VBoxVMParallelPortSettings.ui revision bd8e360cd1db83dcb2694ea9122ce3bc5bae678a
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="caption">
<property name="name">
<property name="spacing">
<widget class="QGroupBox" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="title">
<string>&amp;Enable Parallel Port</string>
<property name="checkable">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>When checked, enables the given parallel port of the virtual machine.</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Port &amp;Number</string>
<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget" row="0" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QComboBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Displays the parallel port number. You can choose one of the standard parallel ports or select &lt;b&gt;User-defined&lt;/b&gt; and specify port parameters manually.</string>
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
<widget class="QLineEdit">
<property name="name">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Displays the IRQ number of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from &lt;tt&gt;0&lt;/tt&gt; to &lt;tt&gt;255&lt;/tt&gt;. Values greater than &lt;tt&gt;15&lt;/tt&gt; may be used only if the &lt;b&gt;IO APIC&lt;/b&gt; is enabled for this virtual machine.</string>
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>I/O Po&amp;rt</string>
<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
<widget class="QLineEdit">
<property name="name">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Displays the base I/O port address of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from &lt;tt&gt;0&lt;/tt&gt; to &lt;tt&gt;0xFFFF&lt;/tt&gt;.</string>
<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Port &amp;Path</string>
<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
<widget class="QLineEdit" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string>Displays the host parallel device name.</string>
<signal>activated(const QString&amp;)</signal>
<slot>mPortNumCombo_activated(const QString&amp;)</slot>
<include location="local" impldecl="in declaration">COMDefs.h</include>
<include location="local" impldecl="in declaration">QIWidgetValidator.h</include>
<include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qdir.h</include>
<include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qvalidator.h</include>
<include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">VBoxGlobal.h</include>
<include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">VBoxVMParallelPortSettings.ui.h</include>
<variable access="private">CParallelPort mPort;</variable>
<variable access="private">QIWidgetValidator *mWalidator;</variable>
<slot>mParallelPortBox_toggled( bool )</slot>
<slot>mPortNumCombo_activated( const QString &amp; aText )</slot>
<function access="private" specifier="non virtual">init()</function>
<function>getFromPort( const CParallelPort &amp; )</function>
<function returnType="bool">isUserDefined()</function>
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