netaddrstr.cpp revision 7f9a335e8fb0442971f42e4ac695f6f8832095b7
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* IPRT - Network Address String Handling.
* @remarks Don't add new functionality to this file, it goes into netaddrstr2.cpp
* or some other suitable file (legal reasons + code not up to oracle
* quality standards and requires rewrite from scratch).
* Contributed by Oliver Loch.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Header Files *
#include "internal/iprt.h"
#include <iprt/net.h>
#include <iprt/mem.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/stream.h>
#include "internal/string.h"
/** @page pg_rtnetipv6_addr IPv6 Address Format
* IPv6 Addresses, their representation in text and other problems.
* The following is based on:
* -
* -
* -
* Before you start using those functions, you should have an idea of
* what you're dealing with, before you come and blame the functions...
* First of all, the address itself:
* An address is written like this: (READ THIS FINE MANUAL!)
* - 2001:db8:abc:def::1
* The characters between two colons are called a "hextet".
* Each hextet consists of four characters and each IPv6 address
* consists of a maximum of eight hextets. So a full blown address
* would look like this:
* - 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
* The allowed characters are "0123456789abcdef". They have to be
* lower case. Upper case is not allowed.
* *** Gaps and adress shortening
* If an address contains hextets that contain only "0"s, they
* can be shortened, like this:
* - 1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:0000:7777:8888 -> 1111:2222::7777:8888
* The double colon represents the hextets that have been shortened "::".
* The "::" will be called "gap" from now on.
* When shortening an address, there are some special rules that need to be applied:
* - Shorten always the longest group of hextets.
* Let's say, you have this address: 2001:db8:0:0:0:1:0:0 then it has to be
* shortened to "2001:db8::1:0:0". Shortening to "2001:db8:0:0:0:1::" would
* return an error.
* - Two or more gaps the same size.
* Let's say you have this address: 2001:db8:0:0:1:0:0:1. As you can see, there
* are two gaps, both the size of two hextets. If you shorten the last two hextets,
* you end up in pain, as the RFC forbids this, so the correct address is:
* "2001:db8::1:0:0:1"
* It's important to note that an address can only be shortened ONE TIME!
* This is invalid: "2001:db8::1::1"
* *** The scope.
* Each address has a so called "scope" it is added to the end of the address,
* separated by a percent sign "%". If there is no scope at the end, it defaults
* to "0".
* So "2001:db8::1" is the same as "2001:db8::1%0".
* As in IPv6 all network interfaces can/should have the same address, the scope
* gives you the ability to choose on which interface the system should listen.
* AFAIK, the scope can be used with unicast as well as link local addresses, but
* it is mandatory with link local addresses (starting with fe80::).
* On Linux the default scope is the interface's name. On Windows it's just the index
* of the interface. Run "route print -6" in the shell, to see the interface's index
* on Winodows.
* All functions can deal with the scope, and DO NOT warn if you put garbage there.
* *** Port added to the IPv6 address
* There is only one way to add a port to an IPv6 address is to embed it in brackets:
* [2001:db8::1]:12345
* This gives you the address "2001:db8::1" and the port "12345".
* What also works, but is not recommended by rfc is to separate the port
* by a dot:
* 2001:db8::1.12345
* It even works with embedded IPv4 addresses.
* *** Special addresses and how they are written
* The following are notations to represent "special addresses".
* "::" IN6ADDR_ANY
* ":::123" IN6ADDR_ANY with port "123"
* "[::]:123" IN6ADDR_ANY with port "123"
* "[:::123]" -> NO. Not allowed and makes no sense
* "::1" -> address of the loopback device ( in v4)
* On systems with dual sockets, one can use so called embedded IPv4 addresses:
* "::ffff:" results in the IPv6 address "::ffff:c0a8:0101" as two octets
* of the IPv4 address will be converted to one hextet in the IPv6 address.
* The prefix of such addresses MUST BE "::ffff:", 10 bytes as zero and two bytes as 255.
* The so called IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are deprecated and no longer in use.
