tstVBoxAPILinux.cpp revision d107911787df36a78788a841b73d24da896d02f6
/** @file
* tstVBoxAPILinux - sample program to illustrate the VirtualBox
* XPCOM API for machine management on Linux.
* It only uses standard C/C++ and XPCOM semantics,
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* ------------------------------
* This sample program is intended to demonstrate the minimal code necessary
* to use VirtualBox XPCOM API for learning puroses only. The program uses
* pure XPCOM and doesn't have any extra dependencies to let you better
* understand what is going on when a client talks to the VirtualBox core
* using the XPCOM framework.
* However, if you want to write a real application, it is highly recommended
* to use our MS COM XPCOM Glue library and helper C++ classes. This way, you
* will get at least the following benefits:
* a) better portability: both the MS COM (used on Windows) and XPCOM (used
* everywhere else) VirtualBox client application from the same source code
* (including common smart C++ templates for automatic interface pointer
* reference counter and string data management);
* b) simpler XPCOM initialization and shutdown (only a signle method call
* that does everything right).
* Currently, there is no separate sample program that uses the VirtualBox MS
* COM XPCOM Glue library. Please refer to the sources of stock VirtualBox
* applications such as the VirtualBox GUI frontend or the VBoxManage command
* line frontend.
* ---------------------------
* This sample program needs to know where the VirtualBox core files reside
* and where to search for VirtualBox shared libraries. Therefore, you need to
* use the following (or similar) command to execute it:
* $ env VBOX_XPCOM_HOME=../../.. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../.. ./tstVBoxAPILinux
* The above command assumes that VBoxRT.so, VBoxXPCOM.so and others reside in
* the directory ../../..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <errno.h>
* Include the XPCOM headers
#if defined(XPCOM_GLUE)
#include <nsXPCOMGlue.h>
#include <nsMemory.h>
#include <nsString.h>
#include <nsIServiceManager.h>
#include <nsEventQueueUtils.h>
#include <nsIExceptionService.h>
* VirtualBox XPCOM interface. This header is generated
* from IDL which in turn is generated from a custom XML format.
#include "VirtualBox_XPCOM.h"
* Prototypes
void printErrorInfo();
* Display all registered VMs on the screen with some information about each
* @param virtualBox VirtualBox instance object.
printf("VM List:\n\n");
* Get the list of all registered VMs
PRUint32 machineCnt = 0;
* Iterate through the collection
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < machineCnt; ++ i)
if (machine)
if (isAccessible)
printf("\tName: <inaccessible>\n");
if (isAccessible)
/* don't forget to release the objects in the array... */
* Create a sample VM
* @param virtualBox VirtualBox instance object.
* First create a unnamed new VM. It will be unconfigured and not be saved
* in the configuration until we explicitely choose to do so.
* Set some properties
/* alternative to illustrate the use of string classes */
* Now a more advanced property -- the guest OS type. This is
* an object by itself which has to be found first. Note that we
* use the ID of the guest OS type here which is an internal
* representation (you can find that by configuring the OS type of
* a machine in the GUI and then looking at the <Guest ostype=""/>
* setting in the XML file. It is also possible to get the OS type from
* its description (win2k would be "Windows 2000") by getting the
* guest OS type collection and enumerating it.
* Register the VM. Note that this call also saves the VM config
* to disk. It is also possible to save the VM settings but not
* register the VM.
* Also note that due to current VirtualBox limitations, the machine
* must be registered *before* we can attach hard disks to it.
* In order to manipulate the registered machine, we must open a session
* for that machine. Do it now.
* After the machine is registered, the initial machine object becomes
* immutable. In order to get a mutable machine object, we must query
* it from the opened session object.
* Create a virtual harddisk
* We have only created an object so far. No on disk representation exists
* because none of its properties has been set so far. Let's continue creating
* a dynamically expanding image.
* Creating the image is done in the background because it can take quite
* some time (at least fixed size images). We have to wait for its completion.
* Here we wait forever (timeout -1) which is potentially dangerous.
printf("Error: could not create hard disk! rc=%08X\n",
* Now that it's created, we can assign it to the VM.
0, // channel number on the controller
0, // device number on the controller
* It's got a hard disk but that one is new and thus not bootable. Make it
* boot from an ISO file. This requires some processing. First the ISO file
* has to be registered and then mounted to the VM's DVD drive and selected
* as the boot device.
* Now assign it to our VM
2, // channel number on the controller
0, // device number on the controller
PR_FALSE); // aForce
* Last step: tell the VM to boot from the CD.
* Save all changes we've just made.
* It is always important to close the open session when it becomes not
* necessary any more.
// main
* Check that PRUnichar is equal in size to what compiler composes L""
* strings from; otherwise NS_LITERAL_STRING macros won't work correctly
* and we will get a meaningless SIGSEGV. This, of course, must be checked
* at compile time in xpcom/string/nsTDependentString.h, but XPCOM lacks
* compile-time assert macros and I'm not going to add them now.
if (sizeof(PRUnichar) != sizeof(wchar_t))
printf("Error: sizeof(PRUnichar) {%lu} != sizeof(wchar_t) {%lu}!\n"
"Probably, you forgot the -fshort-wchar compiler option.\n",
(unsigned long) sizeof(PRUnichar),
(unsigned long) sizeof(wchar_t));
return -1;
* This is the standard XPCOM init procedure.
* What we do is just follow the required steps to get an instance
* of our main interface, which is IVirtualBox.
#if defined(XPCOM_GLUE)
* Note that we scope all nsCOMPtr variables in order to have all XPCOM
* objects automatically released before we call NS_ShutdownXPCOM at the
* end. This is an XPCOM requirement.
return -1;
#if 0
* Register our components. This step is only necessary if this executable
* implements XPCOM components itself which is not the case for this
* simple example.
if (!registrar)
printf("Error: could not query nsIComponentRegistrar interface!\n");
return -1;
* Make sure the main event queue is created. This event queue is
* responsible for dispatching incoming XPCOM IPC messages. The main
* thread should run this event queue's loop during lengthy non-XPCOM
* operations to ensure messages from the VirtualBox server and other
* XPCOM IPC clients are processed. This use case doesn't perform such
* operations so it doesn't run the event loop.
return -1;
* Now XPCOM is ready and we can start to do real work.
* IVirtualBox is the root interface of VirtualBox and will be
* retrieved from the XPCOM component manager. We use the
* XPCOM provided smart pointer nsCOMPtr for all objects because
* that's very convenient and removes the need deal with reference
* counting and freeing.
return -1;
return -1;
printf("VirtualBox object created\n");
/* this is enough to free the IVirtualBox instance -- smart pointers rule! */
virtualBox = nsnull;
* Process events that might have queued up in the XPCOM event
* queue. If we don't process them, the server might hang.
* Perform the standard XPCOM shutdown procedure.
#if defined(XPCOM_GLUE)
return 0;
//// Helpers
* Helper function to convert an nsID into a human readable string
* @returns result string, allocated. Has to be freed using free()
* @param guid Pointer to nsID that will be converted.
return res;
* Helper function to print XPCOM exception information set on the current
* thread after a failed XPCOM method call. This function will also print
* extended VirtualBox error info if it is available.
void printErrorInfo()
/* got extended error info */
printf ("Extended error info (IVirtualBoxErrorInfo):\n");
/* got basic error info */
printf ("Basic error info (nsIException):\n");
/* reset the exception to NULL to indicate we've processed it */