opcodes.py revision f3f69e0e8d6a713566e129aa3ab321b1e6b07fbc
# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
# This script generates include/cr_opcodes.h from the gl_header.parsed file.
import sys;
import cPickle;
import string;
import re;
import apiutil
print ""
print ""
print "#ifndef CR_OPCODES_H"
print "#define CR_OPCODES_H"
print ""
keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
assert len(keys) > 0
print "/* Functions with no return value and input-only parameters */"
print "typedef enum {"
enum_index = 0
for func in keys:
if "pack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func):
print "\t%s = %d," % ( apiutil.OpcodeName(func), enum_index )
enum_index = enum_index + 1
print "\tCR_EXTEND_OPCODE=%d," % enum_index
enum_index = enum_index + 1
print "\tCR_CMDBLOCKBEGIN_OPCODE=%d," % enum_index
enum_index = enum_index + 1
print "\tCR_CMDBLOCKEND_OPCODE=%d," % enum_index
print "\tCR_NOP_OPCODE=255"
if enum_index > 254:
# This would have saved Mike some grief if it had been here earlier.
print >> sys.stderr, "You have more than 255 opcodes! You've been adding functions to"
print >> sys.stderr, "glapi_parser/APIspec! Each new function you add"
print >> sys.stderr, "gets an opcode assigned to it. Fortunately for you, we have"
print >> sys.stderr, "an ``extend'' opcode. Please mark the function as"
print >> sys.stderr, "'extpack' in APIspec so as to keep the main opcode pool"
print >> sys.stderr, "less than 255! THIS IS A CATASTROPHIC FAILURE, and I WILL NOT CONTINUE!"
print >> sys.stderr, "I'm putting an error in the generated header file so you won't miss"
print >> sys.stderr, "this even if you're doing a 'make -k.'"
print "#error -- more than 255 opcodes!"
print "} CROpcode;\n"
# count up number of extended opcode commands
num_extends = 0
num_auto_codes = 0
for func in keys:
if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func):
num_extends += 1
if apiutil.ChromiumRelOpCode(func) < 0:
num_auto_codes += 1
# sanity check for compatibility breakage
# we currently have 304
if num_auto_codes != 304:
print >> sys.stderr, "number of auto-generated op-codes should be 304, but is " + str(num_auto_codes)
print >> sys.stderr, "which breaks backwards compatibility"
print >> sys.stderr, "if this is really what you want to do, please adjust this script"
print >> sys.stderr, "to handle a new auto-generated opcodes count"
print "#error -- num_auto_codes should be 304, but is " + str(num_auto_codes)
print "/* Functions with a return value or output parameters */"
print "typedef enum {"
opcode_index = 0
enum_index = 0
chrelopcodes = {}
for func in keys:
if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func):
opcodeName = apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName(func)
chrelopcode = apiutil.ChromiumRelOpCode(func)
opcode = -1
if chrelopcode >= 0:
if not chrelopcode in chrelopcodes.keys():
chrelopcodes[chrelopcode] = chrelopcode
print >> sys.stderr, "non-unique chrelopcode: " + str(chrelopcode)
print "#error -- non-unique chrelopcode: " + str(num_auto_codes)
opcode = num_auto_codes + chrelopcode
opcode = opcode_index
opcode_index = opcode_index + 1
if enum_index != num_extends-1:
print "\t%s = %d," % (opcodeName, opcode )
print "\t%s = %d" % (opcodeName, opcode )
enum_index = enum_index + 1
print "} CRExtendOpcode;\n"
print "#endif /* CR_OPCODES_H */"