* *** Valid addresses and string
* If you use any of the IPv6 address functions, keep in mind, that those addresses
* are all returning "valid" even if the underlying system (e.g. VNC) doesn't like
* such strings.
* [2001:db8::1]
* [2001:db8::1]:12345
* and so on. So to make sure you only pass the underlying software a pure IPv6 address
* without any garbage, you should use the "outAddress" parameters to get a RFC compliant
* address returned.
* So after reading the above, you'll start using the functions and see a bool called
* "followRfc" which is true by default. This is what this bool does:
* The following addresses all represent the exact same address:
* 1 - 2001:db8::1
* 2 - 2001:db8:0::1
* 3 - 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
* 4 - 2001:DB8::1
* 5 - [2001:db8::1]
* 6 - [2001:db8:0::1]
* According to RFC 5952, number two, three, four and six are invalid.
* #2 - because there is a single hextet that hasn't been shortened
* #3 - because there has nothing been shortened (hextets 3 to 7) and
* there are leading zeros in at least one hextet ("0db8")
* #4 - all characters in an IPv6 address have to be lower case
* #6 - same as two but included in brackets
* If you follow RFC, the above addresses are not converted and an
* error is returned. If you turn RFC off, you will get the expected
* representation of the address.
* It's a nice way to convert "weird" addresses to rfc compliant addresses
* Parses any string and tests if it is an IPv6 Address
* This function should NOT be used directly. If you do, note
* that no security checks are done at the moment. This can change.
* @returns iprt sstatus code, yeah, right... This function most certainly DOES
* NOT RETURN ANY IPRT STATUS CODES. It's also a unreadable mess.
* @param pszAddress The strin that holds the IPv6 address
* @param addressLength The length of pszAddress
* @param pszAddressOut Returns a plain, full blown IPv6 address
* as a char array
* @param addressOutSize The size of pszAddressOut (length)
* @param pPortOut 32 bit unsigned integer, holding the port
* If pszAddress doesn't contain a port, it's 0
* @param pszScopeOut Returns the scope of the address, if none it's 0
* @param scopeOutSize sizeof(pszScopeOut)
* @param pBrackets returns true if the address was enclosed in brackets
* @param pEmbeddedV4 returns true if the address is an embedded IPv4 address
* @param followRfc if set to true, the function follows RFC (default)
static int rtStrParseAddrStr6(const char *pszAddress, size_t addressLength, char *pszAddressOut, size_t addressOutSize, uint32_t *pPortOut, char *pszIfIdOut, size_t ifIdOutSize, bool *pBrackets, bool *pEmbeddedV4, bool followRfc)
* Pointer Hell Ahead *
const char szIpV6AddressChars[] = "ABCDEF01234567890abcdef.:[]%"; // order IMPORTANT
const char szIpV4AddressChars[] = "01234567890.:[]"; // order IMPORTANT
const char szLinkLocalPrefix[] = "FfEe8800"; //
const char *pszIpV6AddressChars = NULL, *pszIpV4AddressChars = NULL, *pszLinkLocalPrefix = NULL;
char *pszSourceAddress = NULL, *pszSourceAddressStart = NULL;
char *pszResultAddress = NULL, *pszResultAddressStart = NULL;
char *pszResultAddress4 = NULL, *pszResultAddress4Start = NULL;
char *pszResultPort = NULL, *pszResultPortStart = NULL;
char *pszInternalAddress = NULL, *pszInternalAddressStart = NULL;
char *pszInternalPort = NULL, *pszInternalPortStart = NULL;
char *pStart = NULL, *pNow = NULL, *pNext = NULL, *pNowChar = NULL, *pIfId = NULL, *pIfIdEnd = NULL;
char *pNowDigit = NULL, *pFrom = NULL, *pTo = NULL, *pLast = NULL;
char *pGap = NULL, *pMisc = NULL, *pDotStart = NULL, *pFieldStart = NULL, *pFieldEnd = NULL;
