testresults.py revision cf22150eaeeb72431bf1cf65c309a431454fb22b
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync# $Id$
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync# pylint: disable=C0302
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync## @todo Rename this file to testresult.py!
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncTest Manager - Fetch test results.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync__copyright__ = \
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncCopyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncThis file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncavailable from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncyou can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncGeneral Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncFoundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncVirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsynchope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncThe contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncof the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncVirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncCDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncYou may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncterms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync__version__ = "$Revision$"
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync# Standard python imports.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncimport unittest;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync# Validation Kit imports.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom common import constants;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager import config;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.base import ModelDataBase, ModelLogicBase, ModelDataBaseTestCase, TMExceptionBase, TMTooManyRows;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.testgroup import TestGroupData
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.build import BuildDataEx
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxData
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseData
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.schedgroup import SchedGroupData
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncfrom testmanager.core.systemlog import SystemLogData, SystemLogLogic;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsyncclass TestResultData(ModelDataBase):
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync """
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync Test case execution result data
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync """
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ## @name TestStatus_T
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync # @{
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Running = 'running';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Success = 'success';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Skipped = 'skipped';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_BadTestBox = 'bad-testbox';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Aborted = 'aborted';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Failure = 'failure';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_TimedOut = 'timed-out';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Rebooted = 'rebooted';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ## @}
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ## List of relatively harmless (to testgroup/case) statuses.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync kasHarmlessTestStatuses = [ ksTestStatus_Skipped, ksTestStatus_BadTestBox, ksTestStatus_Aborted, ];
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ## List of bad statuses.
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync kasBadTestStatuses = [ ksTestStatus_Failure, ksTestStatus_TimedOut, ksTestStatus_Rebooted, ];
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksIdAttr = 'idTestResult';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_idTestResult = 'TestResultData_idTestResult';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_idTestResultParent = 'TestResultData_idTestResultParent';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_idTestSet = 'TestResultData_idTestSet';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_tsCreated = 'TestResultData_tsCreated';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_tsElapsed = 'TestResultData_tsElapsed';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_idStrName = 'TestResultData_idStrName';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_cErrors = 'TestResultData_cErrors';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_enmStatus = 'TestResultData_enmStatus';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksParam_iNestingDepth = 'TestResultData_iNestingDepth';
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync kasValidValues_enmStatus = [
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Running,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Success,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Skipped,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_BadTestBox,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Aborted,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Failure,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_TimedOut,
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ksTestStatus_Rebooted
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ];
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync def __init__(self):
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync ModelDataBase.__init__(self)
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.idTestResult = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.idTestResultParent = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.idTestSet = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.tsCreated = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.tsElapsed = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.idStrName = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.cErrors = 0;
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.enmStatus = None
14ea49401f3c8c61422aefbda43809e275f60c6cvboxsync self.iNestingDepth = None
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a SELECT * FROM TestResults.
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Test result record not found.')
self.idTestResult = aoRow[0]
self.idTestResultParent = aoRow[1]
self.idTestSet = aoRow[2]
self.tsCreated = aoRow[3]
self.tsElapsed = aoRow[4]
self.idStrName = aoRow[5]
self.cErrors = aoRow[6]
self.enmStatus = aoRow[7]
self.iNestingDepth = aoRow[8]
return self;
def isFailure(self):
""" Check if it's a real failure. """
return self.enmStatus in self.kasBadTestStatuses;
class TestResultDataEx(TestResultData):
Extended test result data class.
This is intended for use as a node in a result tree. This is not intended
for serialization to parameters or vice versa. Use TestResultLogic to
construct the tree.
def __init__(self):
self.sName = None; # idStrName resolved.
self.oParent = None; # idTestResultParent within the tree.
self.aoChildren = []; # TestResultDataEx;
self.aoValues = []; # TestResultValue;
self.aoMsgs = []; # TestResultMsg;
self.aoFiles = []; # TestResultFile;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Initialize from a query like this:
SELECT TestResults.*, TestResultStrTab.sValue
FROM TestResults, TestResultStrTab
WHERE TestResultStrTab.idStr = TestResults.idStrName
Note! The caller is expected to fetch children, values, failure
details, and files.
self.sName = None;
self.oParent = None;
self.aoChildren = [];
self.aoValues = [];
self.aoMsgs = [];
self.aoFiles = [];
TestResultData.initFromDbRow(self, aoRow);
self.sName = aoRow[9];
return self;
class TestResultValueData(ModelDataBase):
Test result value data.
ksIdAttr = 'idTestResultValue';
ksParam_idTestResultValue = 'TestResultValue_idTestResultValue';
ksParam_idTestResult = 'TestResultValue_idTestResult';
ksParam_idTestSet = 'TestResultValue_idTestSet';
ksParam_tsCreated = 'TestResultValue_tsCreated';
ksParam_idStrName = 'TestResultValue_idStrName';
ksParam_lValue = 'TestResultValue_lValue';
ksParam_iUnit = 'TestResultValue_iUnit';
def __init__(self):
self.idTestResultValue = None;
self.idTestResult = None;
self.idTestSet = None;
self.tsCreated = None;
self.idStrName = None;
self.lValue = None;
self.iUnit = 0;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a SELECT * FROM TestResultValues.
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Test result value record not found.')
self.idTestResultValue = aoRow[0];
self.idTestResult = aoRow[1];
self.idTestSet = aoRow[2];
self.tsCreated = aoRow[3];
self.idStrName = aoRow[4];
self.lValue = aoRow[5];
self.iUnit = aoRow[6];
return self;
class TestResultValueDataEx(TestResultValueData):
Extends TestResultValue by resolving the value name and unit string.
def __init__(self):
self.sName = None;
self.sUnit = '';
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a query like this:
SELECT TestResultValues.*, TestResultStrTab.sValue
FROM TestResultValues, TestResultStrTab
WHERE TestResultStrTab.idStr = TestResultValues.idStrName
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
TestResultValueData.initFromDbRow(self, aoRow);
self.sName = aoRow[7];
if self.iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames):
self.sUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[self.iUnit];
self.sUnit = '<%d>' % (self.iUnit,);
return self;
class TestResultMsgData(ModelDataBase):
Test result message data.
ksIdAttr = 'idTestResultMsg';
ksParam_idTestResultMsg = 'TestResultValue_idTestResultMsg';
ksParam_idTestResult = 'TestResultValue_idTestResult';
ksParam_tsCreated = 'TestResultValue_tsCreated';
ksParam_idStrMsg = 'TestResultValue_idStrMsg';
ksParam_enmLevel = 'TestResultValue_enmLevel';
def __init__(self):
self.idTestResultMsg = None;
self.idTestResult = None;
self.tsCreated = None;
self.idStrMsg = None;
self.enmLevel = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a SELECT * FROM TestResultMsgs.
