magics.h revision 20024c6bd4100e9925d1ff0516af5753814fc43d
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* IPRT - Internal header defining The Magic Numbers.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___internal_magics_h
#define ___internal_magics_h
/** @name Magic Numbers.
* @{ */
/** Magic number for RTDBGMODINT::u32Magic. (Charles Lloyd) */
#define RTDBGAS_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19380315)
/** Magic number for RTDBGMODINT::u32Magic. (Keith Jarrett) */
#define RTDBGMOD_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19450508)
/** Magic number for RTDBGMODVTIMG::u32Magic. (Jack DeJohnette) */
#define RTDBGMODVTDBG_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19420809)
/** Magic number for RTDBGMODVTIMG::u32Magic. (Cecil McBee) */
#define RTDBGMODVTIMG_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19350419)
/** The value of RTDIR::u32Magic. (Michael Ende) */
#define RTDIR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19291112)
/** The value of RTDIR::u32Magic after RTDirClose(). */
#define RTDIR_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19950829)
/** The value of RTDVMINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Dan Brown) */
#define RTDVM_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19640622)
/** The value of RTDVMINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
/** The value of RTDVMVOLUMEINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Daniel Defoe) */
#define RTDVMVOLUME_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x16591961)
/** The value of RTDVMVOLUMEINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
#define RTDVMVOLUME_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x17310424)
/** The value of RTFILEAIOCTXINT::u32Magic. (Howard Phillips Lovecraft) */
#define RTFILEAIOCTX_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18900820)
/** The value of RTFILEAIOCTXINT::u32Magic after RTFileAioCtxDestroy(). */
#define RTFILEAIOCTX_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19370315)
/** The value of RTFILEAIOREQINT::u32Magic. (Stephen Edwin King) */
#define RTFILEAIOREQ_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19470921)
/** The value of RTENVINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Rumiko Takahashi) */
#define RTENV_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19571010)
/** The value of RTERRVARS::ai32Vars[0]. (Ryuichi Sakamoto) */
#define RTERRVARS_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19520117)
/** Magic number for RTHANDLETABLEINT::u32Magic. (Hitomi Kanehara) */
#define RTHANDLETABLE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19830808)
/** Magic number for RTHEAPOFFSETINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Neal Town Stephenson) */
#define RTHEAPOFFSET_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19591031)
/** Magic number for RTHEAPSIMPLEINTERNAL::uMagic. (Kyoichi Katayama) */
#define RTHEAPSIMPLE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19590105)
/** The magic value for RTLDRMODINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Alan Moore) */
#define RTLDRMOD_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19531118)
/** The magic value for RTLOCALIPCSERVER::u32Magic. (Naoki Yamamoto) */
/** The magic value for RTLOCALIPCSERVER::u32Magic. (Katsuhiro Otomo) */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALCLASSINT::u32Magic. (Thomas Mann) */
#define RTLOCKVALCLASS_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18750605)
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALCLASSINT::u32Magic after destruction. */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECEXCL::u32Magic. (Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov) */
/** The dead magic value for RTLOCKVALRECEXCL::u32Magic. */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECSHRD::u32Magic. (Agnar Mykle) */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECSHRD::u32Magic after deletion. */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECSHRDOWN::u32Magic. (Jens Ingvald Bjoerneboe) */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECSHRDOWN::u32Magic after deletion. */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECNEST::u32Magic. (Anne Desclos) */
/** The magic value for RTLOCKVALRECNEST::u32Magic after deletion. */
/** Magic number for RTMEMCACHEINT::u32Magic. (Joseph Weizenbaum) */
#define RTMEMCACHE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19230108)
/** Dead magic number for RTMEMCACHEINT::u32Magic. */
#define RTMEMCACHE_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x20080305)
/** The magic value for RTMEMPOOL::u32Magic. (Jane Austin) */
#define RTMEMPOOL_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x17751216)
/** The magic value for RTMEMPOOL::u32Magic after RTMemPoolDestroy. */
#define RTMEMPOOL_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x18170718)
/** The magic value for heap blocks. (Edgar Allan Poe) */
#define RTMEMHDR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18090119)
/** The value of RTPIPEINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Frank Schaetzing) */
#define RTPIPE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19570528)
/** The value of RTPOLLSETINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Ai Yazawa) */
#define RTPOLLSET_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19670307)
/** RTR0MEMOBJ::u32Magic. (Masakazu Katsura) */
#define RTR0MEMOBJ_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19611210)
/** RTRANDINT::u32Magic. (Alan Moore) */
#define RTRANDINT_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19531118)
/** The value of RTS3::u32Magic. (Edgar Wallace) */
#define RTS3_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18750401)
/** The value of RTS3::u32Magic after RTS3Destroy(). */
#define RTS3_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19320210)
/** Magic for the event semaphore structure. (Neil Gaiman) */
#define RTSEMEVENT_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19601110)
/** Magic for the multiple release event semaphore structure. (Isaac Asimov) */
#define RTSEMEVENTMULTI_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19200102)
