VirtualBoxImpl.h revision 4a8bce4fe689acb19412fd8957a1995e28d046e4
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox COM class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
#include "VBox/com/EventQueue.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
# include "win/resource.h"
#include "PerformanceImpl.h"
class Machine;
class SessionMachine;
class HardDisk2;
class DVDImage2;
class FloppyImage2;
class MachineCollection;
class GuestOSType;
class GuestOSTypeCollection;
class SharedFolder;
class Progress;
class ProgressCollection;
class Host;
class SystemProperties;
class SVCHlpClient;
struct VMClientWatcherData;
class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBox :
public VirtualBoxBaseWithChildrenNEXT,
public VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl <VirtualBox, IVirtualBox>,
public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation <VirtualBox>,
public IDispatchImpl<IVirtualBox, &IID_IVirtualBox, &LIBID_VirtualBox,
kTypeLibraryMajorVersion, kTypeLibraryMinorVersion>,
public CComCoClass<VirtualBox, &CLSID_VirtualBox>
public IVirtualBox
typedef std::list <ComPtr <IVirtualBoxCallback> > CallbackList;
typedef std::vector <ComPtr <IVirtualBoxCallback> > CallbackVector;
typedef std::vector <ComObjPtr <SessionMachine> > SessionMachineVector;
typedef std::vector <ComObjPtr <Machine> > MachineVector;
typedef std::vector <ComPtr <IInternalSessionControl> > InternalControlVector;
class CallbackEvent;
friend class CallbackEvent;
/* to postpone generation of the default ctor/dtor */
HRESULT FinalConstruct();
void FinalRelease();
/* public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only */
HRESULT init();
void uninit();
/* IVirtualBox properties */
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Revision)) (ULONG *aRevision);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PackageType)) (BSTR *aPackageType);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HomeFolder)) (BSTR *aHomeFolder);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)) (BSTR *aSettingsFilePath);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SettingsFileVersion)) (BSTR *aSettingsFileVersion);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SettingsFormatVersion)) (BSTR *aSettingsFormatVersion);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SystemProperties)) (ISystemProperties **aSystemProperties);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Machines2)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IMachine *, aMachines));
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HardDisks2)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IHardDisk2 *, aHardDisks));
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DVDImages)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IDVDImage2 *, aDVDImages));
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(FloppyImages)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IFloppyImage2 *, aFloppyImages));
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ProgressOperations)) (IProgressCollection **aOperations);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(GuestOSTypes)) (IGuestOSTypeCollection **aGuestOSTypes);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SharedFolders)) (ISharedFolderCollection **aSharedFolders);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PerformanceCollector)) (IPerformanceCollector **aPerformanceCollector);
/* IVirtualBox methods */
STDMETHOD(CreateMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aOsTypeId, IN_BSTR aBaseFolder,
IN_GUID aId, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(CreateLegacyMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aOsTypeId, IN_BSTR aSettingsFile,
IN_GUID aId, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(OpenMachine) (IN_BSTR aSettingsFile, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(RegisterMachine) (IMachine *aMachine);
STDMETHOD(GetMachine) (IN_GUID aId, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(FindMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(UnregisterMachine) (IN_GUID aId, IMachine **aMachine);
STDMETHOD(OpenAppliance) (IN_BSTR aName, IAppliance **anAppliance);
STDMETHOD(CreateHardDisk2) (IN_BSTR aFormat, IN_BSTR aLocation,
IHardDisk2 **aHardDisk);
STDMETHOD(OpenHardDisk2) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IHardDisk2 **aHardDisk);
STDMETHOD(GetHardDisk2) (IN_GUID aId, IHardDisk2 **aHardDisk);
STDMETHOD(FindHardDisk2) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IHardDisk2 **aHardDisk);
STDMETHOD(OpenDVDImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IN_GUID aId,
IDVDImage2 **aDVDImage);
STDMETHOD(GetDVDImage) (IN_GUID aId, IDVDImage2 **aDVDImage);
STDMETHOD(FindDVDImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IDVDImage2 **aDVDImage);
STDMETHOD(OpenFloppyImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IN_GUID aId,
IFloppyImage2 **aFloppyImage);
STDMETHOD(GetFloppyImage) (IN_GUID aId, IFloppyImage2 **aFloppyImage);
