MediumImpl.h revision e67c6527ea1482264eb46a12493f9a0a4bcf4690
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox COM class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef ____H_MEDIUMIMPL
#define ____H_MEDIUMIMPL
#include "VirtualBoxBase.h"
#include "MediumLock.h"
class Progress;
namespace settings
struct Medium;
* Medium component class for all media types.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE Medium :
public VirtualBoxBase,
public com::SupportErrorInfoImpl<Medium, IMedium>,
public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation<Medium>,
HRESULT FinalConstruct();
void FinalRelease();
enum HDDOpenMode { OpenReadWrite, OpenReadOnly };
// have to use a special enum for the overloaded init() below;
// can't use AccessMode_T from XIDL because that's mapped to an int
// and would be ambiguous
// public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
CBSTR aFormat,
CBSTR aLocation,
bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
CBSTR aLocation,
HDDOpenMode enOpenMode,
DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
BOOL aSetImageId,
const Guid &aImageId,
BOOL aSetParentId,
const Guid &aParentId);
// initializer used when loading settings
HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
Medium *aParent,
DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
const settings::Medium &data);
// initializer for host floppy/DVD
HRESULT init(VirtualBox *aVirtualBox,
DeviceType_T aDeviceType,
CBSTR aLocation,
CBSTR aDescription = NULL);
void uninit();
void deparent();
// IMedium properties
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Description))(BSTR *aDescription);
STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Description))(IN_BSTR aDescription);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(State))(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Location))(BSTR *aLocation);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DeviceType))(DeviceType_T *aDeviceType);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Type))(MediumType_T *aType);
STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(Type))(MediumType_T aType);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Parent))(IMedium **aParent);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Children))(ComSafeArrayOut(IMedium *, aChildren));
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Base))(IMedium **aBase);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(LogicalSize))(ULONG64 *aLogicalSize);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(LastAccessError))(BSTR *aLastAccessError);
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MachineIds))(ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aMachineIds));
// IMedium methods
STDMETHOD(RefreshState)(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(GetSnapshotIds)(IN_BSTR aMachineId,
ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aSnapshotIds));
STDMETHOD(LockRead)(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(UnlockRead)(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(LockWrite)(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(UnlockWrite)(MediumState_T *aState);
STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(IN_BSTR aName, BSTR *aValue);
STDMETHOD(SetProperty)(IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue);
STDMETHOD(GetProperties)(IN_BSTR aNames,
ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aReturnNames),
ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aReturnValues));
STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aNames),
ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aValues));
STDMETHOD(CreateBaseStorage)(ULONG64 aLogicalSize,
MediumVariant_T aVariant,
IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(DeleteStorage)(IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(CreateDiffStorage)(IMedium *aTarget,
MediumVariant_T aVariant,
IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(MergeTo)(IMedium *aTarget, IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(CloneTo)(IMedium *aTarget, MediumVariant_T aVariant,
IMedium *aParent, IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(Compact)(IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(Resize)(ULONG64 aLogicalSize, IProgress **aProgress);
STDMETHOD(Reset)(IProgress **aProgress);
// public methods for internal purposes only
const ComObjPtr<Medium>& getParent() const;
const MediaList& getChildren() const;
// unsafe methods for internal purposes only (ensure there is
// a caller and a read lock before calling them!)
