VMMR0JmpA-amd64.asm revision 4c99247d69e2385d20665878183bf952b31fa92f
; $Id$
;; @file
; VMM - R0 SetJmp / LongJmp routines for AMD64.
; Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
; Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
; Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
; additional information or have any questions.
;* Header Files *
%include "VBox/asmdefs.mac"
%include "VMMInternal.mac"
%include "iprt/err.mac"
; The setjmp variant used for calling Ring-3.
; This differs from the normal setjmp in that it will resume VMMR0CallHost if we're
; in the middle of a ring-3 call. Another differences is the function pointer and
; argument. This has to do with resuming code and the stack frame of the caller.
; @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success or whatever is passed to vmmR0CallHostLongJmp.
; @param pJmpBuf msc:rcx gcc:rdi x86:[esp+0x04] Our jmp_buf.
; @param pfn msc:rdx gcc:rsi x86:[esp+0x08] The function to be called when not resuming.
; @param pvUser1 msc:r8 gcc:rdx x86:[esp+0x0c] The argument of that function.
; @param pvUser2 msc:r9 gcc:rcx x86:[esp+0x10] The argument of that function.
BEGINPROC vmmR0CallHostSetJmp
GLOBALNAME vmmR0CallHostSetJmpEx
; Save the registers.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
sub rsp, 30h
mov r11, rdx ; pfn
mov rdx, rcx ; pJmpBuf;
sub rsp, 10h
mov r8, rdx ; pvUser1 (save it like MSC)
mov r9, rcx ; pvUser2 (save it like MSC)
mov r11, rsi ; pfn
mov rdx, rdi ; pJmpBuf
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbx], rbx
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsi], rsi
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rdi], rdi
mov r10, [rbp]
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbp], r10
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r12], r12
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r13], r13
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r14], r14
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r15], r15
mov rax, [rbp + 8]
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip], rax
lea r10, [rbp + 10h] ; (used in resume)
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp], r10
; If we're not in a ring-3 call, call pfn and return.
test byte [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 1
jnz .resume
mov r15, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
test r15, r15
jz .entry_error
cmp dword [r15], 0h
jne .entry_error
mov rdi, r15
mov rcx, 1024
mov rax, 00eeeeeeeffeeeeeeeh
repne stosq
mov [rdi - 10h], rbx
lea r15, [r15 + 8192 - 40h]
mov rsp, r15 ; Switch stack!
mov r12, rdx ; Save pJmpBuf.
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rcx, r8 ; pvUser -> arg0
mov rdx, r9
mov rdi, r8 ; pvUser -> arg0
mov rsi, r9
call r11
mov rdx, r12 ; Restore pJmpBuf
mov r15, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
mov dword [r15], 0h ; Reset the marker
; Return like in the long jump but clear eip, no short cuts here.
mov rbx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbx]
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rsi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsi]
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rdi]
mov r12, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r12]
mov r13, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r13]
mov r14, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r14]
mov r15, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r15]
mov rbp, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbp]
mov rcx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip]
and qword [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip], byte 0 ; used for valid check.
mov rsp, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp]
jmp rcx
jmp .proper_return
; Resume VMMR0CallHost the call.
; Switch stack.
mov rsp, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume]
; Sanity checks.
cmp r10, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpCheck]
je .rspCheck_ok
and qword [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip], byte 0 ; used for valid check.
mov rbx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbx]
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rsi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsi]
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rdi]
mov r12, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r12]
mov r13, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r13]
mov r14, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r14]
mov r15, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r15]
mov ecx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack]
cmp rcx, 8192
ja .bad
test rcx, 3
jnz .bad
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp]
sub rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume]
cmp rcx, rdi
jne .bad
; Restore the stack.
mov ecx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack]
shr ecx, 3
mov rsi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume]
mov rsp, rdi
rep movsq
mov byte [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 0
; Continue where we left off.
pop rbx
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
pop rbp
xor eax, eax ; VINF_SUCCESS
ENDPROC vmmR0CallHostSetJmp
; Worker for VMMR0CallHost.
; This will save the stack and registers.
; @param pJmpBuf msc:rcx gcc:rdi x86:[ebp+8] Pointer to the jump buffer.
; @param rc msc:rdx gcc:rsi x86:[ebp+c] The return code.
BEGINPROC vmmR0CallHostLongJmp
; Save the registers on the stack.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r15
push r14
push r13
push r12
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
push rdi
push rsi
push rbx
; Normalize the parameters.
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov eax, edx ; rc
mov rdx, rcx ; pJmpBuf
mov rdx, rdi ; pJmpBuf
mov eax, esi ; rc
; Is the jump buffer armed?
cmp qword [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip], byte 0
je .nok
; Sanity checks.
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.pvSavedStack]
test rdi, rdi ; darwin may set this to 0.
jz .nok
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpResume], rsp
mov rsi, rsp
mov rcx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp]
sub rcx, rsi
; two sanity checks on the size.
cmp rcx, 8192 ; check max size.
jnbe .nok
; Copy the stack
test ecx, 7 ; check alignment
jnz .nok
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.cbSavedStack], ecx
shr ecx, 3
rep movsq
; Save RSP & RBP to enable stack dumps
mov rcx, rbp
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SavedEbp], rcx
sub rcx, 8
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SavedEsp], rcx
; store the last pieces of info.
mov rcx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp]
mov [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.SpCheck], rcx
mov byte [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.fInRing3Call], 1
; Do the long jump.
mov rbx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbx]
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rsi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsi]
mov rdi, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rdi]
mov r12, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r12]
mov r13, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r13]
mov r14, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r14]
mov r15, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.r15]
mov rbp, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rbp]
mov rcx, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rip]
mov rsp, [rdx + VMMR0JMPBUF.rsp]
jmp rcx
; Failure
pop rbx
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
ENDPROC vmmR0CallHostLongJmp
; Internal R0 logger worker: Logger wrapper.
; @cproto VMMR0DECL(void) vmmR0LoggerWrapper(const char *pszFormat, ...)
EXPORTEDNAME vmmR0LoggerWrapper
ENDPROC vmmR0LoggerWrapper