VBoxNewHDWzd.ui.h revision 2162ed290319349d7c9548c189f1730e594e1a2c
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* "New hard disk" wizard UI include (Qt Designer)
* Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
* distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
* license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
** destructor.
static const int MinVDISize = 4;
* Composes a file name from the given relative or full file name
* based on the home directory and the default VDI directory.
static QString composeFullFileName (const QString file)
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QString homeFolder = vbox.GetHomeFolder();
QString defaultFolder = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultVDIFolder();
QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo (file);
if (fi.fileName() == file)
// no path info at all, use defaultFolder
fi = QFileInfo (defaultFolder, file);
else if (fi.isRelative())
// resolve relatively to homeFolder
fi = QFileInfo (homeFolder, file);
return QDir::convertSeparators (fi.absFilePath());
class QISizeValidator : public QValidator
QISizeValidator (QObject * aParent, ULONG64 aMinSize, ULONG64 aMaxSize,
const char * aName = 0) :
QValidator (aParent, aName), mMinSize(aMinSize), mMaxSize(aMaxSize) {}
~QISizeValidator() {}
State validate (QString &input, int &/*pos*/) const
QRegExp regexp ("^([^M^G^T^P^\\d\\s]*)(\\d+(([^\\s^\\d^M^G^T^P]+)(\\d*))?)?(\\s*)([MGTP]B?)?$");
int position = regexp.search (input);
if (position == -1)
return Invalid;
if (!regexp.cap (1).isEmpty() ||
regexp.cap (4).length() > 1 ||
regexp.cap (5).length() > 2 ||
regexp.cap (6).length() > 1)
return Invalid;
if (regexp.cap (7).length() == 1)
return Intermediate;
QString size = regexp.cap (2);
if (size.isEmpty())
return Intermediate;
bool result = false;
bool warning = false;
if (!regexp.cap (4).isEmpty() && regexp.cap (5).isEmpty())
size += "0";
warning = true;
QLocale::system().toDouble (size, &result);
ULONG64 sizeMB = vboxGlobal().parseSize (input) / _1M;
if (sizeMB > mMaxSize || sizeMB < mMinSize)
warning = true;
if (result)
return warning ? Intermediate : Acceptable;
return Invalid;
ULONG64 mMinSize;
ULONG64 mMaxSize;
void VBoxNewHDWzd::init()
// disable help buttons
helpButton()->setShown( false );
// fix tab order to get the proper direction
// (originally the focus goes Next/Finish -> Back -> Cancel -> page)
QWidget::setTabOrder( backButton(), nextButton() );
QWidget::setTabOrder( nextButton(), finishButton() );
QWidget::setTabOrder( finishButton(), cancelButton() );
// setup connections and set validation for pages
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Image type page
// Name and Size page
CSystemProperties sysProps = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
MaxVDISize = sysProps.GetMaxVDISize();
leName->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp( ".+" ), this));
leSize->setValidator (new QISizeValidator (this, MinVDISize, MaxVDISize));
leSize->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight);
wvalNameAndSize = new QIWidgetValidator (pageNameAndSize, this );
wvalNameAndSize, SIGNAL( validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *) ),
this, SLOT( enableNext (const QIWidgetValidator *) )
// Summary page
// filter out Enter keys in order to direct them to the default dlg button
QIKeyFilter *ef = new QIKeyFilter (this, Key_Enter);
ef->watchOn (teSummary) ;
// set initial values
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Image type page
// Name and Size page
static ulong HDNumber = 0;
leName->setText (QString ("NewHardDisk%1.vdi").arg (++ HDNumber));
sliderStep = 50;
slSize->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
slSize->setPageStep (sliderStep);
slSize->setLineStep (sliderStep);
slSize->setTickInterval (0);
slSize->setMinValue ((int)(log10 ((double)MinVDISize) / log10 (2.0) * sliderStep));
slSize->setMaxValue ((int)(log10 ((double)(MaxVDISize + 1)) / log10 (2.0) * sliderStep));
txSizeMin->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (MinVDISize * _1M));
txSizeMax->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (MaxVDISize * _1M));
// initial HD size value = pow(2.0, 11) = 2048 MB
currentSize = 2 * _1K;
leSize->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (currentSize * _1M));
slSize->setValue ((int)(log10 ((double)currentSize) / log10 (2.0) * sliderStep));
// limit the max. size of QLineEdit (STUPID Qt has NO correct means for that)
leSize->fontMetrics().width ("88888.88 MB") + leSize->frameWidth() * 2,
// Summary page
teSummary->setPaper (pageSummary->backgroundBrush());
// update the next button state for pages with validation
// (validityChanged() connected to enableNext() will do the job)
// the finish button on the Summary page is always enabled
setFinishEnabled (pageSummary, true);
void VBoxNewHDWzd::setRecommendedFileName (const QString &aName)
leName->setText (aName);
void VBoxNewHDWzd::setRecommendedSize (ulong aSize)
AssertReturn (aSize >= (ulong) MinVDISize &&
aSize <= (ulong) MaxVDISize, (void) 0);
