timesupA.mac revision 9ae4ea547111829e80548cfee4c972e62c0da811
; $Id$
;; @file
; IPRT - Time using SUPLib, the Assembly Code Template.
; Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
; Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
; Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
; additional information or have any questions.
%ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
; The x86 assembly implementation of the assembly routines.
; @returns Nanosecond timestamp.
; @param pData Pointer to the nanosecond timestamp data.
BEGINPROC rtTimeNanoTSInternalAsm
; Variable definitions.
%define pData [ebp + 08h]
%define u64RetNanoTS_Hi [ebp - 04h]
%define u64RetNanoTS [ebp - 08h]
%define u32UpdateIntervalNS [ebp - 0ch]
%define u32UpdateIntervalTSC [ebp - 10h]
%define u64TSC_Hi [ebp - 14h]
%define u64TSC [ebp - 18h]
%define u64CurNanoTS_Hi [ebp - 1ch]
%define u64CurNanoTS [ebp - 20h]
%define u64PrevNanoTS_Hi [ebp - 24h]
%define u64PrevNanoTS [ebp - 28h]
%define u32TransactionId [ebp - 2ch]
%define u32ApicIdPlus [ebp - 30h]
%define TmpVar [ebp - 34h]
%define SavedEBX [ebp - 38h]
%define SavedEDI [ebp - 3ch]
%define SavedESI [ebp - 40h]
; Prolog.
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 40h
mov SavedEBX, ebx
mov SavedEDI, edi
mov SavedESI, esi
;; Read the GIP data and the previous value.
; Load pGip and calc pGipCPU, setting u32ApicIdPlus if necessary.
%ifdef IN_RING0
mov esi, IMP(g_SUPGlobalInfoPage)
mov esi, IMP(g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage)
mov esi, [esi]
mov esi, [NAME(g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage)]
or esi, esi
jz .Rediscover
jne .Rediscover
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
; u8ApicId = ASMGetApicId();
mov eax, 1
cpuid ; expensive
mov u32ApicIdPlus, ebx
; pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPU[u8ApicId];
shr ebx, 24
mov eax, SUPGIPCPU_size
mul ebx
lea edi, [esi + eax + SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE.aCPUs] ; edi == &pGip->aCPU[u8ApicId];
lea edi, [esi + SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE.aCPUs] ; edi == &pGip->aCPU[0];
; Serialized loading of u32TransactionId.
mov ebx, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u32TransactionId]
mov u32TransactionId, ebx
lock xor dword TmpVar, 0
; Load the data and TSC.
mov eax, [esi + SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE.u32UpdateIntervalNS]
mov u32UpdateIntervalNS, eax ; esi is now free
mov edx, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u32UpdateIntervalTSC]
mov u32UpdateIntervalTSC, edx
mov ecx, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u64NanoTS]
mov u64CurNanoTS, ecx
mov esi, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u64NanoTS + 4]
mov u64CurNanoTS_Hi, esi
mov ebx, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u64TSC]
mov u64TSC, ebx
mov ecx, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u64TSC + 4]
mov u64TSC_Hi, ecx
; u64PrevNanoTS = ASMAtomicReadU64(pu64Prev);
; This serializes load/save. And with the dependency on the
; RDTSC result, we try to make sure it has completed as well.
mov esi, pData
mov esi, [esi + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pu64Prev]
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, edx
lock cmpxchg8b [esi]
mov u64PrevNanoTS, eax
mov u64PrevNanoTS_Hi, edx
%undef SAVED_u64RetNanoTS
; Check that the GIP and CPU didn't change.
; We've already serialized all the loads and stores at this point.
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
mov u64RetNanoTS, ebx
mov u64RetNanoTS_Hi, ecx
%define SAVED_u64RetNanoTS
mov eax, 1
cmp u32ApicIdPlus, ebx
jne .ReadGip
mov esi, [edi + SUPGIPCPU.u32TransactionId]
cmp esi, u32TransactionId
jne .ReadGip
test esi, 1
jnz .ReadGip
%ifdef SAVED_u64RetNanoTS
mov ebx, u64RetNanoTS
mov ecx, u64RetNanoTS_Hi
;; Calc the timestamp.