/** Dead magic value for multiple release event semaphore structures. */
/** Magic value for RTSEMFASTMUTEXINTERNAL::u32Magic. (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien) */
#define RTSEMFASTMUTEX_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18920103)
/** Dead magic value for RTSEMFASTMUTEXINTERNAL::u32Magic. */
/** Magic for the mutex semaphore structure. (Douglas Adams) */
#define RTSEMMUTEX_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19520311)
/** Dead magic for the mutex semaphore structure. */
#define RTSEMMUTEX_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x20010511)
/** Magic for the spinning mutex semaphore structure. (Natsume Soseki) */
#define RTSEMSPINMUTEX_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18670209)
/** Dead magic value for RTSEMSPINMUTEXINTERNAL::u32Magic. */
/** RTSEMRWINTERNAL::u32Magic value. (Kosuke Fujishima) */
#define RTSEMRW_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19640707)
/** RTSEMXROADSINTERNAL::u32Magic value. (Kenneth Elton "Ken" Kesey) */
#define RTSEMXROADS_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19350917)
/** RTSEMXROADSINTERNAL::u32Magic value after RTSemXRoadsDestroy. */
#define RTSEMXROADS_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x20011110)
/** The magic value for RTSOCKETINT::u32Magic. (Stanislaw Lem) */
#define RTSOCKET_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19210912)
/** The magic value for RTSOCKETINT::u32Magic after destruction. */
#define RTSOCKET_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x20060326)
/** Magic value for RTSPINLOCKINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Terry Pratchett) */
#define RTSPINLOCK_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19480428)
/** Magic value for RTSTRCACHE::u32Magic. (Sir Arthur Charles Clarke) */
#define RTSTRCACHE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19171216)
/** Magic value for RTSTRCACHE::u32Magic after RTStrCacheDestroy. */
#define RTSTRCACHE_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x20080319)
/** The value of RTSTREAM::u32Magic for a valid stream. */
#define RTSTREAM_MAGIC UINT32_C(0xe44e44ee)
/** Magic value for RTTCPSERVER::u32Magic. (Jan Garbarek) */
#define RTTCPSERVER_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19470304)
/** Magic value for RTTCPSERVER::u32Magic. (Harlan Ellison) */
#define RTUDPSERVER_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19340527)
/** The value of RTTAR::u32Magic. (Donald Ervin Knuth) */
#define RTTAR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19380110)
/** The value of RTTAR::u32Magic after RTTarClose(). */
/** The value of RTTARFILE::u32Magic. (Abraham Stoker) */
#define RTTARFILE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18471108)
/** The value of RTTARFILE::u32Magic after RTTarFileClose(). */
#define RTTARFILE_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19120420)
/** RTTESTINT::u32Magic value. (Daniel Kehlmann) */
#define RTTESTINT_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19750113)
/** RTTHREADINT::u32Magic value. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton) */
#define RTTHREADINT_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18740529)
/** RTTHREADINT::u32Magic value for a dead thread. */
#define RTTHREADINT_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19360614)
/** Magic number for timer handles. (Jared Mason Diamond) */
#define RTTIMER_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19370910)
/** Magic number for timer low resolution handles. (Saki Hiwatari) */
#define RTTIMERLR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19610715)
/** Magic value of RTTRACEBUFINT::u32Magic. (George Orwell) */
#define RTTRACEBUF_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19030625)
/** Magic value of RTTRACEBUFINT::u32Magic after the final release. */
#define RTTRACEBUF_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19500121)
/** The value of RTVFSOBJINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Yasunari Kawabata) */
#define RTVFSOBJ_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18990614)
/** The value of RTVFSOBJINTERNAL::u32Magic arter close. */
#define RTVFSOBJ_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19720416)
/** The value of RTVFSINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Sir Kingsley William Amis) */
#define RTVFS_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19220416)
/** The value of RTVFSINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
#define RTVFS_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19951022)
/** The value of RTVFSFSSTREAMINTERNAL::u32Magic. (William McGuire "Bill" Bryson) */
#define RTVFSFSSTREAM_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19511208)
/** The value of RTVFSFSSTREAMINTERNAL::u32Magic after close */
/** The value of RTVFSDIRINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Franklin Patrick Herbert, Jr.) */
#define RTVFSDIR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19201008)
/** The value of RTVFSDIRINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
#define RTVFSDIR_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19860211)
/** The value of RTVFSFILEINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Charles John Huffam Dickens) */
#define RTVFSFILE_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18120207)
/** The value of RTVFSFILEINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
#define RTVFSFILE_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x18700609)
/** The value of RTVFSIOSTREAMINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Ernest Miller Hemingway) */
#define RTVFSIOSTREAM_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18990721)
/** The value of RTVFSIOSTREAMINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
/** The value of RTVFSSYMLINKINTERNAL::u32Magic. (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald) */
#define RTVFSSYMLINK_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x18960924)
/** The value of RTVFSSYMLINKINTERNAL::u32Magic after close. */
#define RTVFSSYMLINK_MAGIC_DEAD UINT32_C(0x19401221)
/** @} */