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Test result value record not found.')
self.idTestResultMsg = aoRow[0];
self.idTestResult = aoRow[1];
self.tsCreated = aoRow[2];
self.idStrMsg = aoRow[3];
self.enmLevel = aoRow[4];
return self;
class TestResultMsgDataEx(TestResultMsgData):
Extends TestResultMsg by resolving the message string.
def __init__(self):
self.sMsg = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a query like this:
SELECT TestResultMsg.*, TestResultStrTab.sValue
FROM TestResultMsg, TestResultStrTab
WHERE TestResultStrTab.idStr = TestResultMsgs.idStrName
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
TestResultMsgData.initFromDbRow(self, aoRow);
self.sMsg = aoRow[5];
return self;
class TestResultFileData(ModelDataBase):
Test result message data.
ksIdAttr = 'idTestResultFile';
ksParam_idTestResultFile = 'TestResultFile_idTestResultFile';
ksParam_idTestResult = 'TestResultFile_idTestResult';
ksParam_tsCreated = 'TestResultFile_tsCreated';
ksParam_idStrFile = 'TestResultFile_idStrFile';
ksParam_idStrDescription = 'TestResultFile_idStrDescription';
ksParam_idStrKind = 'TestResultFile_idStrKind';
ksParam_idStrMime = 'TestResultFile_idStrMime';
def __init__(self):
self.idTestResultFile = None;
self.idTestResult = None;
self.tsCreated = None;
self.idStrFile = None;
self.idStrDescription = None;
self.idStrKind = None;
self.idStrMime = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a SELECT * FROM TestResultFiles.
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Test result file record not found.')
self.idTestResultFile = aoRow[0];
self.idTestResult = aoRow[1];
self.tsCreated = aoRow[2];
self.idStrFile = aoRow[3];
self.idStrDescription = aoRow[4];
self.idStrKind = aoRow[5];
self.idStrMime = aoRow[6];
return self;
class TestResultFileDataEx(TestResultFileData):
Extends TestResultFile by resolving the strings.
def __init__(self):
self.sFile = None;
self.sDescription = None;
self.sKind = None;
self.sMime = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a query like this:
SELECT TestResultFiles.*,
StrTabFile.sValue AS sFile,
StrTabDesc.sValue AS sDescription
StrTabKind.sValue AS sKind,
StrTabMime.sValue AS sMime,
FROM ...
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
TestResultFileData.initFromDbRow(self, aoRow);
self.sFile = aoRow[7];
self.sDescription = aoRow[8];
self.sKind = aoRow[9];
self.sMime = aoRow[10];
return self;
def initFakeMainLog(self, oTestSet):
Reinitializes to represent the main.log object (not in DB).
Returns self.
self.idTestResultFile = 0;
self.idTestResult = oTestSet.idTestResult;
self.tsCreated = oTestSet.tsCreated;
self.idStrFile = None;
self.idStrDescription = None;
self.idStrKind = None;
self.idStrMime = None;
self.sFile = 'main.log';
self.sDescription = '';
self.sKind = 'log/main';
self.sMime = 'text/plain';
return self;
def isProbablyUtf8Encoded(self):
Checks if the file is likely to be UTF-8 encoded.
if self.sMime in [ 'text/plain', 'text/html' ]:
return True;
return False;
def getMimeWithEncoding(self):
Gets the MIME type with encoding if likely to be UTF-8.
if self.isProbablyUtf8Encoded():
return '%s; charset=utf-8' % (self.sMime,);
return self.sMime;
class TestResultListingData(ModelDataBase): # pylint: disable=R0902
Test case result data representation for table listing
def __init__(self):
self.idTestSet = None
self.idBuildCategory = None;
self.sProduct = None
self.sRepository = None;
self.sBranch = None
self.sType = None
self.idBuild = None;
self.sVersion = None;
self.iRevision = None
self.sOs = None;
self.sOsVersion = None;
self.sArch = None;
self.sCpuVendor = None;
self.sCpuName = None;
self.cCpus = None;
self.fCpuHwVirt = None;
self.fCpuNestedPaging = None;
self.fCpu64BitGuest = None;
self.idTestBox = None
self.sTestBoxName = None
self.tsCreated = None
self.tsElapsed = None
self.enmStatus = None
self.cErrors = None;
self.idTestCase = None
self.sTestCaseName = None
self.sBaseCmd = None
self.sArgs = None
self.idBuildTestSuite = None;
self.iRevisionTestSuite = None;
self.asMsgs = None;
def initFromDbRow(self, aoRow):
Reinitialize from a database query.
Return self. Raises exception if no row.
if aoRow is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Test result record not found.')
self.idTestSet = aoRow[0];
self.idBuildCategory = aoRow[1];
self.sProduct = aoRow[2];
self.sRepository = aoRow[3];
self.sBranch = aoRow[4];
self.sType = aoRow[5];
self.idBuild = aoRow[6];
self.sVersion = aoRow[7];
self.iRevision = aoRow[8];
self.sOs = aoRow[9];
self.sOsVersion = aoRow[10];
self.sArch = aoRow[11];
self.sCpuVendor = aoRow[12];
self.sCpuName = aoRow[13];
self.cCpus = aoRow[14];
self.fCpuHwVirt = aoRow[15];
self.fCpuNestedPaging = aoRow[16];
self.fCpu64BitGuest = aoRow[17];
self.idTestBox = aoRow[18];
self.sTestBoxName = aoRow[19];
self.tsCreated = aoRow[20];
self.tsElapsed = aoRow[21];
self.enmStatus = aoRow[22];
self.cErrors = aoRow[23];
self.idTestCase = aoRow[24];
self.sTestCaseName = aoRow[25];
self.sBaseCmd = aoRow[26];
self.sArgs = aoRow[27];
self.idBuildTestSuite = aoRow[28];
self.iRevisionTestSuite = aoRow[29];
self.asMsgs = aoRow[31];
return self
class TestResultHangingOffence(TMExceptionBase):
"""Hanging offence committed by test case."""
class TestResultLogic(ModelLogicBase): # pylint: disable=R0903
Results grouped by scheduling group.
