SUPR3HardenedMain.cpp revision 628ddfbd43ad5365d69fddda4007598242956577
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VirtualBox Support Library - Hardened main().
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
* Header Files *
#if defined(RT_OS_OS2)
# define INCL_BASE
# define INCL_ERRORS
# include <os2.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <dlfcn.h>
# include <Windows.h>
# include <stdio.h>
#else /* UNIXes */
# include <iprt/types.h> /* stdint fun on darwin. */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <dlfcn.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN
# include <mach-o/dyld.h>
# endif
#include <VBox/sup.h>
#include <VBox/err.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/param.h>
#include "SUPLibInternal.h"
* Defined Constants And Macros *
* Whether we're employing set-user-ID-on-execute in the hardening.
#if !defined(RT_OS_OS2) && !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(RT_OS_L4)
* Decorate a symbol that's resolved dynamically.
#ifdef RT_OS_OS2
# define SUP_HARDENED_SYM(sym) "_" sym
# define SUP_HARDENED_SYM(sym) sym
* Structures and Typedefs *
/** @see RTR3InitEx */
typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNRTR3INITEX(uint32_t iVersion, const char *pszProgramPath, bool fInitSUPLib);
* Global Variables *
/** The pre-init data we pass on to SUPR3 (residing in VBoxRT). */
static SUPPREINITDATA g_SupPreInitData;
/** The progam executable path. */
static char g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[RTPATH_MAX];
/** The program directory path. */
static char g_szSupLibHardenedDirPath[RTPATH_MAX];
/** The program name. */
static const char *g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName;
/** The real UID at startup. */
static uid_t g_uid;
/** The real GID at startup. */
static gid_t g_gid;
* Internal Functions *
static void supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges(void);
static PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(const char *pszProgName);
* @copydoc RTPathStripFilename.
static void suplibHardenedPathStripFilename(char *pszPath)
char *psz = pszPath;
char *pszLastSep = pszPath;
for (;; psz++)
switch (*psz)
/* handle separators. */
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2)
case ':':
pszLastSep = psz + 1;
case '\\':
case '/':
pszLastSep = psz;
/* the end */
case '\0':
if (pszLastSep == pszPath)
*pszLastSep++ = '.';
*pszLastSep = '\0';
/* will never get here */
* @copydoc RTPathFilename
DECLHIDDEN(char *) supR3HardenedPathFilename(const char *pszPath)
const char *psz = pszPath;
const char *pszLastComp = pszPath;
for (;; psz++)
switch (*psz)
/* handle separators. */
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2)
case ':':
pszLastComp = psz + 1;
case '\\':
case '/':
pszLastComp = psz + 1;
/* the end */
case '\0':
if (*pszLastComp)
return (char *)(void *)pszLastComp;
return NULL;
/* will never get here */
return NULL;
* @copydoc RTPathAppPrivateNoArch
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateNoArch(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE)
const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE;
size_t cchPathPrivateNoArch = strlen(pszSrcPath);
if (cchPathPrivateNoArch >= cchPath)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateNoArch: Buffer overflow, %lu >= %lu\n",
(unsigned long)cchPathPrivateNoArch, (unsigned long)cchPath);
memcpy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathPrivateNoArch + 1);
return supR3HardenedPathProgram(pszPath, cchPath);
* @copydoc RTPathAppPrivateArch
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH)
const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH;
size_t cchPathPrivateArch = strlen(pszSrcPath);
if (cchPathPrivateArch >= cchPath)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch: Buffer overflow, %lu >= %lu\n",
(unsigned long)cchPathPrivateArch, (unsigned long)cchPath);
memcpy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathPrivateArch + 1);
return supR3HardenedPathProgram(pszPath, cchPath);
* @copydoc RTPathSharedLibs
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathSharedLibs(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_SHARED_LIBS)
const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_SHARED_LIBS;
size_t cchPathSharedLibs = strlen(pszSrcPath);
if (cchPathSharedLibs >= cchPath)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathSharedLibs: Buffer overflow, %lu >= %lu\n",
(unsigned long)cchPathSharedLibs, (unsigned long)cchPath);
memcpy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathSharedLibs + 1);
return supR3HardenedPathProgram(pszPath, cchPath);
* @copydoc RTPathAppDocs
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathAppDocs(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RTPATH_APP_DOCS)
const char *pszSrcPath = RTPATH_APP_DOCS;
size_t cchPathAppDocs = strlen(pszSrcPath);
if (cchPathAppDocs >= cchPath)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathAppDocs: Buffer overflow, %lu >= %lu\n",
(unsigned long)cchPathAppDocs, (unsigned long)cchPath);
memcpy(pszPath, pszSrcPath, cchPathAppDocs + 1);
return supR3HardenedPathProgram(pszPath, cchPath);
* Returns the full path to the executable.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param pszPath Where to store it.
