ErrorInfo.cpp revision b7a72a250fddd0d378b2133d85df85fedd4c83fc
/** @file
* ErrorInfo class definition
* Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
* distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
* license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
#if defined (__WIN__)
#else // !defined (__WIN__)
#include <nsIServiceManager.h>
#include <nsIExceptionService.h>
#include <nsCOMPtr.h>
#include <nsIInterfaceInfo.h>
#include <nsIInterfaceInfoManager.h>
#endif // !defined (__WIN__)
#include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h"
#include "VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h"
#include "VBox/com/assert.h"
#include <iprt/stream.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <VBox/err.h>
* Resolves a given interface ID to a string containint interface name.
* If, for some reason, the given IID cannot be resolved to a name,
* a NULL string is returned. A non-NULL interface name must be freed
* using SysFreeString().
static void GetInterfaceNameByIID (const GUID &id, BSTR *name)
Assert (name);
if (!name)
*name = NULL;
#if defined (__WIN__)
LONG rc;
if (StringFromIID (id, &iidStr) == S_OK)
HKEY ifaceKey;
rc = RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"Interface", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &ifaceKey);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
HKEY iidKey;
rc = RegOpenKeyExW (ifaceKey, iidStr, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &iidKey);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
// determine the size and type
DWORD sz, type;
rc = RegQueryValueExW (iidKey, NULL, NULL, &type, NULL, &sz);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ)
// query the value to BSTR
*name = SysAllocStringLen (NULL, (sz + 1) / sizeof (TCHAR) + 1);
rc = RegQueryValueExW (iidKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) *name, &sz);
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
SysFreeString (*name);
name = NULL;
RegCloseKey (iidKey);
RegCloseKey (ifaceKey);
CoTaskMemFree (iidStr);
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr <nsIInterfaceInfoManager> iim =
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rv))
nsCOMPtr <nsIInterfaceInfo> iinfo;
rv = iim->GetInfoForIID (&id, getter_AddRefs (iinfo));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rv))
const char *iname = NULL;
iinfo->GetNameShared (&iname);
char *utf8IName = NULL;
if (VBOX_SUCCESS (RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8 (&utf8IName, iname)))
PRTUCS2 ucs2IName = NULL;
if (VBOX_SUCCESS (RTStrUtf8ToUcs2 (&ucs2IName, utf8IName)))
*name = SysAllocString ((OLECHAR *) ucs2IName);
RTStrUcs2Free (ucs2IName);
RTStrFree (utf8IName);
namespace com
// IErrorInfo class
void ErrorInfo::init ()
#if defined (__WIN__)
ComPtr <IErrorInfo> err;
rc = ::GetErrorInfo (0, err.asOutParam());
if (rc == S_OK && err)
ComPtr <IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
rc = err.queryInterfaceTo (info.asOutParam());
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && info)
init (info);
if (!mIsFullAvailable)
bool gotSomething = false;
rc = err->GetGUID (mInterfaceID.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
GetInterfaceNameByIID (mInterfaceID, mInterfaceName.asOutParam());
rc = err->GetSource (mComponent.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
rc = err->GetDescription (mText.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
if (gotSomething)
mIsBasicAvailable = true;
AssertMsg (gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));
#else // !defined (__WIN__)
nsCOMPtr <nsIExceptionService> es;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rc))
nsCOMPtr <nsIExceptionManager> em;
rc = es->GetCurrentExceptionManager (getter_AddRefs (em));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rc))
ComPtr <nsIException> ex;
rc = em->GetCurrentException (ex.asOutParam());
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rc) && ex)
ComPtr <IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
rc = ex.queryInterfaceTo (info.asOutParam());
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rc) && info)
init (info);
if (!mIsFullAvailable)
bool gotSomething = false;
rc = ex->GetResult (&mResultCode);
gotSomething |= NS_SUCCEEDED (rc);
Utf8Str message;
rc = ex->GetMessage (message.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= NS_SUCCEEDED (rc);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED (rc))
mText = message;
if (gotSomething)
mIsBasicAvailable = true;
AssertMsg (gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));
// set the exception to NULL (to emulate Win32 behavior)
em->SetCurrentException (NULL);
rc = NS_OK;
AssertComRC (rc);
#endif // !defined (__WIN__)
void ErrorInfo::init (IUnknown *i, const GUID &iid)
Assert (i);
if (!i)
#if defined (__WIN__)
ComPtr <IUnknown> iface = i;
ComPtr <ISupportErrorInfo> serr;
HRESULT rc = iface.queryInterfaceTo (serr.asOutParam());
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
rc = serr->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo (iid);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
#else // !defined (__WIN__)
#endif // !defined (__WIN__)
if (mIsBasicAvailable)
mCalleeIID = iid;
GetInterfaceNameByIID (iid, mCalleeName.asOutParam());
void ErrorInfo::init (IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *info)
Assert (info);
if (!info)
bool gotSomething = false;
rc = info->COMGETTER(ResultCode) (&mResultCode);
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
rc = info->COMGETTER(InterfaceID) (mInterfaceID.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
GetInterfaceNameByIID (mInterfaceID, mInterfaceName.asOutParam());
rc = info->COMGETTER(Component) (mComponent.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
rc = info->COMGETTER(Text) (mText.asOutParam());
gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED (rc);
if (gotSomething)
mIsFullAvailable = mIsBasicAvailable = true;
AssertMsg (gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));
void ErrorInfo::print (const char *aPrefix /* = NULL */)
if (aPrefix == NULL)
aPrefix = "";
RTPrintf ("%sFull error info present: %RTbool, basic error info present: %RTbool\n", aPrefix,
mIsFullAvailable, mIsBasicAvailable);
if (mIsFullAvailable || mIsBasicAvailable)
RTPrintf ("%sResult Code = %Rwa\n", aPrefix, mResultCode);
RTPrintf ("%sText = %ls\n", aPrefix, mText.raw());
RTPrintf ("%sComponent = %ls, Interface: %ls, {%s}\n", aPrefix,
mInterfaceName.raw(), mInterfaceID.toString().raw());
RTPrintf ("%sCallee = %ls, {%s}\n", aPrefix, mCalleeName.raw(), mCalleeIID.toString().raw());
// IErrorInfo class
ProgressErrorInfo::ProgressErrorInfo (IProgress *progress) :
ErrorInfo (true)
Assert (progress);
if (!progress)
ComPtr <IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
HRESULT rc = progress->COMGETTER(ErrorInfo) (info.asOutParam());
if (SUCCEEDED (rc) && info)
init (info);
}; // namespace com