# Result grinding for displaying in the WUI.
ksResultsGroupingTypeNone = 'ResultsGroupingTypeNone'
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestGroup = 'ResultsGroupingTypeTestGroup'
ksResultsGroupingTypeBuildRev = 'ResultsGroupingTypeBuild'
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestBox = 'ResultsGroupingTypeTestBox'
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestCase = 'ResultsGroupingTypeTestCase'
ksResultsGroupingTypeSchedGroup = 'ResultsGroupingTypeSchedGroup'
ksBaseTables = 'BuildCategories, Builds, TestBoxes, TestCases, TestCaseArgs,\n' \
' TestSets LEFT OUTER JOIN Builds AS TestSuiteBits\n' \
' ON TestSets.idBuildTestSuite = TestSuiteBits.idBuild,\n' \
'TestResults LEFT OUTER JOIN TestResults as MsgTab ON TestResults.idTestResult=MsgTab.idTestResultParent\n' \
' LEFT OUTER JOIN TestResultMsgs as MsgTab1 ON MsgTab.idTestResult = MsgTab1.idTestResult\n' \
' LEFT OUTER JOIN TestResultStrTab as MsgTab2 ON MsgTab1.idStrMsg = MsgTab2.idStr\n'
ksBasePreCondition = 'TestSets.idTestSet = TestResults.idTestSet\n' \
+ ' AND TestResults.idTestResultParent is NULL\n' \
+ ' AND TestSets.idBuild = Builds.idBuild\n' \
+ ' AND Builds.tsExpire > TestSets.tsCreated\n' \
+ ' AND Builds.tsEffective <= TestSets.tsCreated\n' \
+ ' AND Builds.idBuildCategory = BuildCategories.idBuildCategory\n' \
+ ' AND TestSets.idGenTestBox = TestBoxes.idGenTestBox\n' \
+ ' AND TestSets.idGenTestCase = TestCases.idGenTestCase\n' \
+ ' AND TestSets.idGenTestCaseArgs = TestCaseArgs.idGenTestCaseArgs\n'
kdResultGroupingMap = {
ksResultsGroupingTypeNone: (ksBaseTables,
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestGroup: (ksBaseTables,
ksBasePreCondition + ' AND TestSets.idTestGroup',),
ksResultsGroupingTypeBuildRev: (ksBaseTables,
ksBasePreCondition + ' AND Builds.iRevision',),
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestBox: (ksBaseTables,
ksBasePreCondition + ' AND TestSets.idTestBox',),
ksResultsGroupingTypeTestCase: (ksBaseTables,
ksBasePreCondition + ' AND TestSets.idTestCase',),
ksResultsGroupingTypeSchedGroup: (ksBaseTables,
ksBasePreCondition + ' AND TestBoxes.idSchedGroup',),
ksGroupByPreCondition = 'TestResults.idTestResult, TestSets.idTestSet, TestResults.cErrors,\n' \
'TestCases.idTestCase, TestCases.sName, TestSuiteBits.idBuild, TestSuiteBits.iRevision,\n' \
'BuildCategories.idBuildCategory, Builds.idBuild, Builds.sVersion, Builds.iRevision,\n' \
'TestBoxes.sOs, TestBoxes.sOsVersion, TestBoxes.sCpuArch, TestBoxes.sCpuVendor,\n' \
'TestBoxes.sCpuName, TestBoxes.cCpus, TestBoxes.fCpuHwVirt, TestBoxes.fCpuNestedPaging,\n' \
'TestBoxes.fCpu64BitGuest, TestBoxes.idTestBox, TestBoxes.sName, TestCases.sBaseCmd,\n' \
def _getTimePeriodQueryPart(self, tsNow, sInterval):
Get part of SQL query responsible for SELECT data within
specified period of time.
assert sInterval is not None; # too many rows.
cMonthsMourningPeriod = 2; # Stop reminding everyone about testboxes after 2 months. (May also speed up the query.)
if tsNow is None:
sRet = '(TestSets.tsDone IS NULL OR TestSets.tsDone >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - \'%s\'::interval))\n' \
' AND TestSets.tsCreated >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - \'%s\'::interval - \'%u months\'::interval)\n' \
% (sInterval, sInterval, cMonthsMourningPeriod);
sTsNow = '\'%s\'::TIMESTAMP' % (tsNow,); # It's actually a string already. duh.
sRet = 'TestSets.tsCreated <= %s\n' \
' AND TestSets.tsCreated >= (%s - \'%s\'::interval - \'%u months\'::interval)\n' \
' AND (TestSets.tsDone IS NULL OR TestSets.tsDone >= (%s - \'%s\'::interval))\n' \
% ( sTsNow,
sTsNow, sInterval, cMonthsMourningPeriod,
sTsNow, sInterval );
return sRet
def _getSqlQueryForGroupSearch(self, sWhat, tsNow, sInterval, enmResultsGroupingType, iResultsGroupingValue, fOnlyFailures):
Returns an SQL query that limits SELECT result
in order to satisfy @param enmResultsGroupingType.
if enmResultsGroupingType is None:
raise TMExceptionBase('Unknown grouping type')
if enmResultsGroupingType not in self.kdResultGroupingMap:
raise TMExceptionBase('Unknown grouping type')
# Get SQL query parameters
sTables, sCondition = self.kdResultGroupingMap[enmResultsGroupingType]
# Extend SQL query with time period limitation
sTimePeriodQuery = self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sInterval)
if iResultsGroupingValue is not None:
sCondition += ' = %d' % iResultsGroupingValue + '\n';
sCondition += ' AND ' + sTimePeriodQuery
# Extend the condition with test status limitations if requested.
if fOnlyFailures:
sCondition += '\n AND TestSets.enmStatus != \'success\'::TestStatus_T' \
'\n AND TestSets.enmStatus != \'running\'::TestStatus_T';
# Assemble the query.
sQuery = 'SELECT DISTINCT %s\n' % sWhat
sQuery += 'FROM %s\n' % sTables
sQuery += 'WHERE %s\n' % sCondition
sQuery += 'GROUP BY %s\n' % self.ksGroupByPreCondition
return sQuery
def fetchResultsForListing(self, iStart, cMaxRows, tsNow, sInterval, enmResultsGroupingType, iResultsGroupingValue,
Fetches TestResults table content.
