# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
Test Manager - Database Interface.
__copyright__ = \
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
(CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
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CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# Standard python imports.
import datetime;
import os;
import psycopg2;
import psycopg2.extensions;
import sys;
# Validation Kit imports.
from common import utils, webutils;
from testmanager import config;
# Fix psycho unicode handling in psycopg2 with python 2.x.
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def isDbTimestampInfinity(tsValue):
Checks if tsValue is an infinity timestamp.
## @todo improve this test...
return tsValue.year >= 9999;
def isDbTimestamp(oValue):
Checks if oValue is a DB timestamp object.
if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
return True;
if utils.isString(oValue):
## @todo detect strings as well.
return False;
return getattr(oValue, 'pydatetime', None) != None;
def dbTimestampToDatetime(oValue):
Converts a database timestamp to a datetime instance.
if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
return oValue;
if utils.isString(oValue):
raise Exception('TODO');
return oValue.pydatetime();
def dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oValue):
Converts a database timestamp to a zulu datetime instance.
tsValue = dbTimestampToDatetime(oValue);
if tsValue.tzinfo is not None:
class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
"""UTC TZ Info Class"""
def utcoffset(self, _):
return datetime.timedelta(0);
def tzname(self, _):
return "UTC";
def dst(self, _):
return datetime.timedelta(0);
tsValue = tsValue.astimezone(UTC());
return tsValue;
class TMDatabaseIntegrityException(Exception):
Herolds a database integrity error up the callstack.
Do NOT use directly, only thru TMDatabaseConnection.integrityException.
Otherwise, we won't be able to log the issue.
class TMDatabaseCursor(object):
""" Cursor wrapper class. """
def __init__(self, oDb, oCursor):
self._oDb = oDb;
self._oCursor = oCursor;
def execute(self, sOperation, aoArgs = None):
""" See TMDatabaseConnection.execute()"""
return self._oDb.executeInternal(self._oCursor, sOperation, aoArgs, utils.getCallerName());
def callProc(self, sProcedure, aoArgs = None):
""" See TMDatabaseConnection.callProc()"""
return self._oDb.callProcInternal(self._oCursor, sProcedure, aoArgs, utils.getCallerName());
def fetchOne(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchone."""
return self._oCursor.fetchone();
def fetchMany(self, cRows = None):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchmany."""
return self._oCursor.fetchmany(cRows if cRows is not None else self._oCursor.arraysize);
def fetchAll(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchall."""
return self._oCursor.fetchall();
def getRowCount(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.rowcount."""
return self._oCursor.rowcount;
def formatBindArgs(self, sStatement, aoArgs):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.mogrify."""
oRet = self._oCursor.mogrify(sStatement, aoArgs);
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and not isinstance(oRet, str):
oRet = oRet.decode('utf-8');
return oRet;
def isTsInfinity(tsValue):
""" Checks if tsValue is an infinity timestamp. """
return isDbTimestampInfinity(tsValue);
class TMDatabaseConnection(object):
Test Manager Database Access class.
This class contains no logic, just raw access abstraction and utilities,
as well as some debug help and some statistics.
def __init__(self, fnDPrint = None, oSrvGlue = None):
Database connection wrapper.
The fnDPrint is for debug logging of all database activity.
Raises an exception on failure.
sAppName = '%s-%s' % (os.getpid(), os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
if len(sAppName) >= 64:
sAppName = sAppName[:64];
os.environ['PGAPPNAME'] = sAppName;
dArgs = \
{ \
'database': config.g_ksDatabaseName,
'user': config.g_ksDatabaseUser,
'password': config.g_ksDatabasePassword,
# 'application_name': sAppName, - Darn stale debian! :/
if config.g_ksDatabaseAddress is not None:
dArgs['host'] = config.g_ksDatabaseAddress;
if config.g_ksDatabasePort is not None:
dArgs['port'] = config.g_ksDatabasePort;
self._oConn = psycopg2.connect(**dArgs); # pylint: disable=W0142
self._oCursor = self._oConn.cursor();
self._oExplainConn = None;
self._oExplainCursor = None;
if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTraceExplain and config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace:
self._oExplainConn = psycopg2.connect(**dArgs); # pylint: disable=W0142
self._oExplainCursor = self._oExplainConn.cursor();
self._fTransaction = False;
self._tsCurrent = None;
self._tsCurrentMinusOne = None;
assert self.isAutoCommitting() is False;
