UIWizard.cpp revision ca87590cb28f22bccab88dc2f87c5ce2682b1ba1
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIWizard class implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* Global includes: */
#include <QAbstractButton>
#include <QLayout>
#include <qmath.h>
/* Local includes: */
#include "UIWizard.h"
#include "UIWizardPage.h"
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include "QIRichTextLabel.h"
#include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
void UIWizard::sltCurrentIdChanged(int iId)
/* Hide/show description button disabled by default: */
bool fIsHideShowDescriptionButtonAvailable = false;
/* Enable hide/show description button for 1st page: */
if (iId == 0)
fIsHideShowDescriptionButtonAvailable = true;
/* But first-run wizard has no such button anyway: */
if (m_type == WizardType_FirstRun)
fIsHideShowDescriptionButtonAvailable = false;
/* Set a flag for hide/show description button finally: */
setOption(QWizard::HaveCustomButton1, fIsHideShowDescriptionButtonAvailable);
void UIWizard::sltCustomButtonClicked(int iId)
/* Handle 1st button: */
if (iId == CustomButton1)
/* Cleanup: */
/* Toggle mode: */
switch (m_mode)
case WizardMode_Basic: m_mode = WizardMode_Expert; break;
case WizardMode_Expert: m_mode = WizardMode_Basic; break;
default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mode: %d", m_mode)); break;
/* Save mode: */
gEDataManager->setModeForWizardType(m_type, m_mode);
/* Prepare: */
UIWizard::UIWizard(QWidget *pParent, WizardType type, WizardMode mode /* = WizardMode_Auto */)
: QIWithRetranslateUI<QWizard>(pParent)
, m_type(type)
, m_mode(mode == WizardMode_Auto ? gEDataManager->modeForWizardType(m_type) : mode)
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
/* Hide window icon: */
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/* I'm really not sure why there shouldn't be any default button on Mac OS X.
* This prevents the using of Enter to jump to the next page. */
setOptions(options() ^ QWizard::NoDefaultButton);
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* All our wizards would like to have window-modality,
* Under Mac OS it will be represented as Mac OS Sheet. */
/* Setup connections: */
connect(this, SIGNAL(currentIdChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sltCurrentIdChanged(int)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(customButtonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(sltCustomButtonClicked(int)));
void UIWizard::retranslateUi()
/* Translate basic/expert button: */
switch (m_mode)
case WizardMode_Basic: setButtonText(QWizard::CustomButton1, tr("Hide Description")); break;
case WizardMode_Expert: setButtonText(QWizard::CustomButton1, tr("Show Description")); break;
default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mode: %d", m_mode)); break;
void UIWizard::retranslatePages()
/* Translate all the pages: */
QList<int> ids = pageIds();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i)
void UIWizard::setPage(int iId, UIWizardPage *pPage)
/* Configure page first: */
/* Add page finally: */
QWizard::setPage(iId, pPage);
void UIWizard::prepare()
/* Translate wizard: */
/* Translate wizard pages: */
/* Resize wizard to 'golden ratio': */
/* Notify pages they are ready: */
QList<int> ids = pageIds();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i)
/* Make sure custom buttons shown even if final page is first to show: */
void UIWizard::cleanup()
/* Remove all the pages: */
QList<int> ids = pageIds();
for (int i = ids.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i)
/* Get enumerated page ID: */
int iId = ids[i];
/* Get corresponding page: */
QWizardPage *pWizardPage = page(iId);
/* Remove page from the wizard: */
/* Delete page finally: */
delete pWizardPage;
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/* Cleanup watermark: */
if (!m_strWatermarkName.isEmpty())
setPixmap(QWizard::WatermarkPixmap, QPixmap());
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
void UIWizard::resizeToGoldenRatio()
/* Check if wizard is in basic or expert mode: */
if (m_mode == WizardMode_Expert)
/* Unfortunately QWizard hides some of useful API in private part,
* and also have few layouting bugs which could be easy fixed
* by that API, so we will use QWizard::restart() method
* to call the same functionality indirectly...
* Early call restart() which is usually goes on show()! */
/* Now we have correct label size-hint(s) for all the pages.
* We have to make sure all the pages uses maximum available size-hint. */
QSize maxOfSizeHints;
QList<UIWizardPage*> pages = findChildren<UIWizardPage*>();
/* Search for the maximum available size-hint: */
foreach (UIWizardPage *pPage, pages)
maxOfSizeHints.rwidth() = pPage->sizeHint().width() > maxOfSizeHints.width() ?
pPage->sizeHint().width() : maxOfSizeHints.width();
maxOfSizeHints.rheight() = pPage->sizeHint().height() > maxOfSizeHints.height() ?
pPage->sizeHint().height() : maxOfSizeHints.height();
/* Feat corresponding height: */
maxOfSizeHints.setWidth(qMax((int)(1.5 * maxOfSizeHints.height()), maxOfSizeHints.width()));
/* Use that size-hint for all the pages: */
foreach (UIWizardPage *pPage, pages)
/* Relayout widgets: */
QList<QLayout*> layouts = findChildren<QLayout*>();
foreach(QLayout *pLayout, layouts)
/* Unfortunately QWizard hides some of useful API in private part,
* BUT it also have few layouting bugs which could be easy fixed
* by that API, so we will use QWizard::restart() method
* to call the same functionality indirectly...
