rules revision 09ed5ee011f3a6cd9d4742216ad3bb7dbf855641
# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Oracle Corporation
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from This file is free software;
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
# distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# don't allow to check for kernel syms, otherwise we depend on specific kernel versions!
# same for openSUSE
ifeq ($(shell if grep -q '^/usr/lib/virtualbox' /etc/permissions* 2>/dev/null; then echo yes; fi),yes)
# make sure openSUSE permissions fixes don't interfere with us
$(error Fix /etc/permissions*)
# look for fedora
rpmrel := $(shell cat /etc/fedora-release | sed -e 's/^Fedora *release *\([1-9][0-9]*\) .*/fedora\1/')
ifeq ($(filter-out rhel4 rhel5 rhel6 ol4 ol5 ol6 centos4 centos5 centos6 fedora9 fedora11 fedora12 fedora13 fedora14 fedora15 turbolinux11,$(rpmrel)),)
ifeq ($(filter-out openSUSE110 openSUSE111 openSUSE112 openSUSE113 openSUSE114 sles10.1 sles11.0,$(rpmrel)),)
rpmver :=$(ver)$(if $(NOSUBVER),,$(if $(svn_revision),_$(svn_revision),)$(VERSUFFIX)$(if $(DEBUG),_dbg,))$(if $(BLEEDING_EDGE),_$(BLEEDING_EDGE),)
# Fedora13/14 is bleeding edge, the other jails have outdated kernel headers
instmod := $(if $(filter rhel4 rhel5 rhel6 ol4 ol5 ol6 centos4 centos5 centos6 sles10.1 sles11.0 fedora13 fedora14 fedora15,$(rpmrel)),,install_rpm)
# Mandriva 2007.1, Redhat
# Mandriva 2008.0
# Novell (OpenSUSE, SLES)
$(if $(filter rhel4 rhel5 ol4 ol5 centos4 centos5 sles10.1 turbolinux11,$(rpmrel)),--with-qt4-dir=/home/vbox/Qt-4.4.3-stdc++6-$(arch)) \
$(doc_dir) \
VBOX_PACKAGE_DIST=$(rpmdist) \
VBOX_SVN_REV=$(svnrev) \
$(if $(filter rhel4 rhel5 ol4 ol5 centos4 centos5 fedora9 fedora10 sles10.1 turbolinux11,$(rpmrel)),,VBOX_WITH_SYSFS_BY_DEFAULT=1)
sed \
-e 's|%VER%|$(ver)|g' \
-e 's|%NAME%|$(verpkg)|g' \
-e 's|%BUILDVER%|$(rpmver)|g' \
-e 's|%BUILDREL%|$(rpmrel)|g' \
-e 's|%LIB%|$(rpmlib)|g' \
-e 's|%SPEC%|$(rpmspec)|g' \
-e 's|%MACROSPYTHON%|$(if $(wildcard /usr/lib/rpm/macros.python),%include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.python,)|g' \
-e 's|%INSTMOD%|$(instmod)|g' \
-e 's|%LIBASOUND%|$(if $(filter lib64,$(rpmlib)),,|g' \
-e '/#include {' \
-e 'd' \
-e '}' \
sed \
-e 's|%NOLSB%|yes|g' \
-e 's|%DEBIAN%||g' \
-e 's|%PACKAGE%|virtualbox|g' \
sed \
-e 's|%NOLSB%|yes|g' \
-e 's|%DEBIAN%||g' \
-e 's|%PACKAGE%|virtualbox|g' \
sed \
-e 's|%NOLSB%|yes|g' \
-e 's|%DEBIAN%||g' \
-e 's|%PACKAGE%|virtualbox|g' \