char *pFieldStartLongest = NULL, *pBracketOpen = NULL, *pBracketClose = NULL;
char *pszRc = NULL;
bool isLinkLocal = false;
char szDummy[4];
uint8_t *pByte = NULL;
uint32_t byteOut = 0;
uint16_t returnValue = 0;
uint32_t colons = 0;
uint32_t colonsOverAll = 0;
uint32_t fieldLength = 0;
uint32_t dots = 0;
size_t gapSize = 0;
uint32_t intPortOut = 0;
pszIpV4AddressChars = &szIpV4AddressChars[0];
pszIpV6AddressChars = &szIpV6AddressChars[6];
pszLinkLocalPrefix = &szLinkLocalPrefix[6];
if (!followRfc)
pszIpV6AddressChars = &szIpV6AddressChars[0];
if (addressLength<2)
returnValue = 711;
pszResultAddressStart = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(34);
pszInternalAddressStart = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(34);
pszInternalPortStart = (char * )RTMemTmpAlloc(10);
if (! (pszResultAddressStart && pszInternalAddressStart && pszInternalPortStart))
if (pszResultAddressStart)
if (pszInternalAddressStart)
if (pszInternalPortStart)
return -701;
memset(szDummy, '\0', 4);
pszResultAddress = pszResultAddressStart;
memset(pszResultAddressStart, '\0', 34);
pszInternalAddress = pszInternalAddressStart;
memset(pszInternalAddressStart, '\0' , 34);
pszInternalPort = pszInternalPortStart;
memset(pszInternalPortStart, '\0', 10);
pszSourceAddress = pszSourceAddressStart = (char *)pszAddress;
pFrom = pTo = pStart = pLast = pszSourceAddressStart;
while (*pszSourceAddress != '\0' && !returnValue)
pNow = NULL;
pNext = NULL;
pNowChar = NULL;
pNowDigit = NULL;
pNow = pszSourceAddress;
pNext = pszSourceAddress + 1;
if (!pFrom)
pFrom = pTo = pNow;
pNowChar = (char *)memchr(pszIpV6AddressChars, *pNow, strlen(pszIpV6AddressChars));
pNowDigit = (char *)memchr(pszIpV6AddressChars, *pNow, strlen(pszIpV6AddressChars) - 5);
if (pszResultPort)
if (pLast && (pszResultPort == pszSourceAddressStart))
if (*pLast == '\0')
returnValue = 721;
pszResultPortStart = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(10);
if (!pszResultPortStart)
returnValue = 702;
memset(pszResultPortStart, '\0', 10);
pszResultPort = pszResultPortStart;
pszSourceAddress = pLast;
pMisc = pLast;
pLast = NULL;
pNowDigit = NULL;
pNowDigit = (char *)memchr(pszIpV4AddressChars, *pNow, strlen(pszIpV4AddressChars) - 4);
if (strlen(pszResultPortStart) == 5)
returnValue = 11;
if (*pNow == '0' && pszResultPort == pszResultPortStart && *pNext != '\0' && (pNow - pMisc) < 5 )
if (pNowDigit)
*pszResultPort = *pNowDigit;
returnValue = 12;
if (pszResultAddress4)
if (pszResultAddress4 == pszSourceAddressStart && pLast)
dots = 0;
pszResultAddress4 = NULL;
pszResultAddress4Start = NULL;
pszResultAddress4Start = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(20);
if (!pszResultAddress4Start)
returnValue = 401;
memset(pszResultAddress4Start, '\0', 20);
pszResultAddress4 = pszResultAddress4Start;
pszSourceAddress = pLast;
pFrom = pLast;
pTo = pLast;
pLast = NULL;
pTo = pNow;
pNowDigit = NULL;
pNowDigit = (char *)memchr(pszIpV4AddressChars, *pNow, strlen(pszIpV4AddressChars) - 4);
if (!pNowDigit && *pNow != '.' && *pNow != ']' && *pNow != ':' && *pNow != '%')
returnValue = 412;
if ((pNow - pFrom) > 3)
returnValue = 402;
if (pNowDigit && *pNext != '\0')
if (!pNowDigit && !pBracketOpen && (*pNext == '.' || *pNext == ']' || *pNext == ':'))
returnValue = 411;
memset(pszResultAddress4, '0', 3);
pMisc = pszResultAddress4 + 2;
pszResultAddress4 = pszResultAddress4 + 3;
if (*pNow != '.' && !pNowDigit && strlen(pszResultAddress4Start) < 9)
returnValue = 403;
if ((pTo - pFrom) > 0)
while (pTo >= pFrom)
*pMisc = *pTo;
if (dots == 4 && *pNow == '.')