If @param enmResultsGroupingType and @param iResultsGroupingValue
are not None, then resulting (returned) list contains only records
that match specified @param enmResultsGroupingType.
If @param enmResultsGroupingType is None, then
@param iResultsGroupingValue is ignored.
Returns an array (list) of TestResultData items, empty list if none.
Raises exception on error.
sWhat = 'TestSets.idTestSet,\n' \
' BuildCategories.idBuildCategory,\n' \
' BuildCategories.sProduct,\n' \
' BuildCategories.sRepository,\n' \
' BuildCategories.sBranch,\n' \
' BuildCategories.sType,\n' \
' Builds.idBuild,\n' \
' Builds.sVersion,\n' \
' Builds.iRevision,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sOs,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sOsVersion,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sCpuArch,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sCpuVendor,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sCpuName,\n' \
' TestBoxes.cCpus,\n' \
' TestBoxes.fCpuHwVirt,\n' \
' TestBoxes.fCpuNestedPaging,\n' \
' TestBoxes.fCpu64BitGuest,\n' \
' TestBoxes.idTestBox,\n' \
' TestBoxes.sName,\n' \
' TestResults.tsCreated,\n' \
' COALESCE(TestResults.tsElapsed, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - TestResults.tsCreated),\n' \
' TestSets.enmStatus,\n' \
' TestResults.cErrors,\n' \
' TestCases.idTestCase,\n' \
' TestCases.sName,\n' \
' TestCases.sBaseCmd,\n' \
' TestCaseArgs.sArgs,\n' \
' TestSuiteBits.idBuild AS idBuildTestSuite,\n' \
' TestSuiteBits.iRevision AS iRevisionTestSuite,\n' \
' (TestSets.tsDone IS NULL) SortRunningFirst,' \
' array_agg(MsgTab2.sValue) AS asMsgs' \
sSqlQuery = self._getSqlQueryForGroupSearch(sWhat, tsNow, sInterval, enmResultsGroupingType, iResultsGroupingValue,
sSqlQuery += 'ORDER BY SortRunningFirst DESC, TestSets.idTestSet DESC\n';
sSqlQuery += 'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s\n' % (cMaxRows, iStart,);
aoRows = [];
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
return aoRows
def getEntriesCount(self, tsNow, sInterval, enmResultsGroupingType, iResultsGroupingValue, fOnlyFailures):
Get number of table records.
If @param enmResultsGroupingType and @param iResultsGroupingValue
are not None, then we count only only those records
that match specified @param enmResultsGroupingType.
If @param enmResultsGroupingType is None, then
@param iResultsGroupingValue is ignored.
sSqlQuery = self._getSqlQueryForGroupSearch('COUNT(TestSets.idTestSet)', tsNow, sInterval,
enmResultsGroupingType, iResultsGroupingValue, fOnlyFailures)
return self._oDb.fetchOne()[0]
def getTestGroups(self, tsNow, sPeriod):
Get list of uniq TestGroupData objects which
found in all test results.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT TestGroups.*\n'
'FROM TestGroups, TestSets\n'
'WHERE TestSets.idTestGroup = TestGroups.idTestGroup\n'
' AND TestGroups.tsExpire > TestSets.tsCreated\n'
' AND TestGroups.tsEffective <= TestSets.tsCreated'
' AND ' + self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sPeriod))
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
for aoRow in aaoRows:
## @todo Need to take time into consideration. Will go belly up if we delete a testgroup.
return aoRet
def getBuilds(self, tsNow, sPeriod):
Get list of uniq BuildDataEx objects which
found in all test results.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT Builds.*, BuildCategories.*\n'
'FROM Builds, BuildCategories, TestSets\n'
'WHERE TestSets.idBuild = Builds.idBuild\n'
' AND Builds.idBuildCategory = BuildCategories.idBuildCategory\n'
' AND Builds.tsExpire > TestSets.tsCreated\n'
' AND Builds.tsEffective <= TestSets.tsCreated'
' AND ' + self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sPeriod))
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
for aoRow in aaoRows:
return aoRet
def getTestBoxes(self, tsNow, sPeriod):
Get list of uniq TestBoxData objects which
found in all test results.
## @todo do all in one query.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT TestBoxes.idTestBox, TestBoxes.idGenTestBox\n'
'FROM TestBoxes, TestSets\n'
'WHERE TestSets.idGenTestBox = TestBoxes.idGenTestBox\n'
' AND ' + self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sPeriod) +
'ORDER BY TestBoxes.idTestBox, TestBoxes.idGenTestBox DESC' );
idPrevTestBox = -1;
asIdGenTestBoxes = [];
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
if aoRow[0] != idPrevTestBox:
idPrevTestBox = aoRow[0];
aoRet = []
if len(asIdGenTestBoxes) > 0:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestBoxes\n'
'WHERE idGenTestBox IN (' + ','.join(asIdGenTestBoxes) + ')\n'
'ORDER BY sName');
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
return aoRet
def getTestCases(self, tsNow, sPeriod):
Get a list of unique TestCaseData objects which is appears in the test
specified result period.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT TestCases.idTestCase, TestCases.idGenTestCase, TestSets.tsConfig\n'
'FROM TestCases, TestSets\n'
'WHERE TestSets.idTestCase = TestCases.idTestCase\n'
' AND TestCases.tsExpire > TestSets.tsCreated\n'
' AND TestCases.tsEffective <= TestSets.tsCreated\n'
' AND ' + self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sPeriod) +
'ORDER BY TestCases.idTestCase, TestCases.idGenTestCase DESC\n');
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
idPrevTestCase = -1;
for aoRow in aaoRows:
## @todo reduce subqueries
if aoRow[0] != idPrevTestCase:
idPrevTestCase = aoRow[0];
aoRet.append(TestCaseData().initFromDbWithGenId(self._oDb, aoRow[1], aoRow[2]))
return aoRet
def getSchedGroups(self, tsNow, sPeriod):
Get list of uniq SchedGroupData objects which
found in all test results.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT DISTINCT TestBoxes.idSchedGroup\n'
'FROM TestBoxes, TestSets\n'
'WHERE TestSets.idGenTestBox = TestBoxes.idGenTestBox\n'
' AND TestBoxes.tsExpire > TestSets.tsCreated\n'
' AND TestBoxes.tsEffective <= TestSets.tsCreated'
' AND ' + self._getTimePeriodQueryPart(tsNow, sPeriod))
aiRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
aoRet = []
for iRow in aiRows:
## @todo reduce subqueries
aoRet.append(SchedGroupData().initFromDbWithId(self._oDb, iRow))
return aoRet
def getById(self, idTestResult):
Get build record by its id
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n',
aRows = self._oDb.fetchAll()
if len(aRows) not in (0, 1):
raise TMExceptionBase('Found more than one test result with the same credentials. Database structure is corrupted.')
return TestResultData().initFromDbRow(aRows[0])
except IndexError:
return None
# Details view and interface.
def fetchResultTree(self, idTestSet, cMaxDepth = None):
Fetches the result tree for the given test set.
