferSize bytes. This is fairly
// boring code except for the bytesToReadThisTime/bytesToWriteThisTime
// distinction. On the last chunk, we round bytesToWriteThisTime
// up to the next 512 byte boundary and then, after we exit the loop,
// we set the file's EOF back to the real location (if the fork size
// is not a multiple of 512 bytes).
// This technique works around a 'bug' in the traditional Mac OS File Manager,
// where the File Manager will put the last 512-byte block of a large write into
// the cache (even if we specifically request no caching) if that block is not
// full. If the block goes into the cache it will eventually have to be
// flushed, which causes sub-optimal disk performance.
// This is only done if the destination volume is local. For a network
// volume, it's better to just write the last bytes directly.
// This is extreme over-optimization given the other limits of this
// sample, but I will hopefully get to the other limits eventually.
bytesRemaining = sourceFork->forkSize;
while (osErr == noErr && bytesRemaining != 0)
if (bytesRemaining > params->copyBufferSize)
bytesToReadThisTime = params->copyBufferSize;
bytesToWriteThisTime = bytesToReadThisTime;
bytesToReadThisTime = bytesRemaining;
bytesToWriteThisTime = (params->copyingToLocalVolume) ?
(bytesRemaining + 0x01FF) & ~0x01FF :
osErr = FSReadFork(sourceRef, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToReadThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = FSWriteFork(destRef, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToWriteThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL);
if (osErr == noErr)
bytesRemaining -= bytesToReadThisTime;
if (osErr == noErr && (params->copyingToLocalVolume && ((sourceFork->forkSize & 0x01FF) != 0)) )
osErr = FSSetForkSize(destRef, fsFromStart, sourceFork->forkSize);
// Clean up.
if (sourceRef != 0)
osErr2 = FSCloseFork(sourceRef);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
// Only close destRef if we were asked to open it (ie sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0) and
// we actually managed to open it (ie destRef != 0).
if (sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0 && destRef != 0)
osErr2 = FSCloseFork(destRef);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// Close all the forks that might have been opened by OpenAllForks.
OSErr CloseAllForks(SInt16 dataRefNum, SInt16 rsrcRefNum, ForkTrackerPtr otherForks, ItemCount otherForksCount)
ItemCount thisForkIndex;
OSErr osErr = noErr,
if (dataRefNum != 0)
osErr2 = FSCloseFork(dataRefNum);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
if (rsrcRefNum != 0)
osErr2 = FSCloseFork(rsrcRefNum);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
if( otherForks != NULL && otherForksCount > 0 )
for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount; thisForkIndex++)
if (otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum != 0)
osErr2 = FSCloseFork(otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum);
if (osErr == noErr)
osErr = osErr2;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// This routine determines the list of forks that a file has.
// dataFork is populated if the file has a data fork.
// rsrcFork is populated if the file has a resource fork.
// otherForksParam is set to point to a memory block allocated with
// NewPtr if the file has forks beyond the resource and data
// forks. You must free that block with DisposePtr. otherForksCountParam
// is set to the number of forks in the otherForksParam
// array. This count does *not* include the resource and data forks.
OSErr CalculateForksToCopy( const FSRef *source,
const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
ForkTrackerPtr *otherForksParam,
ItemCount *otherForksCountParam)
Boolean done;
CatPositionRec iterator;
HFSUniStr255 thisForkName;
SInt64 thisForkSize;
ForkTrackerPtr otherForks;
ItemCount otherForksCount;
ItemCount otherForksMemoryBlockCount;
OSErr osErr = ( (source != NULL) && (dataFork != NULL) &&
(rsrcFork != NULL) && (otherForksParam != NULL) &&
(otherForksCountParam != NULL) ) ?
noErr : paramErr;
dataFork->forkSize = 0;
rsrcFork->forkSize = 0;
otherForks = NULL;
otherForksCount = 0;
iterator.initialize = 0;
done = false;
// Iterate through the list of forks, processing each fork name in turn.
while (osErr == noErr && ! done)
osErr = FSIterateForks(source, &iterator, &thisForkName, &thisForkSize, NULL);
if (osErr == errFSNoMoreItems)
osErr = noErr;
done = true;
else if (osErr == noErr)
if ( CompareHFSUniStr255(&thisForkName, &dataFork->forkName) )
dataFork->forkSize = thisForkSize;
else if ( CompareHFSUniStr255(&thisForkName, &rsrcFork->forkName) )
rsrcFork->forkSize = thisForkSize;
// We've found a fork other than the resource and data forks.