if (!pBracketOpen)
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
pLast = pNext;
returnValue = 409;
dots = 0;
pFrom = pNext;
pTo = pNext;
if (strlen(pszResultAddress4Start) > 11)
pszResultAddress4 = NULL;
if ((*pNow == ':' || *pNow == '.') && strlen(pszResultAddress4Start) == 12)
pLast = pNext;
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
if (*pNow == '%')
pIfId = pNow;
pLast = pNow;
pszSourceAddress = pNext;
if (*pNow != ']')
pFrom = pNow;
pTo = pNow;
if (pIfId && (!pIfIdEnd))
if (*pIfId == '%' && pIfId == pLast && *pNext != '\0')
pFrom = pNext;
pIfId = pNext;
pLast = NULL;
if (*pNow == '%' && pIfId <= pNow)
returnValue = 442;
if (*pNow != ']' && *pNext != '\0')
pTo = pNow;
if (*pNow == ']')
pIfIdEnd = pNow - 1;
pFrom = pNow;
pTo = pNow;
pIfIdEnd = pNow;
pFrom = NULL;
pTo = NULL;
if (!pNowChar)
returnValue = 254;
if (followRfc)
pMisc = (char *)memchr(&szIpV6AddressChars[0], *pNow, strlen(&szIpV6AddressChars[0]));
if (pMisc)
returnValue = 253;
if (strlen(pszResultAddressStart) > 32 && !pszResultAddress4Start)
returnValue = 255;
if (pNowDigit && *pNext != '\0' && colons == 0)
pTo = pNow;
if (*pNow == ':' && *pNext != '\0')
if (*pNow == ':' )
if (*pNow == '.')
pMisc = pNow;
while (*pMisc != '\0' && *pMisc != ']')
if (*pMisc == '.')
if (*pNow == ']')
if (pBracketClose)
returnValue = 77;
if (!pBracketOpen)
returnValue = 22;
if (*pNext == ':' || *pNext == '.')
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
pLast = pNext + 1;
if (pFrom == pNow)
pFrom = NULL;
pBracketClose = pNow;
if (*pNow == '[')
if (pBracketOpen)
returnValue = 23;
if (pStart != pNow)
returnValue = 24;
pBracketOpen = pNow;
if (*pNow == '%')
if (pIfId)
returnValue = 441;
pLast = pNext;
pIfId = pNext;
if (colons > 0)
if (colons == 1)
if (pStart + 1 == pNow )
returnValue = 31;
if (*pNext == '\0' && !pNowDigit)
returnValue = 32;
pLast = pNow;
if (colons == 2)
if (pGap)
returnValue = 33;
pGap = pszResultAddress + 4;
if (pStart + 1 == pNow || pStart + 2 == pNow)
pGap = pszResultAddressStart;
pFrom = pNow;
if (*pNext == '\0' && !pNowDigit)
if (*pNext != ':' && *pNext != '.')