* @param cchPath How big that buffer is.
static void supR3HardenedGetFullExePath(void)
* Get the program filename.
* Most UNIXes have no API for obtaining the executable path, but provides a symbolic
* link in the proc file system that tells who was exec'ed. The bad thing about this
* is that we have to use readlink, one of the weirder UNIX APIs.
* Darwin, OS/2 and Windows all have proper APIs for getting the program file name.
#if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
# ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
int cchLink = readlink("/proc/self/exe", &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1);
# elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
char szFileBuf[PATH_MAX + 1];
sprintf(szFileBuf, "/proc/%ld/path/a.out", (long)getpid());
int cchLink = readlink(szFileBuf, &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1);
# else /* RT_OS_FREEBSD: */
int cchLink = readlink("/proc/curproc/file", &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1);
# endif
if (cchLink < 0 || cchLink == sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath) - 1)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathProgram: couldn't read \"%s\", errno=%d cchLink=%d\n",
g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, errno, cchLink);
g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[cchLink] = '\0';
#elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) || defined(RT_OS_L4)
_execname(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath));
#elif defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
const char *pszImageName = _dyld_get_image_name(0);
if (!pszImageName)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathProgram: _dyld_get_image_name(0) failed\n");
size_t cchImageName = strlen(pszImageName);
if (!cchImageName || cchImageName >= sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath))
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathProgram: _dyld_get_image_name(0) failed, cchImageName=%d\n", cchImageName);
memcpy(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath, pszImageName, cchImageName + 1);
#elif defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
HMODULE hExe = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (!GetModuleFileName(hExe, &g_szSupLibHardenedExePath[0], sizeof(g_szSupLibHardenedExePath)))
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathProgram: GetModuleFileName failed, rc=%d\n", GetLastError());
# error needs porting.
* Strip off the filename part (RTPathStripFilename()).
strcpy(g_szSupLibHardenedDirPath, g_szSupLibHardenedExePath);
#ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
* Checks if we can read /proc/self/exe.
* This is used on linux to see if we have to call init
* with program path or not.
* @returns true / false.
static bool supR3HardenedMainIsProcSelfExeAccssible(void)
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
int cchLink = readlink("/proc/self/exe", szPath, sizeof(szPath));
return cchLink != -1;
#endif /* RT_OS_LINUX */
* @copydoc RTPathProgram
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedPathProgram(char *pszPath, size_t cchPath)
* Lazy init (probably not required).
if (!g_szSupLibHardenedDirPath[0])
* Calc the length and check if there is space before copying.
unsigned cch = strlen(g_szSupLibHardenedDirPath) + 1;
if (cch <= cchPath)
memcpy(pszPath, g_szSupLibHardenedDirPath, cch + 1);
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedPathProgram: Buffer too small (%u < %u)\n", cchPath, cch);
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalMsgV(const char *pszWhere, SUPINITOP enmWhat, int rc, const char *pszMsgFmt, va_list va)
* To the console first, like supR3HardenedFatalV.
