SUPR3HardenedVerify.cpp revision cc74f15083bf80fbc96723a89faa06c15d0dead8
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox Support Library - Verification of Hardened Installation.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Header Files *
#if defined(RT_OS_OS2)
# define INCL_BASE
# define INCL_ERRORS
# include <os2.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/fcntl.h>
# include <sys/errno.h>
# include <sys/syslimits.h>
#elif defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
# include <Windows.h>
# include <stdio.h>
#else /* UNIXes */
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <dlfcn.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <sys/fcntl.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
# include <mach-o/dyld.h>
# endif
#include <VBox/sup.h>
#include <VBox/err.h>
#include <iprt/asm.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/param.h>
#include "SUPLibInternal.h"
* Global Variables *
* The files that gets verified.
* @todo This needs reviewing against the linux packages.
* @todo The excessive use of kSupID_SharedLib needs to be reviewed at some point. For
* the time being we're building the linux packages with SharedLib pointing to
* AppPrivArch (lazy bird).
static SUPINSTFILE const g_aSupInstallFiles[] =
/* type, dir, fOpt, "pszFile" */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VMMR0.r0" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VBoxDDR0.r0" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VBoxDD2R0.r0" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VMMGC.gc" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VBoxDDGC.gc" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VBoxDD2GC.gc" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxRT" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxVMM" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxREM" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxREM32" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxREM64" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxDD" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxDD2" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxDDU" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxDbg" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxDbg3" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxSharedClipboard" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxSharedFolders" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxGuestPropSvc" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxGuestControlSvc" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxSharedCrOpenGL" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxOGLhostcrutil" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxOGLhosterrorspu" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxOGLrenderspu" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxManage" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, false, "VBoxSVC" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArchComp, false, "VBoxC" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppPrivArch, false, "VBoxXPCOMIPCD" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, false, "VBoxXPCOM" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArchComp, false, "VBoxXPCOMIPCC" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArchComp, false, "VBoxC" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArchComp, false, "VBoxSVCM" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Data, kSupID_AppPrivArchComp, false, "VBoxXPCOMBase.xpt" },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VRDPAuth" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxVRDP" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxHeadless" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxHeadless" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxFFmpegFB" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VirtualBox" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VirtualBox" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
# if !defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) && !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(RT_OS_OS2)
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_SharedLib, true, "VBoxKeyboard" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
# endif
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxSDL" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxSDL" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxBFE" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxBFE" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "vboxwebsrv" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
#ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxTunctl" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Exe, kSupID_AppBin, true, "VBoxNetDHCP" SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF },
{ kSupIFT_Dll, kSupID_AppPrivArch, true, "VBoxNetDHCP" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF },
/** Array parallel to g_aSupInstallFiles containing per-file status info. */
static SUPVERIFIEDFILE g_aSupVerifiedFiles[RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles)];
/** Array index by install directory specifier containing info about verified directories. */
static SUPVERIFIEDDIR g_aSupVerifiedDirs[kSupID_End];
* Assembles the path to a directory.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success, some error code on failure (fFatal
* decides whether it returns or not).
* @param enmDir The directory.
* @param pszDst Where to assemble the path.
* @param cchDst The size of the buffer.
* @param fFatal Whether failures should be treated as fatal (true) or not (false).
static int supR3HardenedMakePath(SUPINSTDIR enmDir, char *pszDst, size_t cchDst, bool fFatal)
int rc;
switch (enmDir)
case kSupID_AppBin: /** @todo fix this AppBin crap (uncertain wtf some binaries actually are installed). */
case kSupID_Bin:
rc = supR3HardenedPathExecDir(pszDst, cchDst);
case kSupID_SharedLib:
rc = supR3HardenedPathSharedLibs(pszDst, cchDst);
case kSupID_AppPrivArch:
rc = supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(pszDst, cchDst);
case kSupID_AppPrivArchComp:
rc = supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(pszDst, cchDst);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
size_t off = strlen(pszDst);
if (cchDst - off >= sizeof("/components"))
memcpy(&pszDst[off], "/components", sizeof("/components"));
case kSupID_AppPrivNoArch:
rc = supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateNoArch(pszDst, cchDst);
return supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedMakePath: enmDir=%d\n", enmDir);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
supR3HardenedError(rc, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedMakePath: enmDir=%d rc=%d\n", enmDir, rc);
return rc;
* Assembles the path to a file table entry, with or without the actual filename.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success, some error code on failure (fFatal
* decides whether it returns or not).
* @param pFile The file table entry.