Returns a tree of TestResultDataEx nodes.
Raises exception on invalid input and database issues.
# Depth first, i.e. just like the XML added them.
## @todo this still isn't performing extremely well, consider optimizations.
sQuery = self._oDb.formatBindArgs(
'SELECT TestResults.*,\n'
' TestResultStrTab.sValue,\n'
' EXISTS ( SELECT idTestResultValue\n'
' FROM TestResultValues\n'
' WHERE TestResultValues.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult ) AS fHasValues,\n'
' EXISTS ( SELECT idTestResultMsg\n'
' FROM TestResultMsgs\n'
' WHERE TestResultMsgs.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult ) AS fHasMsgs,\n'
' EXISTS ( SELECT idTestResultFile\n'
' FROM TestResultFiles\n'
' WHERE TestResultFiles.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult ) AS fHasFiles\n'
'FROM TestResults, TestResultStrTab\n'
'WHERE TestResults.idTestSet = %s\n'
' AND TestResults.idStrName = TestResultStrTab.idStr\n'
, ( idTestSet, ));
if cMaxDepth is not None:
sQuery += self._oDb.formatBindArgs(' AND TestResults.iNestingDepth <= %s\n', (cMaxDepth,));
sQuery += 'ORDER BY idTestResult ASC\n'
cRows = self._oDb.getRowCount();
if cRows > 65536:
raise TMTooManyRows('Too many rows returned for idTestSet=%d: %d' % (idTestSet, cRows,));
aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll();
if len(aaoRows) == 0:
raise TMExceptionBase('No test results for idTestSet=%d.' % (idTestSet,));
# Set up the root node first.
aoRow = aaoRows[0];
oRoot = TestResultDataEx().initFromDbRow(aoRow);
if oRoot.idTestResultParent is not None:
raise self._oDb.integrityException('The root TestResult (#%s) has a parent (#%s)!'
% (oRoot.idTestResult, oRoot.idTestResultParent));
self._fetchResultTreeNodeExtras(oRoot, aoRow[-3], aoRow[-2], aoRow[-1]);
# The chilren (if any).
dLookup = { oRoot.idTestResult: oRoot };
oParent = oRoot;
for iRow in range(1, len(aaoRows)):
aoRow = aaoRows[iRow];
oCur = TestResultDataEx().initFromDbRow(aoRow);
self._fetchResultTreeNodeExtras(oCur, aoRow[-3], aoRow[-2], aoRow[-1]);
# Figure out and vet the parent.
if oParent.idTestResult != oCur.idTestResultParent:
oParent = dLookup.get(oCur.idTestResultParent, None);
if oParent is None:
raise self._oDb.integrityException('TestResult #%d is orphaned from its parent #%s.'
% (oCur.idTestResult, oCur.idTestResultParent,));
if oParent.iNestingDepth + 1 != oCur.iNestingDepth:
raise self._oDb.integrityException('TestResult #%d has incorrect nesting depth (%d instead of %d)'
% (oCur.idTestResult, oCur.iNestingDepth, oParent.iNestingDepth + 1,));
# Link it up.
oCur.oParent = oParent;
dLookup[oCur.idTestResult] = oCur;
return (oRoot, dLookup);
def _fetchResultTreeNodeExtras(self, oCurNode, fHasValues, fHasMsgs, fHasFiles):
fetchResultTree worker that fetches values, message and files for the
specified node.
assert(oCurNode.aoValues == []);
assert(oCurNode.aoMsgs == []);
assert(oCurNode.aoFiles == []);
if fHasValues:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestResultValues.*,\n'
' TestResultStrTab.sValue\n'
'FROM TestResultValues, TestResultStrTab\n'
'WHERE TestResultValues.idTestResult = %s\n'
' AND TestResultValues.idStrName = TestResultStrTab.idStr\n'
'ORDER BY idTestResultValue ASC\n'
, ( oCurNode.idTestResult, ));
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
if fHasMsgs:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestResultMsgs.*,\n'
' TestResultStrTab.sValue\n'
'FROM TestResultMsgs, TestResultStrTab\n'
'WHERE TestResultMsgs.idTestResult = %s\n'
' AND TestResultMsgs.idStrMsg = TestResultStrTab.idStr\n'
'ORDER BY idTestResultMsg ASC\n'
, ( oCurNode.idTestResult, ));
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
if fHasFiles:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT TestResultFiles.*,\n'
' StrTabFile.sValue AS sFile,\n'
' StrTabDesc.sValue AS sDescription,\n'
' StrTabKind.sValue AS sKind,\n'
' StrTabMime.sValue AS sMime\n'
'FROM TestResultFiles,\n'
' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabFile,\n'
' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabDesc,\n'
' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabKind,\n'
' TestResultStrTab AS StrTabMime\n'
'WHERE TestResultFiles.idTestResult = %s\n'
' AND TestResultFiles.idStrFile = StrTabFile.idStr\n'
' AND TestResultFiles.idStrDescription = StrTabDesc.idStr\n'
' AND TestResultFiles.idStrKind = StrTabKind.idStr\n'
' AND TestResultFiles.idStrMime = StrTabMime.idStr\n'
'ORDER BY idTestResultFile ASC\n'
, ( oCurNode.idTestResult, ));
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
return True;
# TestBoxController interface(s).
def _inhumeTestResults(self, aoStack, idTestSet, sError):
The test produces too much output, kill and bury it.
Note! We leave the test set open, only the test result records are
completed. Thus, _getResultStack will return an empty stack and
cause XML processing to fail immediately, while we can still
record when it actually completed in the test set the normal way.
self._oDb.dprint('** _inhumeTestResults: idTestSet=%d\n%s' % (idTestSet, self._stringifyStack(aoStack),));
# First add a message.
self._newFailureDetails(aoStack[0].idTestResult, sError, None);
# The complete all open test results.
for oTestResult in aoStack:
oTestResult.cErrors += 1;
self._completeTestResults(oTestResult, None, TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Failure, oTestResult.cErrors);
# A bit of paranoia.
self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
'SET cErrors = cErrors + 1,\n'
' enmStatus = \'failure\'::TestStatus_T,\n'
' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated\n'
'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
, ( idTestSet, ));
return None;
def strTabString(self, sString, fCommit = False):
Gets the string table id for the given string, adding it if new.
