UIPopupStackViewport.cpp revision d34409ad02ea0d28e08a6c4b089a412fdb3b4c9c
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIPopupStackViewport class implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIPopupStackViewport.h"
#include "UIPopupPane.h"
/* Other VBox includes: */
#include <VBox/sup.h>
: m_iLayoutMargin(1)
, m_iLayoutSpacing(1)
bool UIPopupStackViewport::exists(const QString &strPopupPaneID) const
/* Is there already popup-pane with the same ID? */
return m_panes.contains(strPopupPaneID);
void UIPopupStackViewport::createPopupPane(const QString &strPopupPaneID,
const QString &strMessage, const QString &strDetails,
const QMap<int, QString> &buttonDescriptions)
/* Make sure there is no such popup-pane already: */
if (m_panes.contains(strPopupPaneID))
AssertMsgFailed(("Popup-pane already exists!"));
/* Create new popup-pane: */
UIPopupPane *pPopupPane = m_panes[strPopupPaneID] = new UIPopupPane(this,
strMessage, strDetails,
/* Attach popup-pane connection: */
connect(this, SIGNAL(sigProposePopupPaneWidth(int)), pPopupPane, SLOT(sltHandleProposalForWidth(int)));
connect(pPopupPane, SIGNAL(sigSizeHintChanged()), this, SLOT(sltAdjustGeometry()));
connect(pPopupPane, SIGNAL(sigDone(int)), this, SLOT(sltPopupPaneDone(int)));
/* Show popup-pane: */
void UIPopupStackViewport::updatePopupPane(const QString &strPopupPaneID,
const QString &strMessage, const QString &strDetails)
/* Make sure there is such popup-pane already: */
if (!m_panes.contains(strPopupPaneID))
AssertMsgFailed(("Popup-pane doesn't exists!"));
/* Get existing popup-pane: */
UIPopupPane *pPopupPane = m_panes[strPopupPaneID];
/* Update message and details: */
void UIPopupStackViewport::recallPopupPane(const QString &strPopupPaneID)
/* Make sure there is such popup-pane already: */
if (!m_panes.contains(strPopupPaneID))
AssertMsgFailed(("Popup-pane doesn't exists!"));
/* Get existing popup-pane: */
UIPopupPane *pPopupPane = m_panes[strPopupPaneID];
/* Recall popup-pane: */
void UIPopupStackViewport::sltHandleProposalForWidth(int iWidth)
/* Subtract layout margins: */
iWidth -= 2 * m_iLayoutMargin;
/* Propagate resulting width to popups: */
emit sigProposePopupPaneWidth(iWidth);
void UIPopupStackViewport::sltAdjustGeometry()
/* Update size-hint: */
/* Layout content: */
/* Notify parent popup-stack: */
emit sigSizeHintChanged();
void UIPopupStackViewport::sltPopupPaneDone(int iResultCode)
/* Make sure the sender is the popup-pane: */
UIPopupPane *pPopupPane = qobject_cast<UIPopupPane*>(sender());
if (!pPopupPane)
AssertMsgFailed(("Should be called by popup-pane only!"));
/* Make sure the popup-pane still exists: */
const QString strPopupPaneID(m_panes.key(pPopupPane, QString()));
if (strPopupPaneID.isNull())
AssertMsgFailed(("Popup-pane already destroyed!"));
/* Notify listeners about popup-pane removal: */
emit sigPopupPaneDone(strPopupPaneID, iResultCode);
/* Delete popup-pane asyncronously.
* To avoid issues with events which already posted: */
/* Notify listeners about popup-pane removed: */
emit sigPopupPaneRemoved(strPopupPaneID);
/* Adjust geometry: */
/* Make sure this stack still contains popup-panes: */
if (!m_panes.isEmpty())
/* Notify listeners about popup-stack: */
emit sigPopupPanesRemoved();
void UIPopupStackViewport::updateSizeHint()
/* Calculate minimum width-hint: */
int iMinimumWidthHint = 0;
/* Take into account all the panes: */
foreach (UIPopupPane *pPane, m_panes)
iMinimumWidthHint = qMax(iMinimumWidthHint, pPane->minimumSizeHint().width());
/* And two margins finally: */
iMinimumWidthHint += 2 * m_iLayoutMargin;
/* Calculate minimum height-hint: */
int iMinimumHeightHint = 0;
/* Take into account all the panes: */
foreach (UIPopupPane *pPane, m_panes)
iMinimumHeightHint += pPane->minimumSizeHint().height();
/* Take into account all the spacings, if any: */
if (!m_panes.isEmpty())
iMinimumHeightHint += (m_panes.size() - 1) * m_iLayoutSpacing;
/* And two margins finally: */
iMinimumHeightHint += 2 * m_iLayoutMargin;
/* Compose minimum size-hint: */
m_minimumSizeHint = QSize(iMinimumWidthHint, iMinimumHeightHint);
void UIPopupStackViewport::layoutContent()
/* Get attributes: */
int iX = m_iLayoutMargin;
int iY = m_iLayoutMargin;
/* Layout every pane we have: */
foreach (UIPopupPane *pPane, m_panes)
/* Get pane attributes: */
QSize paneSize = pPane->minimumSizeHint();
const int iPaneWidth = paneSize.width();
const int iPaneHeight = paneSize.height();
/* Adjust geometry for the pane: */
pPane->setGeometry(iX, iY, iPaneWidth, iPaneHeight);
/* Increment placeholder: */
iY += (iPaneHeight + m_iLayoutSpacing);