IEMAllCImplStrInstr.cpp.h revision 37fb67be7d1d328213aeda3f56ab5aacd37416d1
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* IEM - String Instruction Implementation Code Template.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Defined Constants And Macros *
#if OP_SIZE == 8
# define OP_rAX al
#elif OP_SIZE == 16
# define OP_rAX ax
#elif OP_SIZE == 32
# define OP_rAX eax
#elif OP_SIZE == 64
# define OP_rAX rax
# error "Bad OP_SIZE."
#define OP_TYPE RT_CONCAT3(uint,OP_SIZE,_t)
#if ADDR_SIZE == 16
# define ADDR_rDI di
# define ADDR_rSI si
# define ADDR_rCX cx
# define ADDR2_TYPE uint32_t
#elif ADDR_SIZE == 32
# define ADDR_rDI edi
# define ADDR_rSI esi
# define ADDR_rCX ecx
# define ADDR2_TYPE uint32_t
#elif ADDR_SIZE == 64
# define ADDR_rDI rdi
# define ADDR_rSI rsi
# define ADDR_rCX rcx
# define ADDR2_TYPE uint64_t
# error "Bad ADDR_SIZE."
* Implements 'REPE CMPS'.
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_repe_cmps_op,OP_SIZE,_addr,ADDR_SIZE), uint8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
PCCPUMSELREGHID pSrc1Hid = iemSRegGetHid(pIemCpu, iEffSeg);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, pSrc1Hid, iEffSeg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uSrc1AddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rSI;
ADDR_TYPE uSrc2AddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
uint32_t uEFlags = pCtx->eflags.u;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtSrc1Addr = (uint32_t)pSrc1Hid->u64Base + uSrc1AddrReg;
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtSrc2Addr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uSrc2AddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtSrc1Addr = uSrc1AddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtSrc2Addr = uSrc2AddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftSrc1Page = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtSrc1Addr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftSrc1Page > uCounterReg)
cLeftSrc1Page = uCounterReg;
uint32_t cLeftSrc2Page = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtSrc2Addr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
uint32_t cLeftPage = RT_MIN(cLeftSrc1Page, cLeftSrc2Page);
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uSrc1AddrReg < pSrc1Hid->u32Limit
&& uSrc1AddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pSrc1Hid->u32Limit
&& uSrc2AddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uSrc2AddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtSrc1Addr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysSrc1Mem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtSrc2Addr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysSrc2Mem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE const *puSrc2Mem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puSrc2Mem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
OP_TYPE const *puSrc1Mem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc1Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puSrc1Mem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
if (!memcmp(puSrc2Mem, puSrc1Mem, cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)))
/* All matches, only compare the last itme to get the right eflags. */
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&puSrc1Mem[cLeftPage-1], puSrc2Mem[cLeftPage-1], &uEFlags);
uSrc1AddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
uSrc2AddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
uCounterReg -= cLeftPage;
/* Some mismatch, compare each item (and keep volatile
memory in mind). */
uint32_t off = 0;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&puSrc1Mem[off], puSrc2Mem[off], &uEFlags);
} while ( off < cLeftPage
&& (uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
uSrc1AddrReg += cbIncr * off;
uSrc2AddrReg += cbIncr * off;
uCounterReg -= off;
/* Update the registers before looping. */
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrc1AddrReg;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uSrc2AddrReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc1Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc1Mem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc2Mem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc2Mem);
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uValue1;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue1, iEffSeg, uSrc1AddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
OP_TYPE uValue2;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue2, X86_SREG_ES, uSrc2AddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)(&uValue1, uValue2, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrc1AddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uSrc2AddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
} while ( (int32_t)cLeftPage > 0
&& (uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
} while ( uCounterReg != 0
&& (uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REPNE CMPS'.