pLast = pNow;
if (colons == 3)
pFrom = pLast;
pLast = pNow;
if (*pNext == '\0' && !pNowDigit)
returnValue = 34;
if (pBracketOpen)
returnValue = 35;
if (pGap && followRfc)
returnValue = 36;
if (!pGap)
pGap = pszResultAddress + 4;
if (pStart + 3 == pNow)
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
pGap = pszResultAddress;
pFrom = NULL;
if (pNowDigit)
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
if (*pNext == '\0' && colons == 0 && !pIfIdEnd)
pFrom = pLast;
if (pNowDigit)
pTo = pNow;
pLast = NULL;
if (dots > 0)
if (dots == 1)
pszResultPort = pszSourceAddressStart;
pLast = pNext;
if (dots == 4 && pBracketOpen)
returnValue = 601;
if (dots == 3 || dots == 4)
pszResultAddress4 = pszSourceAddressStart;
pLast = pFrom;
pFrom = NULL;
if (dots > 4)
returnValue = 603;
dots = 0;
if (pFrom && pTo)
if (pTo - pFrom > 3)
returnValue = 51;
if (followRfc)
if ((pTo - pFrom > 0) && *pFrom == '0')
returnValue = 101;
if ((pTo - pFrom) == 0 && *pFrom == '0' && colons == 2)
returnValue = 102;
if ((pTo - pFrom) == 0 && *pFrom == '0' && pszResultAddress == pGap)
returnValue = 103;
if ((pTo - pFrom) == 0 && *pFrom == '0')
if (!pFieldStart)
pFieldStart = pszResultAddress;
pFieldEnd = pszResultAddress + 4;
pFieldEnd = pFieldEnd + 4;
if ((size_t)(pFieldEnd - pFieldStart) > fieldLength)
fieldLength = pFieldEnd - pFieldStart;
pFieldStartLongest = pFieldStart;
pFieldStart = NULL;
pFieldEnd = NULL;
if (!(pGap == pszResultAddressStart && (size_t)(pNow - pStart) == colons))
memset(pszResultAddress, '0', 4);
pMisc = pszResultAddress + 3;
pszResultAddress = pszResultAddress + 4;
if (pFrom == pStart && (pTo - pFrom) == 3)
isLinkLocal = true;
while (pTo >= pFrom)
*pMisc = *pTo;
if (*pTo != *pszLinkLocalPrefix && *pTo != *(pszLinkLocalPrefix + 1))
isLinkLocal = false;
pszLinkLocalPrefix = pszLinkLocalPrefix - 2;
while (pTo >= pFrom)
*pMisc = *pTo;
pFrom = pNow;
pTo = pNow;
if (*pNext == '\0' && colons == 0)
if (*pNext == '\0' && !pBracketClose && !pszResultPort)
pTo = pNext;
colons = 0;
} // end of loop
if (!returnValue && colonsOverAll < 2)
returnValue = 252;
if (!returnValue && (pBracketOpen && !pBracketClose))
returnValue = 25;
if (!returnValue && pGap)
gapSize = 32 - strlen(pszResultAddressStart);
if (followRfc)
if (gapSize < 5)
returnValue = 104;
if (fieldLength > gapSize)
returnValue = 105;
if (fieldLength == gapSize && pFieldStartLongest < pGap)
returnValue = 106;
pszResultAddress = pszResultAddressStart;
pszInternalAddress = pszInternalAddressStart;
if (!returnValue && pszResultAddress4Start)
if (strlen(pszResultAddressStart) > 4)
returnValue = 405;
pszResultAddress = pszResultAddressStart;
if (pGap != pszResultAddressStart)
returnValue = 407;
memset(pszInternalAddressStart, '0', 20);
pszInternalAddress = pszInternalAddressStart + 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (*pszResultAddress != 'f' && *pszResultAddress != 'F')
returnValue = 406;
*pszInternalAddress = *pszResultAddress;
pszResultAddress4 = pszResultAddress4Start;
for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
memcpy(szDummy, pszResultAddress4, 3);
int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex((const char *)&szDummy[0], NULL, 16, &byteOut);
if (rc == 0 && byteOut < 256)
RTStrPrintf(szDummy, 3, "%02x", byteOut);
memcpy(pszInternalAddress, szDummy, 2);
pszInternalAddress = pszInternalAddress + 2;
pszResultAddress4 = pszResultAddress4 + 3;
memset(szDummy, '\0', 4);
returnValue = 499;
while (!returnValue && pszResultAddress != pGap)
*pszInternalAddress = *pszResultAddress;
memset(pszInternalAddress, '0', gapSize);
pszInternalAddress = pszInternalAddress + gapSize;
while (!returnValue && *pszResultAddress != '\0')
*pszInternalAddress = *pszResultAddress;
if (!returnValue)
if (strlen(pszResultAddressStart) != 32)
returnValue = 111;
if (followRfc)
if (fieldLength > 4)
returnValue = 112;
memcpy(pszInternalAddressStart, pszResultAddressStart, strlen(pszResultAddressStart));
if (pszResultPortStart)
if (strlen(pszResultPortStart) > 0 && strlen(pszResultPortStart) < 6)
memcpy(pszInternalPortStart, pszResultPortStart, strlen(pszResultPortStart));
intPortOut = 0;
int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pszInternalPortStart, NULL, 10, &intPortOut);
if (rc == 0)
if (!(intPortOut > 0 && intPortOut < 65536))
intPortOut = 0;
returnValue = 888;
returnValue = 889;
full blown address 32 bytes, no colons -> pszInternalAddressStart
port as string -> pszResultPortStart
port as binary integer -> intPortOut
interface id in pIfId and pIfIdEnd
Now fill the out parameters.
