VBoxVMLogViewer.ui.h revision 82626d957e5a000348cb8b411f0bea763adc1057
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* "Virtual Log Viewer" dialog UI include (Qt Designer)
* Copyright (C) 2006 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
* distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
* license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
** place of a destructor.
class VBoxLogSearchPanel : public QWidget
VBoxLogSearchPanel (QWidget *aParent,
VBoxVMLogViewer *aViewer,
const char *aName)
: QWidget (aParent, aName)
, mViewer (aViewer)
, mButtonClose (0)
, mSearchName (0), mSearchString (0)
, mButtonPrev (0), mButtonNext (0)
, mCaseSensitive (0)
, mWarningSpacer (0), mWarningIcon (0), mWarningString (0)
mButtonClose = new QToolButton (this);
mButtonClose->setAutoRaise (true);
mButtonClose->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::TabFocus);
mButtonClose->setAccel (QKeySequence (Qt::Key_Escape));
connect (mButtonClose, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (hide()));
mButtonClose->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("delete_16px.png",
mSearchName = new QLabel (this);
mSearchString = new QLineEdit (this);
mSearchString->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Preferred,
connect (mSearchString, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
this, SLOT (findCurrent (const QString &)));
mButtonPrev = new QToolButton (this);
mButtonPrev->setEnabled (false);
mButtonPrev->setAutoRaise (true);
mButtonPrev->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::TabFocus);
mButtonPrev->setUsesTextLabel (true);
mButtonPrev->setTextPosition (QToolButton::BesideIcon);
connect (mButtonPrev, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (findBack()));
mButtonPrev->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_moveup_16px.png",
mButtonNext = new QToolButton (this);
mButtonNext->setEnabled (false);
mButtonNext->setAutoRaise (true);
mButtonNext->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::TabFocus);
mButtonNext->setUsesTextLabel (true);
mButtonNext->setTextPosition (QToolButton::BesideIcon);
connect (mButtonNext, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (findNext()));
mButtonNext->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_movedown_16px.png",
mCaseSensitive = new QCheckBox (this);
mWarningSpacer = new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed,
mWarningIcon = new QLabel (this);
QImage img = QMessageBox::standardIcon (QMessageBox::Warning).
if (!img.isNull())
img = img.smoothScale (16, 16);
QPixmap pixmap;
pixmap.convertFromImage (img);
mWarningIcon->setPixmap (pixmap);
mWarningString = new QLabel (this);
QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout (this, 5, 5);
mainLayout->addWidget (mButtonClose);
mainLayout->addWidget (mSearchName);
mainLayout->addWidget (mSearchString);
mainLayout->addWidget (mButtonPrev);
mainLayout->addWidget (mButtonNext);
mainLayout->addWidget (mCaseSensitive);
mainLayout->addItem (mWarningSpacer);
mainLayout->addWidget (mWarningIcon);
mainLayout->addWidget (mWarningString);
mainLayout->addItem (spacer);
setFocusProxy (mCaseSensitive);
void languageChange()
QToolTip::add (mButtonClose, tr ("Close the search panel"));
mSearchName->setText (tr ("Find "));
QToolTip::add (mSearchString, tr ("Enter search string here"));
mButtonPrev->setTextLabel (tr ("&Previous"));
mButtonPrev->setAccel (QKeySequence (tr ("Alt+P")));
QToolTip::add (mButtonPrev,
tr ("Search for the previous occurrence of the string"));
mButtonNext->setTextLabel (tr ("&Next"));
mButtonNext->setAccel (QKeySequence (tr ("Alt+N")));
QToolTip::add (mButtonNext,
tr ("Search for the next occurrence of the string"));
mCaseSensitive->setText (tr ("Cas&e Sensitive"));
QToolTip::add (mCaseSensitive,
tr ("Check this box to perform Case Sensitive search"));
mWarningString->setText (tr ("Unable to find string"));
private slots:
void findNext()
search (true);
void findBack()
search (false);
void findCurrent (const QString &aSearchString)
mButtonNext->setEnabled (aSearchString.length());
mButtonPrev->setEnabled (aSearchString.length());
toggleWarning (!aSearchString.length());
if (aSearchString.length())
search (true, true);
void search (bool aForward, bool aStartCurrent = false)
QTextBrowser *browser = mViewer->currentLogPage();
int startPrg = 0, endPrg = 0;
int startInd = 0, endInd = 0;
if (browser->hasSelectedText())
browser->getSelection (&startPrg, &startInd, &endPrg, &endInd);
bool found = false;
int increment = aForward ? 1 : -1;
int border = aForward ? browser->paragraphs() : -1;
int startFrom = aStartCurrent ? startInd : startInd + increment;
int paragraph = startFrom < 0 ? startPrg + increment : startPrg;
for (; paragraph != border; paragraph += increment)
QString text = browser->text (paragraph);
int res = aForward ?
