SUPDrvA-win.asm revision a8b1bb66f0008a283362511940fea8bac6f51754
; $Id$
;; @file
; VirtualBox Support Driver - Windows NT specific assembly parts.
; Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
; Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
; Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
; additional information or have any questions.
;* Header Files *
%include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
%define _DbgPrint DbgPrint
extern _DbgPrint
%if 1 ; see alternative in SUPDrv-win.cpp
; Kind of alias for DbgPrint
jmp _DbgPrint
%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
; Common prolog, take the proc name as argument.
; This creates a 0x80 byte stack frame.
%macro NtWrapProlog 1
[proc_frame %1]
push rbp
[pushreg rbp]
mov rbp, rsp
[setframe rbp, 0]
sub rsp, 0x80
[allocstack 0x80]
; save rdi and load rbp into it
mov [rbp - 8h], rdi
[savereg rdi, 0x78]
mov rdi, rbp
; Common epilog, take the proc name as argument.
%macro NtWrapEpilog 1
; restore rbp and rdi then return.
mov rbp, rdi
mov rdi, [rdi - 8h]
[endproc_frame %1]
; Create a stack marker with the rbp. The marker is 32 byte big.
; This is 32-byte aligned and 32 byte in size.
; Trashes r10
%macro NtWrapCreateMarker 0
lea r10, [rbp - 30h]
and r10, ~1fh ; 32-byte align it.
mov dword [r10 ], 0x20080901
mov dword [r10 + 04h], 0x20080902
mov qword [r10 + 08h], rbp
mov dword [r10 + 10h], 0x20080903
mov dword [r10 + 14h], 0x20080904
mov qword [r10 + 18h], rbp
; Destroys the stack marker.
; Trashes r10
%macro NtWrapDestroyMarker 0
lea r10, [rbp - 30h]
and r10, ~1fh ; 32-byte align it.
mov [r10 ], rbp
mov [r10 + 08h], rbp
mov [r10 + 10h], rbp
mov [r10 + 18h], rbp
; Find the stack marker with the rbp of the entry frame.
; Search the current stack page inline, call a helper function
; which does a safe search of any further stack pages.
; Trashes rax, r10 and r11.
; Modifies rbp
%macro NtWrapLocateMarker 0
mov rax, rbp
and rax, ~1fh ; 32-byte align it.
; Calc remainig space in the current page. If we're on a
; page boundrary, we'll search the entire previous page.
mov r10, rax
neg r10
and r10, 0fffh
inc r10
shr r10, 5 ; /= 32 bytes
jz %%not_found ; If zero, take the slow path
; The search loop.
dec r10
lea rax, [rax + 20h]
jz %%not_found
cmp dword [rax ], 0x20080901
je %%candidate
jmp %%again
call NAME(NtWrapLocateMarkerHelper)
jmp %%done
cmp dword [rax + 04h], 0x20080902
jne %%again
cmp dword [rax + 10h], 0x20080903
jne %%again
cmp dword [rax + 14h], 0x20080904
jne %%again
mov r11, [rax + 08h]
cmp r11, [rax + 18h]
jne %%again
; found it, change rbp.
mov rbp, r11
; Wraps a function with 4 or less argument that will go into registers.
%macro NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams 1
extern NAME(%1)
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrap%1
call NAME(%1)
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrap%1
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
; Wraps a function with 5 argument, where the first 4 goes into registers.
%macro NtWrapFunctionWith5Params 1
extern NAME(%1)
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrap%1
mov r11, [rdi + 30h]
mov [rsp + 20h], r11
call NAME(%1)
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrap%1
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
; Wraps a function with 6 argument, where the first 4 goes into registers.
%macro NtWrapFunctionWith6Params 1
extern NAME(%1)
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrap%1
mov r11, [rdi + 30h]
mov [rsp + 20h], r11
mov r10, [rdi + 38h]
mov [rsp + 28h], r10
call NAME(%1)
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrap%1
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
; Wraps a function with 7 argument, where the first 4 goes into registers.
%macro NtWrapFunctionWith7Params 1
extern NAME(%1)
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrap%1
mov r11, [rdi + 30h]
mov [rsp + 20h], r11
mov r10, [rdi + 38h]
mov [rsp + 28h], r10
mov rax, [rdi + 40h]
mov [rsp + 30h], rax
call NAME(%1)
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrap%1
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrap%1
extern IoGetStackLimits
; Helper that cautiously continues the stack marker search
; NtWrapLocateMarker started.
