UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1.cpp revision ca87590cb28f22bccab88dc2f87c5ce2682b1ba1
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1 class implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QVBoxLayout>
/* Local includes: */
#include "UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1.h"
#include "UIWizardExportApp.h"
#include "UIWizardExportAppDefs.h"
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include "UIMessageCenter.h"
#include "QILabelSeparator.h"
#include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
/* COM includes: */
#include "CMachine.h"
void UIWizardExportAppPage1::populateVMSelectorItems(const QStringList &selectedVMNames)
/* Add all VM items into 'VM Selector': */
foreach (const CMachine &machine, vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetMachines())
QPixmap pixIcon;
QString strName;
QString strUuid;
bool fInSaveState = false;
bool fEnabled = false;
if (machine.GetAccessible())
pixIcon = vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeIcon(machine.GetOSTypeId()).scaled(16, 16, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
strName = machine.GetName();
strUuid = machine.GetId();
fEnabled = machine.GetSessionState() == KSessionState_Unlocked;
fInSaveState = machine.GetState() == KMachineState_Saved;
QString settingsFile = machine.GetSettingsFilePath();
QFileInfo fi(settingsFile);
strName = VBoxGlobal::hasAllowedExtension(fi.completeSuffix(), VBoxFileExts) ? fi.completeBaseName() : fi.fileName();
pixIcon = QPixmap(":/os_other.png").scaled(16, 16, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QListWidgetItem *pItem = new VMListWidgetItem(pixIcon, strName, strUuid, fInSaveState, m_pVMSelector);
if (!fEnabled)
/* Choose initially selected items (if passed): */
for (int i = 0; i < selectedVMNames.size(); ++i)
QList<QListWidgetItem*> list = m_pVMSelector->findItems(selectedVMNames[i], Qt::MatchExactly);
if (list.size() > 0)
if (m_pVMSelector->selectedItems().isEmpty())
QStringList UIWizardExportAppPage1::machineNames() const
/* Prepare list: */
QStringList machineNames;
/* Iterate over all the selected items: */
foreach (QListWidgetItem *pItem, m_pVMSelector->selectedItems())
machineNames << pItem->text();
/* Return result list: */
return machineNames;
QStringList UIWizardExportAppPage1::machineIDs() const
/* Prepare list: */
QStringList machineIDs;
/* Iterate over all the selected items: */
foreach (QListWidgetItem *pItem, m_pVMSelector->selectedItems())
machineIDs << static_cast<VMListWidgetItem*>(pItem)->uuid();
/* Return result list: */
return machineIDs;
UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1(const QStringList &selectedVMNames)
/* Create widgets: */
QVBoxLayout *pMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
m_pLabel = new QIRichTextLabel(this);
m_pVMSelector = new QListWidget(this);
/* Setup connections: */
connect(m_pVMSelector, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SIGNAL(completeChanged()));
/* Register fields: */
registerField("machineNames", this, "machineNames");
registerField("machineIDs", this, "machineIDs");
void UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::retranslateUi()
/* Translate page: */
setTitle(UIWizardExportApp::tr("Virtual machines to export"));
/* Translate widgets: */
m_pLabel->setText(UIWizardExportApp::tr("<p>Please select the virtual machines that should be added to the appliance. "
"You can select more than one. Please note that these machines have to be "
"turned off before they can be exported.</p>"));
void UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::initializePage()
/* Translate page: */
bool UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::isComplete() const
/* There should be at least one vm selected: */
return m_pVMSelector->selectedItems().size() > 0;
bool UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::validatePage()
/* Initial result: */
bool fResult = true;
/* Ask user about machines which are in save state currently: */
QStringList savedMachines;
QList<QListWidgetItem*> pItems = m_pVMSelector->selectedItems();
for (int i=0; i < pItems.size(); ++i)
if (static_cast<VMListWidgetItem*>(pItems.at(i))->isInSaveState())
savedMachines << pItems.at(i)->text();
if (!savedMachines.isEmpty())
fResult = msgCenter().confirmExportMachinesInSaveState(savedMachines, this);
/* Return result: */
return fResult;
int UIWizardExportAppPageBasic1::nextId() const
/* Skip next (2nd, storage-type) page for now! */
return UIWizardExportApp::Page3;