text.find (mSearchString->text(), startFrom,
mCaseSensitive->isChecked()) :
text.findRev (mSearchString->text(), startFrom,
if (res != -1)
found = true;
browser->setSelection (paragraph, res, paragraph,
res + mSearchString->text().length());
startFrom = aForward ? 0 : -1;
toggleWarning (found);
if (!found)
browser->setSelection (startPrg, startInd, endPrg, endInd);
bool eventFilter (QObject *aObject, QEvent *aEvent)
switch (aEvent->type())
case QEvent::KeyPress:
QKeyEvent *e = static_cast<QKeyEvent*> (aEvent);
/* processing the return keypress for the mSearchString
* widget as the search next string action */
if (aObject == mSearchString &&
(e->state() == 0 || e->state() & Keypad) &&
(e->key() == Key_Enter || e->key() == Key_Return))
return true;
/* processing other search next/previous shortcuts */
else if (e->key() == Key_F3)
if (e->state() == 0)
else if (e->state() == ShiftButton)
return true;
/* processing ctrl-f key combination as the shortcut to
* move to the search field */
else if (e->state() == ControlButton && e->key() == Key_F)
return true;
return false;
void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
QWidget::showEvent (aEvent);
qApp->installEventFilter (this);
void hideEvent (QHideEvent *aEvent)
if (focusData()->focusWidget()->parent() == this)
focusNextPrevChild (true);
qApp->removeEventFilter (this);
QWidget::hideEvent (aEvent);
void toggleWarning (bool aHide)
mWarningSpacer->changeSize (aHide ? 0 : 16, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed,
mWarningIcon->setHidden (aHide);
mWarningString->setHidden (aHide);
VBoxVMLogViewer *mViewer;
QToolButton *mButtonClose;
QLabel *mSearchName;
QLineEdit *mSearchString;
QToolButton *mButtonPrev;
QToolButton *mButtonNext;
QCheckBox *mCaseSensitive;
QSpacerItem *mWarningSpacer;
QLabel *mWarningIcon;
QLabel *mWarningString;
VBoxVMLogViewer::LogViewersMap VBoxVMLogViewer::mSelfArray = LogViewersMap();
void VBoxVMLogViewer::createLogViewer (CMachine &aMachine)
if (mSelfArray.find (aMachine.GetName()) == mSelfArray.end())
/* creating new log viewer if there is no one existing */
mSelfArray [aMachine.GetName()] = new VBoxVMLogViewer (0,
"VBoxVMLogViewer", WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose);
/* read new machine data for this log viewer */
mSelfArray [aMachine.GetName()]->setup (aMachine);
VBoxVMLogViewer *viewer = mSelfArray [aMachine.GetName()];
viewer->setWindowState (viewer->windowState() & ~WindowMinimized);
void VBoxVMLogViewer::init()
/* prepare dialog to first run */
mFirstRun = true;
/* dialog initially is not polished */
mIsPolished = false;
/* search the default button */
mDefaultButton = searchDefaultButton();
qApp->installEventFilter (this);
/* setup a dialog icon */
setIcon (QPixmap::fromMimeSource ("show_logs_16px.png"));
/* statusbar initially disabled */
statusBar()->setHidden (true);
/* setup size grip */
mSizeGrip = new QSizeGrip (centralWidget(), "mSizeGrip");
mSizeGrip->resize (mSizeGrip->sizeHint());
mSizeGrip->stackUnder (mCloseButton);
/* logs list creation */
mLogList = new QTabWidget (mLogsFrame, "mLogList");
QVBoxLayout *logsFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout (mLogsFrame);
logsFrameLayout->addWidget (mLogList);
/* search panel creation */
mSearchPanel = new VBoxLogSearchPanel (mLogsFrame, this,
logsFrameLayout->addWidget (mSearchPanel);
/* fix the tab order to ensure the dialog keys are always the last */
setTabOrder (mSearchPanel->focusProxy(), mSaveButton);
setTabOrder (mSaveButton, mRefreshButton);
setTabOrder (mRefreshButton, mCloseButton);