* And now we call restart() after layout activation procedure! */
/* Resize it to minimum size: */
resize(QSize(0, 0));
/* Use some small (!) initial QIRichTextLabel width: */
int iInitialLabelWidth = 200;
/* Resize wizard according that initial width,
* actually there could be other content
* which wants to be wider than that initial width. */
/* Get some (first) of those pages: */
QList<int> pids = pageIds();
UIWizardPage *pPage = qobject_cast<UIWizardPage*>(page(pids.first()));
/* Calculate actual label width: */
int iPageWidth = pPage->minimumWidth();
int iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom;
pPage->layout()->getContentsMargins(&iLeft, &iTop, &iRight, &iBottom);
int iCurrentLabelWidth = iPageWidth - iLeft - iRight;
/* Calculate summary margin length,
* including margins of the page and the wizard: */
int iMarginsLength = width() - iCurrentLabelWidth;
/* Get current wizard width and height: */
int iCurrentWizardWidth = width();
int iCurrentWizardHeight = height();
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/* We should take into account watermark like its assigned already: */
QPixmap watermarkPixmap(m_strWatermarkName);
int iWatermarkWidth = watermarkPixmap.width();
iCurrentWizardWidth += iWatermarkWidth;
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
/* Calculating nearest to 'golden ratio' label width: */
int iGoldenRatioWidth = (int)qSqrt(ratio() * iCurrentWizardWidth * iCurrentWizardHeight);
int iProposedLabelWidth = iGoldenRatioWidth - iMarginsLength;
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/* We should take into account watermark like its assigned already: */
iProposedLabelWidth -= iWatermarkWidth;
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
/* Choose maximum between current and proposed label width: */
int iNewLabelWidth = qMax(iCurrentLabelWidth, iProposedLabelWidth);
/* Finally resize wizard according new label width,
* taking into account all the content and 'golden ratio' rule: */
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
/* Really assign watermark: */
if (!m_strWatermarkName.isEmpty())
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
void UIWizard::assignWatermark(const QString &strWatermark)
if (wizardStyle() != QWizard::AeroStyle
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
/* There is a Qt bug about Windows7 do NOT match conditions for 'aero' wizard-style,
* so its silently fallbacks to 'modern' one without any notification,
* so QWizard::wizardStyle() returns QWizard::ModernStyle, while using aero, at least partially. */
&& QSysInfo::windowsVersion() != QSysInfo::WV_WINDOWS7
# endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
m_strWatermarkName = strWatermark;
void UIWizard::assignBackground(const QString &strBackground)
setPixmap(QWizard::BackgroundPixmap, strBackground);
void UIWizard::showEvent(QShowEvent *pShowEvent)
/* Resize to minimum possible size: */
resize(0, 0);
/* Call to base-class: */
void UIWizard::configurePage(UIWizardPage *pPage)
/* Page margins: */
switch (wizardStyle())
case QWizard::ClassicStyle:
int iLeft, iTop, iRight, iBottom;
pPage->layout()->getContentsMargins(&iLeft, &iTop, &iRight, &iBottom);
pPage->layout()->setContentsMargins(iLeft, iTop, 0, 0);
void UIWizard::resizeAccordingLabelWidth(int iLabelsWidth)
/* Unfortunately QWizard hides some of useful API in private part,
* and also have few layouting bugs which could be easy fixed
* by that API, so we will use QWizard::restart() method
* to call the same functionality indirectly...
* Early call restart() which is usually goes on show()! */
/* Update QIRichTextLabel(s) text-width(s): */
QList<QIRichTextLabel*> labels = findChildren<QIRichTextLabel*>();
foreach (QIRichTextLabel *pLabel, labels)
/* Now we have correct label size-hint(s) for all the pages.
* We have to make sure all the pages uses maximum available size-hint. */
QSize maxOfSizeHints;
QList<UIWizardPage*> pages = findChildren<UIWizardPage*>();
/* Search for the maximum available size-hint: */
foreach (UIWizardPage *pPage, pages)
maxOfSizeHints.rwidth() = pPage->sizeHint().width() > maxOfSizeHints.width() ?
pPage->sizeHint().width() : maxOfSizeHints.width();
maxOfSizeHints.rheight() = pPage->sizeHint().height() > maxOfSizeHints.height() ?
pPage->sizeHint().height() : maxOfSizeHints.height();
/* Use that size-hint for all the pages: */
foreach (UIWizardPage *pPage, pages)
/* Relayout widgets: */
QList<QLayout*> layouts = findChildren<QLayout*>();
foreach(QLayout *pLayout, layouts)
/* Unfortunately QWizard hides some of useful API in private part,
* BUT it also have few layouting bugs which could be easy fixed
* by that API, so we will use QWizard::restart() method
* to call the same functionality indirectly...
