SUPR3HardenedMain-win.cpp revision 40839c441cb305d84420565f7ca25403d8177413
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox Support Library - Hardened main(), windows bits.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Header Files *
#include <AccCtrl.h>
#include <AclApi.h>
#include <iprt/initterm.h>
#include "SUPLibInternal.h"
#include "win/SUPHardenedVerify-win.h"
#include "../SUPDrvIOC.h"
* Defined Constants And Macros *
/** The first argument of a respawed stub argument.
* This just needs to be unique enough to avoid most confusion with real
* executable names, there are other checks in place to make sure we've respanwed. */
#define SUPR3_RESPAWN_ARG0 "81954AF5-4D2F-31EB-A142-B7AF187A1C41-suplib-2ndchild"
/** Unconditional assertion. */
#define SUPR3HARDENED_ASSERT(a_Expr) \
do { \
if (!(a_Expr)) \
} while (0)
/** Unconditional assertion of NT_SUCCESS. */
do { \
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNtAssert)) \
} while (0)
/** Unconditional assertion of a WIN32 API returning non-FALSE. */
do { \
} while (0)
* Structures and Typedefs *
* Security descriptor cleanup structure.
} Acl;
/** Pointer to security cleanup structure. */
* Image verifier cache entry.
/** Pointer to the next entry with the same hash value. */
struct VERIFIERCACHEENTRY * volatile pNext;
/** The file handle. */
/** If fIndexNumber is set, this is an file system internal file identifier. */
/** The path hash value. */
/** The verification result. */
int rc;
/** Whether IndexNumber is valid */
bool fIndexNumberValid;
/** cwcPath * sizeof(RTUTF16). */
/** The full path of this entry (variable size). */
/** Pointer to an image verifier path entry. */
* Global Variables *
/** @name Global variables initialized by suplibHardenedWindowsMain.
* @{ */
/** Combined windows NT version number. See SUP_MAKE_NT_VER_COMBINED. */
uint32_t g_uNtVerCombined = 0;
/** Count calls to the special main function for linking santity checks. */
static uint32_t volatile g_cSuplibHardenedWindowsMainCalls;
/** The UTF-16 windows path to the executable. */
/** The NT path of the executable. */
/** The offset into g_SupLibHardenedExeNtPath of the executable name (WCHAR,
* not byte). This also gives the length of the exectuable directory path,
* including a trailing slash. */
/** @} */
/** @name Hook related variables.
* @{ */
/** The jump back address of the patched NtCreateSection. */
/** Pointer to the bit of assembly code that will perform the original
* NtCreateSection operation. */
/** The hash table of verifier cache . */
/** @ */
/** Static error info structure used during init. */
static RTERRINFOSTATIC g_ErrInfoStatic;
* Internal Functions *
#ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
# include "NtCreateSection-template-amd64-syscall-type-1.h"
#ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
# include "NtCreateSection-template-x86-syscall-type-1.h"
* Simple wide char search routine.
* @returns Pointer to the first location of @a wcNeedle in @a pwszHaystack.
* NULL if not found.
* @param pwszHaystack Pointer to the string that should be searched.
* @param wcNeedle The character to search for.
for (;;)
return (PRTUTF16)pwszHaystack;
if (wcCur == '\0')
return NULL;
* Simple wide char string length routine.
* @returns The number of characters in the given string. (Excludes the
* terminator.)
* @param pwsz The string.
while (*pwszCur != '\0')
* Allocate zero filled memory on the heap.
* @returns Pointer to the memory. Will never return NULL, triggers a fatal
* error instead.
* @param cb The number of bytes to allocate.
if (!pv)
return pv;
* Reallocates memory on the heap.
* @returns Pointer to the resized memory block. Will never return NULL,
* triggers a fatal error instead.
* @param pvOld The old memory block.
