VirtualBox.wxs revision 7ee1eb709ec02b31f23a8ba734a8795452964633
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
VirtualBox Windows Installation Script (WiX)
Copyright (C) 2014 Oracle Corporation
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
<Wix xmlns=""
<?include Properties.wxi ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<!-- The merge module file names -->
<?define Property_VBoxMergeApp = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_APP)" ?>
<?define Property_VBoxMergeUSB = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_USB)" ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
<?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkFlt = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETFLT)" ?>
<?endif ?>
<?define Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_NETADP)" ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
<?define Property_VBoxMergePython = "$(env.VBOX_WIN_INST_MERGE_PYTHON)" ?>
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<Product Id="*"
<Package Id="*"
Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT) $(var.Property_VersionExt) installation package"
Comments="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT) installation package"
<!-- Global properties -->
<Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON">IconVirtualBox</Property>
<Property Id="ARPURLINFOABOUT"></Property>
<Property Id="ARPURLUPDATEINFO"></Property>
<!-- Install the product for all users on the system -->
<Property Id="ALLUSERS"><![CDATA[1]]></Property>
<!-- Force overwriting all files and re-create shortcuts to guarantee a working environment -->
<Property Id='REINSTALLMODE' Value='amus'/>
<!-- VirtualBox properties -->
<Property Id="VBOX_STARTVBOX" Value="1" />
<!-- Make sure installation will not start on anything other but the NT family -->
<?if $(env.BUILD_TARGET_ARCH) = "amd64" ?>
<Condition Message="!(loc.Only64Bit)">
<?else ?>
<Condition Message="!(loc.Only32Bit)">
NOT VersionNT64
<Condition Message="!(loc.WrongOS)">
NOT VersionNT=500 AND NOT Version9X AND NOT VersionNT64
<?endif ?>
<Condition Message="!(loc.NeedAdmin)">
<!-- Detect old innotek installation -->
<!-- Force a manual uninstall of an already installed innotek VirtualBox version first -->
<Property Id="VBOXINNOTEK">
<RegistrySearch Id="RegSearchInnotekVersion" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Innotek\VirtualBox" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
<Condition Message="!(loc.InnotekFound)">
<!-- *************************** Upgrade packages only ******************************* -->
<!-- Minimum and Maximum specify the range of versions we are supposed to update with this upgrade.
IncludeMaximum and IncludeMinimum specify whether the bound value is actually included in the range or not
(IncludeMaximum = yes meaning to find versions below or equal to the version specified in Maximum while
IncludeMaximum = no only finds those below the Maximum).
OnlyDetect tells the installer not to remove the previous product. This is useful as long as we
only change files in the package -->
<Upgrade Id="C4BAD770-BFE8-4D2C-A592-693028A7215B"> <!-- Upgrade of Sun xVM VirtualBox >= v1.6.0 -->
<!-- Upgrade is flagged if current-install is newer than or equal to package - TODO: should make a dialog appear asking user to confirm downgrade -->
<!-- Setting "OnlyDetect" to "no" makes the installer uninstall an already newer installed version -->
<UpgradeVersion Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED" Minimum="$(var.Property_Version)" OnlyDetect="no" />
<!-- Flag is set if the install will trigger an upgrade of an existing install -->
<UpgradeVersion Property="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" Minimum="" Maximum="$(var.Property_Version)" IncludeMaximum="yes" />
<!-- The product's icon table -->
<Icon Id="IconVirtualBox" SourceFile="$(env.VBOX_WINDOWS_ICON_FILE)" />
<!-- The media/binary IDs -->
<Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_COMBINED_PACKAGE) = "yes" ?>
<Media Id="2" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="no" CompressionLevel="high" />
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<Binary Id="VBoxInstallHelper" SourceFile="$(env.PATH_OUT)\bin\VBoxInstallHelper.dll" />
<!-- Custom actions -->
<!-- Figure out where a previous installation was, if any -->
<?if $(env.BUILD_TARGET_ARCH) = "amd64" ?>
<CustomAction Id="ca_OriginalTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR"
Value="[ProgramFiles64Folder]\$(env.VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT)\VirtualBox" />
<Property Id="EXISTINGINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
<RegistrySearch Id="RegistryGetInstallPath" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.Property_RegKey)" Name="InstallDir"
Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR" Value="[EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]" />
<?else ?>
<CustomAction Id="ca_OriginalTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR"
Value="[ProgramFilesFolder]\$(env.VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT)\VirtualBox" />
<Property Id="EXISTINGINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
<RegistrySearch Id="RegistryGetInstallPath" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.Property_RegKey)" Name="InstallDir"
Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Execute="firstSequence" Property="INSTALLDIR" Value="[EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]" />
<?endif ?>
<CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallTAPInstances" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper"
DllEntry="UninstallTAPInstances" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
<!-- Detect old Sun installation -->
<!-- Force a manual uninstall of an already installed Sun VirtualBox version first -->
<!--<Property Id="VBOXSUN">
<RegistrySearch Id="RegSearchSunVersion" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Sun\VirtualBox" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)"/>
<Condition Message="!(loc.SunFound)">
<CustomAction Id="ca_StartVBox" Directory="INSTALLDIR" ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]\VirtualBox.exe" Return="asyncNoWait" Impersonate="yes" />
<CustomAction Id="ca_CheckSerial" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="CheckSerial" Impersonate="no"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_InstallBranding" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="InstallBranding" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_InstallBrandingArgs" Property="ca_InstallBranding" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" Execute="immediate"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallBranding" BinaryKey="VBoxInstallHelper" DllEntry="UninstallBranding" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no"/>
<CustomAction Id="ca_UninstallBrandingArgs" Property="ca_UninstallBranding" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" Execute="immediate"/>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
<?include VBoxMergeAppCA.wxi ?>
<?include VBoxMergeNetFltCA.wxi ?>
<?include VBoxMergePythonCA.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="$(var.Property_ProgramFiles)" Name="PFiles">
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<Merge Id="msm_VBoxApp" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeApp)" DiskId="1" />
<?else ?>
<?include VBoxMergeApp.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<Directory Id="dir_Drivers" Name="drivers">
<Directory Id="dir_USB" Name="USB">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<Merge Id="msm_VBoxUSB" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeUSB)" DiskId="1" />
<?else ?>
<?include VBoxMergeUSB.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<Directory Id="dir_Network" Name="network">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
<Directory Id="dir_NetFlt" Name="netflt">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkFlt" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkFlt)" DiskId="1" />
<?else ?>
<?include VBoxMergeNetFlt.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<Directory Id="dir_NetAdp" Name="netadp">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<Merge Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergeNetworkAdp)" DiskId="1" />
<?else ?>
<?include VBoxMergeNetAdp.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
<Directory Id="dir_SDK" Name="sdk">
<Directory Id="dir_SDKInstall" Name="install">
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<Merge Id="msm_VBoxPython" Language="!(loc.LANG)" SourceFile="$(var.Property_VBoxMergePython)" DiskId="1" />
<?else ?>
<?include VBoxMergePython.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<!-- Set up special directory IDs for referencing to the start menu
or the Quick Launch bar.
See: -->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
<Directory Id="dir_StartMenuVBox" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"/>
<Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"/>
<Directory Id="AppDataFolder" Name="AppData">
<Directory Id="dir_AppDataMicrosoft" Name="Microsoft">
<Directory Id="dir_AppDataMSIE" Name="Internet Explorer">
<Directory Id="dir_QuicklaunchFolder" Name="Quick Launch"/>
<!-- Shortcut(s) in start menu -->
<Component Id="cp_StartMenuVBox" Guid="C2DC321A-CE63-40EE-8A98-724DF8BD12FB" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
<Shortcut Id="sc_StartMenuVBox" Directory="dir_StartMenuVBox" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)"
Type="string" Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
<?include $(env.PATH_TARGET)\Shortcuts_StartMenu.wxi ?>
<Component Id="cp_DesktopShortcut" Guid="668F8A1A-F5CE-48B3-BB1A-3042EE27B279" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
<Shortcut Id="sc_DesktopVBox" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)" Type="string"
Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
<Component Id="cp_QuickLaunchVBox" Guid="CC19E026-938A-41CB-8E77-3F33296244B6" Win64="$(var.Property_Win64)">
<Shortcut Id="sc_QuickLaunchVBox" Directory="dir_QuicklaunchFolder" Name="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)" Description="$(env.VBOX_PRODUCT)"
Target="[INSTALLDIR]VirtualBox.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="$(var.Property_RegKeyInstall)"
Type="string" Value="installed" KeyPath="yes" />
</Directory> <!-- TARGETDIR -->
<!-- Note: Feature IDs *must not* be renamed to use any prefixes or such,
otherwise this will break manual selection using the ADDLOCAL= syntax
when using the command line / scripts (see VBox manual). -->