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error %d in %s!\n", g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName, rc, pszWhere);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
va_list vaCopy;
va_copy(vaCopy, va);
vfprintf(stderr, pszMsgFmt, vaCopy);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
switch (enmWhat)
case kSupInitOp_Driver:
"%s: Tip! Make sure the kernel module is loaded. It may also help to reinstall VirtualBox.\n",
case kSupInitOp_IPRT:
case kSupInitOp_Integrity:
case kSupInitOp_RootCheck:
"%s: Tip! It may help to reinstall VirtualBox.\n",
/* no hints here */
* Drop any root privileges we might be holding, this won't return
* if it fails but end up calling supR3HardenedFatal[V].
#endif /* SUP_HARDENED_SUID */
* Now try resolve and call the TrustedError entry point if we can
* find it. We'll fork before we attempt this because that way the
* session management in main will see us exiting immediately (if
* it's invovled with us).
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(RT_OS_OS2)
int pid = fork();
if (pid <= 0)
PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR pfnTrustedError = supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
if (pfnTrustedError)
pfnTrustedError(pszWhere, enmWhat, rc, pszMsgFmt, va);
* Quit
for (;;)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalMsg(const char *pszWhere, SUPINITOP enmWhat, int rc, const char *pszMsgFmt, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, pszMsgFmt);
supR3HardenedFatalMsgV(pszWhere, enmWhat, rc, pszMsgFmt, va);
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatalV(const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
vfprintf(stderr, pszFormat, va);
for (;;)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
DECLHIDDEN(void) supR3HardenedFatal(const char *pszFormat, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, pszFormat);
supR3HardenedFatalV(pszFormat, va);
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedErrorV(int rc, bool fFatal, const char *pszFormat, va_list va)
if (fFatal)
supR3HardenedFatalV(pszFormat, va);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName);
vfprintf(stderr, pszFormat, va);
return rc;
DECLHIDDEN(int) supR3HardenedError(int rc, bool fFatal, const char *pszFormat, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, pszFormat);
supR3HardenedErrorV(rc, fFatal, pszFormat, va);
return rc;
* Wrapper around snprintf which will throw a fatal error on buffer overflow.
* @returns Number of chars in the result string.
* @param pszDst The destination buffer.
* @param cchDst The size of the buffer.
* @param pszFormat The format string.
* @param ... Format arguments.
static size_t supR3HardenedStrPrintf(char *pszDst, size_t cchDst, const char *pszFormat, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, pszFormat);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int cch = _vsnprintf(pszDst, cchDst, pszFormat, va);
int cch = vsnprintf(pszDst, cchDst, pszFormat, va);
if ((unsigned)cch >= cchDst || cch < 0)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedStrPrintf: buffer overflow, %d >= %lu\n", cch, (long)cchDst);
return cch;
* Attempts to open /dev/vboxdrv (or equvivalent).
* @remarks This function will not return on failure.
static void supR3HardenedMainOpenDevice(void)
int rc = suplibOsInit(&g_SupPreInitData.Data, false);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
switch (rc)
/** @todo better messages! */
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("suplibOsInit", kSupInitOp_Driver, rc,
"Unknown rc=%d", rc);
* Drop any root privileges we might be holding.
static void supR3HardenedMainDropPrivileges(void)
* Try use setre[ug]id since this will clear the save uid/gid and thus
* leave fewer traces behind that libs like GTK+ may pick up.
uid_t euid, ruid, suid;
gid_t egid, rgid, sgid;
# if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)
/* The really great thing here is that setreuid isn't available on
OS X 10.4, libc emulates it. While 10.4 have a sligtly different and
non-standard setuid implementation compared to 10.5, the following
works the same way with both version since we're super user (10.5 req).
The following will set all three variants of the group and user IDs. */
euid = geteuid();
ruid = suid = getuid();
egid = getegid();
rgid = sgid = getgid();
# elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS)
/* Solaris doesn't have setresuid, but the setreuid interface is BSD
compatible and will set the saved uid to euid when we pass it a ruid
that isn't -1 (which we do). */
setregid(g_gid, g_gid);
setreuid(g_uid, g_uid);
euid = geteuid();
ruid = suid = getuid();
egid = getegid();
rgid = sgid = getgid();
# else
/* This is the preferred one, full control no questions about semantics.
