tstRTStrVersion.cpp revision f859334e89cff63a2472f1a95a28e77bc07667f1
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* IPRT Testcase - Version String Comparison.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Header Files *
int main()
if (rc)
return rc;
static struct
const char *pszVer1;
const char *pszVer2;
int iResult;
} const aTests[] =
{ "", "", 0 },
{ "asdf", "", 1 },
{ "asdf234", "1.4.5", 1 },
{ "12.foo006", "12.6", 1 },
{ "1", "1", 0 },
{ "1", "100", -1},
{ "100", "1", 1 },
{ "3", "4", -1},
{ "1", "0.1", 1 },
{ "1", "", 1 },
{ "0100", "100", 0 },
{ "1.0.0", "1", 0 },
{ "1.0.0", "100.0.0", -1},
{ "1", "", -1},
{ "1.4.5", "1.2.3", 1 },
{ "1.2.3", "1.4.5", -1},
{ "1.2.3", "4.5.6", -1},
{ "1.0.4", "1.0.3", 1 },
{ "0.1", "0.0.1", 1 },
{ "0.0.1", "0.1.1", -1},
{ "3.1.0", "3.0.14", 1 },
{ "2.0.12", "3.0.14", -1},
{ "3.1", "3.0.22", 1 },
{ "3.0.14", "3.1.0", -1},
{ "45.63", "04.560.30", 1 },
{ "45.006", "45.6", 0 },
{ "23.206", "23.06", 1 },
{ "23.2", "23.060", -1},
{ "VirtualBox-2.0.8-Beta2", "VirtualBox-2.0.8_Beta3-r12345", -1 },
{ "VirtualBox-2.2.4-Beta2", "VirtualBox-2.2.2", 1 },
{ "VirtualBox-2.2.4-Beta3", "VirtualBox-2.2.2-Beta4", 1 },
{ "VirtualBox-3.1.8-Alpha1", "VirtualBox-3.1.8-Alpha1-r61454", -1 },
{ "VirtualBox-3.1.0", "VirtualBox-3.1.2_Beta1", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", "3.1.2", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA1r12345", "3.1.0", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETAr12345", "3.1.0", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", "3.1.0", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", "3.1.0", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", "", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA", "", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA1", "3.1.0", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", "3.1.0r12345", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA1-r12345", "3.1.0_BETA-r12345", 0 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA1-r12345", "3.1.0_BETA1-r12345", 0 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA2-r12345", "3.1.0_BETA1-r12345", 1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA2-r12345", "3.1.0_BETA999-r12345", -1 },
{ "3.1.0_BETA2", "3.1.0_ABC", -1 }, /* ABC isn't indicating a prerelease, BETA does */
{ "3.1.0_BETA", "3.1.0_ATEB", -1 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHAr68482", "4.0.0_ALPHAr68483", -1 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHA1r68482", "4.0.0_ALPHAr68482", 0 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHA-r68482", "4.0.0_ALPHAr68482", 0 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHAr68483", "4.0.0_BETAr68783", -1 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHAr68483", "4.0.0_BETA1r68783", -1 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHAr68483", "4.0.0_BETA2r68783", -1 },
{ "4.0.0_ALPHAr68483", "4.0.0_BETA2r68784", -1 },
* Summary.
return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);