* @param pszDst Where to assemble the path.
* @param cchDst The size of the buffer.
* @param fWithFilename If set, the filename is included, otherwise it is omitted (no trailing slash).
* @param fFatal Whether failures should be treated as fatal (true) or not (false).
static int supR3HardenedMakeFilePath(PCSUPINSTFILE pFile, char *pszDst, size_t cchDst, bool fWithFilename, bool fFatal)
* Combine supR3HardenedMakePath and the filename.
int rc = supR3HardenedMakePath(pFile->enmDir, pszDst, cchDst, fFatal);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
size_t cchFile = strlen(pFile->pszFile);
size_t off = strlen(pszDst);
if (cchDst - off >= cchFile + 2)
pszDst[off++] = '/';
memcpy(&pszDst[off], pFile->pszFile, cchFile + 1);
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedMakeFilePath: pszFile=%s off=%lu\n",
pFile->pszFile, (long)off);
return rc;
* Verifies a directory.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success. On failure, an error code is returned if
* fFatal is clear and if it's set the function wont return.
* @param enmDir The directory specifier.
* @param fFatal Whether validation failures should be treated as
* fatal (true) or not (false).
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedVerifyDir(SUPINSTDIR enmDir, bool fFatal)
* Validate the index just to be on the safe side...
if (enmDir <= kSupID_Invalid || enmDir >= kSupID_End)
return supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: enmDir=%d\n", enmDir);
* Already validated?
if (g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].fValidated)
return VINF_SUCCESS; /** @todo revalidate? */
/* initialize the entry. */
if (g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].hDir != 0)
supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: hDir=%p enmDir=%d\n",
(void *)g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].hDir, enmDir);
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].hDir = -1;
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].fValidated = false;
* Make the path and open the directory.
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
int rc = supR3HardenedMakePath(enmDir, szPath, sizeof(szPath), fFatal);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
HANDLE hDir = CreateFile(szPath,
/** @todo check the type */
/* That's all on windows, for now at least... */
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].hDir = (intptr_t)hDir;
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].fValidated = true;
int err = GetLastError();
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: Failed to open \"%s\": err=%d\n",
szPath, err);
#else /* UNIXY */
int fd = open(szPath, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (fd >= 0)
* On unixy systems we'll make sure the directory is owned by root
* and not writable by the group and user.
struct stat st;
if (!fstat(fd, &st))
if ( st.st_uid == 0
&& !(st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH))
&& S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].hDir = fd;
g_aSupVerifiedDirs[enmDir].fValidated = true;
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: \"%s\" is not a directory\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_uid);
else if (st.st_uid)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: Cannot trust the directory \"%s\": not owned by root (st_uid=%ld)\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_uid);
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: Cannot trust the directory \"%s\": group and/or other writable (st_mode=0%lo)\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_mode);
int err = errno;
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: Failed to fstat \"%s\": %s (%d)\n",
szPath, strerror(err), err);
int err = errno;
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyDir: Failed to open \"%s\": %s (%d)\n",
szPath, strerror(err), err);
#endif /* UNIXY */
return rc;
* Verifies a file entry.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success. On failure, an error code is returned if
* fFatal is clear and if it's set the function wont return.
* @param iFile The file table index of the file to be verified.
* @param fFatal Whether validation failures should be treated as
* fatal (true) or not (false).
* @param fLeaveFileOpen Whether the file should be left open.
static int supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal(int iFile, bool fFatal, bool fLeaveFileOpen)
PCSUPINSTFILE pFile = &g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile];
PSUPVERIFIEDFILE pVerified = &g_aSupVerifiedFiles[iFile];
* Already done?
if (pVerified->fValidated)
return VINF_SUCCESS; /** @todo revalidate? */
/* initialize the entry. */
if (pVerified->hFile != 0)
supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: hFile=%p (%s)\n",
(void *)pVerified->hFile, pFile->pszFile);
pVerified->hFile = -1;
pVerified->fValidated = false;
* Verify the directory then proceed to open it.