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_repne_cmps_op,OP_SIZE,_addr,ADDR_SIZE), uint8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
PCCPUMSELREGHID pSrc1Hid = iemSRegGetHid(pIemCpu, iEffSeg);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, pSrc1Hid, iEffSeg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uSrc1AddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rSI;
ADDR_TYPE uSrc2AddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
uint32_t uEFlags = pCtx->eflags.u;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtSrc1Addr = (uint32_t)pSrc1Hid->u64Base + uSrc1AddrReg;
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtSrc2Addr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uSrc2AddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtSrc1Addr = uSrc1AddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtSrc2Addr = uSrc2AddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftSrc1Page = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtSrc1Addr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftSrc1Page > uCounterReg)
cLeftSrc1Page = uCounterReg;
uint32_t cLeftSrc2Page = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtSrc2Addr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
uint32_t cLeftPage = RT_MIN(cLeftSrc1Page, cLeftSrc2Page);
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uSrc1AddrReg < pSrc1Hid->u32Limit
&& uSrc1AddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pSrc1Hid->u32Limit
&& uSrc2AddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uSrc2AddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtSrc1Addr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysSrc1Mem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtSrc2Addr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysSrc2Mem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE const *puSrc2Mem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puSrc2Mem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
OP_TYPE const *puSrc1Mem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc1Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puSrc1Mem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
if (memcmp(puSrc2Mem, puSrc1Mem, cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)))
/* All matches, only compare the last item to get the right eflags. */
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&puSrc1Mem[cLeftPage-1], puSrc2Mem[cLeftPage-1], &uEFlags);
uSrc1AddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
uSrc2AddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
uCounterReg -= cLeftPage;
/* Some mismatch, compare each item (and keep volatile
memory in mind). */
uint32_t off = 0;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&puSrc1Mem[off], puSrc2Mem[off], &uEFlags);
} while ( off < cLeftPage
&& !(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
uSrc1AddrReg += cbIncr * off;
uSrc2AddrReg += cbIncr * off;
uCounterReg -= off;
/* Update the registers before looping. */
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrc1AddrReg;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uSrc2AddrReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc1Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc1Mem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc2Mem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrc2Mem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrc2Mem);
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uValue1;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue1, iEffSeg, uSrc1AddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
OP_TYPE uValue2;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue2, X86_SREG_ES, uSrc2AddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)(&uValue1, uValue2, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrc1AddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uSrc2AddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
} while ( (int32_t)cLeftPage > 0
&& !(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
} while ( uCounterReg != 0
&& !(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REPE SCAS'.
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
OP_TYPE const uValueReg = pCtx->OP_rAX;
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
uint32_t uEFlags = pCtx->eflags.u;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE const *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
/* Search till we find a mismatching item. */
OP_TYPE uTmpValue;
bool fQuit;
uint32_t i = 0;
uTmpValue = puMem[i++];
fQuit = uTmpValue != uValueReg;
} while (i < cLeftPage && !fQuit);
/* Update the regs. */
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&uValueReg, uTmpValue, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg -= i;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += i * cbIncr;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
Assert(!(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF) == (i < cLeftPage));
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puMem);
if (fQuit)
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uTmpValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uTmpValue, X86_SREG_ES, uAddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&uValueReg, uTmpValue, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
} while ( (int32_t)cLeftPage > 0
&& (uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
} while ( uCounterReg != 0
&& (uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REPNE SCAS'.
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
OP_TYPE const uValueReg = pCtx->OP_rAX;
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
uint32_t uEFlags = pCtx->eflags.u;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE const *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
/* Search till we find a mismatching item. */
OP_TYPE uTmpValue;
bool fQuit;
uint32_t i = 0;
uTmpValue = puMem[i++];
fQuit = uTmpValue == uValueReg;
} while (i < cLeftPage && !fQuit);
/* Update the regs. */
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&uValueReg, uTmpValue, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg -= i;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += i * cbIncr;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
Assert((!(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF) != (i < cLeftPage)) || (i == cLeftPage));
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puMem);
if (fQuit)
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uTmpValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uTmpValue, X86_SREG_ES, uAddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
RT_CONCAT(iemAImpl_cmp_u,OP_SIZE)((OP_TYPE *)&uValueReg, uTmpValue, &uEFlags);
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
pCtx->eflags.u = uEFlags;
} while ( (int32_t)cLeftPage > 0
&& !(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
} while ( uCounterReg != 0
&& !(uEFlags & X86_EFL_ZF));
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REP MOVS'.