if (!returnValue && pszAddressOut)
if (strlen(pszInternalAddressStart) < addressOutSize)
pszRc = NULL;
pszRc = (char *)memset(pszAddressOut, '\0', addressOutSize);
if (!pszRc)
returnValue = 910;
pszRc = NULL;
pszRc = (char *)memcpy(pszAddressOut, pszInternalAddressStart, strlen(pszInternalAddressStart));
if (!pszRc)
returnValue = 911;
returnValue = 912;
if (!returnValue && pPortOut)
*pPortOut = intPortOut;
if (!returnValue && pszIfIdOut)
if (pIfIdEnd && pIfId)
if ((size_t)(pIfIdEnd - pIfId) + 1 < ifIdOutSize)
pszRc = NULL;
pszRc = (char *)memset(pszIfIdOut, '\0', ifIdOutSize);
if (!pszRc)
returnValue = 913;
pszRc = NULL;
pszRc = (char *)memcpy(pszIfIdOut, pIfId, (pIfIdEnd - pIfId) + 1);
if (!pszRc)
returnValue = 914;
returnValue = 915;
pszRc = NULL;
pszRc = (char *)memset(pszIfIdOut, '\0', ifIdOutSize);
if (!pszRc)
returnValue = 916;
// temporary hack
if (isLinkLocal && (strlen(pszIfIdOut) < 1))
memset(pszIfIdOut, '\0', ifIdOutSize);
*pszIfIdOut = '%';
*pszIfIdOut = '0';
if (pBracketOpen && pBracketClose && pBrackets)
*pBrackets = true;
if (pEmbeddedV4 && pszResultAddress4Start)
*pEmbeddedV4 = true;
if (pszResultAddressStart)
if (pszResultPortStart)
if (pszResultAddress4Start)
if (pszInternalAddressStart)
if (pszInternalPortStart)
return (uint32_t)(returnValue - (returnValue * 2)); // make it negative...
* Takes a string and returns a RFC compliant string of the address
* This function SHOULD NOT be used directly. It expects a 33 byte
* char array with a full blown IPv6 address without separators.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param psz The string to convert
* @param pszAddrOut The char[] that will hold the result
* @param addOutSize The size of the char[] from above.