; u64RetNanoTS -= u64TSC;
sub ebx, u64TSC
sbb ecx, u64TSC_Hi
; if (u64RetNanoTS > u32UpdateIntervalTSC) -> jump
or ecx, ecx
jnz .OverFlow
cmp ebx, u32UpdateIntervalTSC
ja .OverFlow
mov eax, ebx
.ContinueCalcs: ; eax <= u32UpdateIntervalTSC
mul dword u32UpdateIntervalNS
div dword u32UpdateIntervalTSC
xor edx, edx
; u64RetNanoTS += u64CurNanoTS;
add eax, u64CurNanoTS
adc edx, u64CurNanoTS_Hi
;; Compare it with the previous one.
; if (RT_LIKELY( u64RetNanoTS > u64PrevNanoTS
; && u64RetNanoTS < u64PrevNanoTS + UINT64_C(86000000000000) /* 24h */))
;; @todo optimize this compare (/me too tired).
mov ecx, u64PrevNanoTS_Hi
mov ebx, u64PrevNanoTS
cmp edx, ecx
ja .Compare2
jb .DeltaPrevTooBig
cmp eax, ebx
jbe .DeltaPrevTooBig
add ebx, 0x6F736000
adc ecx, 0x00004E37
cmp edx, ecx
jb .CompareDone
ja .DeltaPrevTooBig
cmp eax, ebx
jae .DeltaPrevTooBig
;; Update the previous value with the u64RetNanoTS value.
; if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU64(&pData->u64Prev, u64RetNanoTS, u64PrevNanoTS)))
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, edx
mov esi, pData
mov esi, [esi + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pu64Prev]
mov eax, u64PrevNanoTS
mov edx, u64PrevNanoTS_Hi
lock cmpxchg8b [esi]
jnz .UpdateFailed
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, ecx
mov esi, SavedESI
mov edi, SavedEDI
mov ebx, SavedEBX
;; We've expired the interval, cap it. If we're here for the 2nd
;; time without any GIP update inbetween, the checks against
;; pData->u64Prev below will force 1ns stepping.
; u64Delta = u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
mov esi, pData
inc dword [esi + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.cExpired]
mov eax, u32UpdateIntervalTSC
jmp .ContinueCalcs
;; u64DeltaPrev >= 24h
;; eax:edx = u64RetNanoTS (to be adjusted)
; uint64_t u64DeltaPrev = u64RetNanoTS - u64PrevNanoTS;
mov ebx, eax
sub ebx, u64PrevNanoTS
mov ecx, edx
sbb ecx, u64PrevNanoTS_Hi ; ebx:ecx = u64DeltaPrev
; else if ( (int64_t)u64DeltaPrev <= 0
; && (int64_t)u64DeltaPrev + u32UpdateIntervalNS * 2 >= 0)
; {
; /* Occasional - u64RetNanoTS is in the recent 'past' relative the previous call. */
; pData->c1nsSteps++;
; u64RetNanoTS = u64PrevNanoTS + 1;
; }
mov esi, u32UpdateIntervalNS
cmp ecx, 0
jl .PrevNotZero2ndTest
jg .DeltaPrevNotInRecentPast
cmp ebx, 0
ja .DeltaPrevNotInRecentPast
add esi, esi ; ASSUMES: u32UpdateIntervalNS * 2 <= 32-bit.
xor edi, edi
add esi, ebx
adc edi, ecx
test edi, edi
js .DeltaPrevNotInRecentPast
mov esi, pData
inc dword [esi + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.c1nsSteps]
mov eax, u64PrevNanoTS
mov edx, u64PrevNanoTS_Hi
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
jmp .Update
; else if (!u64PrevNanoTS) /* We're resuming (see TMVirtualResume). */
; /* do nothing */;
cmp dword u64PrevNanoTS, 0
jne .DeltaPrevNotZero
cmp dword u64PrevNanoTS_Hi, 0
jne .DeltaPrevNotZero
jmp .Update
; else
; {
; /* Something has gone bust, if negative offset it's real bad. */
; rtTimeNanoTSInternalBitch(pVM,
; }
; call C function that does the bitching.
