VBoxRegistrationDlg.ui.h revision 4221f9473058429ba32c6275a05cb320b87de7bb
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* VBoxRegistrationDlg UI include (Qt Designer)
* Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
** destructor.
* This class is used to encode/decode the registration data.
class VBoxRegistrationData
VBoxRegistrationData (const QString &aData)
: mIsValid (false), mIsRegistered (false)
, mData (aData)
, mTriesLeft (3 /* the initial tries value! */)
decode (aData);
VBoxRegistrationData (const QString &aName, const QString &aEmail,
const QString &aPrivate)
: mIsValid (true), mIsRegistered (true)
, mName (aName), mEmail (aEmail), mPrivate (aPrivate)
, mTriesLeft (0)
encode (aName, aEmail, aPrivate);
bool isValid() const { return mIsValid; }
bool isRegistered() const { return mIsRegistered; }
const QString &data() const { return mData; }
const QString &name() const { return mName; }
const QString &email() const { return mEmail; }
const QString &isPrivate() const { return mPrivate; }
uint triesLeft() const { return mTriesLeft; }
void decode (const QString &aData)
mIsValid = mIsRegistered = false;
if (aData.isEmpty())
if (aData.startsWith ("triesLeft="))
bool ok = false;
uint triesLeft = aData.section ('=', 1, 1).toUInt (&ok);
if (!ok)
mTriesLeft = triesLeft;
mIsValid = true;
/* Decoding CRC32 */
QString data = aData;
QString crcData = data.right (2 * sizeof (ulong));
ulong crcNeed = 0;
for (ulong i = 0; i < crcData.length(); i += 2)
crcNeed <<= 8;
uchar curByte = (uchar) crcData.mid (i, 2).toUShort (0, 16);
crcNeed += curByte;
data.truncate (data.length() - 2 * sizeof (ulong));
/* Decoding data */
QString result;
for (ulong i = 0; i < data.length(); i += 2)
result += QChar (data.mid (i, 2).toUShort (0, 16));
ulong crcNow = crc32 ((uchar*)result.ascii(), result.length());
/* Check the CRC32 */
if (crcNeed != crcNow)
/* Initialize values */
QStringList dataList = QStringList::split ("|", result);
mName = dataList [0];
mEmail = dataList [1];
mPrivate = dataList [2];
mIsValid = true;
mIsRegistered = true;
void encode (const QString &aName, const QString &aEmail,
const QString &aPrivate)
/* Encoding data */
QString data = QString ("%1|%2|%3")
.arg (aName).arg (aEmail).arg (aPrivate);
mData = QString::null;
for (ulong i = 0; i < data.length(); ++ i)
QString curPair = QString::number (data.at (i).unicode(), 16);
if (curPair.length() == 1)
curPair.prepend ("0");
mData += curPair;
/* Enconding CRC32 */
ulong crcNow = crc32 ((uchar*)data.ascii(), data.length());
QString crcData;
for (ulong i = 0; i < sizeof (ulong); ++ i)
ushort curByte = crcNow & 0xFF;
QString curPair = QString::number (curByte, 16);
if (curPair.length() == 1)
curPair.prepend ("0");
crcData = curPair + crcData;
crcNow >>= 8;
mData += crcData;
ulong crc32 (unsigned char *aBufer, int aSize)
/* Filling CRC32 table */
ulong crc32;
ulong crc_table [256];
ulong temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++ i)
temp = i;
for (int j = 8; j > 0; -- j)
if (temp & 1)
temp = (temp >> 1) ^ 0xedb88320;
temp >>= 1;
crc_table [i] = temp;
/* CRC32 calculation */
crc32 = 0xffffffff;
for (int i = 0; i < aSize; ++ i)
crc32 = crc_table [(crc32 ^ (*aBufer ++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc32 >> 8);
crc32 = crc32 ^ 0xffffffff;
return crc32;
bool mIsValid : 1;
bool mIsRegistered : 1;
QString mData;
QString mName;
QString mEmail;
QString mPrivate;
uint mTriesLeft;
/* static */
bool VBoxRegistrationDlg::hasToBeShown()
VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
return !regData.isValid() ||
(!regData.isRegistered() && regData.triesLeft() > 0);
/* Default constructor initialization. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::init()
/* Hide unnecessary buttons */
helpButton()->setShown (false);
cancelButton()->setShown (false);
backButton()->setShown (false);
/* Confirm button initially disabled */
finishButton()->setEnabled (false);
finishButton()->setAutoDefault (true);
finishButton()->setDefault (true);
/* Setup the label colors for nice scaling */
VBoxGlobal::adoptLabelPixmap (pictureLabel);
/* Adjust text label size */
mTextLabel->setMinimumWidth (widthSpacer->minimumSize().width());
/* Setup validations and maximum text-edit text length */
QRegExp nameExp ("[a-zA-Z0-9\\(\\)_\\-\\.\\s]+");
QRegExp emailExp ("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]*[a-zA-Z]");
mNameEdit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (nameExp, this));
mEmailEdit->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (emailExp, this));
mNameEdit->setMaxLength (50);
mEmailEdit->setMaxLength (50);
/* Create connection-timeout timer */
mTimeout = new QTimer (this);
/* Load language constraints */
/* Set required boolean flags */
mSuicide = false;
mHandshake = true;
/* Network framework */
mNetfw = 0;
/* Setup connections */
disconnect (finishButton(), SIGNAL (clicked()), 0, 0);
connect (finishButton(), SIGNAL (clicked()), SLOT (registration()));
connect (mTimeout, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (processTimeout()));
connect (mNameEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (validate()));
connect (mEmailEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (validate()));
connect (mTextLabel, SIGNAL (clickedOnLink (const QString &)),
&vboxGlobal(), SLOT (openURL (const QString &)));
/* Resize the dialog initially to minimum size */
resize (minimumSize());
/* Default destructor cleanup. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::destroy()
delete mNetfw;
*mSelf = 0;
/* Setup necessary dialog parameters. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::setup (VBoxRegistrationDlg **aSelf)
mSelf = aSelf;
*mSelf = this;
mUrl = "http://www.innotek.de/register762.php";
VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
mNameEdit->setText (regData.name());
mEmailEdit->setText (regData.email());