* @param cbNew The new block size.
if (!pvOld)
return suplibHardenedAllocZ(cbNew);
if (!pv)
return pv;
* Frees memory allocated by suplibHardenedAlloc, suplibHardenedAllocZ or
* suplibHardenedReAlloc.
* @param pv Pointer to the memeory to be freed.
if (pv)
* Wrapper around LoadLibraryEx that deals with the UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion
* and supplies the right flags.
* @returns Module handle on success, NULL on failure.
* @param pszName The full path to the DLL.
* @param fSystem32Only Whether to only look for imports in the system32
* directory. If set to false, the application
* directory is also searched.
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
while (*pwszPath)
if (*pwszPath == '/')
*pwszPath = '\\';
if (!fSystem32Only)
/* Vista, W7, W2K8R might not work without KB2533623, so retry with no flags. */
if ( !pvRet
&& fFlags
return pvRet;
return NULL;
* Gets the internal index number of the file.
* @returns True if we got an index number, false if not.
* @param hFile The file in question.
* @param pIndexNumber where to return the index number.
NTSTATUS rcNt = NtQueryInformationFile(hFile, &Ios, pIndexNumber, sizeof(*pIndexNumber), FileInternalInformation);
if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
#ifdef DEBUG_bird
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
* Calculates the hash value for the given UTF-16 string.
* @returns Hash value.
* @param pUniStr String to hash.
while (cwcLeft-- > 0)
return uHash;
* Inserts the given verifier result into the cache.
* @param pUniStr The full path of the image.
* @param hFile The file handle - must either be entered into
* the cache or closed.
* @param rc The verifier result.
* @param fCacheable Whether this is a cacheable result. Passed in
* here instead of being handled by the caller to
* save code duplication.
static void supR3HardenedWinVerifyCacheInsert(PCUNICODE_STRING pUniStr, HANDLE hFile, int rc, bool fCacheable)
* Don't cache anything until we've got the WinVerifyTrust API up and running.
&& fCacheable)
* Allocate and initalize a new entry.
if (pEntry)
* Try insert it, careful with concurrent code as well as potential duplicates.
for (;;)
if (!pOther)
/* Duplicate entry. */
#ifdef DEBUG_bird
* Looks up an entry in the verifier hash table.
* @return Pointer to the entry on if found, NULL if not.
* @param pUniStr The full path of the image.
* @param hFile The file handle.
static PVERIFIERCACHEENTRY supR3HardenedWinVerifyCacheLookup(PCUNICODE_STRING pUniStr, HANDLE hFile)
while (pCur)
if (!pCur->fIndexNumberValid)
return pCur;
if ( fIndexNumberValid
return pCur;
#ifdef DEBUG_bird
return NULL;
* Hook that monitors NtCreateSection calls.
* @returns NT status code.
* @param phSection Where to return the section handle.
* @param fAccess The desired access.
* @param pObjAttribs The object attributes (optional).
* @param pcbSection The section size (optional).
* @param fProtect The max section protection.
* @param fAttribs The section attributes.
* @param hFile The file to create a section from (optional).
supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection(PHANDLE phSection, ACCESS_MASK fAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES pObjAttribs,
* Query the name of the file, making sure to zero terminator the
* string. (2nd half of buffer is used for error info, see below.)
} uBuf;
NTSTATUS rcNt = NtQueryObject(hFile, ObjectNameInformation, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf) - sizeof(WCHAR) - 128, &cbNameBuf);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false,
"supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: NtQueryObject -> %#x (fImage=%d fExecMap=%d fExecProt=%d)\n",
return rcNt;
* Check the cache.
if (pCacheHit)
SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: cache hit (%Rrc) on %ls\n", pCacheHit->rc, pCacheHit->wszPath));
return g_pfnNtCreateSectionReal(phSection, fAccess, pObjAttribs, pcbSection, fProtect, fAttribs, hFile);
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false,
"supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: cached rc=%Rrc fImage=%d fExecMap=%d fExecProt=%d %ls\n",
* On XP the loader might hand us handles with just FILE_EXECUTE and
* SYNCRHONIZE, the means reading will fail later on. So, we might
* have to reopen the file here in order to validate it - annoying.
