assert-r0drv-os2.cpp revision d1c5a03c19683c719b94496bb998fde2f2e5e622
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* InnoTek Portable Runtime - Assertion Workers, Ring-0 Drivers, OS/2.
* Header Files *
#include <iprt/assert.h>
#include <iprt/log.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/stdarg.h>
#include <VBox/log.h>
* Global Variables *
/** The last assert message. (in DATA16) */
extern char g_szRTAssertMsg[2048];
/** The length of the last assert message. (in DATA16) */
extern size_t g_cchRTAssertMsg;
* Internal Functions *
static DECLCALLBACK(size_t) rtR0Os2AssertOutputCB(void *pvArg, const char *pachChars, size_t cbChars);
* The 1st part of an assert message.
* @param pszExpr Expression. Can be NULL.
* @param uLine Location line number.
* @param pszFile Location file name.
* @param pszFunction Location function name.
* @remark This API exists in HC Ring-3 and GC.
RTDECL(void) AssertMsg1(const char *pszExpr, unsigned uLine, const char *pszFile, const char *pszFunction)
#ifdef IN_GUEST_R0
RTLogBackdoorPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
"Expression: %s\n"
"Location : %s(%d) %s\n",
pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
#if defined(DEBUG_bird)
RTLogComPrintf("\n!!Assertion Failed!!\n"
"Expression: %s\n"
"Location : %s(%d) %s\n",
pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
g_cchRTAssertMsg = RTStrPrintf(g_szRTAssertMsg, sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg),
"\r\n!!Assertion Failed!!\r\n"
"Expression: %s\r\n"
"Location : %s(%d) %s\r\n",
pszExpr, pszFile, uLine, pszFunction);
* The 2nd (optional) part of an assert message.
* @param pszFormat Printf like format string.
* @param ... Arguments to that string.
* @remark This API exists in HC Ring-3 and GC.
RTDECL(void) AssertMsg2(const char *pszFormat, ...)
va_list va;
#ifdef IN_GUEST_R0
va_start(va, pszFormat);
RTLogBackdoorPrintfV(pszFormat, va);
#if defined(DEBUG_bird)
va_start(va, pszFormat);
RTLogComPrintfV(pszFormat, va);
va_start(va, pszFormat);
size_t cch = g_cchRTAssertMsg;
char *pch = &g_szRTAssertMsg[cch];
cch += RTStrFormatV(rtR0Os2AssertOutputCB, &pch, NULL, NULL, pszFormat, va);
g_cchRTAssertMsg = cch;
* Output callback.
* @returns number of bytes written.
* @param pvArg Pointer to a char pointer with the current output position.
* @param pachChars Pointer to an array of utf-8 characters.
* @param cbChars Number of bytes in the character array pointed to by pachChars.
static DECLCALLBACK(size_t) rtR0Os2AssertOutputCB(void *pvArg, const char *pachChars, size_t cbChars)
char **ppch = (char **)pvArg;
char *pch = *ppch;
while (cbChars-- > 0)
const char ch = *pachChars++;
if (ch == '\r')
if (ch == '\n')
if (pch + 1 >= &g_szRTAssertMsg[sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg)])
*pch++ = '\r';
if (pch + 1 >= &g_szRTAssertMsg[sizeof(g_szRTAssertMsg)])
*pch++ = ch;
*pch = '\0';
size_t cbWritten = pch - *ppch;
*ppch = pch;
return cbWritten;