STDMETHOD(FindFloppyImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IFloppyImage2 **aFloppyImage);
STDMETHOD(GetGuestOSType) (IN_BSTR aId, IGuestOSType **aType);
STDMETHOD(CreateSharedFolder) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aHostPath, BOOL aWritable);
STDMETHOD(RemoveSharedFolder) (IN_BSTR aName);
STDMETHOD(GetNextExtraDataKey) (IN_BSTR aKey, BSTR *aNextKey, BSTR *aNextValue);
STDMETHOD(GetExtraData) (IN_BSTR aKey, BSTR *aValue);
STDMETHOD(SetExtraData) (IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue);
STDMETHOD(OpenSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_GUID aMachineId);
STDMETHOD(OpenRemoteSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_GUID aMachineId,
IN_BSTR aType, IN_BSTR aEnvironment,
IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(OpenExistingSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_GUID aMachineId);
STDMETHOD(RegisterCallback) (IVirtualBoxCallback *aCallback);
STDMETHOD(UnregisterCallback) (IVirtualBoxCallback *aCallback);
STDMETHOD(WaitForPropertyChange) (IN_BSTR aWhat, ULONG aTimeout,
BSTR *aChanged, BSTR *aValues);
STDMETHOD(SaveSettingsWithBackup) (BSTR *aBakFileName);
/* public methods only for internal purposes */
HRESULT postEvent (Event *event);
HRESULT addProgress (IProgress *aProgress);
HRESULT removeProgress (IN_GUID aId);
(SVCHlpClient *aClient, Progress *aProgress, void *aUser, int *aVrc);
HRESULT startSVCHelperClient (bool aPrivileged,
SVCHelperClientFunc aFunc,
void *aUser, Progress *aProgress);
void addProcessToReap (RTPROCESS pid);
void updateClientWatcher();
void onMachineStateChange (const Guid &aId, MachineState_T aState);
void onMachineDataChange (const Guid &aId);
BOOL onExtraDataCanChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue,
Bstr &aError);
void onExtraDataChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue);
void onMachineRegistered (const Guid &aId, BOOL aRegistered);
void onSessionStateChange (const Guid &aId, SessionState_T aState);
void onSnapshotTaken (const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
void onSnapshotDiscarded (const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
void onSnapshotChange (const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId);
void onGuestPropertyChange (const Guid &aMachineId, IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue,
IN_BSTR aFlags);
ComObjPtr <GuestOSType> getUnknownOSType();
void getOpenedMachines (SessionMachineVector &aMachines,
InternalControlVector *aControls = NULL);
/** Shortcut to #getOpenedMachines (aMachines, &aControls). */
void getOpenedMachinesAndControls (SessionMachineVector &aMachines,
InternalControlVector &aControls)
{ getOpenedMachines (aMachines, &aControls); }
bool isMachineIdValid (const Guid &aId)
return SUCCEEDED (findMachine (aId, false /* aSetError */, NULL));
HRESULT findMachine (const Guid &aId, bool aSetError,
ComObjPtr <Machine> *machine = NULL);
HRESULT findHardDisk2 (const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation,
bool aSetError, ComObjPtr <HardDisk2> *aHardDisk = NULL);
HRESULT findDVDImage2 (const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation,
bool aSetError, ComObjPtr <DVDImage2> *aImage = NULL);
HRESULT findFloppyImage2 (const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation,
bool aSetError, ComObjPtr <FloppyImage2> *aImage = NULL);
const ComObjPtr <Host> &host() { return mData.mHost; }
const ComObjPtr <SystemProperties> &systemProperties()
{ return mData.mSystemProperties; }
const ComObjPtr <PerformanceCollector> &performanceCollector()
{ return mData.mPerformanceCollector; }
/** Returns the VirtualBox home directory */
const Utf8Str &homeDir() { return mData.mHomeDir; }
int calculateFullPath (const char *aPath, Utf8Str &aResult);
void calculateRelativePath (const char *aPath, Utf8Str &aResult);
HRESULT registerHardDisk2 (HardDisk2 *aHardDisk, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT unregisterHardDisk2 (HardDisk2 *aHardDisk, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT registerDVDImage (DVDImage2 *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT unregisterDVDImage (DVDImage2 *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT registerFloppyImage (FloppyImage2 *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT unregisterFloppyImage (FloppyImage2 *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true);
HRESULT cast (IHardDisk2 *aFrom, ComObjPtr <HardDisk2> &aTo);
HRESULT saveSettings();
HRESULT updateSettings (const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath);
const Bstr &settingsFileName() { return mData.mCfgFile.mName; }
static HRESULT ensureFilePathExists (const char *aFileName);
static HRESULT loadSettingsTree (settings::XmlTreeBackend &aTree,
xml::File &aFile,
bool aValidate,
bool aCatchLoadErrors,
bool aAddDefaults,
Utf8Str *aFormatVersion = NULL);
* Shortcut to loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, true, true).
