scmdiff.cpp revision 739c9e0e5fccb99475b8202ead8fc5665b2fa64c
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* IPRT Testcase / Tool - Source Code Massager.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Header Files *
#include <iprt/assert.h>
#include <iprt/ctype.h>
#include <iprt/message.h>
#include <iprt/stream.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include "scmdiff.h"
* Global Variables *
static const char g_szTabSpaces[16+1] = " ";
* Prints a range of lines with a prefix.
* @param pState The diff state.
* @param chPrefix The prefix.
* @param pStream The stream to get the lines from.
* @param iLine The first line.
* @param cLines The number of lines.
static void scmDiffPrintLines(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, char chPrefix, PSCMSTREAM pStream, size_t iLine, size_t cLines)
while (cLines-- > 0)
SCMEOL enmEol;
size_t cchLine;
const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pStream, iLine, &cchLine, &enmEol);
RTStrmPutCh(pState->pDiff, chPrefix);
if (pchLine && cchLine)
if (!pState->fSpecialChars)
RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchLine, cchLine);
size_t offVir = 0;
const char *pchStart = pchLine;
const char *pchTab = (const char *)memchr(pchLine, '\t', cchLine);
while (pchTab)
RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchStart, pchTab - pchStart);
offVir += pchTab - pchStart;
size_t cchTab = pState->cchTab - offVir % pState->cchTab;
switch (cchTab)
case 1: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "."); break;
case 2: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, ".."); break;
case 3: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[T]"); break;
case 4: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[TA]"); break;
case 5: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[TAB]"); break;
default: RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "[TAB%.*s]", cchTab - 5, g_szTabSpaces); break;
offVir += cchTab;
/* next */
pchStart = pchTab + 1;
pchTab = (const char *)memchr(pchStart, '\t', cchLine - (pchStart - pchLine));
size_t cchLeft = cchLine - (pchStart - pchLine);
if (cchLeft)
RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchStart, cchLeft);
if (!pState->fSpecialChars)
RTStrmPutCh(pState->pDiff, '\n');
else if (enmEol == SCMEOL_LF)
RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[LF]\n");
else if (enmEol == SCMEOL_CRLF)
RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[CRLF]\n");
RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[NONE]\n");
* Reports a difference and propels the streams to the lines following the
* resync.
* @returns New pState->cDiff value (just to return something).
* @param pState The diff state. The cDiffs member will be
* incremented.
* @param cMatches The resync length.
* @param iLeft Where the difference starts on the left side.
* @param cLeft How long it is on this side. ~(size_t)0 is used
* to indicate that it goes all the way to the end.
* @param iRight Where the difference starts on the right side.
* @param cRight How long it is.
static size_t scmDiffReport(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t cMatches,
size_t iLeft, size_t cLeft,
size_t iRight, size_t cRight)
* Adjust the input.
if (cLeft == ~(size_t)0)
size_t c = ScmStreamCountLines(pState->pLeft);
if (c >= iLeft)
cLeft = c - iLeft;
iLeft = c;
cLeft = 0;
if (cRight == ~(size_t)0)
size_t c = ScmStreamCountLines(pState->pRight);
if (c >= iRight)
cRight = c - iRight;
iRight = c;
cRight = 0;
* Print header if it's the first difference
if (!pState->cDiffs)
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "diff %s %s\n", pState->pszFilename, pState->pszFilename);
* Emit the change description.
char ch = cLeft == 0
? 'a'
: cRight == 0
? 'd'
: 'c';
if (cLeft > 1 && cRight > 1)
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "%zu,%zu%c%zu,%zu\n", iLeft + 1, iLeft + cLeft, ch, iRight + 1, iRight + cRight);
else if (cLeft > 1)
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "%zu,%zu%c%zu\n", iLeft + 1, iLeft + cLeft, ch, iRight + 1);
else if (cRight > 1)
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "%zu%c%zu,%zu\n", iLeft + 1, ch, iRight + 1, iRight + cRight);
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "%zu%c%zu\n", iLeft + 1, ch, iRight + 1);
* And the lines.
if (cLeft)
scmDiffPrintLines(pState, '<', pState->pLeft, iLeft, cLeft);
if (cLeft && cRight)
RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "---\n");
if (cRight)
scmDiffPrintLines(pState, '>', pState->pRight, iRight, cRight);
* Reposition the streams (safely ignores return value).
ScmStreamSeekByLine(pState->pLeft, iLeft + cLeft + cMatches);
ScmStreamSeekByLine(pState->pRight, iRight + cRight + cMatches);
return pState->cDiffs;
* Helper for scmDiffCompare that takes care of trailing spaces and stuff
* like that.
static bool scmDiffCompareSlow(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState,
const char *pchLeft, size_t cchLeft, SCMEOL enmEolLeft,
const char *pchRight, size_t cchRight, SCMEOL enmEolRight)
if (pState->fIgnoreTrailingWhite)
while (cchLeft > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(pchLeft[cchLeft - 1]))
while (cchRight > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(pchRight[cchRight - 1]))
if (pState->fIgnoreLeadingWhite)
while (cchLeft > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchLeft))
pchLeft++, cchLeft--;
while (cchRight > 0 && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchRight))
pchRight++, cchRight--;
if ( cchLeft != cchRight
|| (enmEolLeft != enmEolRight && !pState->fIgnoreEol)
|| memcmp(pchLeft, pchRight, cchLeft))
return false;
return true;
* Compare two lines.
* @returns true if the are equal, false if not.