setTabOrder (mCloseButton, mLogList);
/* applying language settings */
void VBoxVMLogViewer::destroy()
mSelfArray.erase (mMachine.GetName());
void VBoxVMLogViewer::setup (CMachine &aMachine)
/* saving related machine */
mMachine = aMachine;
/* reading log files */
/* loading language constants */
const CMachine& VBoxVMLogViewer::machine()
return mMachine;
void VBoxVMLogViewer::languageChangeImp()
/* setup a dialog caption */
if (!mMachine.isNull())
setCaption (tr ("%1 - VirtualBox Log Viewer").arg (mMachine.GetName()));
/* translate a search panel */
if (mSearchPanel)
QPushButton* VBoxVMLogViewer::searchDefaultButton()
/* this mechanism is used for searching the default dialog button
* and similar the same mechanism in Qt::QDialog inner source */
QPushButton *button = 0;
QObjectList *list = queryList ("QPushButton");
QObjectListIt it (*list);
while ((button = (QPushButton*)it.current()) && !button->isDefault())
++ it;
return button;
bool VBoxVMLogViewer::eventFilter (QObject *aObject, QEvent *aEvent)
switch (aEvent->type())
/* auto-default button focus-in processor used to move the "default"
* button property into the currently focused button */
case QEvent::FocusIn:
if (aObject->inherits ("QPushButton") &&
aObject->parent() == centralWidget())
((QPushButton*)aObject)->setDefault (aObject != mDefaultButton);
if (mDefaultButton)
mDefaultButton->setDefault (aObject == mDefaultButton);
/* auto-default button focus-out processor used to remove the "default"
* button property from the previously focused button */
case QEvent::FocusOut:
if (aObject->inherits ("QPushButton") &&
aObject->parent() == centralWidget())
if (mDefaultButton)
mDefaultButton->setDefault (aObject != mDefaultButton);
((QPushButton*)aObject)->setDefault (aObject == mDefaultButton);
return QMainWindow::eventFilter (aObject, aEvent);
bool VBoxVMLogViewer::event (QEvent *aEvent)
bool result = QMainWindow::event (aEvent);
switch (aEvent->type())
case QEvent::LanguageChange:
return result;
void VBoxVMLogViewer::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent)
if (aEvent->state() == 0 ||
(aEvent->state() & Keypad && aEvent->key() == Key_Enter))
switch (aEvent->key())
/* processing the return keypress for the auto-default button */
case Key_Enter:
case Key_Return:
QPushButton *currentDefault = searchDefaultButton();
if (currentDefault)
/* processing the escape keypress as the close dialog action */
case Key_Escape:
else if (aEvent->state() == Qt::ControlButton &&
aEvent->key() == Qt::Key_F)
if (mLogList->isEnabled())
void VBoxVMLogViewer::showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
QMainWindow::showEvent (aEvent);
/* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
* below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
* the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
* size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
* we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
if (mIsPolished)
mIsPolished = true;
VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
void VBoxVMLogViewer::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent*)
/* adjust the size-grip location for the current resize event */
mSizeGrip->move (centralWidget()->rect().bottomRight() -
QPoint (mSizeGrip->rect().width() - 1,
mSizeGrip->rect().height() - 1));
void VBoxVMLogViewer::refresh()
/* clearing old data if any */
while (mLogList->count())
QWidget *logPage = mLogList->page (0);
mLogList->removePage (logPage);
delete logPage;
bool isAnyLogPresent = false;
/* entering log files folder */