PORTME: If this isn't work, try join one of two other gangs above. */
setresgid(g_gid, g_gid, g_gid);
setresuid(g_uid, g_uid, g_uid);
if (getresuid(&ruid, &euid, &suid) != 0)
euid = geteuid();
ruid = suid = getuid();
if (getresgid(&rgid, &egid, &sgid) != 0)
egid = getegid();
rgid = sgid = getgid();
# endif
/* Check that it worked out all right. */
if ( euid != g_uid
|| ruid != g_uid
|| suid != g_uid
|| egid != g_gid
|| rgid != g_gid
|| sgid != g_gid)
supR3HardenedFatal("SUPR3HardenedMain: failed to drop root privileges!"
" (euid=%d ruid=%d suid=%d egid=%d rgid=%d sgid=%d; wanted uid=%d and gid=%d)\n",
euid, ruid, suid, egid, rgid, sgid, g_uid, g_gid);
#endif /* SUP_HARDENED_SUID */
* Loads the VBoxRT DLL/SO/DYLIB, hands it the open driver,
* and calls RTR3Init.
* @param fFlags The SUPR3HardenedMain fFlags argument, passed to supR3PreInit.
* @remarks VBoxRT contains both IPRT and SUPR3.
* @remarks This function will not return on failure.
static void supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime(uint32_t fFlags)
* Construct the name.
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
supR3HardenedPathSharedLibs(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - sizeof("/VBoxRT" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF));
strcat(szPath, "/VBoxRT" SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF);
* Open it and resolve the symbols.
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
/** @todo consider using LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH here! */
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryEx(szPath, NULL /*hFile*/, 0 /* dwFlags */);
if (!hMod)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND,
"LoadLibraryEx(\"%s\",,) failed (rc=%d)",
szPath, GetLastError());
if (!pfnRTInitEx)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
"Entrypoint \"RTR3InitEx\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)",
szPath, GetLastError());
if (!pfnSUPPreInit)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
"Entrypoint \"supR3PreInit\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)",
szPath, GetLastError());
/* the dlopen crowd */
void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!pvMod)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND,
"dlopen(\"%s\",) failed: %s",
szPath, dlerror());
PFNRTR3INITEX pfnRTInitEx = (PFNRTR3INITEX)(uintptr_t)dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("RTR3InitEx"));
if (!pfnRTInitEx)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
"Entrypoint \"RTR3InitEx\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s",
szPath, dlerror());
PFNSUPR3PREINIT pfnSUPPreInit = (PFNSUPR3PREINIT)(uintptr_t)dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("supR3PreInit"));
if (!pfnSUPPreInit)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND,
"Entrypoint \"supR3PreInit\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s",
szPath, dlerror());
* Make the calls.
int rc = pfnSUPPreInit(&g_SupPreInitData, fFlags);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, rc,
"supR3PreInit failed with rc=%d", rc);
const char *pszExePath = NULL;
#ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
if (!supR3HardenedMainIsProcSelfExeAccssible())
pszExePath = g_szSupLibHardenedExePath;
rc = pfnRTInitEx(0, pszExePath, !(fFlags & SUPSECMAIN_FLAGS_DONT_OPEN_DEV));
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("supR3HardenedMainInitRuntime", kSupInitOp_IPRT, rc,
"RTR3Init failed with rc=%d", rc);
* Loads the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program and
* resolves the TrustedError symbol.
* This is very similar to supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain().
* @returns Pointer to the trusted error symbol if it is exported, NULL
* and no error messages otherwise.
* @param pszProgName The program name.
static PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedError(const char *pszProgName)
* Construct the name.
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 10);
size_t cch = strlen(szPath);
supR3HardenedStrPrintf(&szPath[cch], sizeof(szPath) - cch, "/%s%s", pszProgName, SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF);
* Open it and resolve the symbol.