* Used when the settings file is to be loaded for the first time for the
* given object in order to recreate it from the stored settings.
* @param aFormatVersion Where to store the current format version of the
* loaded settings tree.
static HRESULT loadSettingsTree_FirstTime (settings::XmlTreeBackend &aTree,
xml::File &aFile,
Utf8Str &aFormatVersion)
return loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, true, true,
* Shortcut to loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, false, true).
* Used when the settings file is loaded again (after it has been fully
* checked and validated by #loadSettingsTree_FirstTime()) in order to
* look at settings that don't have any representation within object's
* data fields.
static HRESULT loadSettingsTree_Again (settings::XmlTreeBackend &aTree,
xml::File &aFile)
return loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, false, true);
* Shortcut to loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, false, false).
* Used when the settings file is loaded again (after it has been fully
* checked and validated by #loadSettingsTree_FirstTime()) in order to
* update some settings and then save them back.
static HRESULT loadSettingsTree_ForUpdate (settings::XmlTreeBackend &aTree,
xml::File &aFile)
return loadSettingsTree (aTree, aFile, true, false, false);
static HRESULT saveSettingsTree (settings::TreeBackend &aTree,
xml::File &aFile,
Utf8Str &aFormatVersion);
static HRESULT backupSettingsFile (const Bstr &aFileName,
const Utf8Str &aOldFormat,
Bstr &aBakFileName);
static HRESULT handleUnexpectedExceptions (RT_SRC_POS_DECL);
* Returns a lock handle used to protect changes to the hard disk hierarchy
* (e.g. serialize access to the HardDisk2::mParent fields and methods
* adding/removing children). When using this lock, the following rules must
* be obeyed:
* 1. The write lock on this handle must be either held alone on the thread
* or requested *after* the VirtualBox object lock. Mixing with other
* locks is prohibited.
* 2. The read lock on this handle may be intermixed with any other lock
* with the exception that it must be requested *after* the VirtualBox
* object lock.
RWLockHandle *hardDiskTreeLockHandle() { return &mHardDiskTreeLockHandle; }
/* for VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl */
static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"VirtualBox"; }
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <Machine> > MachineList;
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <GuestOSType> > GuestOSTypeList;
typedef std::map <Guid, ComPtr <IProgress> > ProgressMap;
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <HardDisk2> > HardDisk2List;
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <DVDImage2> > DVDImage2List;
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <FloppyImage2> > FloppyImage2List;
typedef std::list <ComObjPtr <SharedFolder> > SharedFolderList;
typedef std::map <Guid, ComObjPtr <HardDisk2> > HardDisk2Map;
* Reimplements VirtualBoxWithTypedChildren::childrenLock() to return a
* dedicated lock instead of the main object lock. The dedicated lock for
* child map operations frees callers of init() methods of these children
* from acquiring a write parent (VirtualBox) lock (which would be mandatory
* otherwise). Since VirtualBox has a lot of heterogenous children which
* init() methods are called here and there, it definitely makes sense.