# Debug and introspection.
self._fnDPrint = fnDPrint;
self._aoTraceBack = [];
# Exception class handles.
self.oXcptError = psycopg2.Error;
if oSrvGlue is not None:
def isAutoCommitting(self):
""" Work around missing autocommit attribute in older versions."""
return getattr(self._oConn, 'autocommit', False);
def close(self):
Closes the connection and renders all cursors useless.
if self._oCursor is not None:
self._oCursor = None;
if self._oConn is not None:
self._oConn = None;
if self._oExplainCursor is not None:
self._oExplainCursor = None;
if self._oExplainConn is not None:
self._oExplainConn = None;
def _startedTransaction(self):
Called to work the _fTransaction and related variables when starting
a transaction.
self._fTransaction = True;
self._tsCurrent = None;
self._tsCurrentMinusOne = None;
return None;
def _endedTransaction(self):
Called to work the _fTransaction and related variables when ending
a transaction.
self._fTransaction = False;
self._tsCurrent = None;
self._tsCurrentMinusOne = None;
return None;
def begin(self):
Currently just for marking where a transaction starts in the code.
assert self._oConn is not None;
assert self.isAutoCommitting() is False;
self._aoTraceBack.append([utils.timestampNano(), 'START TRANSACTION', 0, 0, utils.getCallerName(), None]);
return True;
def commit(self, sCallerName = None):
""" Wrapper around Psycopg2.connection.commit."""
assert self._fTransaction is True;
nsStart = utils.timestampNano();
oRc = self._oConn.commit();
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
if sCallerName is None:
sCallerName = utils.getCallerName();
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, 'COMMIT', cNsElapsed, 0, sCallerName, None]);
return oRc;
def maybeCommit(self, fCommit):
Commits if fCommit is True.
Returns True if committed, False if not.
if fCommit is True:
return True;
return False;
def rollback(self):
""" Wrapper around Psycopg2.connection.rollback."""
nsStart = utils.timestampNano();
oRc = self._oConn.rollback();
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, 'ROLLBACK', cNsElapsed, 0, utils.getCallerName(), None]);
return oRc;
# Internal cursor workers.
def executeInternal(self, oCursor, sOperation, aoArgs, sCallerName):
Execute a query or command.
Mostly a wrapper around the psycopg2 cursor method with the same name,
but collect data for traceback.
if aoArgs is None:
aoArgs = list();
sBound = oCursor.mogrify(unicode(sOperation), aoArgs);
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and not isinstance(sBound, str):
sBound = sBound.decode('utf-8');
aasExplain = None;
if self._oExplainCursor is not None:
if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTraceExplainTiming:
self._oExplainCursor.execute('EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS, COSTS, VERBOSE, TIMING) ' + sBound);
self._oExplainCursor.execute('EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS, COSTS, VERBOSE) ' + sBound);
except Exception as oXcpt:
aasExplain = [ ['Explain exception: '], [str(oXcpt)]];
try: self._oExplainConn.rollback();
except: pass;
aasExplain = self._oExplainCursor.fetchall();
nsStart = utils.timestampNano();
oRc = oCursor.execute(sBound);
except Exception as oXcpt:
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, 'oXcpt=%s; Statement: %s' % (oXcpt, sBound), cNsElapsed, 0, sCallerName, None]);
if self._fnDPrint is not None:
self._fnDPrint('db::execute %u ns, caller %s: oXcpt=%s; Statement: %s'
% (cNsElapsed, sCallerName, oXcpt, sBound));
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
if self._fTransaction is False and not self.isAutoCommitting(): # Even SELECTs starts transactions with psycopg2, see FAQ.