<Feature Id="VBoxApplication" Title="VirtualBox Application" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="disallow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<!-- Components which are handled only by this installer itself -->
<ComponentRef Id="cp_StartMenuVBox" />
<ComponentRef Id="cp_DesktopShortcut" />
<ComponentRef Id="cp_QuickLaunchVBox" />
<!-- Components handled either by the installer itself or
the merge module -->
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxApp" />
<?else ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_RegisterExtensions" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_DOCS_PACKING) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_Docs" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_NLS" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_MainCOM_x86" />
<?endif ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_MainCOM" />
<ComponentRef Id="cp_MainBinaries" />
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_QTGUI) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_QtAccessible" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPyInst" />
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPyMod" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_CROGL) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxCROpenGL" />
<?endif ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxSDLBinaries" />
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_WEBSERVICES) = "yes" ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxWebService" />
<?endif ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxDrv" />
<?endif ?>
<Feature Id="VBoxUSB" Title="VirtualBox USB Support" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxUSB" />
<?else ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_USBFilterDriver" />
<ComponentRef Id="cp_USBDeviceDriver" />
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) = "yes" ?>
<Feature Id="VBoxNetwork" Title="VirtualBox Networking" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<Feature Id="VBoxNetworkFlt" Title="VirtualBox Bridged Networking" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkFlt" />
<?else ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_NetFltDriver" />
<?endif ?>
<Feature Id="VBoxNetworkAdp" Title="VirtualBox Host-Only Networking" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxNetworkAdp" />
<?else ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_NetAdpDriver" />
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_PYTHON) = "yes" ?>
<Feature Id="VBoxPython" Title="VirtualBox Python 2.x Support" Level="1"
ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" TypicalDefault="install" Display="expand"
Absent="allow" AllowAdvertise="no" >
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "yes" ?>
<MergeRef Id="msm_VBoxPython" />
<?else ?>
<ComponentRef Id="cp_VBoxPythonBinding" />
<?endif ?>
<?endif ?>
<!-- Include user interface definition -->
<?include UserInterface.wxi ?>
To debug the action sequences, do: "msiexec /i <VBox.msi> /lar <Logfile>"
InstallUISequence (client side) is:
ExecuteAction -> will pass control over to "InstallExecuteSequence"
The first six actions above will be repeated but skipped on the server
side if already run on the client side.
InstallExecuteSequence (server side) is:
<First six action from InstallUISequence>
The actions between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize will be gone through twice:
- The first time the installer creates an installation script containing all actions in the right
sequence which need to get executed in a batch later. At this point the launch conditions for
custom actions must be met already!
- The second time the generated installation script will be run as-is.
Also, the InstallUISequence and InstallExecuteSequence tables run in different sessions which
need public properties (that is, UPPERCASE properties).
<!-- AppSearch must be done before "RemoveExistingProducts" and before "FindRelatedProducts" -->
<AppSearch Sequence="1"></AppSearch>
<LaunchConditions After="AppSearch" />
<!-- First install the new version and then remove the old version. This is more efficient -->
<RemoveExistingProducts Before="InstallValidate" />
<Custom Action="ca_OriginalTargetDir" After="FileCost"><![CDATA[(NOT INSTALLDIR) AND (NOT EXISTINGINSTALLDIR)]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="ca_DefaultTargetDir" Before="FileCost" ><![CDATA[NOT Installed AND (NOT INSTALLDIR) AND EXISTINGINSTALLDIR]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="ca_UninstallTAPInstances" Before="InstallFiles" >1</Custom>
<Custom Action="ca_InstallBrandingArgs" Before="ca_InstallBranding" ><![CDATA[NOT REMOVE]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="ca_InstallBranding" Before="InstallFinalize" ><![CDATA[NOT REMOVE]]></Custom>
<!-- Uninstall branding on complete uninstall, not on update -->
<Custom Action="ca_UninstallBrandingArgs" Before="ca_UninstallBranding" ><![CDATA[(NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND (REMOVE="ALL")]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="ca_UninstallBranding" Before="InstallFinalize" ><![CDATA[(NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND (REMOVE="ALL")]]></Custom>
<?if $(env.VBOX_WITH_MSM_INSTALL) = "no" ?>
<?include VBoxMergeAppSeq.wxi ?>
<?include VBoxMergeNetFltSeq.wxi ?>
<?include VBoxMergePythonSeq.wxi ?>
<?endif ?>