RWLockHandle *childrenLock() { return &mChildrenMapLockHandle; }
HRESULT checkMediaForConflicts2 (const Guid &aId, const Bstr &aLocation,
Utf8Str &aConflictType);
HRESULT loadMachines (const settings::Key &aGlobal);
HRESULT loadMedia (const settings::Key &aGlobal);
HRESULT registerMachine (Machine *aMachine);
HRESULT lockConfig();
HRESULT unlockConfig();
/** @note This method is not thread safe */
bool isConfigLocked() { return mData.mCfgFile.mHandle != NIL_RTFILE; }
* Main VirtualBox data structure.
* @note |const| members are persistent during lifetime so can be accessed
* without locking.
struct Data
struct CfgFile
CfgFile() : mHandle (NIL_RTFILE) {}
const Bstr mName;
RTFILE mHandle;
// const data members not requiring locking
const Utf8Str mHomeDir;
// const objects not requiring locking
const ComObjPtr <Host> mHost;
const ComObjPtr <SystemProperties> mSystemProperties;
const ComObjPtr <PerformanceCollector> mPerformanceCollector;
CfgFile mCfgFile;
Utf8Str mSettingsFileVersion;
MachineList mMachines;
GuestOSTypeList mGuestOSTypes;
ProgressMap mProgressOperations;
HardDisk2List mHardDisks2;
DVDImage2List mDVDImages2;
FloppyImage2List mFloppyImages2;
SharedFolderList mSharedFolders;
/// @todo NEWMEDIA do we really need this map? Used only in
/// find() it seems
HardDisk2Map mHardDisk2Map;
CallbackList mCallbacks;
Data mData;
/** Client watcher thread data structure */
struct ClientWatcherData
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
: mUpdateReq (NULL)
#elif defined(RT_OS_OS2)
# error "Port me!"
, mThread (NIL_RTTHREAD) {}
// const objects not requiring locking
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
const HANDLE mUpdateReq;
#elif defined(RT_OS_OS2)
const RTSEMEVENT mUpdateReq;
const RTSEMEVENT mUpdateReq;
# error "Port me!"
const RTTHREAD mThread;
typedef std::list <RTPROCESS> ProcessList;
ProcessList mProcesses;
ClientWatcherData mWatcherData;
const RTTHREAD mAsyncEventThread;
EventQueue * const mAsyncEventQ;
* "Safe" lock. May only be used if guaranteed that no other locks are
* requested while holding it and no functions that may do so are called.
* Currently, protects the following:
* - mProgressOperations
RWLockHandle mSafeLock;
RWLockHandle mHardDiskTreeLockHandle;
RWLockHandle mChildrenMapLockHandle;
static Bstr sVersion;
static ULONG sRevision;
static Bstr sPackageType;
static Bstr sSettingsFormatVersion;
static DECLCALLBACK(int) ClientWatcher (RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser);
static DECLCALLBACK(int) AsyncEventHandler (RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser);
static DECLCALLBACK(int) SVCHelperClientThread (RTTHREAD aThread, void *aUser);
* Abstract callback event class to asynchronously call VirtualBox callbacks
* on a dedicated event thread. Subclasses reimplement #handleCallback()
* to call appropriate IVirtualBoxCallback methods depending on the event
* to be dispatched.
* @note The VirtualBox instance passed to the constructor is strongly
* referenced, so that the VirtualBox singleton won't be released until the
* event gets handled by the event thread.
class VirtualBox::CallbackEvent : public Event
CallbackEvent (VirtualBox *aVirtualBox) : mVirtualBox (aVirtualBox)
Assert (aVirtualBox);
void *handler();
virtual void handleCallback (const ComPtr <IVirtualBoxCallback> &aCallback) = 0;
* Note that this is a weak ref -- the CallbackEvent handler thread
* is bound to the lifetime of the VirtualBox instance, so it's safe.
ComObjPtr <VirtualBox, ComWeakRef> mVirtualBox;
#endif // ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL
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