Note! A copy of this code is also in TestSetLogic.
## @todo move this and make a stored procedure for it.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT idStr\n'
'FROM TestResultStrTab\n'
'WHERE sValue = %s'
, (sString,));
if self._oDb.getRowCount() == 0:
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultStrTab (sValue)\n'
'VALUES (%s)\n'
, (sString,));
if fCommit:
return self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
def _stringifyStack(aoStack):
"""Returns a string rep of the stack."""
sRet = '';
for i in range(len(aoStack)):
sRet += 'aoStack[%d]=%s\n' % (i, aoStack[i]);
return sRet;
def _getResultStack(self, idTestSet):
Gets the current stack of result sets.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT *\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
' AND enmStatus = \'running\'::TestStatus_T\n'
'ORDER BY idTestResult DESC'
, ( idTestSet, ));
aoStack = [];
for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll():
for i in range(len(aoStack)):
assert aoStack[i].iNestingDepth == len(aoStack) - i - 1, self._stringifyStack(aoStack);
return aoStack;
def _newTestResult(self, idTestResultParent, idTestSet, iNestingDepth, tsCreated, sName, dCounts, fCommit = False):
Creates a new test result.
Returns the TestResultData object for the new record.
May raise exception on database error.
assert idTestResultParent is not None;
assert idTestResultParent > 1;
# This isn't necessarily very efficient, but it's necessary to prevent
# a wild test or testbox from filling up the database.
sCountName = 'cTestResults';
if sCountName not in dCounts:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResult)\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestSet = %s\n'
, ( idTestSet,));
dCounts[sCountName] = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
dCounts[sCountName] += 1;
if dCounts[sCountName] > config.g_kcMaxTestResultsPerTS:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Too many sub-tests in total!');
sCountName = 'cTestResultsIn%d' % (idTestResultParent,);
if sCountName not in dCounts:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResult)\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestResultParent = %s\n'
, ( idTestResultParent,));
dCounts[sCountName] = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
dCounts[sCountName] += 1;
if dCounts[sCountName] > config.g_kcMaxTestResultsPerTR:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Too many immediate sub-tests!');
# This is also a hanging offence.
if iNestingDepth > config.g_kcMaxTestResultDepth:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('To deep sub-test nesting!');
# Ditto.
if len(sName) > config.g_kcchMaxTestResultName:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Test name is too long: %d chars - "%s"' % (len(sName), sName));
# Within bounds, do the job.
idStrName = self.strTabString(sName, fCommit);
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResults (\n'
' idTestResultParent,\n'
' idTestSet,\n'
' tsCreated,\n'
' idStrName,\n'
' iNestingDepth )\n'
'VALUES (%s, %s, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s, %s, %s)\n'
, ( idTestResultParent, idTestSet, tsCreated, idStrName, iNestingDepth) )
oData = TestResultData().initFromDbRow(self._oDb.fetchOne());
return oData;
def _newTestValue(self, idTestResult, idTestSet, sName, lValue, sUnit, dCounts, tsCreated = None, fCommit = False):
Creates a test value.
May raise exception on database error.
# Bounds checking.
sCountName = 'cTestValues';
if sCountName not in dCounts:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResultValue)\n'
'FROM TestResultValues, TestResults\n'
'WHERE TestResultValues.idTestResult = TestResults.idTestResult\n'
' AND TestResults.idTestSet = %s\n'
, ( idTestSet,));
dCounts[sCountName] = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
dCounts[sCountName] += 1;
if dCounts[sCountName] > config.g_kcMaxTestValuesPerTS:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Too many values in total!');
sCountName = 'cTestValuesIn%d' % (idTestResult,);
if sCountName not in dCounts:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResultValue)\n'
'FROM TestResultValues\n'
'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
, ( idTestResult,));
dCounts[sCountName] = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
dCounts[sCountName] += 1;
if dCounts[sCountName] > config.g_kcMaxTestValuesPerTR:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Too many immediate values for one test result!');
if len(sName) > config.g_kcchMaxTestValueName:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Value name is too long: %d chars - "%s"' % (len(sName), sName));
# Do the job.
iUnit = constants.valueunit.g_kdNameToConst.get(sUnit, constants.valueunit.NONE);
idStrName = self.strTabString(sName, fCommit);
if tsCreated is None:
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultValues (\n'
' idTestResult,\n'
' idTestSet,\n'
' idStrName,\n'
' lValue,\n'
' iUnit)\n'
'VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s )\n'
, ( idTestResult, idTestSet, idStrName, lValue, iUnit,) );
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultValues (\n'
' idTestResult,\n'
' idTestSet,\n'
' tsCreated,\n'
' idStrName,\n'
' lValue,\n'
' iUnit)\n'
'VALUES ( %s, %s, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s, %s, %s, %s )\n'
, ( idTestResult, idTestSet, tsCreated, idStrName, lValue, iUnit,) );
return True;
def _newFailureDetails(self, idTestResult, sText, dCounts, tsCreated = None, fCommit = False):
Creates a record detailing cause of failure.
May raise exception on database error.
# Overflow protection.
if dCounts is not None:
sCountName = 'cTestMsgsIn%d' % (idTestResult,);
if sCountName not in dCounts:
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResultMsg)\n'
'FROM TestResultMsgs\n'
'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
, ( idTestResult,));
dCounts[sCountName] = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
dCounts[sCountName] += 1;
if dCounts[sCountName] > config.g_kcMaxTestMsgsPerTR:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Too many messages under for one test result!');
if len(sText) > config.g_kcchMaxTestMsg:
raise TestResultHangingOffence('Failure details message is too long: %d chars - "%s"' % (len(sText), sText));
# Do the job.
idStrMsg = self.strTabString(sText, fCommit);
if tsCreated is None:
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultMsgs (\n'
' idTestResult,\n'
' idStrMsg,\n'
' enmLevel)\n'
'VALUES ( %s, %s, %s)\n'
, ( idTestResult, idStrMsg, 'failure',) );
self._oDb.execute('INSERT INTO TestResultMsgs (\n'
' idTestResult,\n'
' tsCreated,\n'
' idStrMsg,\n'
' enmLevel)\n'
, ( idTestResult, tsCreated, idStrMsg, 'failure',) );
return True;
def _completeTestResults(self, oTestResult, tsDone, enmStatus, cErrors = 0, fCommit = False):
Completes a test result. Updates the oTestResult object.