// We have to add it to the otherForks array. But the array
// a) may not have been created yet, and b) may not contain
// enough elements to hold the new fork.
if (otherForks == NULL) // The array hasn't been allocated yet, allocate it.
otherForksMemoryBlockCount = kExpectedForkCount;
otherForks = ( ForkTracker* ) NewPtr( sizeof(ForkTracker) * kExpectedForkCount );
if (otherForks == NULL)
osErr = memFullErr;
else if (otherForksCount == otherForksMemoryBlockCount)
{ // If the array doesn't contain enough elements, grow it.
ForkTrackerPtr newOtherForks;
newOtherForks = (ForkTracker*)NewPtr(sizeof(ForkTracker) * (otherForksCount + kExpectedForkCount));
if( newOtherForks != NULL)
BlockMoveData(otherForks, newOtherForks, sizeof(ForkTracker) * otherForksCount);
otherForksMemoryBlockCount += kExpectedForkCount;
otherForks = newOtherForks;
osErr = memFullErr;
// If we have no error, we know we have space in the otherForks
// array to place the new fork. Put it there and increment the
// count of forks.
if (osErr == noErr)
BlockMoveData(&thisForkName, &otherForks[otherForksCount].forkName, sizeof(thisForkName));
otherForks[otherForksCount].forkSize = thisForkSize;
otherForks[otherForksCount].forkDestRefNum = 0;
// Clean up.
if (osErr != noErr)
if (otherForks != NULL)
otherForks = NULL;
otherForksCount = 0;
*otherForksParam = otherForks;
*otherForksCountParam = otherForksCount;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
#pragma mark ----- Calculate Buffer Size -----
OSErr CalculateBufferSize( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir,
ByteCount * bufferSize )
FSVolumeRefNum sourceVRefNum,
ByteCount tmpBufferSize = 0;
OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL && bufferSize != NULL ) ?
noErr : paramErr;
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = FSGetVRefNum( source, &sourceVRefNum );
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = FSGetVRefNum( destDir, &destVRefNum);
if( osErr == noErr)
tmpBufferSize = BufferSizeForThisVolume(sourceVRefNum);
if (destVRefNum != sourceVRefNum)
ByteCount tmp = BufferSizeForThisVolume(destVRefNum);
if (tmp < tmpBufferSize)
tmpBufferSize = tmp;
*bufferSize = tmpBufferSize;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// This routine calculates the appropriate buffer size for
// the given vRefNum. It's a simple composition of FSGetVolParms
// BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed.
ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolume(FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum)
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms;
ByteCount volumeBytesPerSecond = 0;
UInt32 actualSize;
OSErr osErr;
osErr = FSGetVolParms( vRefNum, sizeof(volParms), &volParms, &actualSize );
if( osErr == noErr )
// Version 1 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer included the vMAttrib
// field, so we don't really need to test actualSize. A noErr
// result indicates that we have the info we need. This is
// just a paranoia check.
mycheck(actualSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMVolumeGrade));
// On the other hand, vMVolumeGrade was not introduced until
// version 2 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, so we have to explicitly
// test whether we got a useful value.
if( ( actualSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMForeignPrivID) ) &&
( volParms.vMVolumeGrade <= 0 ) )
volumeBytesPerSecond = -volParms.vMVolumeGrade;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(volumeBytesPerSecond);
// Calculate an appropriate copy buffer size based on the volumes
// rated speed. Our target is to use a buffer that takes 0.25
// seconds to fill. This is necessary because the volume might be
// mounted over a very slow link (like ARA), and if we do a 256 KB
// read over an ARA link we'll block the File Manager queue for
// so long that other clients (who might have innocently just
// called PBGetCatInfoSync) will block for a noticeable amount of time.
// Note that volumeBytesPerSecond might be 0, in which case we assume
// some default value.
ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond)
ByteCount bufferSize;
if (volumeBytesPerSecond == 0)
bufferSize = kDefaultCopyBufferSize;
{ // We want to issue a single read that takes 0.25 of a second,
// so devide the bytes per second by 4.
bufferSize = volumeBytesPerSecond / 4;
// Round bufferSize down to 512 byte boundary.
bufferSize &= ~0x01FF;
// Clip to sensible limits.
if (bufferSize < kMinimumCopyBufferSize)
bufferSize = kMinimumCopyBufferSize;
else if (bufferSize > kMaximumCopyBufferSize)
bufferSize = kMaximumCopyBufferSize;
return bufferSize;
#pragma mark ----- Delete Objects -----
OSErr FSDeleteObjects( const FSRef *source )
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
// get nodeFlags for container
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL);
if( osErr == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
{ // its a directory, so delete its contents before we delete it
osErr = FSDeleteFolder(source);
if( osErr == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) // is object locked?