mov u64RetNanoTS, eax
mov u64RetNanoTS_Hi, edx
mov edi, u64PrevNanoTS_Hi
mov esi, u64PrevNanoTS
push edi
push esi ; 4 - u64PrevNanoTS
push ecx
push ebx ; 3 - u64DeltaPrev
push edx
push eax ; 2 - u64RetNanoTS
mov eax, pData
push eax ; 1 - pData
call dword [eax + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pfnBad]
add esp, 4*7
mov eax, u64RetNanoTS
mov edx, u64RetNanoTS_Hi
jmp .Update
;; Attempt updating the previous value, provided we're still ahead of it.
;; There is no point in recalculating u64NanoTS because we got preemted or if
;; we raced somebody while the GIP was updated, since these are events
;; that might occure at any point in the return path as well.
;; eax:edx = *pData->u64Prev
;; ebx:ecx = u64RetNanoTS
mov edi, pData
lock inc dword [edi + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.cUpdateRaces]
; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
mov edi, 10
; if (u64PrevNanoTS >= u64NanoTS)
; break;
cmp edx, ecx
jg .Updated
jne .UpdateLoopLess
cmp eax, ebx
jae .Updated
; retry
lock cmpxchg8b [esi]
jz .Updated
dec edi
jnz .UpdateLoop
jmp .Updated
;; The GIP is seemingly invalid, redo the discovery.
mov eax, pData
push eax
call [eax + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pfnRediscover]
add esp, 4h
jmp .Done
; Cleanup variables
%undef pData
%undef u64Delta_Hi
%undef u64Delta
%undef u32UpdateIntervalNS
%undef u32UpdateIntervalTSC
%undef u64TSC_Hi
%undef u64TSC
%undef u64NanoTS_Hi
%undef u64NanoTS
%undef u64PrevNanoTS_Hi
%undef u64PrevNanoTS
%undef u32TransactionId
%undef u8ApicId
%else ; AMD64
; The AMD64 assembly implementation of the assembly routines.
; @returns Nanosecond timestamp.
; @param pData gcc:rdi msc:rcx Pointer to the nanosecond timestamp data.
BEGINPROC rtTimeNanoTSInternalAsm
; Define variables and stack frame.
%define SavedRBX [rbp - 08h]
%define SavedR12 [rbp - 10h]
%define SavedR13 [rbp - 18h]
%define SavedRDI [rbp - 20h]
%define SavedRSI [rbp - 28h]
%define TmpVar [rbp - 30h]
%define TmpVar2 [rbp - 38h]
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
%define SavedR14 [rbp - 40h]
%define SavedR15 [rbp - 48h]
%define pData rdi
%define u64TSC rsi
%define pGip rsi
%define pGipCPU r8
%define u32TransactionId r9d
%define u64CurNanoTS r10
%define u64PrevNanoTS r11 ; not parameter register
%define u32UpdateIntervalTSC r12d
%define u32UpdateIntervalTSC_64 r12
%define u32UpdateIntervalNS r13d
%define u32UpdateIntervalNS_64 r13
%undef u64SavedRetNanoTS
%undef u32ApicIdPlus
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
%define u64SavedRetNanoTS r14
%define u32ApicIdPlus r15d
; The prolog.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
sub rsp, 50h+20h
sub rsp, 50h
mov SavedRBX, rbx
mov SavedR12, r12
mov SavedR13, r13
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov SavedRDI, rdi
mov SavedRSI, rsi
mov pData, rcx
;mov pData, rdi - already in rdi.
%ifdef SavedR14
mov SavedR14, r14
%ifdef SavedR15
mov SavedR15, r15
;; Data fetch loop.
;; We take great pain ensuring that data consitency here.
; Load pGip and calc pGipCPU, setting u32ApicIdPlus if necessary.
; Finding the GIP is fun...