; The stack layout at the time is something like this.
; rbp+08h callers return address.
; rbp-00h saved rbp
; rbp-08h saved rdi
; rbp-09h
; thru unused.
; rbp-80h
; rbp-88h our return address.
; rbp-89h
; thru callee register dump zone.
; rbp-a0h
; @param rax Current stack location.
; @param rdi Parent stack frame pointer. (This should equal rbp on entry.)
; Trashes: rax, r10, r11.
; Will use the callers stack frame for register saving ASSUMING that
; rbp-80h thru rbp-09h is unused.
; Modifies: rbp
BEGINPROC NtWrapLocateMarkerHelper
; Prolog. Save volatile regs and reserve callee space.
sub rsp, 20h ; For IoGetStackLimits().
mov [rdi - 80h], rax
mov [rdi - 78h], rcx
mov [rdi - 70h], rdx
mov [rdi - 68h], r8
mov [rdi - 60h], r9
; Call VOID IoGetStackLimits(OUT PULONG_PTR LowLimit, OUT PULONG_PTR HighLimit);
; Use rdi-40h for the high limit and rdi-50h for the low one, we're only
; interested in the high one.
lea rcx, [rdi - 40h] ; arg #1 LowLimit
lea rdx, [rdi - 50h] ; arg #2 HighLimit
mov [rdx], eax ; paranoia - init to end of current search.
call IoGetStackLimits
; Move the top address into r10, restore rax and continue
; the search. Check that r10 is less than 3 pages from rax.
mov rax, [rdi - 80h] ; Restore eax (see prolog)
mov r10, [rdi - 50h] ; HighLimit
and r10, ~1fh ; 32-byte align it (downwards)
sub r10, rax
jz .not_found ; If already at the top of the stack.
cmp r10, 3000h
jae .out_of_bounds ; If too far away, something is busted.
shr r10, 5 ; /= 32.
; The loop body.
cmp dword [rax ], 0x20080901
je .candidate
dec r10
jz .not_found
lea rax, [rax + 20h]
jmp .search_loop
; Found the first marker, check for the rest.
cmp dword [rax + 04h], 0x20080902
jne .continue_searching
cmp dword [rax + 10h], 0x20080903
jne .continue_searching
cmp dword [rax + 14h], 0x20080904
jne .continue_searching
mov r11, [rax + 08h]
cmp r11, [rax + 18h]
jne .continue_searching
; found it, change rbp.
mov rbp, r11
; Restore registers and pop the stack frame.
mov r9, [rdi - 60h]
mov r8, [rdi - 68h]
mov rdx, [rdi - 70h]
mov rcx, [rdi - 78h]
; mov rax, [rdi - 80h]
add rsp, 20h
; Needless to say, this isn't supposed to happen. Thus the int3.
; Note down r10 and rax.
%ifdef DEBUG
%ifdef DEBUG
jmp .epilog
ENDPROC NtWrapLocateMarkerHelper
; This has the same order as the list in SUPDrv.c
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ComponentRegisterFactory
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ComponentDeregisterFactory
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ComponentQueryFactory
NtWrapFunctionWith5Params SUPR0ObjRegister
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ObjAddRef
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ObjRelease
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0LockMem
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0UnlockMem
NtWrapFunctionWith5Params SUPR0ContAlloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0ContFree
NtWrapFunctionWith5Params SUPR0LowAlloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0LowFree
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0MemAlloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0MemGetPhys
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0MemFree
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0PageAlloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0PageFree
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams SUPR0Printf - cannot wrap this buster.