QString logFilesPath = mMachine.GetLogFolder();
QDir logFilesDir (logFilesPath);
if (logFilesDir.exists())
/* reading log files folder */
QStringList logList = logFilesDir.entryList (QDir::Files);
if (!logList.empty()) isAnyLogPresent = true;
for (QStringList::Iterator it = logList.begin(); it != logList.end(); ++it)
loadLogFile (logFilesDir.filePath (*it));
/* create an empty log page if there are no logs at all */
if (!isAnyLogPresent)
QTextBrowser *dummyLog = createLogPage ("VBox.log");
dummyLog->setTextFormat (Qt::RichText);
dummyLog->setWordWrap (QTextEdit::WidgetWidth);
dummyLog->setText (tr ("<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> "
"button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>")
.arg (logFilesPath));
/* we don't want it to remain white */
dummyLog->setPaper (backgroundBrush());
/* restore previous tab-widget margin which was reseted when
* the tab widget's children was removed */
mLogList->setMargin (10);
/* show the first tab widget's page after the refresh */
mLogList->showPage (mLogList->page(0));
/* enable/disable save button & tab widget according log presence */
mSaveButton->setEnabled (isAnyLogPresent);
mLogList->setEnabled (isAnyLogPresent);
if (mFirstRun)
/* resize the whole log-viewer to fit 80 symbols in text-browser for
* the first time started */
QTextBrowser *firstPage = static_cast <QTextBrowser *> (mLogList->page(0));
int fullWidth = firstPage->fontMetrics().width (QChar ('x')) * 80 +
firstPage->verticalScrollBar()->width() +
firstPage->frameWidth() * 2 +
5 + 4 /* left text margin + QTabWidget frame width */ +
mLogList->margin() * 2 +
centralWidget()->layout()->margin() * 2;
resize (fullWidth, height());
mFirstRun = false;
void VBoxVMLogViewer::loadLogFile (const QString &aFileName)
/* prepare log file */
QFile logFile (aFileName);
if (!logFile.exists() || !logFile.open (IO_ReadOnly))
/* read log file and write it into the log page */
QTextBrowser *logViewer = createLogPage (QFileInfo (aFileName).fileName());
logViewer->setText (logFile.readAll());
mLogFilesList << aFileName;
QTextBrowser* VBoxVMLogViewer::createLogPage (const QString &aName)
QTextBrowser *logViewer = new QTextBrowser();
logViewer->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText);
QFont font = logViewer->currentFont();
font.setFamily ("Courier New,courier");
logViewer->setFont (font);
logViewer->setWordWrap (QTextEdit::NoWrap);
logViewer->setVScrollBarMode (QScrollView::AlwaysOn);
mLogList->addTab (logViewer, aName);
return logViewer;
QTextBrowser* VBoxVMLogViewer::currentLogPage()
return static_cast<QTextBrowser*> (mLogList->currentPage());
void VBoxVMLogViewer::save()
/* prepare "save as" dialog */
QFileInfo fileInfo (mLogFilesList [mLogList->currentPageIndex()]);
QDateTime dtInfo = fileInfo.lastModified();
QString dtString = dtInfo.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss");
QString defaultFileName = QString ("%1-%2.log")
.arg (mMachine.GetName()).arg (dtString);
QString defaultFullName = QDir::convertSeparators (QDir::home().absPath() +
"/" + defaultFileName);
QString newFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (defaultFullName,
QString::null, this, "SaveLogAsDialog", tr ("Save VirtualBox Log As"));
/* save new log into the file */
if (!newFileName.isEmpty())
/* reread log data */
QFile oldFile (mLogFilesList [mLogList->currentPageIndex()]);
QFile newFile (newFileName);
if (!oldFile.open (IO_ReadOnly) || !newFile.open (IO_WriteOnly))
/* save log data into the new file */
newFile.writeBlock (oldFile.readAll());
#include "VBoxVMLogViewer.ui.moc"