VBoxVMSettingsParallel.cpp revision ad13c20995d0a1aafbfbd35b2d698ef2ff5fbeef
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* VBoxVMSettingsParallel class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#include "VBoxVMSettingsParallel.h"
#include "QIWidgetValidator.h"
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include <QDir>
/* VBoxVMSettingsParallel stuff */
: QIWithRetranslateUI<QWidget> (0)
, mValidator (0)
/* Apply UI decorations */
Ui::VBoxVMSettingsParallel::setupUi (this);
/* Setup validation */
mLeIRQ->setValidator (new QIULongValidator (0, 255, this));
mLeIOPort->setValidator (new QIULongValidator (0, 0xFFFF, this));
mLePath->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp (".+"), this));
/* Setup constraints */
mLeIRQ->setFixedWidth (mLeIRQ->fontMetrics().width ("8888"));
mLeIOPort->setFixedWidth (mLeIOPort->fontMetrics().width ("8888888"));
/* Set initial values */
/* Note: If you change one of the following don't forget retranslateUi. */
mCbNumber->insertItem (0, vboxGlobal().toCOMPortName (0, 0));
mCbNumber->insertItems (0, vboxGlobal().COMPortNames());
/* Setup connections */
connect (mGbParallel, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
this, SLOT (mGbParallelToggled (bool)));
connect (mCbNumber, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)),
this, SLOT (mCbNumberActivated (const QString &)));
/* Applying language settings */
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::getFromPort (const CParallelPort &aPort)
mPort = aPort;
mGbParallel->setChecked (mPort.GetEnabled());
ulong IRQ = mPort.GetIRQ();
ulong IOBase = mPort.GetIOBase();
mCbNumber->setCurrentIndex (mCbNumber->
findText (vboxGlobal().toCOMPortName (IRQ, IOBase)));
mLeIRQ->setText (QString::number (IRQ));
mLeIOPort->setText ("0x" + QString::number (IOBase, 16).toUpper());
mLePath->setText (mPort.GetPath());
/* Ensure everything is up-to-date */
mGbParallelToggled (mGbParallel->isChecked());
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::putBackToPort()
mPort.SetEnabled (mGbParallel->isChecked());
mPort.SetIRQ (mLeIRQ->text().toULong (NULL, 0));
mPort.SetIOBase (mLeIOPort->text().toULong (NULL, 0));
mPort.SetPath (QDir::toNativeSeparators (mLePath->text()));
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aVal)
Assert (aVal);
mValidator = aVal;
connect (mLeIRQ, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mLeIOPort, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mLePath, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
QWidget* VBoxVMSettingsParallel::setOrderAfter (QWidget *aAfter)
setTabOrder (aAfter, mGbParallel);
setTabOrder (mGbParallel, mCbNumber);
setTabOrder (mCbNumber, mLeIRQ);
setTabOrder (mLeIRQ, mLeIOPort);
setTabOrder (mLeIOPort, mLePath);
return mLePath;
QString VBoxVMSettingsParallel::pageTitle() const
QString pageTitle;
if (!mPort.isNull())
pageTitle = QString (tr ("Port %1", "parallel ports"))
.arg (QString ("&%1").arg (mPort.GetSlot() + 1));
return pageTitle;
bool VBoxVMSettingsParallel::isUserDefined()
ulong a, b;
return !vboxGlobal().toCOMPortNumbers (mCbNumber->currentText(), a, b);
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::retranslateUi()
/* Translate uic generated strings */
Ui::VBoxVMSettingsParallel::retranslateUi (this);
mCbNumber->setItemText (mCbNumber->count() - 1, vboxGlobal().toCOMPortName (0, 0));
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::mGbParallelToggled (bool aOn)
if (aOn)
mCbNumberActivated (mCbNumber->currentText());
if (mValidator)
void VBoxVMSettingsParallel::mCbNumberActivated (const QString &aText)
ulong IRQ, IOBase;
bool std = vboxGlobal().toCOMPortNumbers (aText, IRQ, IOBase);
mLeIRQ->setEnabled (!std);
mLeIOPort->setEnabled (!std);
if (std)
mLeIRQ->setText (QString::number (IRQ));
mLeIOPort->setText ("0x" + QString::number (IOBase, 16).toUpper());
/* VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage stuff */
: mValidator (0)
/* TabWidget creation */
mTabWidget = new QTabWidget (this);
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
layout->setContentsMargins (0, 5, 0, 5);
layout->addWidget (mTabWidget);
void VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage::getFrom (const CMachine &aMachine)
Assert (mFirstWidget);
setTabOrder (mFirstWidget, mTabWidget->focusProxy());
QWidget *lastFocusWidget = mTabWidget->focusProxy();
/* Tab pages loading */
ulong count = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
for (ulong slot = 0; slot < count; ++ slot)
CParallelPort port = aMachine.GetParallelPort (slot);
VBoxVMSettingsParallel *page = new VBoxVMSettingsParallel();
page->getFromPort (port);
mTabWidget->addTab (page, page->pageTitle());
Assert (mValidator);
page->setValidator (mValidator);
lastFocusWidget = page->setOrderAfter (lastFocusWidget);
void VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage::putBackTo()
for (int index = 0; index < mTabWidget->count(); ++ index)
VBoxVMSettingsParallel *page =
(VBoxVMSettingsParallel*) mTabWidget->widget (index);
Assert (page);
void VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage::setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aVal)
mValidator = aVal;
bool VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage::revalidate (QString &aWarning, QString &aTitle)
bool valid = true;
QStringList ports;
QStringList paths;
int index = 0;
for (; index < mTabWidget->count(); ++ index)
QWidget *tab = mTabWidget->widget (index);
VBoxVMSettingsParallel *page =
static_cast<VBoxVMSettingsParallel*> (tab);
/* Check the predefined port number unicity */
if (page->mGbParallel->isChecked() && !page->isUserDefined())
QString port = page->mCbNumber->currentText();
valid = !ports.contains (port);
if (!valid)
aWarning = tr ("Duplicate port number selected ");
aTitle += ": " +
vboxGlobal().removeAccelMark (mTabWidget->tabText (mTabWidget->indexOf (tab)));
ports << port;
/* Check the port path emptiness & unicity */
if (page->mGbParallel->isChecked())
QString path = page->mLePath->text();
valid = !path.isEmpty() && !paths.contains (path);
if (!valid)
aWarning = path.isEmpty() ?
tr ("Port path not specified ") :
tr ("Duplicate port path entered ");
aTitle += ": " +
vboxGlobal().removeAccelMark (mTabWidget->tabText (mTabWidget->indexOf (tab)));
paths << path;
return valid;
void VBoxVMSettingsParallelPage::retranslateUi()
for (int i = 0; i < mTabWidget->count(); ++ i)
VBoxVMSettingsParallel *page =
static_cast<VBoxVMSettingsParallel*> (mTabWidget->widget (i));
mTabWidget->setTabText (i, page->pageTitle());