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_rep_movs_op,OP_SIZE,_addr,ADDR_SIZE), uint8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
PCCPUMSELREGHID pSrcHid = iemSRegGetHid(pIemCpu, iEffSeg);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, pSrcHid, iEffSeg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckWriteAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uSrcAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rSI;
ADDR_TYPE uDstAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtSrcAddr = (uint32_t)pSrcHid->u64Base + uSrcAddrReg;
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtDstAddr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uDstAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtSrcAddr = uSrcAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtDstAddr = uDstAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftSrcPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtSrcAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftSrcPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftSrcPage = uCounterReg;
uint32_t cLeftDstPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtDstAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
uint32_t cLeftPage = RT_MIN(cLeftSrcPage, cLeftDstPage);
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uSrcAddrReg < pSrcHid->u32Limit
&& uSrcAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pSrcHid->u32Limit
&& uDstAddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uDstAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtSrcAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysSrcMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtDstAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, &GCPhysDstMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE *puDstMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysDstMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, (void **)&puDstMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
OP_TYPE const *puSrcMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrcMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puSrcMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
/* Perform the operation. */
memcpy(puDstMem, puSrcMem, cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8));
/* Update the registers. */
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrcAddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uDstAddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg -= cLeftPage;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysSrcMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puSrcMem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysDstMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, puDstMem);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysDstMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, puDstMem);
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue, iEffSeg, uSrcAddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemStoreDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, X86_SREG_ES, uDstAddrReg, uValue);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uSrcAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uDstAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
} while ((int32_t)cLeftPage > 0);
} while (uCounterReg != 0);
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REP STOS'.
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckWriteAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
OP_TYPE const uValue = pCtx->OP_rAX;
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, do a block processing
* until the end of the current page.
OP_TYPE *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
/* Update the regs first so we can loop on cLeftPage. */
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg -= cLeftPage;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
/* Do the memsetting. */
#if OP_SIZE == 8
memset(puMem, uValue, cLeftPage);
/*#elif OP_SIZE == 32
ASMMemFill32(puMem, cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8), uValue);*/
while (cLeftPage-- > 0)
*puMem++ = uValue;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, puMem);
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemStoreDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, X86_SREG_ES, uAddrReg, uValue);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
} while ((int32_t)cLeftPage > 0);
} while (uCounterReg != 0);
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'REP LODS'.
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_lods_,OP_rAX,_m,ADDR_SIZE), int8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
PCCPUMSELREGHID pSrcHid = iemSRegGetHid(pIemCpu, iEffSeg);
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, pSrcHid, iEffSeg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rSI;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pSrcHid->u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pSrcHid->u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pSrcHid->u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, we can get away with
* just reading the last value on the page.
OP_TYPE const *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
/* Only get the last byte, the rest doesn't matter in direct access mode. */
#if OP_SIZE == 32
pCtx->rax = puMem[cLeftPage - 1];
pCtx->OP_rAX = puMem[cLeftPage - 1];
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = uCounterReg -= cLeftPage;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uAddrReg += cLeftPage * cbIncr;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puMem);
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
OP_TYPE uTmpValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uTmpValue, iEffSeg, uAddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
#if OP_SIZE == 32
pCtx->rax = uTmpValue;
pCtx->OP_rAX = uTmpValue;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
} while ((int32_t)cLeftPage > 0);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
} while (uCounterReg != 0);
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
#if OP_SIZE != 64
* Implements 'INS' (no rep)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* ASSUMES the #GP for I/O permission is taken first, then any #GP for
* segmentation and finally any #PF due to virtual address translation.