0 /* Handle attributes*/, 0 /* Options */);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &uBuf.UniStr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL /*hRootDir*/, NULL /*pSecDesc*/);
NULL /* Allocation Size*/,
NULL /*EaBuffer*/,
0 /*EaLength*/);
if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false,
"supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: Failed to duplicate and open the file: rcNt=%#x hFile=%p %ls\n",
return rcNt;
#ifdef DEBUG
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false, "supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: NtDuplicateObject(,%#x,) failed: %#x\n", hFile, rcNt);
* Special Kludge for Windows XP and W2K3 and their stupid attempts
* at mapping a hidden XML file called c:\Windows\WindowsShell.Manifest
* with executable access. The image bit isn't set, fortunately.
if ( !fImage
PRTUTF16 pwszName = &uBuf.UniStr.Buffer[(g_System32NtPath.UniStr.Length - sizeof(L"System32") + sizeof(WCHAR)) / sizeof(WCHAR)];
* Drop all executable access to the mapping and let it continue.
SUP_DPRINTF(("supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: Applying the drop-exec-kludge for '%ls'\n", uBuf.UniStr.Buffer));
if (fProtect & PAGE_EXECUTE)
return g_pfnNtCreateSectionReal(phSection, fAccess, pObjAttribs, pcbSection, fProtect, fAttribs, hFile);
* Check the path. We don't allow DLLs to be loaded from just anywhere:
* 1. System32 - normal code or cat signing.
* 2. WinSxS - normal code or cat signing.
* 3. VirtualBox - kernel code signing and integrity checks.
bool fSystem32 = false;
fSystem32 = true;
g_offSupLibHardenedExeNtName * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0)
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false,
"supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: Not a trusted location: '%ls' (fImage=%d fExecMap=%d fExecProt=%d)\n",
* Do the verification. For better error message we borrow what's
* left of the path buffer for an RTERRINFO buffer.
bool fCacheable = true;
int rc = supHardenedWinVerifyImageByHandle(hMyFile, uBuf.UniStr.Buffer, fFlags, &fCacheable, &ErrInfo);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
supR3HardenedError(VINF_SUCCESS, false,
"supR3HardenedMonitor_NtCreateSection: rc=%Rrc fImage=%d fExecMap=%d fExecProt=%d %ls: %s\n",
* Call checked out OK, call the original.
return g_pfnNtCreateSectionReal(phSection, fAccess, pObjAttribs, pcbSection, fProtect, fAttribs, hFile);
#ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
* Tries to allocate memory between @a uStart and @a uEnd.
* @returns Pointer to the memory on success. NULL on failure.
* @param uStart The start address.
* @param uEnd The end address. This is lower than @a uStart
* if @a iDirection is negative, and higher if
* positive.
* @param iDirection The search direction.
* @param cbAlloc The number of bytes to allocate.
static void *supR3HardenedWinAllocHookMemory(uintptr_t uStart, uintptr_t uEnd, intptr_t iDirection, size_t cbAlloc)
* Make uEnd the last valid return address.
if (iDirection > 0)
* Search for free memory.
for (;;)
* Examine the memory at this address, if it's free, try make the allocation here.
(void *)uCur,
for (;;)
void *pvMem = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, (void *)uCur, cbAlloc, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pvMem)
if ( iDirection > 0
return pvMem;
/* Advance within the free area and try again? */
if ( iDirection > 0
* Advance to the next memory region.
if (iDirection > 0)
return NULL;
* Install hooks for intercepting calls dealing with mapping shared libraries
* into the process.
* This allows us to prevent undesirable shared libraries from being loaded.
* @remarks We assume we're alone in this process, so no seralizing trickery is
* necessary when installing the patch.
