VMMAll.cpp revision 72524bb0105ba1e269cb7f84bfa37d49cebf1614
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VMM All Contexts.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Header Files *
#include "VMMInternal.h"
* Global Variables *
/** User counter for the vmmInitFormatTypes function (pro forma). */
static volatile uint32_t g_cFormatTypeUsers = 0;
* Helper that formats a decimal number in the range 0..9999.
* @returns The length of the formatted number.
* @param pszBuf Output buffer with sufficient space.
* @param uNum The number to format.
unsigned off = 0;
if (uNumber >= 10)
if (uNumber >= 100)
if (uNumber >= 1000)
return off;
* @callback_method_impl{FNRTSTRFORMATTYPE, vmsetcpu}
void *pvUser)
while (iCpu--)
char szTmp[32];
if (cCpus == 1)
while (iCpu--)
szTmp[0] = 'c';
cCpus = 0;
if (cCpus == 0)
* Print cpus that are present: {1,2,7,9 ... }
cCpus = 0;
iCpu = 0;
/* Output the first cpu number. */
int off = 0;
if (cCpus != 0)
/* Check for sequence. */
/* Terminate and output. */
return cchRet;
* Registers the VMM wide format types.
* Called by VMMR3Init, VMMR0Init and VMMRCInit.
int vmmInitFormatTypes(void)
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
return rc;
#ifndef IN_RC
* Counterpart to vmmInitFormatTypes, called by VMMR3Term and VMMR0Term.
void vmmTermFormatTypes(void)
if (ASMAtomicDecU32(&g_cFormatTypeUsers) == 0)
* Gets the bottom of the hypervisor stack - RC Ptr.
* (The returned address is not actually writable, only after it's decremented
* @returns bottom of the stack.
* @param pVCpu Pointer to the VMCPU.
* Gets the ID of the virtual CPU associated with the calling thread.
* @returns The CPU ID. NIL_VMCPUID if the thread isn't an EMT.
* @param pVM Pointer to the VM.
* @internal
#if defined(IN_RING3)
return VMR3GetVMCPUId(pVM);
return 0;
/* Search first by host cpu id (most common case)
* and then by native thread id (page fusion case).
/** @todo r=ramshankar: This doesn't buy us anything in terms of performance
* leaving it here for hysterical raisins and as a reference if we
* implemented a hashing approach in the future. */
/** @todo optimize for large number of VCPUs when that becomes more common. */
/* RTThreadGetNativeSelf had better be cheap. */
/** @todo optimize for large number of VCPUs when that becomes more common. */
#else /* RC: Always EMT(0) */
return 0;
* Returns the VMCPU of the calling EMT.
* @returns The VMCPU pointer. NULL if not an EMT.
* @param pVM Pointer to the VM.
* @internal
#ifdef IN_RING3
if (idCpu == NIL_VMCPUID)
return NULL;
* Search first by host cpu id (most common case)
* and then by native thread id (page fusion case).
/** @todo r=ramshankar: This doesn't buy us anything in terms of performance
* leaving it here for hysterical raisins and as a reference if we
* implemented a hashing approach in the future. */
/** @todo optimize for large number of VCPUs when that becomes more common. */
return pVCpu;
/* RTThreadGetNativeSelf had better be cheap. */
/** @todo optimize for large number of VCPUs when that becomes more common.
* Use a map like GIP does that's indexed by the host CPU index. */
return pVCpu;
return NULL;
#else /* RC: Always EMT(0) */
#endif /* IN_RING0 */
* Returns the VMCPU of the first EMT thread.
* @returns The VMCPU pointer.
* @param pVM Pointer to the VM.
* @internal
* Returns the VMCPU of the specified virtual CPU.
* @returns The VMCPU pointer. NULL if idCpu is invalid.
* @param pVM Pointer to the VM.
* @param idCpu The ID of the virtual CPU.
* @internal
* Gets the VBOX_SVN_REV.
* This is just to avoid having to compile a bunch of big files
* and requires less Makefile mess.
* @returns VBOX_SVN_REV.
return VBOX_SVN_REV;
* Queries the current switcher
* @returns active switcher
* @param pVM Pointer to the VM.
* Checks whether we're in a ring-3 call or not.
* @returns true / false.
* @param pVCpu The caller's cross context VM structure.
* @thread EMT
#ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
* Returns the build type for matching components.
* @returns Build type value.
uint32_t vmmGetBuildType(void)
#ifdef DEBUG
return uRet;