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, '[START TRANSACTION]', 0, 0, sCallerName, None]);
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, sBound, cNsElapsed, oCursor.rowcount, sCallerName, aasExplain]);
if self._fnDPrint is not None:
self._fnDPrint('db::execute %u ns, caller %s: "\n%s"' % (cNsElapsed, sCallerName, sBound));
if self.isAutoCommitting():
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, '[AUTO COMMIT]', 0, 0, sCallerName, None]);
return oRc;
def callProcInternal(self, oCursor, sProcedure, aoArgs, sCallerName):
Call a stored procedure.
Mostly a wrapper around the psycopg2 cursor method 'callproc', but
collect data for traceback.
if aoArgs is None:
aoArgs = list();
nsStart = utils.timestampNano();
oRc = oCursor.callproc(sProcedure, aoArgs);
except Exception as oXcpt:
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, 'oXcpt=%s; Calling: %s(%s)' % (oXcpt, sProcedure, aoArgs),
cNsElapsed, 0, sCallerName, None]);
if self._fnDPrint is not None:
self._fnDPrint('db::callproc %u ns, caller %s: oXcpt=%s; Calling: %s(%s)'
% (cNsElapsed, sCallerName, oXcpt, sProcedure, aoArgs));
cNsElapsed = utils.timestampNano() - nsStart;
if self._fTransaction is False and not self.isAutoCommitting(): # Even SELECTs starts transactions with psycopg2, see FAQ.
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, '[START TRANSACTION]', 0, 0, sCallerName, None]);
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, '%s(%s)' % (sProcedure, aoArgs), cNsElapsed, oCursor.rowcount, sCallerName, None]);
if self._fnDPrint is not None:
self._fnDPrint('db::callproc %u ns, caller %s: "%s(%s)"' % (cNsElapsed, sCallerName, sProcedure, aoArgs));
if self.isAutoCommitting():
self._aoTraceBack.append([nsStart, '[AUTO COMMIT]', 0, 0, sCallerName, sCallerName, None]);
return oRc;
def _fetchOne(self, oCursor):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchone."""
oRow = oCursor.fetchone()
if self._fnDPrint is not None:
self._fnDPrint('db:fetchOne returns: %s' % (oRow,));
return oRow;
def _fetchMany(self, oCursor, cRows):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchmany."""
return oCursor.fetchmany(cRows if cRows is not None else oCursor.arraysize);
def _fetchAll(self, oCursor):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchall."""
return oCursor.fetchall()
def _getRowCountWorker(self, oCursor):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.rowcount."""
return oCursor.rowcount;
# Default cursor access.
def execute(self, sOperation, aoArgs = None):
Execute a query or command.
Mostly a wrapper around the psycopg2 cursor method with the same name,
but collect data for traceback.
return self.executeInternal(self._oCursor, sOperation, aoArgs, utils.getCallerName());
def callProc(self, sProcedure, aoArgs = None):
Call a stored procedure.
Mostly a wrapper around the psycopg2 cursor method 'callproc', but
collect data for traceback.
return self.callProcInternal(self._oCursor, sProcedure, aoArgs, utils.getCallerName());
def fetchOne(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchone."""
return self._oCursor.fetchone();
def fetchMany(self, cRows = None):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchmany."""
return self._oCursor.fetchmany(cRows if cRows is not None else self._oCursor.arraysize);
def fetchAll(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.fetchall."""
return self._oCursor.fetchall();
def getRowCount(self):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.rowcount."""
return self._oCursor.rowcount;
def formatBindArgs(self, sStatement, aoArgs):
"""Wrapper around Psycopg2.cursor.mogrify."""
oRet = self._oCursor.mogrify(sStatement, aoArgs);
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and not isinstance(oRet, str):
oRet = oRet.decode('utf-8');
return oRet;
def getCurrentTimestamps(self):
Returns the current timestamp and the current timestamp minus one tick.
This will start a transaction if necessary.
if self._tsCurrent is None:
(self._tsCurrent, self._tsCurrentMinusOne) = self.fetchOne();
return (self._tsCurrent, self._tsCurrentMinusOne);
def getCurrentTimestamp(self):
Returns the current timestamp.