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemAlloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemAllocZ
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemFree
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemDup
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemDupEx
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMemRealloc
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAllocLow
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAllocPage
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAllocPhys
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAllocPhysNC
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAllocCont
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjLockUser
NtWrapFunctionWith5Params RTR0MemObjMapKernel
NtWrapFunctionWith6Params RTR0MemObjMapUser
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAddress - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjAddressR3 - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjSize - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjIsMapping - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr - not necessary
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0MemObjFree
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTProcSelf - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTR0ProcHandleSelf - not necessary
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemFastMutexCreate
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemFastMutexDestroy
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemFastMutexRequest
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemFastMutexRelease
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventCreate
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventSignal
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventWait
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventWaitNoResume
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventDestroy
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiCreate
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiSignal
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiReset
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiWait
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiWaitNoResume
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSemEventMultiDestroy
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockCreate
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockDestroy
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockAcquire
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockRelease
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockAcquireNoInts
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTSpinlockReleaseNoInts
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTTimeNanoTS - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTTimeMilliTS - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTTimeSystemNanoTS - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTTimeSystemMilliTS - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadNativeSelf - not necessary
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadSleep
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadYield
%if 0 ; Thread APIs, Part 2
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadSelf
NtWrapFunctionWith7Params RTThreadCreate
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadGetNative
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadWait
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadWaitNoResume
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadGetName
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadSelfName
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadGetType
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadUserSignal
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadUserReset
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadUserWait
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTThreadUserWaitNoResume
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogDefaultInstance - a bit of a gamble, but we do not want the overhead!
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpCpuId - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpIsCpuPossible - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpGetCount - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpGetMaxCpuId - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpGetOnlineCount - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpGetOnlineSet - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpGetSet - not necessary
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpIsCpuOnline - not necessary
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpOnAll
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpOnOthers
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTMpOnSpecific
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogRelDefaultInstance - not necessary.
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogLogger - can't wrap this buster.
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogLoggerEx - can't wrap this buster.
NtWrapFunctionWith5Params RTLogLoggerExV
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogPrintf - can't wrap this buster. ;; @todo provide va_list log wrappers in RuntimeR0.
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams RTLogPrintfV
NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams AssertMsg1
;NtWrapFunctionWithAllRegParams AssertMsg2 - can't wrap this buster.
; @cproto DECLASM(int) supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryEx(PFNRT pfnVMMR0EntryEx, PVM pVM, unsigned uOperation, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReq, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPDRVSESSION pSession);
; @param pfnVMMR0EntryEx rcx
; @param pVM rdx
; @param uOperation r8
; @param pReq r9
; @param u64Arg [rsp + 28h] / [rbp + 30h]
; @param pSession [rsp + 30h] / [rbp + 38h]
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryEx
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryEx
mov rax, rcx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, r8
mov r8, r9
mov r9, [rbp + 30h]
mov r11, [rbp + 38h]
mov [rsp + 20h], r11
call rax
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryEx
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryEx
; @cproto DECLASM(int) supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryFast(PFNRT pfnVMMR0EntryFast, PVM pVM, unsigned uOperation);
; @param pfnVMMR0EntryFast rcx
; @param pVM rdx
; @param uOperation r8
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryFast
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryFast
mov rax, rcx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, r8
call rax
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryFast
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapVMMR0EntryFast
; @cproto DECLASM(void) supdrvNtWrapObjDestructor(PFNRT pfnDestruction, void *pvObj, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
; @param pfnDestruction rcx
; @param pvObj rdx
; @param pvUser1 r8
; @param pvUser2 r9
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapObjDestructor
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapObjDestructor
mov rax, rcx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, r8
mov r8, r9
call rax
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapObjDestructor
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapObjDestructor
; @cproto DECLASM(void *) supdrvNtWrapQueryFactoryInterface(PFNRT pfnQueryFactoryInterface, struct SUPDRVFACTORY const *pSupDrvFactory,
; PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, const char *pszInterfaceUuid);
; @param pfnQueryFactoryInterface rcx
; @param pSupDrvFactory rdx
; @param pSession r8
; @param pszInterfaceUuid r9
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapQueryFactoryInterface
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapQueryFactoryInterface
mov rax, rcx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, r8
mov r8, r9
call rax
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapQueryFactoryInterface
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapQueryFactoryInterface
; @cproto DECLASM(int) supdrvNtWrapModuleInit(PFNRT pfnModuleInit);
; @param pfnModuleInit rcx
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapModuleInit
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapModuleInit
call rcx
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapModuleInit
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapModuleInit
; @cproto DECLASM(void) supdrvNtWrapModuleTerm(PFNRT pfnModuleTerm);
; @param pfnModuleInit rcx
BEGINPROC supdrvNtWrapModuleTerm
NtWrapProlog supdrvNtWrapModuleTerm
call rcx
NtWrapEpilog supdrvNtWrapModuleTerm
ENDPROC supdrvNtWrapModuleTerm
%endif ; RT_ARCH_AMD64