May raise exception on database error.
self._oDb.dprint('** _completeTestResults: cErrors=%s tsDone=%s enmStatus=%s oTestResults=\n%s'
% (cErrors, tsDone, enmStatus, oTestResult,));
# Sanity check: No open sub tests (aoStack should make sure about this!).
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(idTestResult)\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestResultParent = %s\n'
' AND enmStatus = %s\n'
, ( oTestResult.idTestResult, TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Running,));
cOpenSubTest = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
assert cOpenSubTest == 0, 'cOpenSubTest=%d - %s' % (cOpenSubTest, oTestResult,);
assert oTestResult.enmStatus == TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Running;
# Make sure the reporter isn't lying about successes or error counts.
self._oDb.execute('SELECT COALESCE(SUM(cErrors), 0)\n'
'FROM TestResults\n'
'WHERE idTestResultParent = %s\n'
, ( oTestResult.idTestResult, ));
cMinErrors = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0] + oTestResult.cErrors;
if cErrors < cMinErrors:
cErrors = cMinErrors;
if cErrors > 0 and enmStatus == TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Success:
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Failure
# Do the update.
if tsDone is None:
self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
'SET cErrors = %s,\n'
' enmStatus = %s,\n'
' tsElapsed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - tsCreated\n'
'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
'RETURNING tsElapsed'
, ( cErrors, enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,) );
self._oDb.execute('UPDATE TestResults\n'
'SET cErrors = %s,\n'
' enmStatus = %s,\n'
' tsElapsed = TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s - tsCreated\n'
'WHERE idTestResult = %s\n'
'RETURNING tsElapsed'
, ( cErrors, enmStatus, tsDone, oTestResult.idTestResult,) );
oTestResult.tsElapsed = self._oDb.fetchOne()[0];
oTestResult.enmStatus = enmStatus;
oTestResult.cErrors = cErrors;
return None;
def _doPopHint(self, aoStack, cStackEntries, dCounts):
""" Executes a PopHint. """
assert cStackEntries >= 0;
while len(aoStack) > cStackEntries:
if aoStack[0].enmStatus == TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Running:
self._newFailureDetails(aoStack[0].idTestResult, 'XML error: Missing </Test>', dCounts);
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = None, cErrors = 1,
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Failure, fCommit = True);
return True;
def _validateElement(sName, dAttribs, fClosed):
Validates an element and its attributes.
# Validate attributes by name.
# Validate integer attributes.
for sAttr in [ 'errors', 'testdepth' ]:
if sAttr in dAttribs:
_ = int(dAttribs[sAttr]);
return 'Element %s has an invalid %s attribute value: %s.' % (sName, sAttr, dAttribs[sAttr],);
# Validate long attributes.
for sAttr in [ 'value', ]:
if sAttr in dAttribs:
_ = long(dAttribs[sAttr]);
return 'Element %s has an invalid %s attribute value: %s.' % (sName, sAttr, dAttribs[sAttr],);
# Validate string attributes.
for sAttr in [ 'name', 'unit', 'text' ]:
if sAttr in dAttribs and len(dAttribs[sAttr]) == 0:
return 'Element %s has an empty %s attribute value.' % (sName, sAttr,);
# Validate the timestamp attribute.
if 'timestamp' in dAttribs:
(dAttribs['timestamp'], sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(dAttribs['timestamp'], fAllowNull = False);
if sError is not None:
return 'Element %s has an invalid timestamp ("%s"): %s' % (sName, dAttribs['timestamp'], sError,);
# Check that attributes that are required are present.
# We ignore extra attributes.
dElementAttribs = \
'Test': [ 'timestamp', 'name', ],
'Value': [ 'timestamp', 'name', 'unit', 'value', ],
'FailureDetails': [ 'timestamp', 'text', ],
'Passed': [ 'timestamp', ],
'Skipped': [ 'timestamp', ],
'Failed': [ 'timestamp', 'errors', ],
'TimedOut': [ 'timestamp', 'errors', ],
'End': [ 'timestamp', ],
'PushHint': [ 'testdepth', ],
'PopHint': [ 'testdepth', ],
if sName not in dElementAttribs:
return 'Unknown element "%s".' % (sName,);
for sAttr in dElementAttribs[sName]:
if sAttr not in dAttribs:
return 'Element %s requires attribute "%s".' % (sName, sAttr);
# Only the Test element can (and must) remain open.
if sName == 'Test' and fClosed:
return '<Test/> is not allowed.';
if sName != 'Test' and not fClosed:
return 'All elements except <Test> must be closed.';
return None;
def _parseElement(sElement):
Parses an element.
# Element level bits.
sName = sElement.split()[0];
sElement = sElement[len(sName):];
fClosed = sElement[-1] == '/';
if fClosed:
sElement = sElement[:-1];
# Attributes.
sError = None;
dAttribs = {};
sElement = sElement.strip();
while len(sElement) > 0:
# Extract attribute name.
off = sElement.find('=');
if off < 0 or not sElement[:off].isalnum():
sError = 'Attributes shall have alpha numberical names and have values.';
sAttr = sElement[:off];
# Extract attribute value.
if off + 2 >= len(sElement) or sElement[off + 1] != '"':
sError = 'Attribute (%s) value is missing or not in double quotes.' % (sAttr,);
off += 2;
offEndQuote = sElement.find('"', off);
if offEndQuote < 0:
sError = 'Attribute (%s) value is missing end quotation mark.' % (sAttr,);
sValue = sElement[off:offEndQuote];
# Check for duplicates.
if sAttr in dAttribs:
sError = 'Attribute "%s" appears more than once.' % (sAttr,);
# Unescape the value.
sValue = sValue.replace('&lt;', '<');
sValue = sValue.replace('&gt;', '>');
sValue = sValue.replace('&apos;', '\'');
sValue = sValue.replace('&quot;', '"');
sValue = sValue.replace('&#xA;', '\n');
sValue = sValue.replace('&#xD;', '\r');
sValue = sValue.replace('&amp;', '&'); # last
# Done.
dAttribs[sAttr] = sValue;
# advance
sElement = sElement[offEndQuote + 1:];
sElement = sElement.lstrip();
# Validate the element before we return.
if sError is None:
sError = TestResultLogic._validateElement(sName, dAttribs, fClosed);
return (sName, dAttribs, sError)
def _handleElement(self, sName, dAttribs, idTestSet, aoStack, aaiHints, dCounts):
Worker for processXmlStream that handles one element.