* And now we call restart() after layout activation procedure! */
/* Resize it to minimum size: */
resize(QSize(0, 0));
double UIWizard::ratio()
/* Default value: */
double dRatio = 1.6;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
switch (wizardStyle())
case QWizard::ClassicStyle:
case QWizard::ModernStyle:
/* There is a Qt bug about Windows7 do NOT match conditions for 'aero' wizard-style,
* so its silently fallbacks to 'modern' one without any notification,
* so QWizard::wizardStyle() returns QWizard::ModernStyle, while using aero, at least partially. */
if (QSysInfo::windowsVersion() != QSysInfo::WV_WINDOWS7)
dRatio = 2;
case QWizard::AeroStyle:
dRatio = 2.2;
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
switch (m_type)
case WizardType_CloneVM:
dRatio -= 0.4;
case WizardType_NewVD:
case WizardType_CloneVD:
dRatio += 0.1;
case WizardType_ExportAppliance:
dRatio += 0.3;
case WizardType_FirstRun:
dRatio += 0.3;
/* Return final result: */
return dRatio;
#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
int UIWizard::proposedWatermarkHeight()
/* We should calculate suitable height for watermark pixmap,
* for that we have to take into account:
* 1. wizard-layout top-margin (for modern style),
* 2. wizard-header height,
* 3. spacing between wizard-header and wizard-page,
* 4. wizard-page height,
* 5. wizard-layout bottom-margin (for modern style). */
/* Get current application style: */
QStyle *pStyle = QApplication::style();
/* Acquire wizard-layout top-margin: */
int iTopMargin = 0;
if (m_mode == WizardMode_Basic)
if (wizardStyle() == QWizard::ModernStyle)
iTopMargin = pStyle->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutTopMargin);
/* Acquire wizard-header height: */
int iTitleHeight = 0;
if (m_mode == WizardMode_Basic)
/* We have no direct access to QWizardHeader inside QWizard private data...
* From Qt sources it seems title font is hardcoded as current font point-size + 4: */
QFont titleFont(QApplication::font());
titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 4);
QFontMetrics titleFontMetrics(titleFont);
iTitleHeight = titleFontMetrics.height();
/* Acquire spacing between wizard-header and wizard-page: */
int iMarginBetweenTitleAndPage = 0;
if (m_mode == WizardMode_Basic)
/* We have no direct access to margin between QWizardHeader and wizard-pages...
* From Qt sources it seems its hardcoded as just 7 pixels: */
iMarginBetweenTitleAndPage = 7;
/* Acquire wizard-page height: */
int iPageHeight = 0;
if (page(0))
iPageHeight = page(0)->minimumSize().height();
/* Acquire wizard-layout bottom-margin: */
int iBottomMargin = 0;
if (wizardStyle() == QWizard::ModernStyle)
iBottomMargin = pStyle->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin);
/* Finally, calculate summary height: */
return iTopMargin + iTitleHeight + iMarginBetweenTitleAndPage + iPageHeight + iBottomMargin;
void UIWizard::assignWatermarkHelper()
/* Create initial watermark: */
QPixmap pixWaterMark(m_strWatermarkName);
/* Convert watermark to image which
* allows to manage pixel data directly: */
QImage imgWatermark = pixWaterMark.toImage();
/* Use the right-top watermark pixel as frame color: */
QRgb rgbFrame = imgWatermark.pixel(imgWatermark.width() - 1, 0);
/* Create final image on the basis of incoming, applying the rules: */
QImage imgWatermarkNew(imgWatermark.width(), qMax(imgWatermark.height(), proposedWatermarkHeight()), imgWatermark.format());
for (int y = 0; y < imgWatermarkNew.height(); ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < imgWatermarkNew.width(); ++x)
/* Border rule 1 - draw border for ClassicStyle */
if (wizardStyle() == QWizard::ClassicStyle &&
(x == 0 || y == 0 || x == imgWatermarkNew.width() - 1 || y == imgWatermarkNew.height() - 1))
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, rgbFrame);
/* Border rule 2 - draw border for ModernStyle */
else if (wizardStyle() == QWizard::ModernStyle && x == imgWatermarkNew.width() - 1)
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, rgbFrame);
/* Horizontal extension rule - use last used color */
else if (x >= imgWatermark.width() && y < imgWatermark.height())
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, imgWatermark.pixel(imgWatermark.width() - 1, y));
/* Vertical extension rule - use last used color */
else if (y >= imgWatermark.height() && x < imgWatermark.width())
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, imgWatermark.pixel(x, imgWatermark.height() - 1));
/* Common extension rule - use last used color */
else if (x >= imgWatermark.width() && y >= imgWatermark.height())
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, imgWatermark.pixel(imgWatermark.width() - 1, imgWatermark.height() - 1));
/* Else just copy color */
imgWatermarkNew.setPixel(x, y, imgWatermark.pixel(x, y));
/* Convert processed image to pixmap and assign it to wizard's watermark. */
QPixmap pixWatermarkNew = QPixmap::fromImage(imgWatermarkNew);
setPixmap(QWizard::WatermarkPixmap, pixWatermarkNew);
#endif /* !Q_WS_MAC */