%ifdef IN_RING0
mov rax, qword IMP(g_SUPGlobalInfoPage)
mov pGip, rax
mov pGip, [IMP(g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) wrt rip]
mov pGip, [pGip]
mov pGip, [NAME(g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) wrt rip]
%ifdef IN_RING0
mov rax, qword NAME(g_SUPGlobalInfoPage)
mov pGip, rax
mov pGip, [rel NAME(g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage) wrt ..gotpcrel]
mov pGip, [pGip]
or pGip, pGip
jz .Rediscover
jne .Rediscover
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
; u8ApicId = ASMGetApicId();
mov eax, 1
cpuid ; expensive
mov u32ApicIdPlus, ebx
; pGipCpu = &pGip->aCPU[u8ApicId];
shr ebx, 24
mov eax, SUPGIPCPU_size
mul ebx
lea pGipCPU, [pGip + rax + SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE.aCPUs]
; Serialized loading of u32TransactionId.
mov u32TransactionId, [pGipCPU + SUPGIPCPU.u32TransactionId]
lock xor dword TmpVar, 0
; Load the data and TSC.
mov u32UpdateIntervalNS, [pGip + SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE.u32UpdateIntervalNS] ; before u64TSC
mov u32UpdateIntervalTSC, [pGipCPU + SUPGIPCPU.u32UpdateIntervalTSC]
mov u64PrevNanoTS, [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pu64Prev]
mov u64PrevNanoTS, [u64PrevNanoTS]
shl rdx, 32
%ifdef u64SavedRetNanoTS ; doing this here saves a tick or so.
mov u64SavedRetNanoTS, rax
or u64SavedRetNanoTS, rdx
or rax, rdx ; rax is u64RetNanoTS.
mov u64CurNanoTS, [pGipCPU + SUPGIPCPU.u64NanoTS]
mov u64TSC, [pGipCPU + SUPGIPCPU.u64TSC]
; Check that the GIP and CPU didn't change.
; It is crucial that the rdtsc instruction has completed before
; we check the transaction id. The LOCK prefixed instruction with
; dependency on the RDTSC result should do the trick, I think.
; CPUID is serializing, so the async path is safe by default.
%ifdef ASYNC_GIP
mov eax, 1
cmp u32ApicIdPlus, ebx
jne .ReadGip
lock xor qword TmpVar, rax
cmp u32TransactionId, [pGipCPU + SUPGIPCPU.u32TransactionId]
jne .ReadGip
test u32TransactionId, 1
jnz .ReadGip
%ifdef u64SavedRetNanoTS
mov rax, u64SavedRetNanoTS ; rax is u64RetNanoTS.
;; Calc the timestamp.
; u64RetNanoTS -= u64TSC;
sub rax, u64TSC
xor edx, edx
; if (u64RetNanoTS > u32UpdateIntervalTSC) -> jump
cmp rax, u32UpdateIntervalTSC_64
ja .OverFlow
.ContinueCalcs: ; edx = 0; eax <= u32UpdateIntervalTSC
mul u32UpdateIntervalNS
div u32UpdateIntervalTSC
; u64RetNanoTS += u64CurNanoTS;
add rax, u64CurNanoTS
;; Compare it with the previous one.
; if (RT_LIKELY( u64RetNanoTS > u64PrevNanoTS
; && u64RetNanoTS < u64PrevNanoTS + UINT64_C(86000000000000) /* 24h */))
; /* Frequent - less than 24h since last call. */;
cmp rax, u64PrevNanoTS
jbe .DeltaPrevTooBig
mov ecx, 5
shl rcx, 44 ; close enough
add rcx, u64PrevNanoTS
cmp rax, rcx
jae .DeltaPrevTooBig
;; Update the previous value.
; if (RT_LIKELY(ASMAtomicCmpXchgU64(&pData->u64Prev, u64RetNanoTS, u64PrevNanoTS)))
mov rbx, [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pu64Prev]
mov rcx, rax
mov rax, u64PrevNanoTS
lock cmpxchg [rbx], rcx
jnz .UpdateFailed
mov rax, rcx
mov rbx, SavedRBX
mov r12, SavedR12
mov r13, SavedR13
%ifdef SavedR14
mov r14, SavedR14
%ifdef SavedR15
mov r15, SavedR15
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rdi, SavedRDI
mov rsi, SavedRSI
;; We've expired the interval, cap it. If we're here for the 2nd
;; time without any GIP update inbetween, the checks against
;; pData->u64Prev below will force 1ns stepping.