* (This'll make sure the directory is opened and that we can (later)
* use openat if we wish.)
int rc = supR3HardenedVerifyDir(pFile->enmDir, fFatal);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
rc = supR3HardenedMakeFilePath(pFile, szPath, sizeof(szPath), true, fFatal);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szPath,
/** @todo Check the type, and verify the signature (separate function so we can skip it). */
/* it's valid. */
if (fLeaveFileOpen)
pVerified->hFile = (intptr_t)hFile;
pVerified->fValidated = true;
int err = GetLastError();
if (!pFile->fOptional || err != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: Failed to open \"%s\": err=%d\n",
szPath, err);
#else /* UNIXY */
int fd = open(szPath, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (fd >= 0)
* On unixy systems we'll make sure the directory is owned by root
* and not writable by the group and user.
struct stat st;
if (!fstat(fd, &st))
if ( st.st_uid == 0
&& !(st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH))
&& S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
/* it's valid. */
if (fLeaveFileOpen)
pVerified->hFile = fd;
pVerified->fValidated = true;
if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_IS_A_DIRECTORY, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: \"%s\" is not a regular file\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_uid);
else if (st.st_uid)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: Cannot trust the file \"%s\": not owned by root (st_uid=%ld)\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_uid);
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: Cannot trust the file \"%s\": group and/or other writable (st_mode=0%lo)\n",
szPath, (long)st.st_mode);
int err = errno;
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: Failed to fstat \"%s\": %s (%d)\n",
szPath, strerror(err), err);
int err = errno;
if (!pFile->fOptional || err != ENOENT)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal: Failed to open \"%s\": %s (%d)\n",
szPath, strerror(err), err);
#endif /* UNIXY */
return rc;
* Verifies that the specified table entry matches the given filename.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS if matching. On mismatch fFatal indicates whether an
* error is returned or we terminate the application.
* @param iFile The file table index.
* @param pszFilename The filename.
* @param fFatal Whether validation failures should be treated as
* fatal (true) or not (false).
static int supR3HardenedVerifySameFile(int iFile, const char *pszFilename, bool fFatal)
PCSUPINSTFILE pFile = &g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile];
* Construct the full path for the file table entry
* and compare it with the specified file.
char szName[RTPATH_MAX];
int rc = supR3HardenedMakeFilePath(pFile, szName, sizeof(szName), true /*fWithFilename*/, fFatal);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
return rc;
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2)
if (stricmp(szName, pszFilename))
if (strcmp(szName, pszFilename))
* Normalize the two paths and compare again.
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
LPSTR pszIgnored;
char szName2[RTPATH_MAX];
if ( GetFullPathName(szName, RT_ELEMENTS(szName2), &szName2[0], &pszIgnored)
&& GetFullPathName(pszFilename, RT_ELEMENTS(szName), &szName[0], &pszIgnored))
if (!stricmp(szName2, szName))
AssertCompile(RTPATH_MAX >= PATH_MAX);
char szName2[RTPATH_MAX];
if ( realpath(szName, szName2) != NULL
&& realpath(pszFilename, szName) != NULL)
if (!strcmp(szName2, szName))
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
supR3HardenedMakeFilePath(pFile, szName, sizeof(szName), true /*fWithFilename*/, fFatal);
return supR3HardenedError(rc, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifySameFile: \"%s\" isn't the same as \"%s\"\n",
pszFilename, szName);
* Check more stuff like the stat info if it's an already open file?
* Verifies a file.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* VERR_NOT_FOUND if the file isn't in the table, this isn't ever a fatal error.
* On verification failure, an error code will be returned when fFatal is clear,
* otherwise the program will be terminated.
* @param pszFilename The filename.
* @param fFatal Whether validation failures should be treated as
* fatal (true) or not (false).
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedVerifyFile(const char *pszFilename, bool fFatal)
* Lookup the file and check if it's the same file.
const char *pszName = supR3HardenedPathFilename(pszFilename);
for (unsigned iFile = 0; iFile < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles); iFile++)
if (!strcmp(pszName, g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile))
int rc = supR3HardenedVerifySameFile(iFile, pszFilename, fFatal);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal(iFile, fFatal, false /* fLeaveFileOpen */);
return rc;
* Verifies a program, worker for supR3HardenedVerifyAll.
* @returns See supR3HardenedVerifyAll.
* @param pszProgName See supR3HardenedVerifyAll.
* @param fFatal See supR3HardenedVerifyAll.
static int supR3HardenedVerifyProgram(const char *pszProgName, bool fFatal)
* Search the table looking for the executable and the DLL/DYLIB/SO.