const Guid& getId() const;
MediumState_T getState() const;
const Utf8Str& getLocation() const;
const Utf8Str& getLocationFull() const;
uint64_t getSize() const;
MediumType_T getType() const;
Utf8Str getName();
HRESULT attachTo(const Guid &aMachineId,
const Guid &aSnapshotId = Guid::Empty);
HRESULT detachFrom(const Guid &aMachineId,
const Guid &aSnapshotId = Guid::Empty);
const Guid* getFirstMachineBackrefId() const;
const Guid* getFirstMachineBackrefSnapshotId() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void dumpBackRefs();
HRESULT updatePath(const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath);
void updatePaths(const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath);
ComObjPtr<Medium> getBase(uint32_t *aLevel = NULL);
bool isReadOnly();
HRESULT saveSettings(settings::Medium &data);
HRESULT compareLocationTo(const char *aLocation, int &aResult);
HRESULT createMediumLockList(bool fMediumWritable, Medium *pToBeParent, MediumLockList &mediumLockList);
HRESULT createDiffStorage(ComObjPtr<Medium> &aTarget,
MediumVariant_T aVariant,
MediumLockList *pMediumLockList,
ComObjPtr<Progress> *aProgress,
bool aWait,
bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
HRESULT deleteStorage(ComObjPtr<Progress> *aProgress, bool aWait, bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
HRESULT markForDeletion();
HRESULT unmarkForDeletion();
HRESULT markLockedForDeletion();
HRESULT unmarkLockedForDeletion();
HRESULT prepareMergeTo(const ComObjPtr<Medium> &pTarget,
const Guid *aMachineId,
const Guid *aSnapshotId,
bool fLockMedia,
bool &fMergeForward,
ComObjPtr<Medium> &pParentForTarget,
MediaList &aChildrenToReparent,
MediumLockList * &aMediumLockList);
HRESULT mergeTo(const ComObjPtr<Medium> &pTarget,
bool &fMergeForward,
ComObjPtr<Medium> pParentForTarget,
const MediaList &aChildrenToReparent,
MediumLockList *aMediumLockList,
ComObjPtr<Progress> *aProgress,
bool aWait,
bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
void cancelMergeTo(const MediaList &aChildrenToReparent,
MediumLockList *aMediumLockList);
/** Returns a preferred format for a differencing hard disk. */
Bstr preferredDiffFormat();
/** For com::SupportErrorInfoImpl. */
static const char *ComponentName() { return "Medium"; }
HRESULT queryInfo();
* Performs extra checks if the medium can be closed and returns S_OK in
* this case. Otherwise, returns a respective error message. Called by
* Close() under the medium tree lock and the medium lock.
HRESULT canClose();
* Unregisters this medium with mVirtualBox. Called by Close() under
* the medium tree lock.
HRESULT unregisterWithVirtualBox(bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
HRESULT setStateError();
HRESULT setLocation(const Utf8Str &aLocation, const Utf8Str &aFormat = Utf8Str());
HRESULT setFormat(CBSTR aFormat);
Utf8Str vdError(int aVRC);
static DECLCALLBACK(void) vdErrorCall(void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL,
const char *pszFormat, va_list va);
static DECLCALLBACK(bool) vdConfigAreKeysValid(void *pvUser,
const char *pszzValid);
static DECLCALLBACK(int) vdConfigQuerySize(void *pvUser, const char *pszName,
size_t *pcbValue);
static DECLCALLBACK(int) vdConfigQuery(void *pvUser, const char *pszName,
char *pszValue, size_t cchValue);
class Task;
class CreateBaseTask;
class CreateDiffTask;
class CloneTask;
class CompactTask;
class ResetTask;
class DeleteTask;
class MergeTask;
friend class Task;
friend class CreateBaseTask;
friend class CreateDiffTask;
friend class CloneTask;
friend class CompactTask;
friend class ResetTask;
friend class DeleteTask;
friend class MergeTask;
HRESULT startThread(Medium::Task *pTask);
HRESULT runNow(Medium::Task *pTask, bool *pfNeedsSaveSettings);
HRESULT taskCreateBaseHandler(Medium::CreateBaseTask &task);
HRESULT taskCreateDiffHandler(Medium::CreateDiffTask &task);
HRESULT taskMergeHandler(Medium::MergeTask &task);
HRESULT taskCloneHandler(Medium::CloneTask &task);
HRESULT taskDeleteHandler(Medium::DeleteTask &task);
HRESULT taskResetHandler(Medium::ResetTask &task);
HRESULT taskCompactHandler(Medium::CompactTask &task);
struct Data; // opaque data struct, defined in MediumImpl.cpp
Data *m;
#endif /* ____H_MEDIUMIMPL */