mUseCheckBox->setChecked (regData.isPrivate() == "yes");
/* String constants initializer. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::languageChangeImp()
finishButton()->setText (tr ("&Confirm"));
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::postRequest (const QString &aHost,
const QString &aUrl)
delete mNetfw;
mNetfw = new VBoxNetworkFramework();
connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netBegin (int)),
SLOT (onNetBegin (int)));
connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netData (const QByteArray&)),
SLOT (onNetData (const QByteArray&)));
connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netEnd (const QByteArray&)),
SLOT (onNetEnd (const QByteArray&)));
connect (mNetfw, SIGNAL (netError (const QString&)),
SLOT (onNetError (const QString&)));
mNetfw->postRequest (aHost, aUrl);
/* Post the handshake request into the innotek register site. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::registration()
/* Disable control elements */
mNameEdit->setEnabled (false);
mEmailEdit->setEnabled (false);
mUseCheckBox->setEnabled (false);
finishButton()->setEnabled (false);
/* Handshake arguments initializing */
QString version = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetVersion();
QUrl::encode (version);
/* Handshake */
QString argument = QString ("?version=%1").arg (version);
mTimeout->start (20000, true);
postRequest (mUrl.host(), mUrl.path() + argument);
/* This slot is used to control the connection timeout. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::processTimeout()
abortRegisterRequest (tr ("Connection timed out."));
/* Handles the network request begining. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetBegin (int aStatus)
if (aStatus == 404)
abortRegisterRequest (tr ("Could not locate the registration form on "
"the server (response: %1).").arg (aStatus));
mTimeout->start (20000, true);
/* Handles the network request data incoming. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetData (const QByteArray&)
if (!mSuicide)
mTimeout->start (20000, true);
/* Handles the network request end. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetEnd (const QByteArray &aTotalData)
if (mSuicide)
if (mHandshake)
/* Registration arguments initializing */
QString version = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetVersion();
QString key (aTotalData);
QString platform = getPlatform();
QString name = mNameEdit->text();
QString email = mEmailEdit->text();
QString prvt = mUseCheckBox->isChecked() ? "1" : "0";
QUrl::encode (version);
QUrl::encode (platform);
QUrl::encode (name);
QUrl::encode (email);
/* Registration */
QString argument;
argument += QString ("?version=%1").arg (version);
argument += QString ("&key=%1").arg (key);
argument += QString ("&platform=%1").arg (platform);
argument += QString ("&name=%1").arg (name);
argument += QString ("&email=%1").arg (email);
argument += QString ("&private=%1").arg (prvt);
mHandshake = false;
mTimeout->start (20000, true);
postRequest (mUrl.host(), mUrl.path() + argument);
/* Show registration result */
QString result (aTotalData);
vboxProblem().showRegisterResult (this, result);
/* Close the dialog */
result == "OK" ? accept() : reject();
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::onNetError (const QString &aError)
abortRegisterRequest (aError);
/* SLOT: QDialog accept slot reimplementation. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::accept()
vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationDlgWinID,
VBoxRegistrationData regData (mNameEdit->text(), mEmailEdit->text(),
mUseCheckBox->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no");
vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData,
/* SLOT: QDialog reject slot reimplementation. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::reject()
vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationDlgWinID,
/* Decrement the triesLeft. */
VBoxRegistrationData regData (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData));
if (!regData.isValid() || !regData.isRegistered())
uint triesLeft = regData.triesLeft();
if (triesLeft)
-- triesLeft;
vboxGlobal().virtualBox().SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationData,
QString ("triesLeft=%1")
.arg (triesLeft));
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::validate()
int pos = 0;
QString name = mNameEdit->text();
QString email = mEmailEdit->text();
finishButton()->setEnabled (
mNameEdit->validator()->validate (name, pos) == QValidator::Acceptable &&
mEmailEdit->validator()->validate (email, pos) == QValidator::Acceptable);
QString VBoxRegistrationDlg::getPlatform()
QString platform;
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN)
platform = "win";
#elif defined (Q_OS_LINUX)
platform = "linux";
#elif defined (Q_OS_MACX)
platform = "macosx";
#elif defined (Q_OS_OS2)
platform = "os2";
#elif defined (Q_OS_FREEBSD)
platform = "freebsd";
#elif defined (Q_OS_SOLARIS)
platform = "solaris";
platform = "unknown";
/* the format is <system>.<bitness> */
platform += QString (".%1").arg (ARCH_BITS);
return platform;
/* This wrapper displays an error message box (unless aReason is
* QString::null) with the cause of the request-send procedure
* termination. After the message box is dismissed, the downloader signals
* to close itself on the next event loop iteration. */
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::abortRegisterRequest (const QString &aReason)
/* Protect against double kill request. */
if (mSuicide)
mSuicide = true;
if (!aReason.isNull())
vboxProblem().cannotConnectRegister (this, mUrl.toString(), aReason);
/* Allows all the queued signals to be processed before quit. */
QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (reject()));
void VBoxRegistrationDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent)
QWizard::showEvent (aEvent);