; u64RetNanoTS = u32UpdateIntervalTSC;
inc dword [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.cExpired]
mov eax, u32UpdateIntervalTSC
jmp .ContinueCalcs
;; u64DeltaPrev >= 24h
;; rax = u64RetNanoTS (to be adjusted)
; uint64_t u64DeltaPrev = u64RetNanoTS - u64PrevNanoTS;
mov rbx, rax
sub rbx, u64PrevNanoTS
; else if ( (int64_t)u64DeltaPrev <= 0
; && (int64_t)u64DeltaPrev + u32UpdateIntervalNS * 2 >= 0)
; {
; /* Occasional - u64NanoTS is in the recent 'past' relative the previous call. */
; pData->c1nsSteps++;
; u64RetNanoTS = u64PrevNanoTS + 1;
; }
test rbx, rbx
jg .DeltaPrevNotInRecentPast
lea rdx, [u32UpdateIntervalNS_64 + u32UpdateIntervalNS_64]
add rdx, rbx
js .DeltaPrevNotInRecentPast
; body
inc dword [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.c1nsSteps]
lea rax, [u64PrevNanoTS + 1]
jmp .Update
; else if (!u64PrevNanoTS) /* We're resuming (see TMVirtualResume) / first call. */
; /* do nothing */;
or u64PrevNanoTS, u64PrevNanoTS
jz .Update
; else
; {
; /* Something has gone bust, if negative offset it's real bad. */
; rtTimeNanoTSInternalBitch(pVM,
; }
; call C function that does the bitching.
mov TmpVar, rax
mov TmpVar2, pData
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rcx, pData ; param 1 - pData
mov rdx, rax ; param 2 - u64RetNanoTS
mov r8, rbx ; param 3 - u64DeltaPrev
mov r9, u64PrevNanoTS ; param 4 - u64PrevNanoTS
;mov rdi, pData - already in rdi; param 1 - pData
mov rsi, rax ; param 2 - u64RetNanoTS
mov rdx, rbx ; param 3 - u64DeltaPrev
mov rcx, u64PrevNanoTS ; param 4 - u64PrevNanoTS
call qword [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pfnBad]
mov rax, TmpVar
mov pData, TmpVar2
jmp .Update
;; Attempt updating the previous value, provided we're still ahead of it.
;; There is no point in recalculating u64NanoTS because we got preemted or if
;; we raced somebody while the GIP was updated, since these are events
;; that might occure at any point in the return path as well.
;; rax = *pData->u64Prev;
;; rcx = u64RetNanoTS
lock inc dword [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.cUpdateRaces]
; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
mov edx, 10
; if (u64PrevNanoTS >= u64RetNanoTS)
; break;
cmp rax, rcx
jge .Updated
; retry
lock cmpxchg [rbx], rcx
jz .Updated
dec edx
jnz .UpdateLoop
jmp .Updated
;; The GIP is seemingly invalid, redo the discovery.
%ifdef ASM_CALL64_MSC
mov rcx, pData
; mov rdi, pData - already in rdi
call [pData + RTTIMENANOTSDATA.pfnRediscover]
jmp .Done
; Cleanup variables
%undef SavedRBX
%undef SavedR12
%undef SavedR13
%undef SavedR14
%undef SavedR15
%undef SavedRDI
%undef SavedRSI
%undef pData
%undef TmpVar
%undef u64TSC
%undef pGip
%undef pGipCPU
%undef u32TransactionId
%undef u64CurNanoTS
%undef u64PrevNanoTS
%undef u32UpdateIntervalTSC
%undef u32UpdateIntervalTSC_64
%undef u32UpdateIntervalNS
%undef u64SavedRetNanoTS
%undef u32ApicIdPlus
%endif ; AMD64
ENDPROC rtTimeNanoTSInternalAsm