VBoxHeadlessXOrg.sh revision f7d64dadebcd31338aaa1b240f272fb8c8e84921
# VirtualBox X Server auto-start script.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
## Start one or several X servers in the background for use with headless
# rendering. We only support X.Org Server at the moment. Starting the X
# servers is managed by dropping one or more files xorg.conf.<n> into the
# directory ${HEADLESS_X_ORG_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY} - the default value
# below can be overridden in the configuration file. We will attempt to start
# an X server process for each configuration file using display number <n>.
# I have tried to follow the best practices I could find for writing a Linux
# daemon process (and doing it in shell script) which should work well with
# traditional and modern service systems using minimal init or service files.
# In our case this boils down to:
# * Start with a single command line, stop using one of ${EXIT_SIGNALS} below.
# * Stopping with a signal can be done safely using the pid stored in the
# pid-file and our (presumably unique) command name. For this reason we only
# support running one instance of the service though.
# * Support starting in the foreground for systems with proper service control.
# * Support backgrounding with a pid-file for other systems.
# * Clean up all sub-processes (X servers) ourselves when we are stopped
# cleanly and don't provide any other way to clean them up automatically (in
# case we are stopped uncleanly) as we don't know of a generic safe way to
# do so, though some service management systems (i.e. systemd) can do so.
# (A more thorough automatic clean-up would be possible if Xorg didn't
# potentially have to be run as root, so that we could run all processes
# using a service-specific user account and just terminate all processes
# run by that user to clean up.)
# * For this reason, our pid-file only contains the pid of the master process.
# * To simplify system service and start-up message handling, we write
# Debian-conform progress information to standard output (what processes we
# are starting, information if we do something slow) and errors to standard
# error. The init script or service file can log a single success or
# failure line when we are ready in whatever way the system expects and deal
# with our output in the most appropriate way for the system. Some systems
# require output, others don't mind, and Debian-conform information should
# actually fit everyone's requirements (others are more lax about the
# format).
## Configuration file name.
# Don't use vbox.cfg as that is currently automatically created and deleted.
# Don't use /etc/default/virtualbox as that is Debian policy only and not very
# nice. Let's try to use this in future and phase out the other two.
## @todo Should we be using /etc/virtualbox instead of /etc/vbox?
## The service name. Should match the init script name.
## The descriptive service name.
SERVICE_LONG_NAME="VBoxHeadless X Server service"
## Timeout in seconds when shutting down the service.
## Signals and conditions which may be used to terminate the service.
# Default settings values, override in the configuration file.
## The directory where the configuration files for the X servers are dropped.
## The path to the pidfile for the service.
## The function definition at the start of every non-trivial shell script!
abort() {
stop 2>/dev/null
## $@, ... Error text to output to standard error in printf format.
printf "$@" >&2
exit 1
## Milder version of abort, when we can't continue because of a valid condition.
abandon() {
stop 2>/dev/null
## $@, ... Text to output to standard error in printf format.
printf "$@" >&2
exit 0
usage() {
cat << EOF
$(basename $0) [<options>]
Do any system-wide set-up required to properly run the copy of VirtualBox
residing in the current directory. If no options are specified, everything
except --no-udev-and --log-file is assumed.
-p|--pidfile <name> Specify the name of the file to save the pids of child
processes in. Pass in an empty string to disable
pid-file creation.
-d|-daemonize) Detach fron the terminal and continue running in the
--help|--usage Print this text.
abort_usage() {
usage > &2
abort "$@"
# Change to the directory where the script is located.
MY_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
MY_DIR=`cd "${MY_DIR}" && pwd`
[ -d "${MY_DIR}" ] ||
abort "Failed to change to directory ${MY_DIR}.\n"
# Get installation configuration
[ -r /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg ] || abort "/etc/vbox/vbox.cfg not found.\n"
. /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg
[ -r scripts/generated.sh ] ||
abort "${LOG_FILE}" "Failed to find installation information in ${MY_DIR}.\n"
. scripts/generated.sh
[ -r /etc/vbox/vbox.conf ] && . /etc/vbox/vbox.conf
cat << EOF
${VBOX_PRODUCT} VBoxHeadless X Server start-up service Version ${VBOX_VERSION_STRING}
All rights reserved.
# Parse our arguments.
while true; do
case $1 in
[ -n "$2" ] || abort_usage "Missing argument for $1.\n"
shift 2
exit 0
abort_usage "Unknown argument $1.\n"
ps -p "$(cat "${HEADLESS_X_ORG_PIDFILE}")" -o comm | grep -q "${SERVICE_NAME}" &&
abort "The service appears to be already running.\n"
{ [ ! -d "${PIDFILE_DIRECTORY}" ] && [ ! -w "${PIDFILE_DIRECTORY}" ] } &&
abort "Can't write to pid-file directory ${PIDFILE_DIRECTORY}.\n"
{ [ -d "/var/log" ] && [ -w "/var/log" ] } ||
abort "Can't write to /var/log.\n"
# Refuse to daemonize without creating a pid-file. Change this if we think of
# a good reason.
{ [ -n "${DAEMONIZE}" ] && [ -z "${HEADLESS_X_ORG_PIDFILE}" ] } &&
abort "Daemonizing without creating a pid-file is not supported.\n"
# Double background from shell script, disconnecting all standard streams, to
# daemonise. This may fail if someone has connected something to another file
# descriptor. This is indented (see e.g. fghack in the daemontools package).
if [ -n "${DAEMONIZE}" ]; then
("$0" -p "${HEADLESS_X_ORG_PIDFILE}" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "Created daemon process with PID $!.") &
exit 0
trap "kill \"\${X_SERVER_PIDS}\"; exit 0" ${EXIT_SIGNALS}
space="" # Hack to put spaces between the pids but not before or after.
for file in "${HEADLESS_X_ORG_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY}"/xorg.conf.*; do
filename="$(basename "${file}")"
expr "${filename}" : "xorg.conf.[0-9]*" ||
{ stop; abort "Badly formed file name \"${file}\".\n" }
Xorg ":${screen}" -config "${file}" > /dev/null 2>&1 & ||
abort "Failed to create screen ${screen}.\n"
space=" "
echo "$$" > "${HEADLESS_X_ORG_PIDFILE}"