{ // then attempt to unlock the object (ignore osErr since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly)
catalogInfo.nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo);
if( osErr == noErr ) // delete the object (if it was a directory it is now empty, so we can delete it)
osErr = FSDeleteObject(source);
mycheck_noerr( osErr );
return ( osErr );
#pragma mark ----- Delete Folders -----
OSErr FSDeleteFolder( const FSRef *container )
FSDeleteObjectGlobals theGlobals;
theGlobals.result = ( container != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
// delete container's contents
if( theGlobals.result == noErr )
FSDeleteFolderLevel(container, &theGlobals);
mycheck_noerr( theGlobals.result );
return ( theGlobals.result );
void FSDeleteFolderLevel( const FSRef *container,
FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals)
FSIterator iterator;
FSRef itemToDelete;
UInt16 nodeFlags;
// Open FSIterator for flat access and give delete optimization hint
theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(container, kFSIterateFlat + kFSIterateDelete, &iterator);
if ( theGlobals->result == noErr )
do // delete the contents of the directory
// get 1 item to delete
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects,
NULL, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
&itemToDelete, NULL, NULL);
if ( (theGlobals->result == noErr) && (theGlobals->actualObjects == 1) )
// save node flags in local in case we have to recurse */
nodeFlags = theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags;
// is it a directory?
if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
{ // yes -- delete its contents before attempting to delete it */
FSDeleteFolderLevel(&itemToDelete, theGlobals);
if ( theGlobals->result == noErr) // are we still OK to delete?
if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) // is item locked?
{ // then attempt to unlock it (ignore result since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly)
theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags = nodeFlags & ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(&itemToDelete, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo);
// delete the item
theGlobals->result = FSDeleteObject(&itemToDelete);
} while ( theGlobals->result == noErr );
// we found the end of the items normally, so return noErr
if ( theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems )
theGlobals->result = noErr;
// close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail)
mycheck_noerr( theGlobals->result );
#pragma mark ----- Utilities -----
// Figures out if the given directory is a drop box or not
// if it is, the Copy Engine will behave slightly differently
OSErr IsDropBox(const FSRef* source, Boolean *isDropBox)
FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo;
FSSpec sourceSpec;
Boolean isDrop = false;
OSErr osErr;
// get info about the destination, and an FSSpec to it for PBHGetDirAccess
osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoPermissions, &tmpCatInfo, NULL, &sourceSpec, NULL);
if( osErr == noErr ) // make sure the source is a directory
osErr = ((tmpCatInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0) ? noErr : errFSNotAFolder;
if( osErr == noErr )
HParamBlockRec hPB;
BlockZero(&hPB, sizeof( HParamBlockRec ));
hPB.accessParam.ioNamePtr = sourceSpec.name;
hPB.accessParam.ioVRefNum = sourceSpec.vRefNum;
hPB.accessParam.ioDirID = sourceSpec.parID;
// This is the official way (reads: the way X Finder does it) to figure
// out the current users access privileges to a given directory
osErr = PBHGetDirAccessSync(&hPB);
if( osErr == noErr ) // its a drop folder if the current user only has write access
isDrop = (hPB.accessParam.ioACAccess & kPrivilegesMask) == kioACAccessUserWriteMask;
else if ( osErr == paramErr )
// There is a bug (2908703) in the Classic File System (not OS 9.x or Carbon)
// on 10.1.x where PBHGetDirAccessSync sometimes returns paramErr even when the
// data passed in is correct. This is a workaround/hack for that problem,
// but is not as accurate.
// Basically, if "Everyone" has only Write/Search access then its a drop folder
// that is the most common case when its a drop folder
FSPermissionInfo *tmpPerm = (FSPermissionInfo *)tmpCatInfo.permissions;
isDrop = ((tmpPerm->mode & kRWXOtherAccessMask) == kDropFolderValue);
osErr = noErr;
*isDropBox = isDrop;
mycheck_noerr( osErr );
return osErr;
// The copy engine is going to set each item's creation date
// to kMagicBusyCreationDate while it's copying the item.