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedWinInstallHooks(void)
* Install a anti debugging hack before we continue. This prevents most
* notifications from ending up in the debugger.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
"NtSetInformationThread/ThreadHideFromDebugger failed: %#x\n", rcNt);
* Locate the routine.
#ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
* For 64-bit hosts we need some memory within a +/-2GB range of the
* actual function to be able to patch it.
-1, cbMem);
if (!pvMem)
1, cbMem);
if (!pvMem)
"Failed to allocate memory within the +/-2GB range from NTDLL.\n");
* Patch 64-bit hosts.
0:000> u ntdll!NtCreateSection
00000000`779f1750 4c8bd1 mov r10,rcx
00000000`779f1753 b847000000 mov eax,47h
00000000`779f1758 0f05 syscall
00000000`779f175a c3 ret
00000000`779f175b 0f1f440000 nop dword ptr [rax+rax]
The variant is the value loaded into eax: W2K3=??, Vista=47h?, W7=47h, W80=48h, W81=49h */
switch (pbNtCreateSection[4])
# define SYSCALL(a_Num) case a_Num: pfnCallReal = RT_CONCAT(supR3HardenedJmpBack_NtCreateSection_,a_Num); break;
# include "NtCreateSection-template-amd64-syscall-type-1.h"
if (pfnCallReal)
pbNtCreateSection[0] = 0xff;
*(uint32_t *)&pbNtCreateSection[2] = (uint32_t)((uintptr_t)puJmpTab - (uintptr_t)&pbNtCreateSection[2+4]);
* Patch 32-bit hosts.
/* Pattern #1: XP thru Windows 7
kd> u ntdll!NtCreateSection
7c90d160 b832000000 mov eax,32h
7c90d165 ba0003fe7f mov edx,offset SharedUserData!SystemCallStub (7ffe0300)
7c90d16a ff12 call dword ptr [edx]
7c90d16c c21c00 ret 1Ch
7c90d16f 90 nop
The variable bit is the value loaded into eax: XP=32h, W2K3=34h, Vista=4bh, W7=54h
Pattern #2: Windows 8.1
0:000:x86> u ntdll_6a0f0000!NtCreateSection
6a15eabc b854010000 mov eax,154h
6a15eac1 e803000000 call ntdll_6a0f0000!NtCreateSection+0xd (6a15eac9)
6a15eac6 c21c00 ret 1Ch
6a15eac9 8bd4 mov edx,esp
6a15eacb 0f34 sysenter
6a15eacd c3 ret
The variable bit is the value loaded into eax: W81=154h
Note! One nice thing here is that we can share code pattern #1. */
# define SYSCALL(a_Num) case a_Num: pfnCallReal = RT_CONCAT(supR3HardenedJmpBack_NtCreateSection_,a_Num); break;
# include "NtCreateSection-template-x86-syscall-type-1.h"
if (pfnCallReal)
pbNtCreateSection[0] = 0xe9;
"Failed to install NtCreateSection monitor: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n "
#ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
"(It is also possible you are running 32-bit VirtualBox under 64-bit windows.)\n"
* Verifies the process integrity.
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedWinVerifyProcess(void)
int rc = supHardenedWinVerifyProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &g_ErrInfoStatic.Core);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
* Gets the SID of the user associated with the process.
* @returns @c true if we've got a login SID, @c false if not.
* @param pSidUser Where to return the user SID.
* @param cbSidUser The size of the user SID buffer.
* @param pSidLogin Where to return the login SID.
* @param cbSidLogin The size of the login SID buffer.
static bool supR3HardenedGetUserAndLogSids(PSID pSidUser, ULONG cbSidUser, PSID pSidLogin, ULONG cbSidLogin)
} uBuf;
SUPR3HARDENED_ASSERT_NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryInformationToken(hToken, TokenUser, &uBuf, sizeof(uBuf), &cbRet));
bool fLoginSid = false;
if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
fLoginSid = true;
return fLoginSid;
* Build security attributes for the process or the primary thread (@a fProcess)
* Process DACLs can be bypassed using the SeDebugPrivilege (generally available
* modifying the DACL. However, it restricts
* @param pSecAttrs Where to return the security attributes.
