tstVDCopy.vd revision e4f367251aede667a6de69baa54ef9eb5f150871
# $Id$
# Storage: Testcase for VDCopy with snapshots and optimizations.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# Init I/O RNG for generating random data for writes
iorngcreate size=10M mode=manual seed=1234567890
# Create source disk and fill data
print msg=Creating_Source_Disk
createdisk name=source verify=no
create disk=source mode=base name=source_base.vdi type=dynamic backend=VDI size=1G
io disk=source async=no mode=rnd blocksize=64k off=0-512M size=256M writes=100
# Create 1st snapshot
print msg=Creating_First_Diff
create disk=source mode=diff name=source_diff1.vdi type=dynamic backend=VDI size=1G
io disk=source async=no mode=rnd blocksize=64k off=512M-1G size=256M writes=50
# Create 2nd snapshot
print msg=Creating_Second_Diff
create disk=source mode=diff name=source_diff2.vdi type=dynamic backend=VDI size=1G
io disk=source async=no mode=rnd blocksize=1M off=0M-1G size=45M writes=100
print msg=Creating_Third_Diff
create disk=source mode=diff name=source_diff3.vdi type=dynamic backend=VDI size=1G
io disk=source async=no mode=rnd blocksize=1M off=0M-1G size=45M writes=100
print msg=Creating_Fourth_Diff
create disk=source mode=diff name=source_diff4.vdi type=dynamic backend=VDI size=1G
io disk=source async=no mode=rnd blocksize=1M off=0M-1G size=45M writes=100
# Create destination disk
print msg=Creating_Destination_Disk
createdisk name=dest verify=no
# Copy base image
print msg=Copying_Base_Image
copy diskfrom=source diskto=dest imagefrom=0 backend=VDI filename=dest_base.vdi
print msg=Copying_First_Diff_optimized
copy diskfrom=source diskto=dest imagefrom=1 backend=VDI filename=dest_diff1.vdi fromsame=0 tosame=0
print msg=Copying_Second_Diff_optimized
copy diskfrom=source diskto=dest imagefrom=2 backend=VDI filename=dest_diff2.vdi fromsame=1 tosame=1
copy diskfrom=source diskto=dest imagefrom=3 backend=VDI filename=dest_diff3.vdi fromsame=2 tosame=2
copy diskfrom=source diskto=dest imagefrom=4 backend=VDI filename=dest_diff4.vdi fromsame=3 tosame=3
print msg=Comparing_Disks
comparedisks disk1=source disk2=dest
printfilesize disk=source image=0
printfilesize disk=source image=1
printfilesize disk=source image=2
printfilesize disk=source image=3
printfilesize disk=source image=4
printfilesize disk=dest image=0
printfilesize disk=dest image=1
printfilesize disk=dest image=2
printfilesize disk=dest image=3
printfilesize disk=dest image=4
# Cleanup
print msg=Cleaning_up
close disk=dest mode=single delete=yes
close disk=dest mode=single delete=yes
close disk=dest mode=single delete=yes
close disk=source mode=single delete=yes
close disk=source mode=single delete=yes
close disk=source mode=single delete=yes
destroydisk name=source
destroydisk name=dest