// But kMagicBusyCreationDate is an old-style 32-bit date/time,
// while the HFS Plus APIs use the new 64-bit date/time. So
// we have to call a happy UTC utilities routine to convert from
// the local time kMagicBusyCreationDate to a UTCDateTime
// gMagicBusyCreationDate, which the File Manager will store
// on disk and which the Finder we read back using the old
// APIs, whereupon the File Manager will convert it back
// to local time (and hopefully get the kMagicBusyCreationDate
// back!).
OSErr GetMagicBusyCreationDate( UTCDateTime *date )
UTCDateTime tmpDate = {0,0,0};
OSErr osErr = ( date != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = ConvertLocalTimeToUTC(kMagicBusyCreationDate, &tmpDate.lowSeconds);
if( osErr == noErr )
*date = tmpDate;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return osErr;
// compares two HFSUniStr255 for equality
// return true if they are identical, false if not
Boolean CompareHFSUniStr255(const HFSUniStr255 *lhs, const HFSUniStr255 *rhs)
return (lhs->length == rhs->length)
&& (memcmp(lhs->unicode, rhs->unicode, lhs->length * sizeof(UniChar)) == 0);
OSErr FSGetVRefNum(const FSRef *ref, FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum)
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
OSErr osErr = ( ref != NULL && vRefNum != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
if( osErr == noErr ) /* get the volume refNum from the FSRef */
osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if( osErr == noErr )
*vRefNum = catalogInfo.volume;
mycheck_noerr( osErr );
return osErr;
OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
UInt32 bufferSize,
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo,
UInt32 *actualInfoSize) /* Can Be NULL */
HParamBlockRec pb;
OSErr osErr = ( volParmsInfo != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
if( osErr == noErr )
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)volParmsInfo;
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = (SInt32)bufferSize;
osErr = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);
/* return number of bytes the file system returned in volParmsInfo buffer */
if( osErr == noErr && actualInfoSize != NULL)
*actualInfoSize = (UInt32)pb.ioParam.ioActCount;
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return ( osErr );
OSErr UnicodeNameGetHFSName( UniCharCount nameLength,
const UniChar *name,
TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
Boolean isVolumeName,
Str31 hfsName)
UnicodeMapping uMapping;
UnicodeToTextInfo utInfo;
ByteCount unicodeByteLength;
ByteCount unicodeBytesConverted;
ByteCount actualPascalBytes;
OSErr osErr = (hfsName != NULL && name != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
// make sure output is valid in case we get errors or there's nothing to convert
hfsName[0] = 0;
unicodeByteLength = nameLength * sizeof(UniChar);
if ( unicodeByteLength == 0 )
osErr = noErr; /* do nothing */
// if textEncodingHint is kTextEncodingUnknown, get a "default" textEncodingHint
if ( kTextEncodingUnknown == textEncodingHint )
ScriptCode script;
RegionCode region;
script = (ScriptCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript);
region = (RegionCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode);
osErr = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare,
region, NULL, &textEncodingHint );
if ( osErr == paramErr )
{ // ok, ignore the region and try again
osErr = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare,
kTextRegionDontCare, NULL,
&textEncodingHint );
if ( osErr != noErr ) // ok... try something
textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingMacRoman;
uMapping.unicodeEncoding = CreateTextEncoding( kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0,
uMapping.otherEncoding = GetTextEncodingBase(textEncodingHint);
uMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseHFSPlusMapping;
osErr = CreateUnicodeToTextInfo(&uMapping, &utInfo);
if( osErr == noErr )
osErr = ConvertFromUnicodeToText( utInfo, unicodeByteLength, name, kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask,
0, NULL, 0, NULL, /* offsetCounts & offsetArrays */
isVolumeName ? kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars : kHFSMaxFileNameChars,
&unicodeBytesConverted, &actualPascalBytes, &hfsName[1]);
if( osErr == noErr )
hfsName[0] = actualPascalBytes;
// verify the result in debug builds -- there's really not anything you can do if it fails
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return ( osErr );
OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
SInt32 dirID,
ConstStr255Param name,
FSRef *ref)
FSRefParam pb;
OSErr osErr = ( ref != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
if( osErr == noErr )
pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
pb.ioDirID = dirID;
pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)name;
pb.newRef = ref;
osErr = PBMakeFSRefSync(&pb);
mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
return ( osErr );