currentSize = aSize;
slSize->setValue ((int)(log10 ((double)currentSize) / log10 (2.0) * sliderStep));
leSize->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize(aSize * _1M));
QString VBoxNewHDWzd::imageFileName()
QString name = QDir::convertSeparators (leName->text());
if (QFileInfo (name).extension().isEmpty())
name += ".vdi";
return name;
Q_UINT64 VBoxNewHDWzd::imageSize()
return currentSize;
bool VBoxNewHDWzd::isDynamicImage()
return rbDynamicType->isOn();
void VBoxNewHDWzd::enableNext( const QIWidgetValidator *wval )
setNextEnabled (wval->widget(), wval->isValid());
void VBoxNewHDWzd::revalidate( QIWidgetValidator * /*wval*/ )
// do individual validations for pages
// template:
// QWidget *pg = wval->widget();
// bool valid = wval->isOtherValid();
// if ( pg == pageXXX ) {
// valid = XXX;
// }
// wval->setOtherValid( valid );
void VBoxNewHDWzd::showPage( QWidget *page )
if (currentPage() == pageNameAndSize)
if (QFileInfo (imageFileName()).exists())
vboxProblem().sayCannotOverwriteHardDiskImage (this, imageFileName());
if (page == pageSummary)
QString type = rbDynamicType->isOn() ? rbDynamicType->text()
: rbFixedType->text();
type.remove ('&');
// compose summary
QString summary = QString (tr(
.arg (type)
.arg (composeFullFileName (imageFileName()))
.arg (imageSize());
teSummary->setText (summary);
// set Finish to default
finishButton()->setDefault (true);
// always set Next to default
nextButton()->setDefault (true);
QWizard::showPage (page);
// fix focus on the last page. when we go to the last page
// having the Next in focus the focus goes to the Cancel
// button because when the Next hides Finish is not yet shown.
if (page == pageSummary && focusWidget() == cancelButton())
// setup focus for individual pages
if (page == pageType) {
} else if (page == pageNameAndSize) {
} else if (page == pageSummary) {
void VBoxNewHDWzd::accept()
* Try to create the hard disk when the Finish button is pressed.
* On failure, the wisard will remain open to give it another try.
if (createHardDisk())
* Performs steps necessary to create a hard disk. This method handles all
* errors and shows the corresponding messages when appropriate.
* @return wheter the creation was successful or not
bool VBoxNewHDWzd::createHardDisk()
QString src = imageFileName();
Q_UINT64 size = imageSize();
AssertReturn (!src.isEmpty(), false);
AssertReturn (size > 0, false);
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
CProgress progress;
CHardDisk hd = vbox.CreateHardDisk (CEnums::VirtualDiskImage);
/// @todo (dmik) later, change wrappers so that converting
// to CUnknown is not necessary for cross-assignments
CVirtualDiskImage vdi = CUnknown (hd);
if (!vbox.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
vbox, src, vdi, progress);
return false;
vdi.SetFilePath (src);
if (isDynamicImage())
progress = vdi.CreateDynamicImage (size);
progress = vdi.CreateFixedImage (size);
if (!vdi.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
vbox, src, vdi, progress);
return false;
vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, caption(), parentWidget());
if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
vboxProblem().cannotCreateHardDiskImage (this,
vbox, src, vdi, progress);
return false;
vbox.RegisterHardDisk (hd);
if (!vbox.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotRegisterMedia (this, vbox, VBoxDefs::HD,
/* delete the image file on failure */
return false;
chd = hd;
return true;
void VBoxNewHDWzd::slSize_valueChanged( int val )
if (focusWidget() == slSize)
currentSize = (ULONG64)(pow (2.0, ((double)val / sliderStep)));
leSize->setText (vboxGlobal().formatSize (currentSize * _1M));
void VBoxNewHDWzd::leSize_textChanged( const QString &text )
if (focusWidget() == leSize)
currentSize = vboxGlobal().parseSize (text) / _1M;
slSize->setValue ((int)(log10 ((double)currentSize) / log10 (2.0) * sliderStep));
void VBoxNewHDWzd::tbNameSelect_clicked()
// set the first parent directory that exists as the current
QFileInfo fld (composeFullFileName (leName->text()));
QString dp = fld.dirPath (false);
fld = QFileInfo (dp);
while (!fld.exists() && !QDir (fld.absFilePath()).isRoot());
if (!fld.exists())
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
fld = QFileInfo (vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultVDIFolder());
if (!fld.exists())
fld = vbox.GetHomeFolder();
// QFileDialog fd (this, "NewDiskImageDialog", TRUE);
// fd.setMode (QFileDialog::AnyFile);
// fd.setViewMode (QFileDialog::List);
// fd.addFilter (tr( "Hard disk images (*.vdi)" ));
// fd.setCaption (tr( "Select a file for the new hard disk image file" ));
// fd.setDir (d);
QString selected = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (
tr ("Hard disk images (*.vdi)"),
tr ("Select a file for the new hard disk image file"));
// if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
// leName->setText (QDir::convertSeparators (fd.selectedFile()));
if (selected)
if (QFileInfo (selected).extension().isEmpty())
selected += ".vdi";
leName->setText (QDir::convertSeparators (selected));