* ASSUMES nothing is read from the I/O port before traps are taken.
rcStrict = iemHlpCheckPortIOPermission(pIemCpu, pCtx, pCtx->dx, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
OP_TYPE *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemMap(pIemCpu, (void **)&puMem, OP_SIZE / 8, X86_SREG_ES, pCtx->ADDR_rDI, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
uint32_t u32Value;
rcStrict = IOMIOPortRead(pVM, pCtx->dx, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortRead(pIemCpu, pCtx->dx, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict2 = iemMemCommitAndUnmap(pIemCpu, puMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W);
if (RT_LIKELY(rcStrict2 == VINF_SUCCESS))
if (!pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF)
pCtx->ADDR_rDI += OP_SIZE / 8;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI -= OP_SIZE / 8;
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
/* iemMemMap already check permissions, so this may only be real errors
or access handlers medling. The access handler case is going to
cause misbehavior if the instruction is re-interpreted or smth. So,
we fail with an internal error here instead. */
return rcStrict;
* Implements 'REP INS'.
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
uint16_t const u16Port = pCtx->dx;
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemHlpCheckPortIOPermission(pIemCpu, pCtx, u16Port, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckWriteAccessEx(pIemCpu, &pCtx->es, X86_SREG_ES);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rDI;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pCtx->es.u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pCtx->es.u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pCtx->es.u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, we would've liked to use
* an string I/O method to do the work, but the current IOM
* interface doesn't match our current approach. So, do a regular
* loop instead.
/** @todo Change the I/O manager interface to make use of
* mapped buffers instead of leaving those bits to the
* device implementation? */
OP_TYPE *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
uint32_t off = 0;
while (off < cLeftPage)
uint32_t u32Value;
rcStrict = IOMIOPortRead(pVM, u16Port, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortRead(pIemCpu, u16Port, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
puMem[off] = (OP_TYPE)u32Value;
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
/** @todo massage rc */
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, puMem);
return rcStrict;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W, puMem);
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
* Note! We ASSUME the CPU will raise #PF or #GP before access the
* I/O port, otherwise it wouldn't really be restartable.
/** @todo investigate what the CPU actually does with \#PF/\#GP
* during INS. */
OP_TYPE *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemMap(pIemCpu, (void **)&puMem, OP_SIZE / 8, X86_SREG_ES, uAddrReg, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
uint32_t u32Value;
rcStrict = IOMIOPortRead(pVM, u16Port, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortRead(pIemCpu, u16Port, &u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (!IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
return rcStrict;
*puMem = (OP_TYPE)u32Value;
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict2 = iemMemCommitAndUnmap(pIemCpu, puMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_W);
AssertLogRelReturn(rcStrict2 == VINF_SUCCESS, VERR_IEM_IPE_1); /* See non-rep version. */
pCtx->ADDR_rDI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
/** @todo massage IOM status codes! */
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
return rcStrict;
} while ((int32_t)cLeftPage > 0);
} while (uCounterReg != 0);
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
* Implements 'OUTS' (no rep)
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_outs_op,OP_SIZE,_addr,ADDR_SIZE), uint8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* ASSUMES the #GP for I/O permission is taken first, then any #GP for
* segmentation and finally any #PF due to virtual address translation.
* ASSUMES nothing is read from the I/O port before traps are taken.
rcStrict = iemHlpCheckPortIOPermission(pIemCpu, pCtx, pCtx->dx, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
OP_TYPE uValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue, iEffSeg, pCtx->ADDR_rSI);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
rcStrict = IOMIOPortWrite(pVM, pCtx->dx, uValue, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortWrite(pIemCpu, pCtx->dx, uValue, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
if (!pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF)
pCtx->ADDR_rSI += OP_SIZE / 8;
pCtx->ADDR_rSI -= OP_SIZE / 8;
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
/** @todo massage IOM status codes. */
return rcStrict;
* Implements 'REP OUTS'.
IEM_CIMPL_DEF_1(RT_CONCAT4(iemCImpl_rep_outs_op,OP_SIZE,_addr,ADDR_SIZE), uint8_t, iEffSeg)
PCPUMCTX pCtx = pIemCpu->CTX_SUFF(pCtx);
* Setup.
uint16_t const u16Port = pCtx->dx;
VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = iemHlpCheckPortIOPermission(pIemCpu, pCtx, u16Port, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
ADDR_TYPE uCounterReg = pCtx->ADDR_rCX;
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
PCCPUMSELREGHID pHid = iemSRegGetHid(pIemCpu, iEffSeg);
rcStrict = iemMemSegCheckReadAccessEx(pIemCpu, pHid, iEffSeg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
int8_t const cbIncr = pCtx->eflags.Bits.u1DF ? -(OP_SIZE / 8) : (OP_SIZE / 8);
ADDR_TYPE uAddrReg = pCtx->ADDR_rSI;
* The loop.