Returns None on success, error string on bad XML or similar.
Raises exception on hanging offence and on database error.
if sName == 'Test':
iNestingDepth = aoStack[0].iNestingDepth + 1 if len(aoStack) > 0 else 0;
aoStack.insert(0, self._newTestResult(idTestResultParent = aoStack[0].idTestResult, idTestSet = idTestSet,
tsCreated = dAttribs['timestamp'], sName = dAttribs['name'],
iNestingDepth = iNestingDepth, dCounts = dCounts, fCommit = True) );
elif sName == 'Value':
self._newTestValue(idTestResult = aoStack[0].idTestResult, idTestSet = idTestSet, tsCreated = dAttribs['timestamp'],
sName = dAttribs['name'], sUnit = dAttribs['unit'], lValue = long(dAttribs['value']),
dCounts = dCounts, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'FailureDetails':
self._newFailureDetails(idTestResult = aoStack[0].idTestResult, tsCreated = dAttribs['timestamp'],
sText = dAttribs['text'], dCounts = dCounts, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'Passed':
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = dAttribs['timestamp'],
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Success, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'Skipped':
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = dAttribs['timestamp'],
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Skipped, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'Failed':
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = dAttribs['timestamp'], cErrors = int(dAttribs['errors']),
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Failure, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'TimedOut':
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = dAttribs['timestamp'], cErrors = int(dAttribs['errors']),
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_TimedOut, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'End':
self._completeTestResults(aoStack[0], tsDone = dAttribs['timestamp'],
cErrors = int(dAttribs.get('errors', '1')),
enmStatus = TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Success, fCommit = True);
elif sName == 'PushHint':
if len(aaiHints) > 1:
return 'PushHint cannot be nested.'
aaiHints.insert(0, [len(aoStack), int(dAttribs['testdepth'])]);
elif sName == 'PopHint':
if len(aaiHints) < 1:
return 'No hint to pop.'
iDesiredTestDepth = int(dAttribs['testdepth']);
cStackEntries, iTestDepth = aaiHints.pop(0);
self._doPopHint(aoStack, cStackEntries, dCounts); # Fake the necessary '<End/></Test>' tags.
if iDesiredTestDepth != iTestDepth:
return 'PopHint tag has different testdepth: %d, on stack %d.' % (iDesiredTestDepth, iTestDepth);
return 'Unexpected element "%s".' % (sName,);
return None;
def processXmlStream(self, sXml, idTestSet):
Processes the "XML" stream section given in sXml.
The sXml isn't a complete XML document, even should we save up all sXml
for a given set, they may not form a complete and well formed XML
document since the test may be aborted, abend or simply be buggy. We
therefore do our own parsing and treat the XML tags as commands more
than anything else.
Returns (sError, fUnforgivable), where sError is None on success.
May raise database exception.
aoStack = self._getResultStack(idTestSet); # [0] == top; [-1] == bottom.
if len(aoStack) == 0:
return ('No open results', True);
self._oDb.dprint('** processXmlStream len(aoStack)=%s' % (len(aoStack),));
#self._oDb.dprint('processXmlStream: %s' % (self._stringifyStack(aoStack),));
#self._oDb.dprint('processXmlStream: sXml=%s' % (sXml,));
dCounts = {};
aaiHints = [];
sError = None;
fExpectCloseTest = False;
sXml = sXml.strip();
while len(sXml) > 0:
if sXml.startswith('</Test>'): # Only closing tag.
offNext = len('</Test>');
if len(aoStack) <= 1:
sError = 'Trying to close the top test results.'
# ASSUMES that we've just seen an <End/>, <Passed/>, <Failed/>,
# <TimedOut/> or <Skipped/> tag earlier in this call!
if aoStack[0].enmStatus == TestResultData.ksTestStatus_Running or not fExpectCloseTest:
sError = 'Missing <End/>, <Passed/>, <Failed/>, <TimedOut/> or <Skipped/> tag.';
fExpectCloseTest = False;
elif fExpectCloseTest:
sError = 'Expected </Test>.'
elif sXml.startswith('<?xml '): # Ignore (included files).
offNext = sXml.find('?>');
if offNext < 0:
sError = 'Unterminated <?xml ?> element.';
offNext += 2;
elif sXml[0] == '<':
# Parse and check the tag.
if not sXml[1].isalpha():
sError = 'Malformed element.';
offNext = sXml.find('>')
if offNext < 0:
sError = 'Unterminated element.';
(sName, dAttribs, sError) = self._parseElement(sXml[1:offNext]);
offNext += 1;
if sError is not None:
# Handle it.
sError = self._handleElement(sName, dAttribs, idTestSet, aoStack, aaiHints, dCounts);
except TestResultHangingOffence as oXcpt:
self._inhumeTestResults(aoStack, idTestSet, str(oXcpt));
return (str(oXcpt), True);
fExpectCloseTest = sName in [ 'End', 'Passed', 'Failed', 'TimedOut', 'Skipped', ];
sError = 'Unexpected content.';
# Advance.
sXml = sXml[offNext:];
sXml = sXml.lstrip();
# Post processing checks.
if sError is None and fExpectCloseTest:
sError = 'Expected </Test> before the end of the XML section.'
elif sError is None and len(aaiHints) > 0:
sError = 'Expected </PopHint> before the end of the XML section.'
if len(aaiHints) > 0:
self._doPopHint(aoStack, aaiHints[-1][0], dCounts);
# Log the error.
if sError is not None:
'idTestSet=%s idTestResult=%s XML="%s" %s'
% ( idTestSet,
aoStack[0].idTestResult if len(aoStack) > 0 else -1,
sXml[:30 if len(sXml) >= 30 else len(sXml)],
sError, ),
cHoursRepeat = 6, fCommit = True);
return (sError, False);
# Unit testing.
# pylint: disable=C0111
class TestResultDataTestCase(ModelDataBaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.aoSamples = [TestResultData(),];
class TestResultValueDataTestCase(ModelDataBaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.aoSamples = [TestResultValueData(),];
if __name__ == '__main__':
# not reached.