* @param pszPortOut char[] for the text representation of the port
* @param portOutSize sizeof(pszPortOut);
DECLHIDDEN(int) rtStrToIpAddr6Str(const char *psz, char *pszAddrOut, size_t addrOutSize, char *pszPortOut, size_t portOutSize, bool followRfc)
char *pStart = NULL;
char *pGapStart = NULL;
char *pGapEnd = NULL;
char *pGapTStart = NULL;
char *pGapTEnd = NULL;
char *pCurrent = NULL;
char *pOut = NULL;
if (!psz || !pszAddrOut)
if (addrOutSize < 40)
pStart = (char *)psz;
pCurrent = (char *)psz;
pGapStart = (char *)psz;
pGapEnd = (char *)psz;
while (*pCurrent != '\0')
if (*pCurrent != '0')
pGapTStart = NULL;
if ((pCurrent - pStart) % 4 == 0) // ok, start of a hextet
if (*pCurrent == '0' && !pGapTStart)
pGapTStart = pCurrent;
if ((pCurrent - pStart) % 4 == 3)
if (*pCurrent == '0' && pGapTStart)
pGapTEnd = pCurrent;
if (pGapTStart && pGapTEnd)
pGapTEnd = pCurrent;
if ((pGapTEnd - pGapTStart) > (pGapEnd - pGapStart))
pGapEnd = pGapTEnd;
pGapStart = pGapTStart;
pCurrent = (char *)psz;
pStart = (char *)psz;
pOut = (char *)pszAddrOut;
while (*pCurrent != '\0')
if (*pCurrent != '0')
pGapTStart = NULL;
if (!pGapTStart)
*pOut = *pCurrent;
if ((pCurrent - pStart) % 4 == 3)
if (pGapTStart && *pCurrent == '0')
*pOut = *pCurrent;
if (*(pCurrent + 1) != '\0')
*pOut = ':';
pGapTStart = pCurrent + 1;
if ((pCurrent + 1) == pGapStart && (pGapEnd - pGapStart) > 3)
*pOut = ':';
pCurrent = pGapEnd;
* Tests if the given string is a valid IPv6 address.
* @returns 0 if valid, some random number if not. THIS IS NOT AN IPRT STATUS!
* @param psz The string to test
* @param pszResultAddress plain address, optional read "valid addresses
* and strings" above.
* @param resultAddressSize size of pszResultAddress
* @param addressOnly return only the plain address (no scope)
* Ignored, and will always return the if id
static int rtNetIpv6CheckAddrStr(const char *psz, char *pszResultAddress, size_t resultAddressSize, bool addressOnly, bool followRfc)
int rc;
int rc2;
int returnValue = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* gcc want's this initialized, I understand its confusion. */
char *p = NULL, *pl = NULL;
size_t memAllocMaxSize = RT_MAX(strlen(psz), resultAddressSize) + 40;
char *pszAddressOutLocal = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(memAllocMaxSize);
char *pszIfIdOutLocal = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(memAllocMaxSize);
char *pszAddressRfcOutLocal = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(memAllocMaxSize);
if (!pszAddressOutLocal || !pszIfIdOutLocal || !pszAddressRfcOutLocal)
memset(pszAddressOutLocal, '\0', memAllocMaxSize);
memset(pszIfIdOutLocal, '\0', memAllocMaxSize);
memset(pszAddressRfcOutLocal, '\0', memAllocMaxSize);
rc = rtStrParseAddrStr6(psz, strlen(psz), pszAddressOutLocal, memAllocMaxSize, NULL, pszIfIdOutLocal, memAllocMaxSize, NULL, NULL, followRfc);
if (rc == 0)
returnValue = VINF_SUCCESS;
if (rc == 0 && pszResultAddress)
// convert the 32 characters to a valid, shortened ipv6 address
rc2 = rtStrToIpAddr6Str((const char *)pszAddressOutLocal, pszAddressRfcOutLocal, memAllocMaxSize, NULL, 0, followRfc);
if (rc2 != 0)
returnValue = 951;
// this is a temporary solution
if (!returnValue && strlen(pszIfIdOutLocal) > 0) // the if identifier is copied over _ALWAYS_ && !addressOnly)
p = pszAddressRfcOutLocal + strlen(pszAddressRfcOutLocal);
*p = '%';
pl = (char *)memcpy(p, pszIfIdOutLocal, strlen(pszIfIdOutLocal));
if (!pl)
pl = NULL;
pl = (char *)memcpy(pszResultAddress, pszAddressRfcOutLocal, strlen(pszAddressRfcOutLocal));
if (!pl)
if (rc != 0)
if (pszAddressOutLocal)
if (pszAddressRfcOutLocal)
if (pszIfIdOutLocal)
return returnValue;
RTDECL(bool) RTNetIsIPv6AddrStr(const char *pszAddress)
return rtNetIpv6CheckAddrStr(pszAddress, NULL, 0, true, true) >= 0;