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
bool fExe = false;
bool fDll = false;
size_t const cchProgName = strlen(pszProgName);
for (unsigned iFile = 0; iFile < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles); iFile++)
if (!strncmp(pszProgName, g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile, cchProgName))
if ( g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].enmType == kSupIFT_Dll
&& !strcmp(&g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile[cchProgName], SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF))
/* This only has to be found (once). */
if (fDll)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: duplicate DLL entry for \"%s\"\n", pszProgName);
fDll = true;
else if ( g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].enmType == kSupIFT_Exe
&& !strcmp(&g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile[cchProgName], SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF))
/* Here we'll have to check that the specific program is the same as the entry. */
if (fExe)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: duplicate EXE entry for \"%s\"\n", pszProgName);
fExe = true;
char szFilename[RTPATH_MAX];
int rc2 = supR3HardenedPathExecDir(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename) - cchProgName - sizeof(SUPLIB_EXE_SUFF));
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
strcat(szFilename, "/");
strcat(szFilename, g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile);
supR3HardenedVerifySameFile(iFile, szFilename, fFatal);
rc = supR3HardenedError(rc2, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: failed to query program path: rc=%d\n", rc2);
* Check the findings.
if (!fDll && !fExe)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: Couldn't find the program \"%s\"\n", pszProgName);
else if (!fExe)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: Couldn't find the EXE entry for \"%s\"\n", pszProgName);
else if (!fDll)
rc = supR3HardenedError(VERR_NOT_FOUND, fFatal,
"supR3HardenedVerifyProgram: Couldn't find the DLL entry for \"%s\"\n", pszProgName);
return rc;
* Verifies all the known files.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* On verification failure, an error code will be returned when fFatal is clear,
* otherwise the program will be terminated.
* @param fFatal Whether validation failures should be treated as
* fatal (true) or not (false).
* @param fLeaveFilesOpen If set, all the verified files are left open.
* @param pszProgName Optional program name. This is used by SUPR3HardenedMain
* to verify that both the executable and corresponding
* DLL/DYLIB/SO are valid.
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedVerifyAll(bool fFatal, bool fLeaveFilesOpen, const char *pszProgName)
* The verify all the files.
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
for (unsigned iFile = 0; iFile < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles); iFile++)
int rc2 = supR3HardenedVerifyFileInternal(iFile, fFatal, fLeaveFilesOpen);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc2) && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = rc2;
* Verify the program name if specified, that is to say, just check that
* it's in the table (=> we've already verified it).
if (pszProgName)
int rc2 = supR3HardenedVerifyProgram(pszProgName, fFatal);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc2) && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc2 = rc;
return rc;
* Gets the pre-init data for the hand-over to the other version
* of this code.
* The reason why we pass this information on is that it contains
* open directories and files. Later it may include even more info
* (int the verified arrays mostly).
* The receiver is supR3HardenedRecvPreInitData.
* @param pPreInitData Where to store it.
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedGetPreInitData(PSUPPREINITDATA pPreInitData)
pPreInitData->cInstallFiles = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles);
pPreInitData->paInstallFiles = &g_aSupInstallFiles[0];
pPreInitData->paVerifiedFiles = &g_aSupVerifiedFiles[0];
pPreInitData->cVerifiedDirs = RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupVerifiedDirs);
pPreInitData->paVerifiedDirs = &g_aSupVerifiedDirs[0];
* Receives the pre-init data from the static executable stub.
* @returns VBox status code. Will not bitch on failure since the
* runtime isn't ready for it, so that is left to the exe stub.
* @param pPreInitData The hand-over data.
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedRecvPreInitData(PCSUPPREINITDATA pPreInitData)
* Compare the array lengths and the contents of g_aSupInstallFiles.
if ( pPreInitData->cInstallFiles != RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles)
|| pPreInitData->cVerifiedDirs != RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupVerifiedDirs))
SUPINSTFILE const *paInstallFiles = pPreInitData->paInstallFiles;
for (unsigned iFile = 0; iFile < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aSupInstallFiles); iFile++)
if ( g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].enmDir != paInstallFiles[iFile].enmDir
|| g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].enmType != paInstallFiles[iFile].enmType
|| g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].fOptional != paInstallFiles[iFile].fOptional
|| strcmp(g_aSupInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile, paInstallFiles[iFile].pszFile))
* Check that we're not called out of order.
* If dynamic linking it screwed up, we may end up here.
if ( ASMMemIsAll8(&g_aSupVerifiedFiles[0], sizeof(g_aSupVerifiedFiles), 0) != NULL
|| ASMMemIsAll8(&g_aSupVerifiedDirs[0], sizeof(g_aSupVerifiedDirs), 0) != NULL)
* Copy the verification data over.
memcpy(&g_aSupVerifiedFiles[0], pPreInitData->paVerifiedFiles, sizeof(g_aSupVerifiedFiles));
memcpy(&g_aSupVerifiedDirs[0], pPreInitData->paVerifiedDirs, sizeof(g_aSupVerifiedDirs));