# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
import sys
import apiutil
print """
#include "cr_spu.h"
#include "cr_string.h"
#include "cr_error.h"
static SPUGenericFunction __findFunc( char *name, SPU *spu )
SPUNamedFunctionTable *temp;
if (spu == NULL)
return NULL;
for (temp = spu->function_table->table ; temp->name != NULL ; temp++)
if (!crStrcmp( name, temp->name ) )
return temp->fn;
return __findFunc( name, spu->superSPU );
* This function is not public outside the loader SPU.
extern void __buildDispatch( SPU *spu );
void __buildDispatch( SPU *spu )
keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
for func_name in keys:
print '\tspu->dispatch_table.%s = (%sFunc_t) __findFunc( "%s", spu );' % (func_name,func_name,func_name)
print '}'
print """
* Public function:
* Search a SPU named function table for a specific function. Return
* a pointer to it or NULL if not found.
SPUGenericFunction crSPUFindFunction( const SPUNamedFunctionTable *table, const char *fname )
const SPUNamedFunctionTable *temp;
for (temp = table ; temp->name != NULL ; temp++)
if (!crStrcmp( fname, temp->name ) )
return temp->fn;
return NULL;
* Public function:
* Initializes the pointers in an SPUDispatchTable by looking for functions
* in an SPUNamedFunctionTable.
* It doesn't know anything about SPUs and SPU inheritance.
void crSPUInitDispatch( SPUDispatchTable *dispatch, const SPUNamedFunctionTable *table )
for func_name in keys:
print '\tdispatch->%s = (%sFunc_t) crSPUFindFunction(table, "%s");' % (func_name, func_name, func_name)
print '}'
print """
* Generic no-op function
static int NopFunction(void)
crWarning("Calling generic no-op function in dispatch.c");
return 0;
* Scan the given dispatch table for NULL pointers. Hook in the generic
* no-op function wherever we find a NULL pointer.
void crSPUInitDispatchNops(SPUDispatchTable *table)
* This is a bit tricky. We walk over all the function pointers in
* the SPUDispatchTable struct, checking for NULL and setting NULL
* pointers to point to NopFunction().
* But we have to stop when we get to the copyList pointer!
const int numEntries = (void **) &(table->copyList) - (void **) &(table->Accum);
void **ptr = (void **) table;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
if (ptr[i] == NULL) {
/*printf("!!!!!!!Warning entry[%d] = NULL\n", i);*/
ptr[i] = (void *)NopFunction;