* @param pCleanup Cleanup record.
* @param fProcess Set if it's for the process, clear if it's for
* the primary thread.
static void supR3HardenedInitSecAttrs(PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecAttrs, PMYSECURITYCLEANUP pCleanup, bool fProcess)
* Safe return values.
/** @todo This isn't at all complete, just sketches... */
* Create an ACL detailing the access of the above groups.
SUPR3HARDENED_ASSERT_NT_SUCCESS(RtlCreateAcl(&pCleanup->Acl.AclHdr, sizeof(pCleanup->Acl), ACL_REVISION));
if (fProcess)
/* Deny everyone access to bad bits. */
#if 1
#if 0
/* Grant some access to the owner - doesn't work. */
#if 1
# if 1
/* Grant minimal access to the user. */
# endif
# if 1
/* Grant very limited access to the login sid. */
if (fHasLoginSid)
# endif
* Create a security descriptor with the above ACL.
SUPR3HARDENED_ASSERT_NT_SUCCESS(RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor(pSecDesc, TRUE /*fDaclPresent*/, &pCleanup->Acl.AclHdr,
FALSE /*fDaclDefaulted*/));
* Predicate function which tests whether @a ch is a argument separator
* character.
* @param ch The character to examine.
return ch == ' '
|| ch == '\t'
|| ch == '\n'
|| ch == '\r';
* GetCommandLineW (see suplibHardenedWindowsMain), we skip the argument
* by argument UTF-8 -> UTF-16 conversion and quoting by going to the
* original source.
* The executable name, though, is replaced in case it's not a fullly
* qualified path.
* The re-spawn indicator is added immediately after the executable name
* so that we don't get tripped up missing close quote chars in the last
* argument.
* @returns Pointer to a command line string (heap).
static PRTUTF16 supR3HardenedWinConstructCmdLine(void)
* Get the command line and skip the executable name.
/* Skip leading space (shouldn't be any, but whatever). */
while (suplibCommandLineIsArgSeparator(*pwszArgs))
/* Walk to the end of it. */
int fQuoted = false;
if (*pwszArgs == '"')
unsigned cSlashes = 0;
while (*++pwszArgs == '\\');
pwszArgs++; /* odd number of slashes == escaped quote */
/* Skip trailing spaces. */
while (suplibCommandLineIsArgSeparator(*pwszArgs))
* Allocate a new buffer.
size_t cwcCmdLine = (sizeof(SUPR3_RESPAWN_ARG0) - 1) / sizeof(SUPR3_RESPAWN_ARG0[0]) /* Respawn exe name. */
PRTUTF16 pwszCmdLine = (PRTUTF16)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0 /* dwFlags*/, (cwcCmdLine + 1) * sizeof(RTUTF16));
* Construct the new command line.
if (cwcArgs)
*pwszDst++ = ' ';
*pwszDst = '\0';
return pwszCmdLine;
* Does the actually respawning.
* @returns Exit code (if we get that far).
static int supR3HardenedWinDoReSpawn(void)
* Configure the startup info and creation flags.
DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0;
if (1)
/** @todo experiment with protected process stuff later on. */
* Set up security descriptors.
* Construct the command line and launch the process.
TRUE /*fInheritHandles*/,
NULL /*pwszzEnvironment*/,
NULL /*pwszCurDir*/,
"Error relaunching VirtualBox VM process: %u\n"
"Command line: '%ls'",
GetLastError(), pwszCmdLine);
* Close the unrestricted access handles. Since we need to wait on the
* child process, we'll reopen the process with limited access before doing
* away with the process handle returned by CreateProcess.