DECLINLINE(bool) scmDiffCompare(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState,
const char *pchLeft, size_t cchLeft, SCMEOL enmEolLeft,
const char *pchRight, size_t cchRight, SCMEOL enmEolRight)
if ( cchLeft != cchRight
|| (enmEolLeft != enmEolRight && !pState->fIgnoreEol)
|| memcmp(pchLeft, pchRight, cchLeft))
if ( pState->fIgnoreTrailingWhite
|| pState->fIgnoreTrailingWhite)
return scmDiffCompareSlow(pState,
pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft,
pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight);
return false;
return true;
* Compares two sets of lines from the two files.
* @returns true if they matches, false if they don't.
* @param pState The diff state.
* @param iLeft Where to start in the left stream.
* @param iRight Where to start in the right stream.
* @param cLines How many lines to compare.
static bool scmDiffCompareLines(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t iLeft, size_t iRight, size_t cLines)
for (size_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++)
SCMEOL enmEolLeft;
size_t cchLeft;
const char *pchLeft = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iLeft + iLine, &cchLeft, &enmEolLeft);
SCMEOL enmEolRight;
size_t cchRight;
const char *pchRight = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iRight + iLine, &cchRight, &enmEolRight);
if (!scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight))
return false;
return true;
* Resynchronize the two streams and reports the difference.
* Upon return, the streams will be positioned after the block of @a cMatches
* lines where it resynchronized them.
* @returns pState->cDiffs (just so we can use it in a return statement).
* @param pState The state.
* @param cMatches The number of lines that needs to match for the
* stream to be considered synchronized again.
static size_t scmDiffSynchronize(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t cMatches)
size_t const iStartLeft = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pLeft) - 1;
size_t const iStartRight = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pRight) - 1;
Assert(cMatches > 0);
* Compare each new line from each of the streams will all the preceding
* ones, including iStartLeft/Right.
for (size_t iRange = 1; ; iRange++)
* Get the next line in the left stream and compare it against all the
* preceding lines on the right side.
SCMEOL enmEol;
size_t cchLine;
const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
if (!pchLine)
return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);
for (size_t iRight = cMatches - 1; iRight < iRange; iRight++)
SCMEOL enmEolRight;
size_t cchRight;
const char *pchRight = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRight,
&cchRight, &enmEolRight);
if ( scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight)
&& scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
iStartLeft + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
iStartRight + iRight + 1 - cMatches,
cMatches - 1)
return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
iStartLeft, iRange + 1 - cMatches,
iStartRight, iRight + 1 - cMatches);
* Get the next line in the right stream and compare it against all the
* lines on the right side.
pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
if (!pchLine)
return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);
for (size_t iLeft = cMatches - 1; iLeft <= iRange; iLeft++)
SCMEOL enmEolLeft;
size_t cchLeft;
const char *pchLeft = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iLeft,
&cchLeft, &enmEolLeft);
if ( scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol)
&& scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
iStartLeft + iLeft + 1 - cMatches,
iStartRight + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
cMatches - 1)
return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
iStartLeft, iLeft + 1 - cMatches,
iStartRight, iRange + 1 - cMatches);
* Creates a diff of the changes between the streams @a pLeft and @a pRight.
* This currently only implements the simplest diff format, so no contexts.
* Also, note that we won't detect differences in the final newline of the
* streams.
* @returns The number of differences.
* @param pszFilename The filename.
* @param pLeft The left side stream.
* @param pRight The right side stream.
* @param fIgnoreEol Whether to ignore end of line markers.
* @param fIgnoreLeadingWhite Set if leading white space should be ignored.
* @param fIgnoreTrailingWhite Set if trailing white space should be ignored.
* @param fSpecialChars Whether to print special chars in a human
* readable form or not.
* @param cchTab The tab size.
* @param pDiff Where to write the diff.
size_t ScmDiffStreams(const char *pszFilename, PSCMSTREAM pLeft, PSCMSTREAM pRight, bool fIgnoreEol,
bool fIgnoreLeadingWhite, bool fIgnoreTrailingWhite, bool fSpecialChars,
size_t cchTab, PRTSTREAM pDiff)
#ifdef RT_STRICT
* Set up the diff state.
State.cDiffs = 0;
State.pszFilename = pszFilename;
State.pLeft = pLeft;
State.pRight = pRight;
State.fIgnoreEol = fIgnoreEol;
State.fIgnoreLeadingWhite = fIgnoreLeadingWhite;
State.fIgnoreTrailingWhite = fIgnoreTrailingWhite;
State.fSpecialChars = fSpecialChars;
State.cchTab = cchTab;
State.pDiff = pDiff;
* Compare them line by line.
const char *pchLeft;
const char *pchRight;
for (;;)
SCMEOL enmEolLeft;
size_t cchLeft;
pchLeft = ScmStreamGetLine(pLeft, &cchLeft, &enmEolLeft);
SCMEOL enmEolRight;
size_t cchRight;
pchRight = ScmStreamGetLine(pRight, &cchRight, &enmEolRight);
if (!pchLeft || !pchRight)
if (!scmDiffCompare(&State, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight))
scmDiffSynchronize(&State, 3);
* Deal with any remaining differences.
if (pchLeft)
scmDiffReport(&State, 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pLeft) - 1, ~(size_t)0, ScmStreamTellLine(pRight), 0);
else if (pchRight)
scmDiffReport(&State, 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pLeft), 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pRight) - 1, ~(size_t)0);
* Report any errors.
if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamGetStatus(pLeft)))
RTMsgError("Left diff stream error: %Rrc\n", ScmStreamGetStatus(pLeft));
if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamGetStatus(pRight)))
RTMsgError("Right diff stream error: %Rrc\n", ScmStreamGetStatus(pRight));
return State.cDiffs;