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
/** @todo consider using LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH here! */
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryEx(szPath, NULL /*hFile*/, 0 /* dwFlags */);
if (!hMod)
return NULL;
FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedError"));
if (!pfn)
return NULL;
/* the dlopen crowd */
void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!pvMod)
return NULL;
void *pvSym = dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedError"));
if (!pvSym)
return NULL;
return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDERROR)(uintptr_t)pvSym;
* Loads the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program and
* resolves the TrustedMain symbol.
* @returns Pointer to the trusted main of the actual program.
* @param pszProgName The program name.
* @remarks This function will not return on failure.
static PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain(const char *pszProgName)
* Construct the name.
char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
supR3HardenedPathAppPrivateArch(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 10);
size_t cch = strlen(szPath);
supR3HardenedStrPrintf(&szPath[cch], sizeof(szPath) - cch, "/%s%s", pszProgName, SUPLIB_DLL_SUFF);
* Open it and resolve the symbol.
#if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
/** @todo consider using LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH here! */
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryEx(szPath, NULL /*hFile*/, 0 /* dwFlags */);
if (!hMod)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: LoadLibraryEx(\"%s\",,) failed, rc=%d\n",
szPath, GetLastError());
FARPROC pfn = GetProcAddress(hMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedMain"));
if (!pfn)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: Entrypoint \"TrustedMain\" not found in \"%s\" (rc=%d)\n",
szPath, GetLastError());
/* the dlopen crowd */
void *pvMod = dlopen(szPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!pvMod)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen(\"%s\",) failed: %s\n",
szPath, dlerror());
void *pvSym = dlsym(pvMod, SUP_HARDENED_SYM("TrustedMain"));
if (!pvSym)
supR3HardenedFatal("supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: Entrypoint \"TrustedMain\" not found in \"%s\"!\ndlerror: %s\n",
szPath, dlerror());
return (PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN)(uintptr_t)pvSym;
* Secure main.
* This is used for the set-user-ID-on-execute binaries on unixy systems
* and when using the open-vboxdrv-via-root-service setup on Windows.
* This function will perform the integrity checks of the VirtualBox
* installation, open the support driver, open the root service (later),
* and load the DLL corresponding to \a pszProgName and execute its main
* function.
* @returns Return code appropriate for main().
* @param pszProgName The program name. This will be used to figure out which
* DLL/SO/DYLIB to load and execute.
* @param fFlags Flags.
* @param argc The argument count.
* @param argv The argument vector.
* @param envp The environment vector.
DECLHIDDEN(int) SUPR3HardenedMain(const char *pszProgName, uint32_t fFlags, int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
* Note! At this point there is no IPRT, so we will have to stick
* to basic CRT functions that everyone agree upon.
g_pszSupLibHardenedProgName = pszProgName;
g_SupPreInitData.u32Magic = SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC;
g_SupPreInitData.Data.hDevice = NIL_RTFILE;
g_SupPreInitData.u32EndMagic = SUPPREINITDATA_MAGIC;
# ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
* On linux we have to make sure the path is initialized because we
* *might* not be able to access /proc/self/exe after the seteuid call.
# endif
* Check that we're root, if we aren't then the installation is butchered.
g_uid = getuid();
g_gid = getgid();
if (geteuid() != 0 /* root */)
supR3HardenedFatalMsg("SUPR3HardenedMain", kSupInitOp_RootCheck, VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED,
"Effective UID is not root (euid=%d egid=%d uid=%d gid=%d)",
geteuid(), getegid(), g_uid, g_gid);
* Validate the installation.
supR3HardenedVerifyAll(true /* fFatal */, false /* fLeaveFilesOpen */, pszProgName);
* Open the vboxdrv device.
* Open the root service connection.
//supR3HardenedMainOpenService(&g_SupPreInitData, true /* fFatal */);
* Drop any root privileges we might be holding (won't return on failure)
* Load the IPRT, hand the SUPLib part the open driver and
* call RTR3Init.
* Load the DLL/SO/DYLIB containing the actual program
* and pass control to it.
PFNSUPTRUSTEDMAIN pfnTrustedMain = supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain(pszProgName);
return pfnTrustedMain(argc, argv, envp);