* Do segmentation and virtual page stuff.
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
ADDR2_TYPE uVirtAddr = (uint32_t)pHid->u64Base + uAddrReg;
uint64_t uVirtAddr = uAddrReg;
uint32_t cLeftPage = (PAGE_SIZE - (uVirtAddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) / (OP_SIZE / 8);
if (cLeftPage > uCounterReg)
cLeftPage = uCounterReg;
if ( cLeftPage > 0 /* can be null if unaligned, do one fallback round. */
&& cbIncr > 0 /** @todo Implement reverse direction string ops. */
#if ADDR_SIZE != 64
&& uAddrReg < pHid->u32Limit
&& uAddrReg + (cLeftPage * (OP_SIZE / 8)) <= pHid->u32Limit
rcStrict = iemMemPageTranslateAndCheckAccess(pIemCpu, uVirtAddr, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, &GCPhysMem);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
* If we can map the page without trouble, we would've liked to use
* an string I/O method to do the work, but the current IOM
* interface doesn't match our current approach. So, do a regular
* loop instead.
/** @todo Change the I/O manager interface to make use of
* mapped buffers instead of leaving those bits to the
* device implementation? */
OP_TYPE const *puMem;
rcStrict = iemMemPageMap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, (void **)&puMem);
if (rcStrict == VINF_SUCCESS)
uint32_t off = 0;
while (off < cLeftPage)
uint32_t u32Value = *puMem++;
rcStrict = IOMIOPortWrite(pVM, u16Port, u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortWrite(pIemCpu, u16Port, u32Value, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
/** @todo massage IOM rc */
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puMem);
return rcStrict;
iemMemPageUnmap(pIemCpu, GCPhysMem, IEM_ACCESS_DATA_R, puMem);
/* If unaligned, we drop thru and do the page crossing access
below. Otherwise, do the next page. */
if (!(uVirtAddr & (OP_SIZE - 1)))
if (uCounterReg == 0)
cLeftPage = 0;
* Fallback - slow processing till the end of the current page.
* In the cross page boundrary case we will end up here with cLeftPage
* as 0, we execute one loop then.
* Note! We ASSUME the CPU will raise #PF or #GP before access the
* I/O port, otherwise it wouldn't really be restartable.
/** @todo investigate what the CPU actually does with \#PF/\#GP
* during INS. */
OP_TYPE uValue;
rcStrict = RT_CONCAT(iemMemFetchDataU,OP_SIZE)(pIemCpu, &uValue, iEffSeg, uAddrReg);
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
return rcStrict;
rcStrict = IOMIOPortWrite(pVM, u16Port, uValue, OP_SIZE / 8);
rcStrict = iemVerifyFakeIOPortWrite(pIemCpu, u16Port, uValue, OP_SIZE / 8);
if (IOM_SUCCESS(rcStrict))
pCtx->ADDR_rSI = uAddrReg += cbIncr;
pCtx->ADDR_rCX = --uCounterReg;
if (rcStrict != VINF_SUCCESS)
/** @todo massage IOM status codes! */
if (uCounterReg == 0)
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
return rcStrict;
} while ((int32_t)cLeftPage > 0);
} while (uCounterReg != 0);
* Done.
iemRegAddToRip(pIemCpu, cbInstr);
#endif /* OP_SIZE != 64-bit */
#undef OP_rAX
#undef OP_SIZE
#undef ADDR_SIZE
#undef ADDR_rDI
#undef ADDR_rSI
#undef ADDR_rCX
#undef ADDR_rIP
#undef ADDR2_TYPE
#undef ADDR_TYPE
#undef ADDR2_TYPE