UIPopupPane.h revision d34409ad02ea0d28e08a6c4b089a412fdb3b4c9c
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIPopupPane class declaration.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef __UIPopupPane_h__
#define __UIPopupPane_h__
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QWidget>
#include <QMap>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "QIWithRetranslateUI.h"
/* Forward declaration: */
class UIPopupPaneTextPane;
class UIPopupPaneButtonPane;
class UIAnimation;
/* Popup-pane prototype: */
class UIPopupPane : public QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget>
Q_PROPERTY(QSize hiddenSizeHint READ hiddenSizeHint);
Q_PROPERTY(QSize shownSizeHint READ shownSizeHint);
Q_PROPERTY(QSize minimumSizeHint READ minimumSizeHint WRITE setMinimumSizeHint);
Q_PROPERTY(int defaultOpacity READ defaultOpacity);
Q_PROPERTY(int hoveredOpacity READ hoveredOpacity);
Q_PROPERTY(int opacity READ opacity WRITE setOpacity);
/* Notifiers: Show/hide stuff: */
void sigToShow();
void sigToHide();
void sigShow();
void sigHide();
/* Notifiers: Hover stuff: */
void sigHoverEnter();
void sigHoverLeave();
/* Notifiers: Focus stuff: */
void sigFocusEnter();
void sigFocusLeave();
/* Notifiers: Layout stuff: */
void sigProposeTextPaneWidth(int iWidth);
void sigSizeHintChanged();
/* Notifier: Complete stuff: */
void sigDone(int iResultCode) const;
/* Constructor: */
UIPopupPane(QWidget *pParent,
const QString &strMessage, const QString &strDetails,
const QMap<int, QString> &buttonDescriptions);
/* API: Recall stuff: */
void recall();
/* API: Text stuff: */
void setMessage(const QString &strMessage);
void setDetails(const QString &strDetails);
/* API: Layout stuff: */
QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return m_minimumSizeHint; }
void setMinimumSizeHint(const QSize &minimumSizeHint);
void layoutContent();
private slots:
/* Handler: Show/hide stuff: */
void sltMarkAsShown();
/* Handlers: Layout stuff: */
void sltHandleProposalForWidth(int iWidth);
void sltUpdateSizeHint();
/* Handler: Button stuff: */
void sltButtonClicked(int iButtonID);
/* Helpers: Prepare stuff: */
void prepare();
void prepareBackground();
void prepareContent();
void prepareAnimation();
/* Helpers: Translate stuff: */
void retranslateUi();
void retranslateToolTips();
/* Handler: Event-filter stuff: */
bool eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent);
/* Handlers: Event stuff: */
void showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent);
void polishEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent);
/* Helpers: Paint stuff: */
void configureClipping(const QRect &rect, QPainter &painter);
void paintBackground(const QRect &rect, QPainter &painter);
void paintFrame(QPainter &painter);
/* Helper: Complete stuff: */
void done(int iResultCode);
/* Property: Show/hide stuff: */
QSize hiddenSizeHint() const { return m_hiddenSizeHint; }
QSize shownSizeHint() const { return m_shownSizeHint; }
/* Property: Hover stuff: */
int defaultOpacity() const { return m_iDefaultOpacity; }
int hoveredOpacity() const { return m_iHoveredOpacity; }
int opacity() const { return m_iOpacity; }
void setOpacity(int iOpacity) { m_iOpacity = iOpacity; update(); }
/* Variables: General stuff: */
bool m_fPolished;
const QString m_strId;
const int m_iLayoutMargin;
const int m_iLayoutSpacing;
QSize m_minimumSizeHint;
/* Variables: Text stuff: */
QString m_strMessage, m_strDetails;
/* Variables: Button stuff: */
QMap<int, QString> m_buttonDescriptions;
/* Variables: Show/hide stuff: */
bool m_fShown;
UIAnimation *m_pShowAnimation;
QSize m_hiddenSizeHint;
QSize m_shownSizeHint;
/* Variables: Focus stuff: */
bool m_fCanLooseFocus;
bool m_fFocused;
/* Variables: Hover stuff: */
bool m_fHovered;
const int m_iDefaultOpacity;
const int m_iHoveredOpacity;
int m_iOpacity;
/* Widgets: */
UIPopupPaneTextPane *m_pTextPane;
UIPopupPaneButtonPane *m_pButtonPane;
#endif /* __UIPopupPane_h__ */