This will start a transaction if necessary.
if self._tsCurrent is None:
return self._tsCurrent;
def getCurrentTimestampMinusOne(self):
Returns the current timestamp minus one tick.
This will start a transaction if necessary.
if self._tsCurrentMinusOne is None:
return self._tsCurrentMinusOne;
# Additional cursors.
def openCursor(self):
Opens a new cursor (TMDatabaseCursor).
oCursor = self._oConn.cursor();
return TMDatabaseCursor(self, oCursor);
# Utilities.
def isTsInfinity(tsValue):
""" Checks if tsValue is an infinity timestamp. """
return isDbTimestampInfinity(tsValue);
# Error stuff.
def integrityException(self, sMessage):
Database integrity reporter and exception factory.
Returns an TMDatabaseIntegrityException which the caller can raise.
## @todo Create a new database connection and log the issue in the SystemLog table.
## Alternatively, rollback whatever is going on and do it using the current one.
return TMDatabaseIntegrityException(sMessage);
# Debugging.
def dprint(self, sText):
Debug output.
if not self._fnDPrint:
return False;
return True;
def debugHtmlReport(self, tsStart = 0):
Used to get a SQL activity dump as HTML, usually for WuiBase._sDebug.
cNsElapsed = 0;
for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
cNsElapsed += aEntry[2];
sDebug = '<h3>SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns):</h3>\n' \
'<table class="tmsqltable">\n' \
' <tr>\n' \
' <th>No.</th>\n' \
' <th>Timestamp (ns)</th>\n' \
' <th>Elapsed (ns)</th>\n' \
' <th>Rows Returned</th>\n' \
' <th>Command</th>\n' \
' <th>Caller</th>\n' \
' </tr>\n' \
% (utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed, '&nbsp;'),);
iEntry = 0;
for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
iEntry += 1;
sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
' <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
' <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
' <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
' <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
' <td><pre>%s</pre></td>\n' \
' <td>%s</td>\n' \
' </tr>\n' \
% (iEntry,
utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart, '&nbsp;'),
utils.formatNumber(aEntry[2], '&nbsp;'),
utils.formatNumber(aEntry[3], '&nbsp;'),
if aEntry[5] is not None:
sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
' <td colspan="6"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">%s</pre></td>\n' \
' </tr>\n' \
% (webutils.escapeElem('\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]])),);
sDebug += '</table>';
return sDebug;
def debugTextReport(self, tsStart = 0):
Used to get a SQL activity dump as text.
cNsElapsed = 0;
for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
cNsElapsed += aEntry[2];
sHdr = 'SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns)' % (utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed),);
sDebug = sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n';
iEntry = 0;
for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
iEntry += 1;
sHdr = 'Query #%s Timestamp: %s ns Elapsed: %s ns Rows: %s Caller: %s' \
% ( iEntry,
utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart),
aEntry[4], );
sDebug += '\n' + sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n';
sDebug += aEntry[1];
if sDebug[-1] != '\n':
sDebug += '\n';
if aEntry[5] is not None:
sDebug += 'Explain:\n' \
' %s\n' \
% ( '\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]]),);
return sDebug;
def debugInfoCallback(self, oGlue, fHtml):
""" Called back by the glue code on error. """
if not fHtml: oGlue.write(self.debugTextReport());
else: oGlue.write(self.debugHtmlReport());
return True;
def debugEnableExplain(self):
""" Enabled explain. """
if self._oExplainConn is None:
dArgs = \
{ \
'database': config.g_ksDatabaseName,
'user': config.g_ksDatabaseUser,
'password': config.g_ksDatabasePassword,
# 'application_name': sAppName, - Darn stale debian! :/
if config.g_ksDatabaseAddress is not None:
dArgs['host'] = config.g_ksDatabaseAddress;
if config.g_ksDatabasePort is not None:
dArgs['port'] = config.g_ksDatabasePort;
self._oExplainConn = psycopg2.connect(**dArgs); # pylint: disable=W0142
self._oExplainCursor = self._oExplainConn.cursor();
return True;