Makefile revision 623f56b78e24ab3154f4a00c7bc8bb43579878c5
# $Id$
## @file
# Makefile for the VirtualBox FreeBSD Host Driver.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
# of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
# (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
# CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
# You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
# terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
# Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
# Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
# additional information or have any questions.
KMOD = vboxdrv
.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386")
.elif (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64")
SRCS = \
freebsd/SUPDrv-freebsd.c \
SUPDrv.c \
SUPDrvAgnostic.c \
alloc/heapsimple.c \
common/err/RTErrConvertFromErrno.c \
common/err/RTErrConvertToErrno.c \
common/log/log.c \
common/log/logellipsis.c \
common/log/logrel.c \
common/log/logrelellipsis.c \
common/log/logcom.c \
common/log/logformat.c \
common/misc/handletable.c \
common/misc/handletablectx.c \
common/misc/once.c \
common/misc/thread.c \
common/string/strformat.c \
common/string/strformatrt.c \
common/string/strformattype.c \
common/string/strprintf.c \
common/string/strtonum.c \
common/string/memchr.c \
common/string/string.c \
common/rand/rand.c \
common/rand/randadv.c \
common/rand/randparkmiller.c \
common/path/RTPathStripFilename.c \
common/checksum/crc32.c \
common/checksum/ipv4.c \
common/table/avlpv.c \
generic/uuid-generic.c \
generic/RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.c \
generic/RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.c \
generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.c \
generic/RTLogWriteStdErr-stub-generic.c \
generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.c \
generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemFaster-generic.c \
generic/RTRandAdvCreateSystemTruer-generic.c \
generic/RTTimerCreate-generic.c \
generic/timer-generic.c \
generic/mppresent-generic.c \
r0drv/alloc-r0drv.c \
r0drv/initterm-r0drv.c \
r0drv/powernotification-r0drv.c \
r0drv/freebsd/assert-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/alloc-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/initterm-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/memobj-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/memuserkernel-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/mp-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/process-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/semevent-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/semeventmulti-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/semfastmutex-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/spinlock-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/thread-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/thread2-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/freebsd/time-r0drv-freebsd.c \
r0drv/generic/semspinmutex-r0drv-generic.c \
r0drv/generic/mpnotification-r0drv-generic.c \
r0drv/generic/RTMpIsCpuWorkPending-r0drv-generic.c \
r0drv/memobj-r0drv.c \
VBox/log-vbox.c \
SRCS += device_if.h bus_if.h
.include <>
# HACK ALERT: The generated object files are not stored in the same directories as the
# C files but in the current directory. Linking will fail because
# it searches in the given directories for object files but doesn't
# find them. Redefine the varaiable used for linking with the correct paths
OBJS = \
SUPDrv-freebsd.o \
SUPDrv.o \
heapsimple.o \
RTErrConvertFromErrno.o \
RTErrConvertToErrno.o \
log.o \
logellipsis.o \
logrel.o \
logrelellipsis.o \
logcom.o \
logformat.o \
handletable.o \
handletablectx.o \
once.o \
thread.o \
strformat.o \
strformatrt.o \
strformattype.o \
strprintf.o \
strtonum.o \
memchr.o \
string.o \
rand.o \
randadv.o \
randparkmiller.o \
RTPathStripFilename.o \
crc32.o \
ipv4.o \
avlpv.o \
uuid-generic.o \
RTAssertShouldPanic-generic.o \
RTLogWriteDebugger-generic.o \
RTLogWriteStdOut-stub-generic.o \
RTLogWriteStdErr-stub-generic.o \
RTLogWriteUser-generic.o \
RTRandAdvCreateSystemFaster-generic.o \
RTRandAdvCreateSystemTruer-generic.o \
RTTimerCreate-generic.o \
timer-generic.o \
mppresent-generic.o \
alloc-r0drv.o \
initterm-r0drv.o \
powernotification-r0drv.o \
assert-r0drv-freebsd.o \
alloc-r0drv-freebsd.o \
initterm-r0drv-freebsd.o \
memobj-r0drv-freebsd.o \
memuserkernel-r0drv-freebsd.o \
mp-r0drv-freebsd.o \
process-r0drv-freebsd.o \
semevent-r0drv-freebsd.o \
semeventmulti-r0drv-freebsd.o \
semfastmutex-r0drv-freebsd.o \
spinlock-r0drv-freebsd.o \
thread-r0drv-freebsd.o \
thread2-r0drv-freebsd.o \
time-r0drv-freebsd.o \
semspinmutex-r0drv-generic.o \
mpnotification-r0drv-generic.o \
RTMpIsCpuWorkPending-r0drv-generic.o \
memobj-r0drv.o \
log-vbox.o \