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
FALSE /*fInheritHandle*/,
/* This is unacceptable, kill the process. */
supR3HardenedError(dwErr, false /*fFatal*/, "DuplicateHandle failed on child process handle: %u\n", dwErr);
&& dwExit != STILL_ACTIVE;
if (!fExitOk)
&& dwExit != STILL_ACTIVE;
} while ( !fExitOk
if (fExitOk)
"DuplicateHandle failed and we failed to kill child: dwErr=%u dwWait=%u err=%u hProcess=%p\n",
"DuplicateHandle failed on child process handle: %u\n", dwErr);
* Wait for the process to terminate and proxy the termination code.
for (;;)
if ( dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0
|| dwWait == WAIT_ABANDONED_0)
if ( dwWait != WAIT_TIMEOUT
|| dwExit == STILL_ACTIVE)
* Called by the main code if supR3HardenedWinIsReSpawnNeeded returns @c true.
* @returns Program exit code.
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedWinReSpawn(void)
* Open the stub device.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttr, &NtName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL /*hRootDir*/, NULL /*pSecDesc*/);
NULL /* Allocation Size*/,
NULL /*EaBuffer*/,
0 /*EaLength*/);
if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
* Respawn the process with kernel protection for the new process.
return supR3HardenedWinDoReSpawn();
* Checks if re-spawning is required, replacing the respawn argument if not.
* @returns true if required, false if not. In the latter case, the first
* argument in the vector is replaced.
* @param cArgs The number of arguments.
* @param papszArgs Pointer to the argument vector.
if (cArgs < 1)
return true;
return true;
/* Replace the argument. */
return false;
* Initializes the windows verficiation bits.
* @param fFlags The main flags.
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
* Complain about Vista w/o service pack if we're launching a VM.
"Window Vista without any service pack installed is not supported. Please install the latest service pack.");
* Converts the Windows command line string (UTF-16) to an array of UTF-8
* arguments suitable for passing to main().
* @returns Pointer to the argument array.
* @param pwszCmdLine The UTF-16 windows command line to parse.
* @param pcArgs Where to return the number of arguments.
* Convert the command line string to UTF-8.
int cbNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0 /*dwFlags*/, pwszCmdLine, -1, NULL /*pszDst*/, 0 /*cbDst*/,
* Parse the command line, carving argument strings out of it.
int cArgs = 0;
int cArgsAllocated = 4;
char *pszSrc = pszCmdLine;
for (;;)
/* skip leading blanks. */
while (suplibCommandLineIsArgSeparator(ch))
if (!ch)
/* Add argument to the vector. */
cArgsAllocated *= 2;
/* Unquote and unescape the string. */
bool fQuoted = false;
if (ch == '"')
unsigned cSlashes = 0;
if (ch == '"')
while (cSlashes >= 2)
cSlashes -= 2;
*pszDst++ = '\\';
if (cSlashes)
*pszDst++ = '"';
while (cSlashes-- > 0)
*pszDst++ = '\\';
/* Terminate the argument. */
*pszDst = '\0';
if (!ch)
return papszArgs;
* The executable entry point.
* This is normally taken care of by the C runtime library, but we don't want to
* get involved with anything as complicated like the CRT in this setup. So, we
* it everything ourselves, including parameter parsing.
* Init g_uNtVerCombined. (The code is shared with SUPR3.lib and lives in
* Get the executable name.
"The executable path is too long.");
/* The NT version. */
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(g_wszSupLibHardenedExePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL /*pSecurityAttributes*/,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibHardenedWindowsMain", kSupInitOp_Integrity, RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()),
"Error opening the executable: %u (%ls).", GetLastError());
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibHardenedWindowsMain", kSupInitOp_Integrity, RTErrConvertFromNtStatus(rcNt),
/* The NT executable name offset / dir path length. */
while ( g_offSupLibHardenedExeNtName > 1
* Convert the arguments to UTF-8 and call the C/C++ main function.
int cArgs;
* Exit the process (never return).